Your Greatest Accomplishment



  • Diesel_Girl
    Diesel_Girl Posts: 39
    Solo move across the country at 18 years old when my mom passed away.
    Age 22, lost 50 pounds (found it years later!)
    Age 25, completed Diesel school at the top of my class.
    Age 29, left an abusive relationship (not sure now why it was so hard at the time, but it felt like the hardest thing I ever had to do)
    Age 30, finally ditched living with roommates/boyfriends and got my own place (financial independence rocks!)
    yesterday, I caught a fish .
    I consider all of my accomplishments to be pretty darn amazing, even the little ones.

    Oh, and ETA, Age 30, never married, no kids. I consider that my biggest accomplishment of ALL!
  • minimalistmom
    minimalistmom Posts: 137
    Age 24: I became a business owner
    Age 25: I became a stay-at-home-mother and a homeowner
    Age 29: I became a homeschooling parent.
    Age 30: I lost 20 lbs.

    Currently: Age 32: In today's society, my family 5 is still living off a one person income.
  • embrace_the_dark_side
    My greatest accomplishment today was getting paid for doing absolutely nothing
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    remaining childfree (a permanent lifestyle decision I made for myself),

    Based on present company, you got done achieve nothing kiddo

    Do you speak English?

    But yeah -- pretty familiar with parents patting themselves and one another on the back. I kinda ignored that topic here as it's rather pointless.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I'm 41 and have 3 kids 24,17 and 14 (14 yr old 11lbs 1oz and a natural birth, yeah I'm proud of that), and yes I'm proud of them they have grown up to be good responsible young adults, but hitting 40 was a bit of a life changing time for me, my kids didn't need me like when they were babies and so I looked at myself and decided it was time for me to concentrate on me and I did, I lost my weight and I got fit and I'm so proud of myself for that, it was time to invest in me so I did 100% I'm actually a size smaller now than I was at 18 when I met my hubby.
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    But yeah -- pretty familiar with parents patting themselves and one another on the back. I kinda ignored that topic here as it's rather pointless.

    :-) true true
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    That I made it through college and even double majored (with honors), despite the fact that I got knocked up Sophomore year and I was a zombie the first part of Junior year.

    Oh, and I'm 32 :)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    remaining childfree (a permanent lifestyle decision I made for myself),

    Based on present company, you got done achieve nothing kiddo

    Do you speak English?

    But yeah -- pretty familiar with parents patting themselves and one another on the back. I kinda ignored that topic here as it's rather pointless.

    In my opinion, raising children IS a big accomplishment. I'm not talking about having children. I'm talking about raising them and teaching them values.

    Making the decision to not have children is also an important one. Some people should not have children. I comes with some sacrifice and looking beyond a person's own self.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm 45, and like most parents I would have to say my greatest accomplishment has been raising my kids as best I can. I have two AMAZING boys, Padon (13) and Preston (10), and they are my life.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Ted Bundy's parents were proud too. And what a handsome he was!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    As can be seen in this thread, many people consider whether they have raised children well, or not had children to be an accomplishment. Either way, people do consider that in their accomplishments.

    I have had people tell me that they think it is an accomplishment that having grown up in a very abusive childhood, and generationally in my family, that I married an intelligent, kind man. I have been in a happy relationship with him for 16 years (having grown up around only abusive relationships). I have had two daughters. They are good kids. They get along very well with each other and other kids. They are helpful to other children in school that need extra help. They excel in science and creative writing, among other things. Some of that is genetic (they were tested by the school and are advanced in the area of auditory memory and processing to what they said was an unusual degree), and some of it is environment growing up with a Dad that is a scientist and me taking them to Science World weekly and doing science with them everyday because I also studied biology and love it. So, yes, I have had people tell me that is an accomplishment to have come through what I did and to break the cycles of abuse in my family. The first kids in many generations to have not been abused (I am talking about criminal level abuse, and it was the police and district attorney's office that have said this to me as well).

    However, my kids being 7 and 9, I am certainly not going to say that is my greatest accomplishment. I am not done yet. And also, I think expecting them to be my greatest accomplishment puts too much pressure on that relationship. My accomplishments need to be my own and not dependent on how well they do in life. But, on an internal, personal level, when I see my kids confident, being children, not having to face the adult things that I had to face as a child, yes, I do feel a personal, internal sense of accomplishment. It is a healing experience. It heals me, as a person, to see that, and to know that I helped contribute to that. And that because I am a parent, I have been doing my job as a parent. So, when people see my children and they come up to me and say, "Good Job!" I do feel thankful. But, I wouldn't go around saying they are my accomplishment. But, there are aspects of this whole process of becoming and being a parent that are personal accomplishments for me. And there are many other things in life that are personal accomplishments of that nature that make me a better person for having faced, and gone through because I had to, and I didn't turn away from what I had to do in life. And I allowed it to contribute to my growth as a person and to my wisdom.

    And I understand why people that have had wonderful accomplishments will still say their children are their greatest accomplishment.

    Edit to add: I also just want to add that I never would have posted any of this, had this not become a discussion about kids being or not being an accomplishment.
  • FormerMarine1
    FormerMarine1 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I saved two of my friend's lives both on separate occasions
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Competing and winning at county level for javelin.
  • j3rmwarfare
    j3rmwarfare Posts: 243
    getting 3rd place in the USAF Deployed Location Half Marathon.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    This was a week before my c-section with my 2nd son in 2009. And this was after having lost 135 lbs. I met my goal weight a week before finding out I was pregnant lol. Talk about a test. But I truly changed my lifestyle. :)

    Hope you can see the pic!
  • carlsande
    carlsande Posts: 3 Member
    Raising three sons that turned out to be nice people. (My wife claims that she raised four)
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    This was a week before my c-section with my 2nd son in 2009. And this was after having lost 135 lbs. I met my goal weight a week before finding out I was pregnant lol. Talk about a test. But I truly changed my lifestyle. :)

    Hope you can see the pic!

  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I am 38 and I could say that losing 110 pounds is my greatest accomplishment ......but no. I am living in the middle of my greatest accomplishment right now. I had the courage to leave an abusive marriage, I am raising 2 kids alone, I am back in school full time.....and this has all happened in the last 9 months.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am 38 and I could say that losing 110 pounds is my greatest accomplishment ......but no. I am living in the middle of my greatest accomplishment right now. I had the courage to leave an abusive marriage, I am raising 2 kids alone, I am back in school full time.....and this has all happened in the last 9 months.
    Awesome. I did a similar thing! :drinker: :flowerforyou: