Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • pfaxx
    pfaxx Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks Truhvn!! I have to agree about staying off the scale for a while, especially if I start Slim-in-6 cause toning always makes the scale numbers increase. I was 162 and I am down to 151. My goal as of now is to weigh 140. The last 10 seem the hardest to lose. I love Slim-in-6, stayed with it for quite a while and lost weight. I think I am going to get myself on a schedule, pick the program and measuring tape back up and forget the scale for a while. I also enjoy my ellliptical machine. I wonder if I use my elliptical machine for 6 weeks would I get the same results as 6 weeks of Slim-n-6. Thoughts?
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all,
    Great to see your posts.

    Got in a great AM workout. My ankle is doing better and I think exercising before I walk around on it all day helps.
    up and down with the eating today. I have a better plan for tomorrow .

    Looking toward weigh -in Tuesday.
    210 is a sticking point for me so I hope I get past it this week. If I stop with the cookies I think that will do it.

    i was so glad Ada took the vote- was okay with Patrick winning, great how his life turned around.
    barely time to catch my breath before the next season.

    pfaxx- Welcome. Just jump on in with whatever program works for you. I'm doing slim in 6 with lots of modifications.

    Truhvn-I weighed heavier on my new scale too. It has a body fat calculator which is kinda cool.

    MTDork- Congrats on the internship. So cool. Thanks for the chart. It so good to see everyone's still at it and doing good.

    Wish you all a great week-end

    Week 3
    Workout 12

    Burn it up Cardio section
    No weights
    Intensity 8

    I sweat like crazy. Quite the work out.

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Week 3
    Workout 13

    Start it up
    2 X 3 pound weights
    Intensity 7

    PM workout. Ankle a little tired but I went for it.

  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone! :smile: Checking in with Slim Series Tone it Up this evening. I used to think this was such an easy one, but I've been soooo off track lately with dieting & exercise (too many holiday indulgences!! :devil: ) that it felt very difficult. Hopefully back on track. Hope everyone's having an awesome weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    sorry I've been away for a while but work gets really busy this time of the year. I have some great news. after four weeks I finally lost some weight. I will send in my weightgand mearsurements for the next weight in. I dont have a lot of time but I wanted you all to know that I was still around.

    here is a recipe for vegan/dairy free, gluten free corn chowder
    1 teaspoons olive oil
    2 cloves garlic chopped
    1 medium onion chopped
    5 medium potatoes peeled, rinsed and roughly chopped
    2 cans of corn or 3 cups of frozen corn
    Approx 32 ounces gluten free vegetable stock
    Cracked black pepper and salt to taste

    Heat a stock pot on medium heat and add olive oil, garlic and onions
    When onions have softened, add potatoes to slightly brown
    Add vegetable stock and simmer until potatoes are nearly soft
    Add in corn and cook until all vegetables are soft
    Remove from heat and blend half of soup in a blender
    Return blended soup to stock pot and mix well
    Return soup to heat until warm
    Season with salt and pepper to taste
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    pfaxx - Welcome! If you'd like to do slim with us, we'd love to have you! A group of us are talking about starting ChaLEAN Extreme in the New year if you want to join for that! Also, if you want to be on the chart for measurements and weight loss, send me some beginning stats and I'll add you when I post the next one either tomorrow or Tuesday. I just need waist, hips, arms, and thigh measurements and a starting weight. As to the elliptical question - I think you may lose more pounds doing the elliptical but you won't get the toned body that the slim will bring you. That's been my struggle as I start to force myself to think of my weight loss in terms of how I look and feel over what the scale says.

    Truhvn - Thanks :-) I'm pretty freakin' excited! And I'd LOVE a buddy for the no-scale-in-January challenge!

    April - Wow! A morning and an evening workout! Get it girl! You are rockin' it! I know you'll bust through 210 without a backward glance! Be careful on that ankle, don't want to push it too hard and end up damaging it some more

    Scoobies - this is certainly the hardest time of the year for weight loss. Not just the holidays but I feel like the cold weather sends a message to the instinctual neanderthal in me saying "Cold Bad. Store Fat. Be Warm" Oh, and don't forget to send some measurements for the chart! I'd love to add you! It's a great way to stay accountable, even if you don't update weekly :-)

    Landry - You're back! I missed you and those recipes! I totally understand about work though! These next four days are going to be crazy for me - I hope I have time to check in! And Congrats on the loss! Way to stay with it and not give up! You're a rock star!. Oh and that chowder sounds soooooo good. I love a good thick soup this time of the year. I think I may make it today (if I do, I'll check in and let you know how it goes)

    Alright everyone. So more good news from a week of good news - I lost almost an entire pound! I'm exactly two pounds away from my goal now. So after my week experiment of working out every day for 7 days for an hour and not losing anything then not working out at all this weekend and eating so so but losing a pound I have come to the conclusion that I will DEFINITELY not be weighing in at all in January. Just measurements and ChaLean. If I stay on top of my eating I may be able to pull off this 130 goal by the time we start ChaLean and if that's the case then I'm shifting my focus to toning. I want to start measuring my success on something a little less concrete than numbers. And that's a had thing for someone as type A as myself. I think letting my boyfriend hide the scale and not telling me where it is until January 31st may be the way to go. And I'd love to have anyone on board with the challenge if you're up to it! While everyone else is New Years Resolution-ing and making best friends with the scale, we will be working our tails off, building muscle and a little confidence along the way.

    Hope everyone's holidays are going well. We'll all make it out the other side of Christmas cookies, busy work days, and lots of wrapping paper. And when we do that's when we'll start getting EXTREME!

  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    HI there, I've been a little out of touch with you guys, sorry! Holiday parties, events, wrapping gifts (I have to run to the store for MORE paper again!), family and a little rest!

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you MTDork! WTG!!!! When do you start??? Good luck, learn tons, enjoy your surroundings!

    I think it's a good idea to get a big bulk number of pounds lost after 4 wks of not weighing in, but for me, I need to weigh in every now and then to be accountable. But good luck in doing so!

    i"ve had little time to exercise big time, so I've been watching a bit more my food intake. Trying to make healthier decisions at all these amazing parties I've been going to. I aim for protein, skip the rice and potatoes, but a few glasses of wine here and another few there spoil my plans... But at least I'm more conscious than I've ever been!

    It just feels so good when my jeans are a bit loose! That's what I think about when I have a cookie in front of me...

    Having my in-laws Xmas party in a few hours, so I gotta get that wrapping paper and get ready! Gotta go! Take care all of you! Great to read all your stories and keep up the good work - we're doing great!!! :)
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Weird, really weird.... But I love it!!! I didn't weigh myself last week because I was traveling and not exercising, just all the walking while shopping. I was a LITTLE careful on my food choices and now that I'm back, I haven't been able to exercise as often as I'd like (haven't moved a finger in 3 days). Stepped on the scale, which is not a digital one.......Drum roll, pls.......... 120 lbs!!!! Stepped down and back up: 120, Stepped down and back up: 120!!!! OK, I'm happy!!!! That was my goal for bikini season!!!! I'll do my stats tomorrow to see the difference in MTDork's chart. I was hesitant to log in the 120, so I did 121 on MFP (just in case!). I've been pretty good with my food choices and have staid away from Xmas cookies, all the chocolate at yesterday's party, aimed for protein, gone lower than regular on carbs, but still had my glass of wine or scotch. My clothes are feeling loose and I'm very motivated to keep moving! I guess that just thinking about the foods/treats I'm not eating makes me loose weight!!!! The sacrifice pays off!

    I'll send my stats tomorrow!

    Hope to hear from all soon! :)
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hey all,

    Just logging my workout.
    Will catch up tomorrow.

