

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's not quite as nice today as it was yesterday, but still not too bad. I lost my favorite pink hoodie (ok, it was my only pink hoodie). Searched the house, the car, my studio. Couldn't find it anywhere, then went to the Y this morning and found it on a hook in the gym, just where I left it! Of course, then I remembered hanging it there. So I was glad to find it, and lucky someone else didn't snatch it.

    I'm trying to work on some drafting jobs, but pulling my hair out. The sales rep marked up sketches with pencil and red pen, scribbled, drew arrows that point nowhere, marked out things, added in other things, then scanned it and sent it to me. It's like sorting through a bowl of spaghetti. I went home and printed them out on our color printer, thinking that would help. Nope. Now I've broken out my lighted magnifier lamp. It's easier to read some of it, but it's still really hard. It's very frustrating. Her jobs are always harder than those from any of the other reps. Deep breath!

    The girls went to swim lessons last night, and the younger one did really well with the backstroke. She was by far the best in her group. She swam out to the middle of the pool unassisted, then the teacher stopped her and she and the teacher both looked at me and did a big thumbs up! I was really proud of her. The older one doesn't seem to try too hard. Two more weeks of swim lessons.

    Today and tomorrow are the city wide garage sale. I went to a few this morning but didn't find much. One had a brand new jacket from Chicos, in a size 3 (which they said was the same as a 16), but I couldn't even get my fat arm in the sleeve. I might go to a few tomorrow. I used to go to a lot of garage sales, but our house started to look like one of those hoarders on tv, so I stopped. There are a couple of things I need to find for the studio though.

    Well, back to work. Have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    OK, I have to talk about the mother issue too. Mine was horrible all the time I was growing up. She was hateful to me, told me I was ugly and stupid, and often told me she hated me. She tried to control all of us, but somehow I was her favorite to torture. When I was young, maybe 7 or 8, my parents got a divorce, although they continued to live in the same house and did not tell anyone else they were divorced. My mother showed me the divorce papers though, and told me it was all my fault because my dad loved me more than her, but that I shouldn't ever tell anyone because then they would hate me as much as she does. My dad was very cold to me after that too, where before he was my only friend. They got remarried when I was in high school, and I was the only one that knew about that too. I got a scholarship to an art college close to home but she insisted I go into the Air Force instead. (She wanted me out of the house.) She said if I did she would never ask me for anything ever again. I didn't stand up to her then, and always regretted it. After I got out of the Air Force, and separated from my abusive ex-husband, she insisted I move back to where she lived, and she would help me get back on my feet. After one day - on my birthday - she threw me and my 4-year old son out. I finally moved 200 miles away to get away from her. We didn't talk much in her later years, but I did go to the nursing home when she was dying. At one point she drew me close and whispered "I love you more than you will ever know." That was the only time in my life she said she loved me. I have to admit that I felt better. Somehow all the crap before was sort of neutralized.

    I really sympathize with those of you with mother issues. I often wonder how many overweight women had issues like that with their mothers and how it contributed to our weight issues. I know whenever I tried to lose weight my mother would sabotage my efforts, like making raisin pie and if I didn't want to eat it she would guilt me into it saying she made it because she knew it was my favorite.

    Enough of this stroll down memory lane. Gotta get back to work.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joke of the day:

    :laugh: :happy:
    One day while at her job as a bank loan officer, Patty Black, had a frog hop onto her desk and say, "I would like to apply for a lily-pad improvement loan." Patty looked incredulously at the frog and said, "I'm sorry, we don't loan money to frogs." To which the frog replied, "I have collateral," as he handed her a small ceramic trinket. Not wanting to be impolite, Patty said, "I don't know. I'll have to talk to the bank manager."

    She walked back to the manager's office and said, "There is a frog out here, asking for a lily-pad improvement loan, and this trinket is all he has for collateral." The bank manager picked up the trinket and looked at it carefully. Then smiling he turned to Patty and said, "Why it's a knick-knack, Patty Black. Give the frog a loan."

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Heather – great job! Love seeing the scale head down!!!:happy:

    Amanda – hang in, treat yourself gently!

    Alison – I am so glad your FIL is happy, and settling in – Although he sounds like a handful:tongue: ! That takes a load off of you and if he is happy your hubby should not be complaining that he should be back home…

    Mamacindy - you don’t have to lurk – you could just jump in and visit! I’ll pour you a cup of coffee:drinker: Later in reading posts - thanks for the info on the tummy program

    Liz – Congrats on half way!!! Great job – I am sure you’ll look great at the wedding. :happy:

    Carol – good luck at the hospice shop – thrift shopping is my favorite!:smile:

    Patty - Have you ever tried Lavender oil (not the fragrance, but the essential oil) for me if I have a tough time a drop rubbed in to my temples does it… not as strong as any of the drugs, but no side affects either…. :yawn:

    Gloria – 2 inches is amazingly awesome!!!!:happy:

    Margaret - What great parents to help your son keep his home! And working through the grief is so important! I see it in my family; those who have and who continue to acknowledge the moments of grief are much healthier (emotionally and physically) than those who have swept it under the rug. :happy:

    Jill and Meg – How cool that you guys get to meet in real life! :drinker:

    Kathrine – Congrats on the weight loss!!:happy:

    Sandy – take care- Great NSV - a lake walk sounds wonderful. :smile:

    Well some jackets to finish this morning and then hopefully the afternoon in MY garden; it needs some serious work before Easter; I have that holiday here. There are veggies to plant, weeds to pull, a hedge to trim! Well better get at this or I'll be working by flash light :noway:

    Smiles Kim in Sunny N. CAL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol in NC: Sorry to hear you’re dealing with anxiety/panic. I’ve had a boatload of anxiety lately as well. :frown: It seemed to start with the new car and hasn’t really gone away although it is lower than it was. I have reduced my coffee drinking because I think that was a contributing factor. It seems to be helping a bit. I haven’t eliminated coffee, though. It is actually healthy if consumed in moderation. I need to find the moderation sweet spot.:flowerforyou:

    JB: You have another winning poem with “Fabulous Friday.”

    “The truth of the matter
    Is heaped on the platter
    The less I partake
    The more I'm the gladder.“

    Me, too! :bigsmile:

    Gloria: You are winning. Inches lost are the best kind of NSV. :flowerforyou:

    Margaretturk: Your comments on loss and grief are very insightful. Thanks for sharing them. I hope your son’s health will improve quickly and his grief will begin to ease.:flowerforyou:

    Jill: I hope you and Meg will have a wonderful time!:flowerforyou:

    Kathrine from Kansas: We occasionally have blueberries in our oatmeal but add them after we’re done cooking the oatmeal. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy in ON: Congratulations on an amazing NSV. The compliment from your Cardiofit Box instructor is fabulous.:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: DH was addicted to shopping at the senior center thrift store. My cupboards are now full of old glassware. Since I retired I’ve been keeping him under control, but a few new “treasures” sneak in from time to time. He’s not into the “hoarder” category yet, but we need to purge our house. I’m guilty of hanging on to every item I’ve ever owned, so he isn’t the only one causing the clutter.:noway:

    Still feeling anxious due to over spending. (My opinion.) The car purchase is a done deal and I’ll have to get used to it. I have cut back on coffee, as I mentioned earlier, and it seems to be a helpful thing. Both of us are spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom due to tummy upset, so maybe a virus is contributing to the situation.

    Today is a gorgeous day, and I’m in favor of putting some fun into it!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :glasses: Katla in Sunny NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    How on earth did we get 2 pages already!

    Well good news and bad news! Jill and I met for brunch which was delightful! I thoroughly enjoyed our visit.
    Bad news....both of us have dumb phones....no pictures :sad:

    More later! Meg

    PS I have pledging tonight so won't be home til later so I will try to post tonight and tell you all about our visit.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    Gloria so sorry for the loss of your mother.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy so sorry for the loss of your mother. I will look up grief share after posting this message.:flowerforyou:

    There is no time table on grief.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    Bump!! Have a great weekend!

