Daily Check In - Summer 2014



  • Arekha
    Arekha Posts: 45 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Did not track:frown:
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal?
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Drank a meal replacement shake for dinner after a Thai meal for lunch
    What would I have done differently? More exercise
    What is today's personal goal? Its going to be crazy with school starting for the kids, so I will be happy if I stay under my calories

    Sun - 30 min walk
    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? NO - at the boat on the weekend too many temptations.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? NO, very sad
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Went down the boat ladder and washed the bottom
    part of the boat. Never did that before.
    What would I have done differently? Not had pizza and a pastry and ice cream during the day. :sad:
    What is today's personal goals? Track everything, drink water, stay focused, exercise.

    Mon - Travelling back from cottage/house
    Tues - Biking 11 miles
    Wed - Cleaning my downstairs, ironing and maybe a walk
    Thurs- Walking 42 min. 2.5 miles
    Fri - Walking 45 min - 3 miles
    Sat - At the boat - no exercise - weather lousy
    Sun- Rest Day
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? LOL no way.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Also, negative.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I overate and didn't gain anything. I lost 1lb, in fact.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing. Zero regrets. Gymming it up today!
    What is today's personal goals? Gym. Hitting the weights.

    I'm very far from where I want to be by this same time next year and I'm okay with that. Slow and steady.

    Goal a the end of summer - 170-160 Either will do. Doesn't matter.
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Probably not
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? a 90 minute walk - went to visit my mom at the cemetery. 7 months later and it still hurts just as much as it did the day she passed. It sucks! She's missing so much - my promotion, my daughter going back to school, my daughter's new braces, my husband's new job, my dad going on his first day\bus trip without her, so much... :brokenheart: :cry:
    What would I have done differently? log..log...log
    What is today's personal goals? check in, make good food choices and the elliptical.

    I woke up late on Saturday and didn't make it to Zumba but I got a nice walk in yesterday. After I went for my walk I did a load of laundry - half way through the wash I remembered my Fitbit was still attached to my bra. I ran downstairs and saved my Fitbit - LOL I can't believe it is still working. According to my Fitbit I burned 600 calories yesterday. Last weekend when I did Zumba it registered 150 calories burned. Oh well - I still like how it motivates me to move more :-)

    Sun - 90 minute walk
    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -

    Have a great week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? LOL no way.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Also, negative.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I overate and didn't gain anything. I lost 1lb, in fact.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing. Zero regrets. Gymming it up today!
    What is today's personal goals? Gym. Hitting the weights.

    I'm very far from where I want to be by this same time next year and I'm okay with that. Slow and steady.

    Goal a the end of summer - 170-160 Either will do. Doesn't matter.

    107 lbs lost - Great job! Welcome to the group :bigsmile:
  • DahliaBanker
    DahliaBanker Posts: 234 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yep
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yep
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Planned my eating and exercise
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goal? 1hr exercise. (Work day)

    Sun - 45 min walk
    Mon - 1hr treadmill & 45 min walk 1/2 hr cleaning
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no, i didn't get to exercise...
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? still watched my food intake...
    What would I have done differently? tried harder to make time for exercise...
    What is today's personal goals? check in, log food and exercise.

    8.19 Tues - treadmill... 2.5 speed, 45 minutes
    8.20 Wed - treadmill... 2.5 speed, 25 minutes
    8.21 Thurs- treadmill... 2.4 speed, 30 minutes and 3 sets of 10 light weight (3 lb) for arms...
    8.26 Tues- yoga, 20 minutes

    Monday, Wednesday & Friday i plan to do cardio exercises, Tuesday's & Thursday's i will do yoga and Saturday i'll do light weights for my arms...
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Biked for 12 miles
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Walking-exercise, cleaning, water, track everything

    Mon - Biking 12 miles
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • Arekha
    Arekha Posts: 45 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Close..
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal?
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? did not overeat despite potential
    What would I have done differently? lighter dinner
    What is today's personal goal? Very tough schedule...will try to carve out some time for gym

    Sun - 30 min walk
    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No, but it was a special dinner out
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? I did!
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Turned housework into exercise and skipped dessert
    What would I have done differently? main course only, not starter and main
    What is today's personal goal? To put today behind me and focus on tomorrow
  • heidigmason
    heidigmason Posts: 3 Member
    I love this idea! First time checking in:

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? didn't have one
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Ran when the weather could have stopped me
    What would I have done differently? skipped the afternoon snack salad - too many calories in the dressing!
    What is today's personal goal? Eat smart going out with friends tonight

    Sun - 40 min walk/run, 15 minutes pilates
    Mon - 40 min walk/run
    Tues -
    Wed - 40 min walk/run, pilates
    Thurs - 40 min walk/run
    Fri -
    Sat - 30 min walk/run, pilates

  • DahliaBanker
    DahliaBanker Posts: 234 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yep
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yep
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Ate clean
    What would I have done differently? Worked in town so had extra time I could have done elliptical or treadmill instead of laying in bed longer!
    What is today's personal goal? 1 1/2 hour exercise

    Sun - 45 min walk
    Mon - 1hr treadmill & 45 min walk 1/2 hr cleaning
    Tues - 1 hr walk
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Cleaned my upstairs.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Exercise, lunch with a friend, water, track everything

    Mon - Biking 12 miles
    Tues - Walking 2.5 miles
    Wed -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sorry this is on twice, I couldn't get rid of it. :grumble:

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Cleaned my upstairs
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Exercise, lunch with a friend, water, track everything

    Mon - Biking 12 miles
    Tues - Walking 2.5 miles
    Wed -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? somewhat close...
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? did some yoga exercise
    What would I have done differently? watch my food intake
    What is today's personal goals? check in, log food and exercise.

    8.19 Tues - treadmill... 2.5 speed, 45 minutes
    8.20 Wed - treadmill... 2.5 speed, 25 minutes
    8.21 Thurs- treadmill... 2.4 speed, 30 minutes and 3 sets of 10 light weight (3 lb) for arms...
    8.26 Tues- yoga, 20 minutes
    8.27 Wed- fat blasting circuit, 10 minute workout on youtube

    Monday, Wednesday & Friday i plan to do cardio exercises, Tuesday's & Thursday's i will do yoga and Saturday i'll do light weights for my arms...
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? I think so
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? going to aquafit before going to family dinner
    What would I have done differently? checked in, less sugar
    What is today's personal goals? keep calories down, exercise some

    Sun -
    Mon -
    Tues - aquafit
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,078 Member
    My current weight: 142.5 lbs.

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no
    Did I reach today's personal goal? no
    What did I do today that I am proud of? some exercise
    What would I have done differently? Stuck with my Food Plan & exercised. more.
    What are tomorrow's personal goals? stick to the food plan and do some sort of exercise.

    Sun. -
    Mon - Back exercises including planks & sit ups. Also, push-ups, dips, triceps extensions, biceps curls
    Tues -
    Wed - Danced for 15 minutes. Walking Lunges, Standing lunges. Squats.
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -

    Goal at the end of summer (Sept. 21st ?) - 140 lbs.

    Thanks for being here, y'all!
  • DahliaBanker
    DahliaBanker Posts: 234 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yep
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? 15 min short
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Weighed in and went down again! Woohoo! Got a mani @ pedi! Aaahhhh!:bigsmile:
    What would I have done differently! Could have worked in more exercise
    What is today's personal goal? Get treadmill and walk done early before we leave for overnight trip!

    Sun - 45 min walk
    Mon - 1hr treadmill & 45 min walk 1/2 hr cleaning
    Tues - 1 hr walk
    Wed - 30 min treadmill and 45 min walk
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • k_wat4264
    k_wat4264 Posts: 25 Member
    This is my first Check in:
    love this idea! First time checking in:

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? turned down a sugary energy bar for whole shredded wheat
    What would I have done differently? Brought a better more veggie based lunch.
    What is today's personal goal? Stay within calorie requirements and get a nice work out in so I can have a drink tonight!

    Sun - HIIT Workout + run
    Mon - HIIt Workout + run
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs - HIIT Workout + run
    Fri -
    Sat - HIIT Workout
  • heidigmason
    heidigmason Posts: 3 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? started new Pilates calendar after running didn't feel so good
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goal? Make my running requirements, as yesterday I couldn't

    Sun - 40 min walk/run, 15 minutes pilates
    Mon - 40 min walk/run
    Tues -
    Wed - 40 min walk/run, pilates
    Thurs - 40 min walk/run
    Fri -
    Sat - 30 min walk/run, pilates