    Week 4
    Workout 14
    Start it up Cardio (after a 12 hour workday).
    no weights
    intensity 6 ( better than nothing).

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    I can tell everyone is busy busy busy! I myself have not exercised in hmmm....I can't remember...I think it was last week!

    The 3 yr old has been sick since Friday (today is Tuesday night for me), turns out he had strep throat!!! Went in to the doctors yesterday to medicine...gave medicine back on me...flavored medicine...wasted three doses of medicine the next morning trying to get him to take it...went back to the dr this evening to get him a make that TWO shots (one in each hip...poor baby:( )...turns out this morning I feel like CRAP and so now...I'm pretty sure I have strep...I ache all throat hurts....and I'm just plain exhausted...upped the dose and now I"M TAKING his medicine that he wouldn't take. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY....I would like to get over this so I can bring in the new year with a bang...banging body that is...LOL...had to throw that in there!

    Abtropix...sounds like YOU are going to bring the new year in with a BANGING body!!!! Congrats on your success. It's good to see the hard work pay off when life is the focus!

    April...keep it up, I love to read about your efforts and intensity because then I don't feel so alone on those days I just don't give it my all. You are a Soulja!!!! ( just doesn't give it the ghetto homegirl emphasis I'm saying it with over here when I type SOLDIER, lol!)

    SO, I'm resting up...this is the first time I've been sick where I DON"T actually feel like feeding my face...probably ate more than an average person would with strep...but still way under calories....(whiny voice...) "I don't wanna swallow any more food"
    I did manage to swallow some cookies though...they were brownie consistency so it wasn't too bad! Had to test the product before I brought my Chocolate Bliss cookies to the cookie exchange tomorrow. I hope they appreciate these low cal cookies because I just wanted to put my head down in the batter and sleep.


    Chocolate Bliss Cookies

    Preheat oven to 300 degrees and line two cookie sheets with foil.
    1/2 cup unsweetned cocoa powder
    1/2 cup of granulated sugar
    pinch of salt
    3 large egg whites
    1/8 tsp cream of tartar
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1 tbsp confectioner's sugar

    In a small bowl sift together cocoa powder, salt and 1/4 cup of the sugar.

    In a larger bowl, use an electric mixer at medium low speed, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form.
    Then add 1/4 cup of granulated sugar, 1/2 TBSP at a time, to the mixture while beating- until a meringue that is glossy and has stiff peaks form .

    Fold in the vanilla extract and the cocoa mixture. (should look kinda like cake batter or mousse if you've done it right!)

    Drop by 1 teaspoonfuls about 1 inch apart on the cookie sheets (12 per sheet- I had to get dirty and use my fingers to get this done!). Bake for 25 minutes for soft chewy cookies (hmmm, kinda like brownies!) Bake for 40 minutes for crisp ones. Dust confectioners sugar over cookies. Makes 24 cookies...unless you EAT EAT EAT them before you count.

    Nutrition: Cal:24.4 Fat 0.3 g, Sat Fat 0.1 g, Cholestrerol ) mg, Sodium 13.4 mg, carbs 5.5 g, Total Sugars 4.6 g, Dietary fiber 0.6 g, protein 0.8 g

    My first batch didn't have the stiff peaks because I didn't beat it at a high enough speed, but turned out the same as the second batch which had very beautiful stiff peaks if I do say so myself! I wonder if I had used a cooking spray if the bottoms wouldn't have stuck to the pan so much, when I used a spatula to loosen them up I lost the bottom inards to some cookies! But then again the cookies might have spread out too much with the cooking spray...I'll have to experiment next time.

    I LOVE dark chocolate and thats what these reminded me of because of the cocoa powder bittersweet taste. YUMMY. They are VERY rich!!! TRY it!!! They only end up being about the size of a silver dollar which keeps the calories down, but I didn't feel guilty having 4 of them so it was a nice trade off!!!! Oh and here's a good trick for ya to keep them moist...throw down a paper towel over the cookies and slab a slice of bread on it before you wrap them all up...the cookies soak up the moisture from the bread, making it all crusty...but makes for soft cookies at delivery time!!! This tidbit is thanks to one of my girlfriends...who knew bread was so versatile!!!

