

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    X marks the spot for later

    Amanda x
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: marking my spot, have a great day
    Juanita in sudbury
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Have a good one.
    Going to lunch with my knitting buddies.:drinker:
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Mostly marking my place so I don't have to go searching later....

    I do plan to go to the Hospice clothing store right after work to see if I can pick up a few summer tops. I hope I can find a couple of blouses so that I can wear them long sleeved or roll up the sleeves. Although, to be honest, I'll probably end up with knits because almost nothing woven fits both my boobs and my waist. I'm sick of looking in the closet every morning and struggling with putting together an outfit for work.

    Had a really bad night. It was at least 2 a.m. before I got to sleep. My mind was like a beehive! In fact, I had to struggle mightily to keep from giving in to an anxiety/panic attack. Finally got up and took another Xanax to get my mind settled enough to rest.

    On the bright side, I got in almost 15,000 steps yesterday!

    Off to yawn my way through work.... :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Carol in beautifully sunny and warm NC
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi!!! Are members in this group doing the 21 day tummy? I am planning on starting it on Sunday Apr 26. I would love to join you!!!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    I will bump here and also say I am feeling wierd again, like Tuesday night before I started getting sick to my stomach. Since I can't take Ambien anymore I've been taking Benadryl to sleep, I am wondering if this is causing me to feel so dizzy and nauses.
    I guess I'll have to make an appointment with my doctor and see what alternatives are out there. I am allergic to asprin, ibupropin and codine, my family has a history of being allergic to drugs so I am fearful of trying things but I don't know what else to do.
    Sorry to sound like a downer here, I actually am not down or depressed, I just have to find a way to turn off my mind at night and be able to sleep.
    Sunshine and rainbows to all
    Patty Cincinnati, OH
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    It is another gorgeous day in Oklahoma.

    Dee, I carried the sample of my countertop with me (still do), it helped me choose my wall color. Now I carry both wall and countertop samples so I have them for the accessory hunt. Good luck in your decorating journey, I'm sure everything will be wonderful.

    Sylvia, love the joke!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Fabulous Friday
    Not free-day or fry-day
    No parties or cakes
    Nor bake-a-big-pie-day

    I'll eat greens and beans
    Ease into my jeans
    For last weekend's gain
    Is nowhere to be seen

    The truth of the matter
    Is heaped on the platter
    The less I partake
    The more I'm the gladder.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day :flowerforyou:

    :glasses: jb in sunny Portland
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning to all,

    Looks like another lovely spring day here as well. Hoping to get my boy motivated to do something outdoors since his break is winding down. He hasn't really wanted to go anywhere or do much. Part of me is good with that because neither have I and part of me is a little sad and disappointed. I think we're both suffering with a bit of post trauma/grief as the one month mark of my mom's passing hit this week.

    While I'm still whiny over my lack of weight loss situation I AM happy to report that after 3 weeks of T25, I have lost nearly 2 inches off my waist/abdominal area. I've been measuring between waist and hips at my belly button. SUCH a relief to see some sort of results for my VERY hard work.

    I appreciate the suggestions and words of encouragement/compassion, etc. Sometimes a girl's just got to get it out. As anyone (and I did hear from one) who's had a hysterectomy and the same weight loss issues knows, it's just not the same and none of the stuff that worked before applies anymore. I've played with the calorie allowances, higher doesn't work either. I've played with the balances of proteins, fats, carbs, etc. I do eat most of the calories I exercise away so I always actually eat more than 1,200, usually closer to 1,500 per day, since I burned 300+ exercising.

    Either way, I'll keep on working hard and hoping.

    Have some candles and lip balms to make and get shipped today. Hope everyone has a great day!

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :flowerforyou:
    We are onto part 2 already :noway: ....nothing better then nice friendly chatty ladies.:smile: ..I am having a high pain day..my legs and hips..feels like something really sharp is gnawing on the inside.:cry::cry: ...using my magic bags as much as possible...the heat helps...but can only put it on a couple places at a time. :grumble:

    Patty---So sorry you are having a weird feeling...the benadryl might not be compatible with a med you are taking..should check with your Dr maybe...sending soothing thoughts :smile:
    Carol--- I hope you can soon get some sleep :flowerforyou:

    The DR told me a pill that I am taking multiple of could be causing the**fainting feeling** spells I am having so we took one pill away..go back in 2 wks to see how I am doing. I hope you all have a great weekend coming up!!!:flowerforyou:

    Take Care!!
    LizP. from Halifax NS {canada}
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    Hi!!! Are members in this group doing the 21 day tummy? I am planning on starting it on Sunday Apr 26. I would love to join you!!!

    What is that?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    Good Morning,

    Deedee :drinker: you have taken on quite the project.

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

    Rori I found Salt, Sugar, Fat helpful to me to cut down on eating cheese and now ice cream is a rare treat instead of a daily occurrence. I eat more fruits, veggies, and nuts. The biggest thing I notice is that if I get sick I heal much faster. Example a cold in the past would last at least a week. Now it is milder and only a couple of days.

    Sylvia love the joke as a teacher I can see a student actually doing that.

    Patty sorry your father missed the trip to D.C. To help me sleep I listen to relaxation tapes, a hot bath, and tart cherry juice. Tart cherries have melatonin that helps you sleep. Turning off everything electronic an hour before you sleep can also help. Talk to your doctor first because you may have to ease off the Ambien. I know when I take something like that it makes me groggy the next day.

    Carol 15,000 steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bumped the last couple of days because I only had time to read posts. I was working and we are in the middle of how to help our oldest son. He was in the hospital. Now he lost his job and is going through a divorce, and trying not to lose his house. If he loses it he’ll will be moving in with us. The amount of loss he is suffering in such a short time is heartbreaking. :brokenheart: He is trying to figure out a way to keep his house. Has anyone else faced the dilemma of buying their child’s home and then renting it back to them ?That is essentially what will have to do to help him keep his home.

    It is small surprise I am reading a book on dealing with grief. The essence of the book is grief is an accumulation of loss. Our loss right now is of our DIL and our grandchildren they may have had and watching the losses of our son. The theme of the book is working through the losses rather than relying on platitudes. I think the author is correct that sometimes depression is unresolved grief. Our culture tends to want to sweep grief under the rug because it does not know how to deal with it. Just pop a pill, go shopping, eat my product it will make you feel better. I feel I am at the first step of just acknowledging the losses and the effects they have had on my life and my loved ones. Thanks for listening to my thoughts.


    To spend time with a good friend to ease my loss, so tomorrow I wake up to a healthier me.

    2014 word: contentment
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I think we're both suffering with a bit of post trauma/grief as the one month mark of my mom's passing hit this week.
    Gloria in Metro Detroit

    Just want to tell you that griefshare.com helped me a lot the first year my mom was gone.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Bumping to save my place, and waiting to meet Meg!! We're having brunch together in about 20 minutes.

    Jill in western MA
  • stow62
    stow62 Posts: 11
    To my wonderful motivational ladies:flowerforyou:

    TGIF, it's taken me all morning just to catch up on yesterday's posts, I'm at work and not doing much of that, thank goodness my boss isn't in, there are so many I want to reply to but will be here till close of play if I attempt that so just replying to a few:-

    Rita loving the dog stories they really made me laugh:bigsmile: We have an indoor house rabbit called Lola and boy does she have an attitude problem:mad: , we've had her 6 years and brought her off a qualified breeder so we thought we'd be getting something special, a cute little dwarf baby rabbit:love: , we'd been told she would stay small and cute, but no she's turned into a huge lollaping big lump of a bunny:sad: ! Yep we were conned but we do love her and she has us in fits of laughter with her funny antics, she won't have anything to do with my DH and I unless we're feeding her then you can get her to do tricks until you give her the treat or food then she'll race back and nip you or back kick you if she's in the mood:frown: !! She adores my DD and will only let her stroke her or play with her! We've recently had our hall re-carpeted it was wooden before and now she uses it like a race track and in the mornings when she's most lively she's gallop up and down the hall and if there's anything in her way she'll make flying leaps over the objects its so funny to watch!:bigsmile:

    JB your poems are brilliant

    Well done Jil, don't you just feel a million dollars when you get compliments like that and people notice you've lost weight:happy:
    Molly Whippet I really laughed reading about sweet little Ian, so funny, think your DH deserves a medal:laugh:

    Heather loving the teenager stories, we had 4 over Christmas fortunately where we were staying the phone signals were intermittent so to keep them entertained in between them having their faced glued to their wretched phones:explode: we had them carving all the Christmas roast meats, ham, beef and turkey they loved getting involved and did a really good job. Hope your having a great time in London with the grand children. :bigsmile:

    Amanda hope your feeling better, soon that sounds horrendous:flowerforyou:

    Alf1163 regarding the 21 day tummy, I'm quite new to the MFP site and still working my way around, does this mean you'r starting a new thread on 26th April??? Let me know what you have to do, sounds interesting :happy:

    I work just off Carnaby Street down the West End in London and nipped out at lunch to Oxford Circus, that was a mistake, the place is heaving with double buggies, (My pet hate), teenagers just milling about, tourists who stop dead in front of you waving a map and in broken English ask "where I is"! I had an hour to get to John Lewis and back ended up running like mad woman down all the side streets to avoid the massive crowds, dreading getting on the tube at 5.30 with all the extra Easter crowds!! This weekend I'm taking my DD to the International Cake show at the Excel Centre at Docklands, she's set up her own cup cake and bespoke birthday cake company, (the other reason for major diet as I'm chef cake taster!):drinker: I'm really looking forward to going and am determined just to inhale NOT TASTE all the delicious aromas of cake, chocolate, more cake ooooooooooooooooo, it's gona be hard going!!:ohwell:

    Wishing you all a safe happy weekend, its nearly time for home, I'll be off line all weekend so will spend Monday catching up as boss off again, Yeaaaaa:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Found this on amazon for 21 Day Tummy

    Book Description
    Publication Date: December 26, 2013
    Based on the latest science, the 21-Day Tummy diet targets excess weight and belly fat while addressing the most common digestive disorders.Relieve digestive issues and shrink your waistline with the new, sensitive stomach meal plan from Liz Vaccariello, the New York Times® best-selling author of The Digest Diet and Flat Belly Diet Series. Lose the Belly Bloat and feel better fast 21-Day Tummy is designed specifically for people with temperamental tummies. You'll whittle your middle and discover which foods protect you from the main causes of digestive discomfort.Say good-bye to your grumbling belly and start feeling good again. Let the 21-Day Tummy show you how!Inside you'll find: An easy-to-follow 21-day eating plan that minimizes shocking Belly Bully foods that cause discomfort and weight gain, while piling on soothing Belly Buddy foods. more than 50 scrumptious recipes such as Tomato-Ginger Flank Steak, Chunky Chicken Couscous, Twice-Baked Potato with Pepper Hash, and Almost-Pumpkin Mini Pies. inspirational stories and advice from real readers who tried the plan—one lost 19 pounds, another 4 ½ belly inches, and everyone improved their digestive symptoms in just 3 weeks! an optional equipment-free workout plan that helps to both sculpt and sooth your stomach with a mix of core strengthening, walking, and yoga.21-Day Tummy is a fun, easy guide to healthy eating that will have a smaller, healthier you feeling better than, well, possibly ever!
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning Beautiful Ladies! I am soooooo Happy! Had my first weigh-in and I lost 3.8 pounds. Yeah! I am so siked to go on my walk this morning. The sun is shining, a wonderful spring day. AHHHhhhhhhh...... Life is good. Except for the warm blueberries in my oatmeal this morning. Yech! Made the oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast and forcing myself to get it down. I love blueberries. But not cooked in my oatmeal. Live and learn.
    Well, it sounds like Spring has sprung all over the place, so ladies have a great Friday, and enjoy some springtime.
    Be Healthy and Strong Women,

    Kathrine from Kansas

    April goals
    * to keep my food diary daily, preferably BEFORE I eat the meal
    * to lose 5 lbs
    * to focus n healthy breakfast recipes
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    Thoroughly enjoyed my foot reflexology session yesterday and lunch. Gym this am, now have to run and get ready for dr. visit (pap test time) and Gwen and her sister are taking me out to dinner. They picked Chili's.................my least fav. place by far, but I shouldn't complain, it is a lovely gesture. No idea what I can eat there; all I remember is that I didn't find much I liked back when I ate everything, service was abominable, and the decor was definately not my taste.

    Got to run and shower. Finger back to normal after horse bite.

    Hello to everyone and best wishes for you all,

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Yahooo it's Friday :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I'll chime in on the Mother issues. Kim & Kathrine, I too had a controlling, abusive Mother. I had to walk away from her to protect myself and my children. I spent years in therapy to deal with it all. She was raised by a loving mother, my DGM was my only loving person in my childhood. She loved & cared for me when my mother wouldn't. Something must have happened to turn my mother so horrible. I had nothing to do with her for the last 20 years of her life, she died on Sept 26th last year (my birthday). She told my DB that she was going to leave a mess when she died and she did just that. She was evil even after he death. Her estate is such a mess that we had to walk away from everything. My Sister is much like my mother and I have nothing to do with her either.

    anyway on to brighter topics :laugh:

    I had the most spectacular NSV last night. I went to Cardiofit Box class last night and after the class the instructor came over to me and said that she could just see me getting stronger and stronger with each class. It's only been 6 classes so far. A friend told her about my weight loss and the instructor said that one day she wants me up at the front of the class sharing my story (not gonna happen, I'm far too shy for that :noway: :noway: ). I left feeling really good. Let me tell you, I'm am really sore today from that class. It was 55 min of INTENSE cardio boxing. I now look forward to the class....I never every thought I'd feel that way :noway:

    I have not yet booked a dentist appt for my broken molar gotta wait for payday. It doesn't hurt, it's just got a few sharp edges. Hopefully he can fix this one. He's fixed a few for me and 1 he had to pull. I'll make an appt next week.

    Sleeping is horrible again and I think it's pain that keeps me awake.

    Hope you all have a great Friday - it's sunny and warm today in Ontario (wish I could get out and enjoy it). Maybe a walk after work at the lake????

    Thank you all for being so supportive. You are all amazing.

    :heart: Sandy in ON