    Rita from CT
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sandy, about telling your story in front of your class. I know you say you are shy and think you can't speak in front of a group but it is so empowering to get up in front of your class and tell them about your success and how you have done it. You have the ability in your hands and voice and body to share a right way to loose weight and get in shape at the same time. You have been with them for several weeks so they aren't complete strangers to you. You can be of so much help to others. They then can learn from that and hopefully live what you have shown them actually works and then it's passed on from person to person.

    Another wonderful day outside. And I slept so soundly last night. I slept so soundly that it took awhile for my back to move in the morning. It quite distresses my cat that it takes me awhile for me to bend down to refill her food bowl even though it is far from empty.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Popping in to save my place:bigsmile:
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Hello ladies and happy Friday!

    Meg, that's fantastic that you were able to meet up with a friend! If any one is close enough to me, I'd love to meet in person :)

    I've signed up with our county parks & rec department for their walking program. It runs from April to October and they give you a pedometer along with a sheet to record your steps. They have different prizes that you can win for reaching certain walking milestones, such as t-shirts, bags, etc. I love prizes so I was excited to sign up, lol! Since the weather has finally gotten nicer, I'm hoping to start walking on my breaks again.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Barb in Eastern WV
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well, I had a wonderful nsv today, I can't make it to the YMCA tonight.
    So I decided to take a walk while my Dd watched the kids for me, (I do
    Day care in my home and she's my helper) long story, anyway as I was
    walking I had the urge to run so I set my timer for 4 min, I thought I'd
    Walk 3 min and run for 1 minute. I did that five times and felt pretty good
    so the last set I decided to see how long I could go. Well I made it for five
    minutes. And I think I could've gone longer but my bladder was not co-
    operating, I was running toward the bathroom and the closer I got to it
    the harder it was to hold.(hate getting older). I have a small park with woods
    and a pond near my house and I love going there. I feel so good that I could
    run that long. I can't wait to try again. All that hard work on the stepper, eliptical
    and treadmill is paying off.

    Carol and Patty- yrs ago I had trouble getting to sleep because of racing thoughts,
    It was during a very dark time in my life. My therapist gave me a handheld Yangtze
    game and told me to play it right before bedtime and keep playing until I couldn't stay
    awake any longer and go to sleep. It worked really well, I still had to take something
    to stay asleep. Til this day I still use it sometimes when I can't get to sleep. Any game
    could work. Good luck,

    Dee- I just got finished painting three rooms on the main floor. I know how hard it is
    to choose a colour. One trick I learned yrs ago was to buy the sample paints and paint
    on the dull side of lg poster boards and hang it in the rooms I want to paint. I left it up
    for about a week before I decide.

    Time to wake up the kids, have a great weekend everyone.