    No measurements for me this week...they're all the least no increases with all this non exercise going on over here!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Quick check in everyone and quick posting on the chart.

    Things have been crazy and busy. I've seen all four families I work for in the past three days and I'm cat sitting as well. Lots of money which is great but HORRIBLE eating which is not. Today is the last day of that though. And I think tomorrow I'll try to get a good run in. I don't even want to THINK about all the chocolate I had today. I logged what I can remember and it says I'm under by a few calories but I know I ate more. It's so hard to watch kids who eat junk for Christmas! Oh well, like I said, tomorrow it STOPS.

    Truhvn - I think I'll try the cookies tomorrow. Will let you know ASAP.

    Abtropix - CONGRATS! I put 120 on the chart because I am so proud!

    April - Glad to see you're still hanging in there!

    Landry - AWESOME stats! Look at the difference for your waist! Whoo!

    Can't wait until the new year. I'm dying to try a new work out regime without the scale and with an HRM. I think it'll be awesome. ChaLEAN here I come!

    Congrats EVERYONE!

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks so much for the congrats on my weigh in.
    It's been so helpful having you all for back up.
    This is the most consistent run I've had.
    Let's keep going strong.
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    I just recently found the slim in 6 workout and am wanting to try it! i figured there would be others out there who have been doing it so i searched it on MFP and i found yall... i noticed that yall started in Nov. so i am wondering if there is anyway that i can still join in on the fun ya seem to be having. A support group would be great! I havent exercised in a while really but i figured that i needed to get moving somehow and decided that this would be a great starting point.
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hey everyone!

    Guess what? I'm OFFICIALLY on vacation! It's very exciting. I ate much better yesterday and have been doing well so far today so I think I'll quickly make up for those days early in the week when I had all that Christmas chocolate! I also had my last official weigh in until February (still holding strong at 132) and I feel strangely lighter already just knowing that I've committed to staying off the scale! I've been writing up my calendars with my work hours, internship hours, and classes and decided that I'm going to start ChaLEAN on January 3rd. I know some people are starting later but I think it won't make much of a difference and for my type A sanity I need to start on a Monday. I can't wait!

    April - So glad we are able to keep you accountable, I know you do the same for me :-)

    RLAL - You can definitely join us as we've all done Slim in Six for at least some of the time since November 1st. A group of us are starting ChaLEAN Extreme in the new year and some are attacking P90X but we'd love to hear from you and help you through slim in six! We've all been there, we can definitely curse Debbie out in spirit with you! If you'd like to be on our chart to keep track of your measurements throughout slim in six you can send me some starting measurements for your arms, thighs, waist and hips and a starting weight. I update the chart with any information anyone gives me every Monday or Tuesday. It proves to be pretty efficient at keeping us motivated, so let me know!

    Hope everyone is having an amazing holiday season! Hopefully I'll still be able to check in as I travel from my boyfriend's parent's house in Syracuse to Boston for New Years and then back to NYC. If not, I'll see you all on the other side of 2011 with a new forum name (I haven't forgotten) and some new goals! Congrats for amazing work this year, it's been wonderful getting to know you girls, you've helped me in more ways then I could ever express. So thanks!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    i would love to join yall! i have to get a tape measure thing tonight after work n ill send the measurements... i have heard that there is supposed to b a diet guideline that comes with the tapes however mine did not include that since i got it second hand... is there any way that someone can post that because on top of not knowing what exercises to do i also rly do not know how to eat the right way... my family was rather poor while i was growing up so whatever they could afford is what we ate and usually if its cheap its not healthy so i have lived an unhealthy life for ever rly... is anything else supposed to come with the slim in six because mine was second hand n ddnt come with anything but the video's
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    i would love to join yall! i have to get a tape measure thing tonight after work n ill send the measurements... i have heard that there is supposed to b a diet guideline that comes with the tapes however mine did not include that since i got it second hand... is there any way that someone can post that because on top of not knowing what exercises to do i also rly do not know how to eat the right way... my family was rather poor while i was growing up so whatever they could afford is what we ate and usually if its cheap its not healthy so i have lived an unhealthy life for ever rly... is anything else supposed to come with the slim in six because mine was second hand n ddnt come with anything but the video's
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    MTDork - I didn't give you my latest stats just the weight, but there's only one small change on my waist - 28". Everything else stays the same.

