New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    confession time - I had a total C25k fail last night. I was supposed to be doing W4D1 but the second 5 minute run was just too much. I stopped at 2.5 minutes, walked for 2 minutes, then tried running again but only got another minute done. My shins were in agony and I just couldn't get a breath.

    Now I'm feeling really bad about myself and so nervous about trying again.

    Has anyone else had a "fail" moment and got back on track?
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    confession time - I had a total C25k fail last night. I was supposed to be doing W4D1 but the second 5 minute run was just too much. I stopped at 2.5 minutes, walked for 2 minutes, then tried running again but only got another minute done. My shins were in agony and I just couldn't get a breath.

    Now I'm feeling really bad about myself and so nervous about trying again.

    Has anyone else had a "fail" moment and got back on track?

    I'm certain I will have one now that I"m in Week 3/4 territory myself. My suggestion would be to go back to week 3 (there's NOTHING wrong with that) and repeat a couple days until your body is ready to move on to week 4.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Never made it to the gym on Monday so last night was W2D1 again, walked at 3.0 and ran in between 5.0 and 5.5, also started with a 1.0 incline and finished without it. But now I am having an issue with my knees I have been really good up to this point but last night for some reason they really ached - anybody have any suggestions? They don't bother me when I walk at all and I will see how I do tonight on the elliptical and bike. Also I remember somewhere a post about pre run stretches - does anyone remember what page that may have been on?
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    confession time - I had a total C25k fail last night. I was supposed to be doing W4D1 but the second 5 minute run was just too much. I stopped at 2.5 minutes, walked for 2 minutes, then tried running again but only got another minute done. My shins were in agony and I just couldn't get a breath.

    Now I'm feeling really bad about myself and so nervous about trying again.

    Has anyone else had a "fail" moment and got back on track?

    Hi Anne! I don't think that's a "fail" at all!!! The great thing about C25K is that you can take it at your own pace, re-do a week, or combine weeks if needed. Don't let this deter you, you've been making great progress thus far - you keep me motivated :) Going back to Week 3 or combining Week 3/4 might work. I had an issue with my breathing as well. Maybe taking the pace down might help with that? For your shins, maybe some pre- and post-stretching might help. If you search the message board forums, there are a lot of tips on shin pains. Keep it up, you are doing great!!!!!
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    Don't worry about it, Annerea! C25K is just a plan/guide to help folk who aren't sure how to approach running - we don't have to stick to it religiously; it isn't a perfect match for everyone. Between my weakling legs and the poor weather, I've still to run a successful W1D1 (!) but I'll get there eventually. If we don't manage to complete the program in nine weeks, so what? I'm not racing anyone else, I'm doing this for me :)
  • jensyth
    jensyth Posts: 21 Member
    Been quiet lately due to illness but hoping to get back to the gym tonight for Wk3D2. I did Wk3D1 on Sunday and didn't have too much of a problem, although the first 3 minute run started giving me a side cramp but that worked itself. Hopefully the last couple days of being out of it won't make tonight's workout (if I go) too tough.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    Cure for Shin Splints....
    found this on another board. three times a day sit down point your toes and write the alphabet with your toes in the air.

    sounds interesting???
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    Cure for Shin Splints....
    found this on another board. three times a day sit down point your toes and write the alphabet with your toes in the air.

    sounds interesting???
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I just joined and I'm on W4D3. I start sunday and then run twice more during the week. This week i ran monday too. I also do ZUmba on Tuesdays.

    I follow cool running podcasts. I don't know if I've lost any weight, my scale is broken.

    I'm afraid of week 5, we run for 25 minutes on the last day, and I'm not sure I'm ready yet!!
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    Oh and I walk at about 3.5 and run anywhere from 4.7-5.0
  • LisaLisaBoBisa
    Just completed W3D4 last night! Yeehaw! Not sure how I'm going to do on week 4. The three minute runs are still a little bit of a struggle. Running to music sure helped though.

    Walk 3.2 - 3.5
    Run 5.0-5.2
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I did Week2, Day3 today and nailed it - breathing hard but smoothly through it all and didn't stop once!
    My jogging speed is incredibly slow, barely faster than a walk, but I've decided that doesn't matter for now, I just need to get moving and can worry about speed later!
    I'm going to continue to repeat weeks, while I did today OK, I'm a bit scared of running for 3 mins, but very encouraged to read people saying it's not so bad (go HM!)
    Benjy'sDad, thanks for giving us your story, it's encouraging to hear that you've done it :)
    Tomorrow will be a walk again, next run Monday. I'd also like to fit in some strength work, my husband has a weakness for buying exercise equipment from tv ads, so I might as well make use of some of them!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Ruby (in the safe bit of Australia - first floods now cyclones on the other side of the country, its scary!)
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Just did Week 4, Day 2. For some reason it was harder than day 1, probably because I am sore today. My left quad is bothering me!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    did week 3 day 2 tonight... didnt do the last 90 second walk i just ran through it... it felt so good...i stopped the clock on the cool down and pumped the incline up all the way and powered on for 5 extra mins... then did the cool down... burned 350 cals just on the treadmill....gonna repeat it tomorrow if I can....does anyone else find it harder to stop running and start back up.. it just seems that when my chins hurt if i run through it it will stop but if i stop and start back up they hurt every time... anyone else having that problem...
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Finished W3D2, not as easy as the first one, got winded on the last 5 minute run, but was struggling through the first one too, but my body feeling worn down. Going to walk at low speed tomorrow and if I still I will do a day of week two and then go back and complete week three if not repeat it completely.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    confession time - I had a total C25k fail last night. I was supposed to be doing W4D1 but the second 5 minute run was just too much. I stopped at 2.5 minutes, walked for 2 minutes, then tried running again but only got another minute done. My shins were in agony and I just couldn't get a breath.

    Now I'm feeling really bad about myself and so nervous about trying again.

    Has anyone else had a "fail" moment and got back on track?

    Don't feel bad. :flowerforyou:
    Today was my first day running after about a week. I didn't think that I would be able to do it, but I surprised myself. I had to take about a week off because of shin splints. I can tell you once they start hurting are not fun and the best thing you can do if you have them is to take a break for a little while. I was very nervous about my run today because I had so much "time off". Surprisingly my shins didn't hurt (plenty of rest, stretching, and compression wrap) and I was able to make it through Week 3.

    Don't give up! Hop back on the horse and do it again. :wink:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hey rookie and everyone else in blizzard, cyclone, flood zones, stay safe!
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Thanks for the support/advice everyone!! I'm going to try again tonight on W4, if it doesn't go well I'll go back and do w3 for a few days before trying again.

    On the upside, half a stone gone since I started in Jan!!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Sorry guys, I've been a little behind in this thread.

    Kendra, did you find the info you were looking for on the stretches? If not, google it, I'm sure there's a ton out there.

    Jen, sorry you've been sick but we're glad you feel better now. Welcome back to the thread! We missed you :)

    Cmcracken, thanks for the tip on shin splints. That's a good stretch to do at work under my desk. I haven't had shin splints yet, but I want to avoid them as long as I can (I'm sure it won't be too long). But I haven't noticed a difficulty starting and stopping on the run/walks. Kudos to you though for pushing through and running some of the walks. I count those seconds down on the runs until I can walk, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually.

    Marie, welcome and great run! Let us know how the rest of your runs go!

    Lisa, awesome job. You've got week 4 in the bag! Let us know how it goes!

    Ruby, we're all really glad you're on the safe side. It's crazy the things going on all over the world (not just weather-wise, but Egypt?) We're glad you won't be affected by Yasi. Also, slow and steady wins the race. There's no competition to finish by a certain time. I think the biggest reason I stick with the C25K is because I can go at my own pace and I don't have any reason to move forward to the next week unless I'm ready to. I love your attitude about this!

    Rookie, blizzard? Go for a run? J/K. Can you imagine the calories you'd burn though? I walked in slush the other week and I could really feel it in my hip muscles, it was like walking in sand.

    Seasonal, are you stretching before and after your runs (I'm not preaching - because I hardly remember to!). That might help with any soreness though. Great job so far!!

    Reese, stoked to hear about your progress. As you know, I think I'll combine weeks 3 and 4 because they seem to be a huge step up from week 2. I want to be sure I'm ready before the next big step up (10 minutes?!) Way to go!

    NM - SO glad to hear you had a better running experience. Do you think your shoes had a big effect on that? What kind did you get? I know you were worried, but I'm glad that you had a good run. Fingers crossed the shin splints stay away!

    Anne, Congrats on the loss! Kudos on the progress too!

    Me, I've got W3D3 tonight. I should be good to go since I took a break yesterday from working out at all (which was the first in many days). I'm anxious to get back down there and burn some calories. I'll let you know how it goes!