Would you date someone overweight?



  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    I want to say yes, but my answer is no. I have "been with" not dated lol an overweight guy before and I just wasn't physically attracted to him. In a relationship casual or otherwise I go for personality first and foremost, if a guy has an amazing body but is a total douche I'm not into it. On the same token if I am not physically attracted to a guy, then it's friend zone time. I'm not saying the guy has to be totally ripped but to me being physically attracted to someone is important, just like personality is. I think (at least for me) that sex is an important aspect of relationships, and the sex was not good with the overweight guy. He got tired quickly and it just was blah. It just wasn't for me. lol I'm married now so none of this is important anymore lol but just my thoughts from when I was single.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm just interested to see if some of these guys saying no drop their girl as soon as she gets preggers lol. Because she's going to become overweight (some might have complications and become downright obese) and it has nothing to do with losing touch with herself or her health.

    I would definitely drop mine if she gots preggers, but more because of the fact that she is having a screaming, pooping sex trophy, not the weight.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Now? No. My husband is pretty lean and will probably never be overweight...

    If I were single? Overweight, yes. Obese, probably not.
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    If he had the other qualities I look for.....
    Clean (personal hygiene)
    .....then Hellz yes!!

    My current bf has a little belly and he's still hot as f**k!! :)
    I wouldn't want to be judged based on my weight, so I wouldn't never judge anyone else because of it!
  • serenity32349
    serenity32349 Posts: 19 Member
    sure my boyfriend is but i love his personality and we have alot of fun together, picking someone based on their weight is just kind of shallow to me. I'd rather he be nice and patient and honest then just have a nice body. Alot of guys like that are just jerks
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I would and have. I have also been every range of body shape from very fit and muscular to obese and back to normal. So I want to be with someone who makes me happy. I don't mind an overweight guy as long as he's interested in the same activities I am and takes care of me physically, mentally and emotionally.

    And yes, overweight people can be active. When i weighed over 300 pounds, i played volleyball 2 nights a week and tourneys on the weekends and softball 4 nights a week and tourneys on off weekends so yes. Obese people can be active too.

    ETA - yes these were competitve leagues and I play at a high level. I played D1 volleyball in college...I'm pretty sure I know what good competition is.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    did anybody actually answer no on this?

    Not directly, but there were some answers that came close

    Acually, yes there were several straight up No answers.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    I've heard this from multiple guys and I always feel really conflicted. I'm a bigger girl but I live a very active lifestyle..
    lol yea because overweight/fat people cannot be active ....how silly
    Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they don't live an active lifestyle.

    What a ridiculous statement and assumption to make.

    It's not the same thing. A long bike ride for me is 100 miles; a long bike ride for an overweight person is probably a lot less (and at a slower speed). If I'm in a competitive sports league, an overweight person couldn't compete at the same level. If I wanted to go rock climbing, the overweight person couldn't join me. I could go on, but the point is that no matter how "active" said person is, they are still going to have physical limitations that a healthier person wouldn't.

    That said, I'm in love with someone who's overweight and wouldn't trade her for anything (or anyone). I know a relationship between a fit person and a less fit person can work. Still, "I'm overweight and live an active lifestyle" is garbage, because it's just not the same. Active for a heavy person is not the same thing as active for a fit person.

    I guess what is the definition of overweight. To me someone who is overweight has an inactive unhealthy lifestyle.

    A person can look overweight to the eye but can be very physically fit and can probably bike ride 100 miles. My Zumba teacher looks overweight but have great stamina and energy then a person that looks thinner and more fit.
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I will admit that very large "man boobs" are a turn off to me, but as far as a guy being a little overweight, it wouldn't bother me at all. I want a man that holds me, not a man that I hold. lol
  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    Only they were serious about getting in shape. I was fat, but now I am pretty serious about fitness and being healthy, and fortunately my wife has made that journey with me. If I were single, I might date someone overweight, but they would have to be working toward getting in shape.
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Sexual compatibility is more important to me than physical appearance. If she has a nice personality and isn't a prude, yes.
  • licorice_tea
    licorice_tea Posts: 59 Member
    Far from being opposed to dating someone who is overweight, I really, really wish I could find overweight people (and in fact, all people) attractive. I genuinely wish I had more control over what I am sexually attracted to. One of my good friends is someone who is a soul mate candidate, and while we are both dating other people, there was a time where we would have gotten together except that I couldn't make myself see him as attractive, and not for lack of trying to force my mind to see him that way.

