MFP has changed



  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Deleted for good reason. My apologies, FlaxMilk.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    no one cares about thier life. if all a person is doing is complaining, whining and flouncing on the site then they're not making a difference ON THE SITE. unless the topic is "Our Own Lives Have Changed" and i missed it.

    either be the force for good that you want everyone else to be or be quiet about it.

    No one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside the forum. You should not be the judge of what is making a difference here in his or her life. And, since you seem to enjoy derailing threads and being derisive (Chick-fil-A thread) then maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge other people's actions.

    i'm sorry, which action have i judged?

    meanwhile, back at the ranch, i'm enjoying the judging you're doing. is your mention of chick fil a thread supposed to make me feel.........anything?

    and since no one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside of the forum......perhaps you should drink some of your own kool aid and stop judging people by what you see of them in the forums?

    i certainly hope you didn't take any of that as derision.

    Your personal agendas and desire to troll make no nevermind to me.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    no one cares about thier life. if all a person is doing is complaining, whining and flouncing on the site then they're not making a difference ON THE SITE. unless the topic is "Our Own Lives Have Changed" and i missed it.

    either be the force for good that you want everyone else to be or be quiet about it.

    No one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside the forum. You should not be the judge of what is making a difference here in his or her life. And, since you seem to enjoy derailing threads and being derisive (Chick-fil-A thread) then maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge other people's actions.

    i'm sorry, which action have i judged?

    meanwhile, back at the ranch, i'm enjoying the judging you're doing. is your mention of chick fil a thread supposed to make me feel.........anything?

    and since no one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside of the forum......perhaps you should drink some of your own kool aid and stop judging people by what you see of them in the forums?

    i certainly hope you didn't take any of that as derision.

    Your personal agendas and desire to troll make no nevermind to me.

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Back when I was young, MFP sent people to your house to do your grocery shopping, cut up your food, and give you massages. Boy, those were the good old days.

    Every time and every place has people complaining about how things used to be better.

    Well, honestly, like much of life, it's mostly what you make it.

    You can complain, whine, and flounce. Or you can get busy and make a difference in your life and others.

    Dear Sad Grandpa,

  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    It just bad manners.
    If you can't be nice or helpful, don't write anything.

    I agree. When people want encouragement or advice they don't want to be bashed or ridiculed. This would be more effective overall if it was a safe place where people can reach out, but there are a lot of people in the world who enjoy being hurtful and call it being honest.

    OP, I'm with you on this.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    no one cares about thier life. if all a person is doing is complaining, whining and flouncing on the site then they're not making a difference ON THE SITE. unless the topic is "Our Own Lives Have Changed" and i missed it.

    either be the force for good that you want everyone else to be or be quiet about it.

    No one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside the forum. You should not be the judge of what is making a difference here in his or her life. And, since you seem to enjoy derailing threads and being derisive (Chick-fil-A thread) then maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge other people's actions.

    i'm sorry, which action have i judged?

    meanwhile, back at the ranch, i'm enjoying the judging you're doing. is your mention of chick fil a thread supposed to make me feel.........anything?

    and since no one knows what changes a person is making in his or her life outside of the forum......perhaps you should drink some of your own kool aid and stop judging people by what you see of them in the forums?

    i certainly hope you didn't take any of that as derision.

    Your personal agendas and desire to troll make no nevermind to me.

    Can someone make me an egg? I'm hungry and I heard this place was all helpful and whatnot.
  • mfourada
    mfourada Posts: 10 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    Rather than being the change you wish to see in others...'ve become the very thing that you were complaining about in others.

    I suspect you won't see it that way, because in your mind, your behavior is justified...

    ...however, I trust that others see at least what appears to me to be rather blatant hypocrisy.

    Fascinating, really.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    Nice try. But if you look above you'll see where you called me out personally and directly. Three times, in fact. I didn't come in here and personally attack you but it's open season on me.....and if I point that out, I'm playing the victim card. Fair enough. I'm done posting here. You don't have to call me any more names. You win
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Back when I was young, MFP sent people to your house to do your grocery shopping, cut up your food, and give you massages. Boy, those were the good old days.

    Every time and every place has people complaining about how things used to be better.

    Well, honestly, like much of life, it's mostly what you make it.

    You can complain, whine, and flounce. Or you can get busy and make a difference in your life and others.

    And this is exactly why you are on my FL. :heart:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    If it's not about him why are you spending so spending so much time addressing him and insisting things aren't about him or his supposed desire to troll.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    If it's not about him why are you spending so spending so much time addressing him and insisting things aren't about him or his supposed desire to troll.

    And people say reverse trolling doesn't exist
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Whelp, I enjoyed my dinner, what's going on here?
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    If it's not about him why are you spending so spending so much time addressing him and insisting things aren't about him or his supposed desire to troll.

    And people say reverse trolling doesn't exist

    I lolled.
    Also amberglover has a nice
    pair of jeans.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    Rather than being the change you wish to see in others...'ve become the very thing that you were complaining about in others.

    I suspect you won't see it that way, because in your mind, your behavior is justified...

    ...however, I trust that others see at least what appears to me to be rather blatant hypocrisy.

    Fascinating, really.
    You are not the only one who sees it. That brand of hypocrisy is rampant in these threads.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I have become more of a lurker on the main MFP forums in the last year or so because of the climate here. I have found the greatest motivation and support on this site to come from friends or groups. I have never understood the hostility and meanness, especially on something that is as difficult as weight loss. If it was so easy, none of us would even be on MFP. If life never got in the way, ex. law school, then weight loss and fitness would not be the billion dollar industry it is. It is hard to lose weight. It is hard to stay committed. It is hard to workout everyday when you have other obligations. It is hard to change unhealthy habits you have had your entire life. This is why support and motivation is important, because your post could be the difference between someone making a change in their life for the better or continuing on a bad path.

    Of course it would be great if everyone had a thick skin and if tough love worked like a a magic pill, but that is not the reality. These topics are common and they tend to bring out many of the posters who have made a habit of making others uncomfortable with their tough love.. But i say to those members, have you ever thought that maybe that person isn't ready for your help or missed the message based on your delivery. Attacking them, insulting them or making fun of them doesn't help anyone. So if help is what you truly want to offer then recognize that some posters will be sensitive, insecure, uniformed or just not interested and tough love or brutal honesty may not be the best course of action for everyone.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    If it's not about him why are you spending so spending so much time addressing him and insisting things aren't about him or his supposed desire to troll.

    And people say reverse trolling doesn't exist

    He went into the CFA thread with an agenda and derailed it the third post in. After that, the thread became all about his topic and not about the opening post. He was spoiling for a fight when he came here and, apparently, succeeded in becoming the victim. Oh well. Funny you'll let him get away with it and not people like the one who started the law school thread.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    My only wish is that I had any idea what you are talking about.

    Keep on judging tho

    Sorry. As much as you'd like to make it so, this thread isn't about you. Feel free to keep playing the victim, though. :wink:

    If it's not about him why are you spending so spending so much time addressing him and insisting things aren't about him or his supposed desire to troll.

    And people say reverse trolling doesn't exist

    He went into the CFA thread with an agenda and derailed it the third post in. After that, the thread became all about his topic and not about the opening post. He was spoiling for a fight when he came here and, apparently, succeeded in becoming the victim. Oh well. Funny you'll let him get away with it and not people like the one who started the law school thread.

    You sound angry. Are you angry? Would a cookie help?