    Brenda from Md
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies. :glasses: Sounds like going to be another beautiful Spring day. I am working my 12 hours today and then after work we are going to York (which is about 50 miles) to meet DD and pickup our 5 year old GD Emma. She is coming to stay with us until Sunday, then we will meet them in Lincoln to trade back. This will be her first time away from home without DD. Tomorrow we plan to take her and acouple GC from here to an Easter egg hunt at the church and then we are going to a Bike show in Hastings. Going to be a busy weekend. Glad I also have Monday off as will need that to rest.
    I did talk to my mom last evening and she is doing well. I was so worried when I couldn't reach her the evening before. She had been at church. I do think she is doing better then I am. My sister is going to be with her for the weekend and they are going to go thur dads clothes and get them packed to go to the senior center. I so wished she lived closer.
    Sylvia--Love the jokes, they always make me smile, Thank you for sharing them.:smooched:
    Amanda--sure hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    DeeDee--last year when we were going to paint our bathroom ACE had free pint giveaways on Saturday and so we would go and get different colors until we found what we liked.
    margaret--hugs to you and your son.:heart:
    Jill and Meg--hope you are having a great afternoon!:happy:
    Kathrine--congrates on the weight loss!
    Barb--have fun on the walking program. Where I work used to have them and I liked getting the prizes. Sometime this month they are to be starting some new ones and looking forward to checking them out.
    Well guess I should get busy and get some work done. Have a good evening and remember we are all in this together.
    Blessed Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well yesterday I ought my DH a pedometer that syncs with his phone I couldnt afford a fit bit zip for him, and of course guess who had to set it up? anyway, he is logging his miles and eating a bit more fruit, so we are doing a bit better :wink:
    My SIL and DB have had a hellish last couple of weeks ,they were invited to one of her best friends suprise 50th birthday party,
    I am going up tomorrow night and watching momma while they are out.. they sooo need something fun..
    will bring my laptop over.
    well off to the the FIL and see what mischief he has gotten into today lol
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi guys, just saying hi before I go to bed. Hope I sleep; have medication for RLS but sometimes it doesn't work.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Home alone tonight. DH & DD went out on a father daughter date. She is getting married in July so I am glad for them to spend some time together. I'm going to watch a movie (Jewtopia) that I have been wanting to watch. It's supposed to be funny. I'll let y'all know what I think.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just got back from a nice walk with daughter,leg still sore,but it was so nice out,70.
    We walked to Subway and had a nice dinner and mom and daughter time.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi lovely ladies. I had a wonderful time with Jill today; we went to a sort of down home type diner and I bet we talked non-stop for at least 3 hours! I bet she won’t tell you but she came to visit Omaha in order to receive an award from the housing agency she has done lots of work for I think for something like 20 years! But yes it’s true; no photographic evidence….we both have dumb phones! But I sure enjoyed getting to know her in person.

    The students had pledging/pinning today so I didn’t get home til after 6 and boy am I tired. DD#1 emailed hubby to say she needed to tell us something, she’s scared, and “I need you”. Dear God what can that be? My first guess is she’s pregnant, but she’s terrified of sex and at least last I heard, she and BF don’t have intercourse because she doesn’t believe that birth control is effective. I don’t know what else it could be though. She said she’s coming over Sunday to talk to us.

    Oh I don’t think I told you….or maybe I did. The cousin with the head injury had to move to a nursing home because he is not improving.

    Deb: glad you had a great trip!

    Ronnie: those pain pills cause havoc doen’t they!

    Katla: holy cats! That’s quite the remodel…I hope it doesn’t come to that

    Kim: I think our relationships with our mothers are so complicated. My mom was very unlikeable until she got dementia…then she was adorable and all the nursing home staff just loved her.

    Joyce: congrats on that number!

    Yanniejannie: what an ungrateful horsie! We have friends with a scililian donkey who bite my thigh once!

    Amanda: I hope you get at least some rest

    Patty: congratulations on your daughter’s pinning! Sounds like they do their ceremony later than we do ours; ours is more of a public announcement committing to nursing as a career so the freshmen and sophomores are the main ones there.

    Gloria; so sorry you are feeling discouraged. Sending hugs

    Jb: great poem! Congrats on all your weight loss

    Rita: a Siberian lily already!!! Ours are still brown lumps!

    Sylvia: poor little guy! How old is he? Maybe he’s too early yet for soccer. I’ve seen soccer “games’ with 2 and 3 year olds! They don’t do so well!

    Heather; your party was a success!

    Tigress……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *pop* what did you say? I was unconscious! 

    Kathrine: keeping my fingers crossed for the scale readout today!...Later….hooray!!!!

    Rori: glad to see you!

    Patty: I hope you feel better!

    Sandy: what a great nsv!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    Mollywhippet: almost spit my drink out!!!!

    Barb: we did have so much fun. This summer we are going to Colorado and I’m looking forward to meeting some of the CO
    contingent! Oh, I think I already told you but I love the dog!!!

    Brenda: good job!

    Vicki: we are almost next door neighbors…hopefully we’ll meet up one day too!

    OK time to have dinner then I think it’s another night of passing out on the recliner LOL. I do feel better about the test bank; I had a phone call with the publisher and we have worked out a new deadline of the end of may and I can hire my boss if she’s willing to help. Take care Meg from spring-like weather.