    RLAL - Welcome! You'll love this group!

    To all - I will be out of sight for a few days, more like weeks. Tonight we have a family dinner, but start driving around visiting my grandmother and my husband's aunt since like around 2pm. Tomorrow I won't log in, since we open gifts as soon as the kids wake up, play a bit and then pack our bags and head to the beach. There we'll meet with friends and eat and drink all day and all night until we come back on Jan 3rd! There's a really good gym at the place we're going so I'll try to go there every morning..... OK, no, I won't try - I'll commit!!!! One hr a day, I promise!

    Needless to say, I won't be logging in ANY of my food intakes, probably just exercise if I can. I don't think I'll be able to see your posts either, but just know that someone in the Tropics sends all of you a great big Holiday Hug and wishes you the very best on 2011!!!

    Happy holidays, Happy New Year and to the year 2011: are you ready for us? We're coming on strong!!! :)
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Does anyone else feel like this Holiday season lasted forever....but was over in a flash??!!! I certainly do! It's back to work for me after a four day break and I honestly am not looking forward to it....even though I like my job. Well....I need to get back into a normal routine anyway as I feel like I've been SERIOUSLY slacking when it comes to logging my food and exercising. My eating has been okay (for the most part) but it felt so hard to log the holiday food when...well okay maybe it just felt like too much work when I was already running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything I needed to done DONE!

    Well I have made enough excuses for I've decided to start Ramp it Up over. I've finished day one, a day early since my week doesn't start until tomorrow officially, but I NEEDED DEBBIE to whoop me into gear! I've finally gotten back down to the weight I thought I was BDS (before the digital scale) I'd like to push really hard this week to see if I can't make it to my 2nd mini goal! No worries if I don't, I know it's right around the corner, but I'd like to see if I can dig deep and pull it off!

    I hope everyone has had a very good holiday season. The year is almost over and I think we've done great to get to this point together! I've decided I am going to go for ChaLean E if I can manage it....but it may be closer to the end of January before I can swing the I'll keep moving to something else until then. And I'm gonna spring for a HRM at the same time too. Nothing like getting myself some late Christmas presents with tax return money...I don't spend too much on myself, but I REALLy want to go for this and see if I can't make this year a fit, healthy, and swimsuit ready year! I'd love to make it to summer with a booty that I don't want to cover up with a swim skirt!!! I may not make it to bikini ready but I'd love to feel comfortable in a one piece!!!

    Here's my little blurb about Debbie kicking my booty tonight...on the down side I still can't do those floor exercises without my knees hurting or my arms going numb...but on the up side I am loving that I can manage those lunges with grace (meaning I don't fall flat on my face) and my plie's are getting closer to the ground ...yay!!!! Can I curse at Debbie for noticing that she and her partners in crime let their resistance bands go pretty loose during that part when I am at home sweating my tush off because I've increased the resistance to get a better burn?...COME ON DEBBIE and TEAM....If I can do it so can YOU!:bigsmile:
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    little later than i thought on posting this but here is my measurements...if im doing it the rt way...
    Thighs: 28.5
    Hips: 50
    waist: 38
    weight: other than WAY too much: 218
This discussion has been closed.