    Similarly, I think it's both laughable and sad that I can't seem to not feel my legs are gross if I don't shave them. I think it's a sexist beauty standard, a product of consumer culture I really don't want to buy into, but I just cannot force myself to feel any differently. Sometimes I waffle back and forth in whether or not I shave, based on whether feeling fed up with arbitrary beauty standards or fed up with feeling ugly is winning. But while I can force myself to not shave my legs as a political statement and just put up with feeling gross, and maybe over time feel gross less and less, I can't apply this strategy to romantic relationships with other human beings -- forcing myself to date people I don't find attractive and hoping one day I will.

    So yeah, sometimes people who don't find entire groups of people attractive DO think it's terrible and are really torn up about it. But I also just don't know how to change it.
  • MissPorcelain1993
    Yes. Looks and weight don't matter at all for me... I learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving.

    I'm just so glad that my SO is a good man, we're both trying to change our lifestyles for the better.

    It shouldn't matter how much someone weighs, love should be about the person on the inside and how they make you feel...
  • rfw24
    rfw24 Posts: 443 Member
    I am currently dating someone that is overweight. We were both overweight when I started dating her. She has gotten bigger and I have gotten smaller. She is still pretty and we have fun together. But the problem is, I want to eat healthier and she does not. I want to walk faster or even run, and she wants to walk slower. So, I have been going to the gym by myself. Now, she is asking how many hot girls are there and its like she is not trusting me now. So, this is not going very well. With that being said, if you have things in common and are attacted then it should not matter.
  • GrnEyedGirlie
    Have before and would again. It's not about the package for me, rather what I find on the inside!

    I would have thought most women are interested in the package.

    Lol thats a different thread my friend! ;)
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    Who cares??
  • lj5109
    lj5109 Posts: 81 Member
    I am currently dating someone that is overweight. We were both overweight when I started dating her. She has gotten bigger and I have gotten smaller. She is still pretty and we have fun together. But the problem is, I want to eat healthier and she does not. I want to walk faster or even run, and she wants to walk slower. So, I have been going to the gym by myself. Now, she is asking how many hot girls are there and its like she is not trusting me now. So, this is not going very well. With that being said, if you have things in common and are attracted then it should not matter.

    It sounds like she has become fairly insecure :frown: I'm sure the fact that she gained while you lost only made it worse for her.
  • bettacheckyoself
    No.... I lead a active lifestyle and we probably wouldn't have anything in common

    I've heard this from multiple guys and I always feel really conflicted. I'm a bigger girl but I live a very active lifestyle..
    lol yea because overweight/fat people cannot be active ....how silly
    Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they don't live an active lifestyle.

    What a ridiculous statement and assumption to make.

    It's not the same thing. A long bike ride for me is 100 miles; a long bike ride for an overweight person is probably a lot less (and at a slower speed). If I'm in a competitive sports league, an overweight person couldn't compete at the same level. If I wanted to go rock climbing, the overweight person couldn't join me. I could go on, but the point is that no matter how "active" said person is, they are still going to have physical limitations that a healthier person wouldn't.

    That said, I'm in love with someone who's overweight and wouldn't trade her for anything (or anyone). I know a relationship between a fit person and a less fit person can work. Still, "I'm overweight and live an active lifestyle" is garbage, because it's just not the same. Active for a heavy person is not the same thing as active for a fit person.

    Well said. I totally agree.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I only date Super Models.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Simple put, yes, yes I would!