Palelo Support Group?



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    lol, you guys are too funny. I'm losing weight at a fast pace! I'm scared to put my weight in here b/c CW people are going to accuse me of starving myself! but i'm really not! anyone can look at my food journal! I've lost 9 pounds since I started primal less than two weeks ago! I love it . and i too don't follow the whole evolutionary stuff in the primal thing. (i'm a christian, don't believe in cavemen!) lol, but i do believe that whole natural foods being the way that God intended is the best things for us too eat. and christians bash primal diet b/c of the no bread thing and saying that Jesus ate bread, but bread back then was an entirely different thing! it was manna, not made from corn! there was no such thing as corn.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Mmmm, manna *runs off to buy coconut manna*

    I'm a Mormon. I avoid bread except on Sundays when I take the sacrament. I think Adam & Eve were the first cave people. There were caves in Eden, right? LOL
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    lol, I too believe they were the first cave people, but I believe they were perfect human beings, looking nothing like monkeys! lol

    So I bought some coconut oil yesterday, speaking of coconut, now what do I do with it?

    Also, can we fry stuff? like deep fry it? if it's not battered?
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Grokette, I lose the same weigh! and my belly is always the last too go!!!!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    The worst thing about frying is the increase in oxidized cholesterol products. That's what makes cholesterol sticky and helps plaque stick to the walls of arteries. You'll have to make a decision about how much frying you want in your diet. Paleo diets often taught that they help thwart the affects of natural oxidation in the body and the oxidation from cooking. Can't speak for Primal until I read up on but it sounds like it would be the case if they are giving you help on reducing your omeg6:omega3 fatty acid ratio.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Grokette, I lose the same weigh! and my belly is always the last too go!!!!

    My belly isn't the last though, it is my butt and legs.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    lol, I too believe they were the first cave people, but I believe they were perfect human beings, looking nothing like monkeys! lol

    So I bought some coconut oil yesterday, speaking of coconut, now what do I do with it?

    Also, can we fry stuff? like deep fry it? if it's not battered?

    Frankly, you can eat the coconut oil straight from the container. Cook with it, too. The only frying I've done is trying to dredge chicken breast with eggs & coconut flour, then cook it up on the griddle. It was ... uh... not so appetizing.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I don't like it "straight" so much (coconut oil).... but like for today for lunch I have chicken legs (cooked on the grill) and roasted broccoli... and I plopped a big TBL of coconut oil on it so when I heat it up in the microwave it makes a kind of "dressing".... O. M. G. :love:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I see Primal Blueprint is available for Kindle readers. I'll be reading it on my phone(DroidX). It sounds like a good read that will have a lot of Cordains own updates and a a more sane and updated view on saturated fats.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    lol, I too believe they were the first cave people, but I believe they were perfect human beings, looking nothing like monkeys! lol

    So I bought some coconut oil yesterday, speaking of coconut, now what do I do with it?

    Also, can we fry stuff? like deep fry it? if it's not battered?

    I use coconut oil for EVERYTHING.............

    Kitchen use:
    * Fry eggs in it
    * Sautee veggies in it
    * Pan fry boneless chicken breast in it
    * Pan fry steak in it
    * Add to my morning coffee or hot tea
    * Add to protein shakes or smoothies
    * Use it in place of butter for anything that you are baking or cooking

    Bathroom use:
    * Facial cleanser, exfoliant, and moisturizer
    * Hair conditioner
    * Shaving cream
    * After bath / shower oil for body moisturization

    Pet use:
    * Add to my dogs food every day for healthy skin and coat
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I see Primal Blueprint is available for Kindle readers. I'll be reading it on my phone(DroidX). It sounds like a good read that will have a lot of Cordains own updates and a a more sane and updated view on saturated fats.

    Pyro, you're gonna love it! I like to think of Primal Blueprint as the MAN-FOOD diet ;) Lots of chicken, fish, steak, bacon, yummy coconut fat, extremely dark chocolate (bought a 100% dark chocolate bar today), and other fresh goodies. If your body can handle dairy then greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and glorious cheese in all of its unique forms are on the menu. I think PB is the easiest way of clean eating out there!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I like the way it's written. Cordains often read like scientific journals. 7 year difference between the books so it will be interesting to see how the views differ. That Weston Price Association web site is pretty good too. Coconut oil was a pain to find yesterday. Almost has to wait 'till today and run down to the Asian market.
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    So I have question for us Paleo folks....what are you thoughts on Quinoa flakes for hot cereal? I just picked up a box the other day. Sometimes I crave something warm and creamy on cold days and figured would be a great occasional alternative to oatmeal. A serving is 23 grams of carbs though, so it may pose a problem for those of us who are trying to keep their carb intake low.

    I decided that I'd like to have quinoa flakes for breakfast on the weekends and I'm glad to report that I have no bloating whatsoever or that nasty feeling of fullness/heaviness like I used to with oatmeal.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Quinoa is considered a seed, some Paleoan's will allow, others don't. DO what feels right to you!
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    Quinoa is considered a seed, some Paleoan's will allow, others don't. DO what feels right to you!

    Yes! It's definitely, something to enjoy on cheat days for breakfast. ;)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Morning Yall!

    I just had an awesome omelet! Well, off to the y to play some basketball and swimming! ttyl
  • Good Morning Yall!

    I just had an awesome omelet! Well, off to the y to play some basketball and swimming! ttyl

    Good morning! I am back on the train and even didn't do too bad this weekend without logging in ( I was on vacation), but let's keep it going guys!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning!! I am trucking along this morning. We had a tornado last night so I am waiting for the insurance company to come out and evaluate.

    I got some good exercise this morning picking up nails from our fence and shingles from the roof that flew off. I think that is the only damage we have, roof and fence damage.

    We had a wicked and wild ride last night.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    So what is the secret to frying an egg in coconut oil? Do I need enough oil so it can't pool up in the pan? In the old days I used bacon grease, etc but the bottom of the pan was always entirely covered. Must find a cheaper source of oil too. $9 a quart at the big box grocery is not gonna work. Hopefully the Asian market will be cheaper. I imagine, since coconut is almost all saturated fat, it could be re-used a couple times?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    So what is the secret to frying an egg in coconut oil? Do I need enough oil so it can't pool up in the pan? In the old days I used bacon grease, etc but the bottom of the pan was always entirely covered. Must find a cheaper source of oil too. $9 a quart at the big box grocery is not gonna work. Hopefully the Asian market will be cheaper. I imagine, since coconut is almost all saturated fat, it could be re-used a couple times?

    I only use about a teaspoon full and I am able to cook 3-4 eggs at one time. A little bit goes a long way.

    Also, I get my Nutiva coconut oil from and I set myself up on a subscription to get it automatically shipped to me every month.

    We use a LOT of coconut oil in our house.
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