Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • jordy89x
    jordy89x Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
    I'm 24, from Ireland, and have a long road ahead of me!
  • buckistau
    buckistau Posts: 13
    feel free to add me, everyone is welcome to add me.
    i post and log daily, and i want more friends who are active like me :)
  • Hiya, I'm back after about a year away from this site. Hoping the more friends I get, the more motivation I'll get to stick it this time around. Anybody and everybody please feel free to add me, Thankyou :)
  • PhantomBambi
    PhantomBambi Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,

    I am back after a year and a half off :( Put all previous weight lost back on due to buying a house, moving out of my parent's for the first time ever! I am due to get married March 2015 and I am hoping to lose a further 102 lb by then.

    24 years old
    5 ft 6 in
    SW 265.2 (this year) 277 when I very first started MFP
    CW 249
    GW 147

    Hope we can motivate each other and offer support in times of need. Feel free to add me :)

    Claire x
  • Hi everyone! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to be there to support you through your weight loss journey. Let's be there for each other and get the bodies we want! :drinker:
  • I am always looking for new and motivational friends. Please feel free to add me. :)
  • adaybetter
    adaybetter Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me if anyone likes. Ive done it all. Been skinny, muscular, muscular fat jacked lol, and pretty cut. Going for cut once again.( summer is coming ) I always track all my food for cutting i just used to use a pen and paper. Trying this app out and i like it so far
  • searavyn
    searavyn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! My name is Kim and I'd love to have folks to interact with on MFP. I lost 30 pounds about 2 years ago using this website and app - unfortunately, I've gained ten of those pounds back, so I truly want to get back into the habit of logging my food and exercise and making those better choices again.
    I live in Martinsville, VA, so if you are nearby and want to partner up for mutual support I'm available! :-)
  • Hey there, my name is Perry and I live just outside of Hazard Ky. I made a commitment to change my life on July 17th 2013. As far as Im concerned this is a second birthday for me. I was borderline diabetic and on tons of medication. With my 40th birthday approaching in October I reached a breaking point and knew I had to change or face going to an early grave. I set a goal for myself to lose 164lbs. Starting weight was 389lbs and my current weight is 295. I have 70lbs to go and I will do this and I will never go back! Im no longer pre diabetic and working towards getting off blood pressure. I just started using MFP regular about a month ago and am just now checking out the groups and message boards
  • I'm looking for friends as well! I had lost a total of 50 lbs, but gained back up some during getting ready for my wedding in Feb. So I'm sitting around 35 lbs lost now and have 45 lbs. to go!
  • ginaxaustin33
    ginaxaustin33 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, my name is Gina and I'm 18 years old and have always felt uncomfortable with my body. I decided that I was going to finally lose weight without starving myself or going on any fad diets. I've been doing MFP for a week now, and absolutely love it! I lost 3 lbs this week and feel very proud. I want to finally be happy with my body when i go into college. New school year, new me.I have failed so many diets and have expressed my feelings through food for far too long. That is no longer going to be me. I would love to follow others on their weight loss journey as well! I love reading food diaries and getting ideas. If anyone needs advice, motivation, or just someone to talk to, feel free to message me!
  • I'm new and need friends too! I want to be inspired :-)
  • Feel free to add me too - I'm also in need of friends here and am fairly new to mfp.

    I was 229lbs at my biggest but a bit less than that starting here - I still have a long way to go.

    Sara :)
  • luzdelua
    luzdelua Posts: 88 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!

    I am 5'8.5 and weigh about 172 lbs. I lost about 13 pounds so far!

    Any friends are welcome :)
  • CaliforniaGirl28
    CaliforniaGirl28 Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone can add me...I would love the friends! :)
  • DeniseR79
    DeniseR79 Posts: 10 Member
    I could always use some more friends. My biggest challenge is being tempted to eat what my very picking 3 year eats. Feel free to add me.
  • clarkane8
    clarkane8 Posts: 78 Member
    Please add me!! Looking to lose around 30 lbs. to start. Had a baby, and gained weight after baby was born. Looking to get healthier and fit to live a long life and have no limits especially when playing with my child.
  • carrierose2
    carrierose2 Posts: 38 Member
    Always looking for extra motivational friends. I'm pretty new here but really want to stop the yo yo dieting. I have a goal of about 50lbs to lose, lost 9 so far in the past month. Let's do this thing!
  • Sjarkey15
    Sjarkey15 Posts: 57 Member
    Anyone in Houston??
  • Hello! My name is Heather. I have been on MFP on an off for a few years, but this time I have managed to stay with it for almost 3 months. However, the last few weeks have been a bit challenging. My weight loss to date is 46 pounds and I would like to lose at least 40 more. My hope is to find others in my situation that could share their experiences, good and bad. Please add me, I would love additional support and motivation. And maybe my journey could be beneficial to others as well. Thank you! :smile: