I have to ask, how do you feel about the Osama news??



  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    One of my college professors worded it this way:

    There should be a place of sadness in the heart of every believer that Bin Laden and many like him never knew the saving grace of our Lord Jesus. Regardless of one's views of war and military participation, no Christ follower should revel in violent means of justice. May God's shalom prevail in all places high and low, and may his mighty presence descend for the healing of the nations.

    Really hard to remember this verse right now...
    "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles." Proverbs 24:17

    Part of me celebrates, part of me mourns.

    God bless the Professor who said this- it is very true. It is also very hard to accept that the Lord asks that we do not rejoice when you think of OBL death when you recall all the horror he put people through. Still there is healing in the Lord for those who mourn- more so then in OBL's death. I do not rejoice in it, but my heart still cries out for those who are lost and loved ones left behind- but many of them are right now dancing on streets that are golden and not over the death of OBL but over the love of Christ. We also wonder what kind of retaliation is coming so pray for our troop and for our country!
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    I feel it is a long time coming for this justice to be served! I am thankful that we have one less terrorist among us on this earth! That does not mean that there are not more, it just means we have stood up to a terrorist and are sending the message to the world that we will continue to and always will fight terrorism! It says we are not cowards and we will fight for what is right and what is good!

    This pang of conscience about celebrating an evil man's death that seems to fill many of our fellow humans is an interesting dynamic of fear! The Karma Factor is an interesting motivator toward humane behavior in some cases but, for many it does not seem to phase them and that includes terrorist who do their evil deeds without thought for the consequences that justice will visit on them. Fear is the enemy not the action of justice nor the celebration of victory! To live in fear of retaliation because of this is indeed the culprit of many emotionally unstable behaviors in society!

    I believe our Government is full of knowledge and vigilance over these events and will do their best as far as human agency can against the evil's promoted by terrorist and their followers!

    May God give America and her Government His grace and direction in this fight against terrorism!!!

    It is not about fear it is about being realistic. There will be retaliations and it would be short sighted to ignore that factor- true evil exists and I would rather be aware of it and the threat of it then be blindsided when it comes knocking on our door.
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    I'd like to congratulate Mr Obama on his re-election.
    hahahahaha- no kidding
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    While my spiritual beliefs make it difficult for me to rejoice in death, as others have stated, when I look at the lives of those who have died and the daily continued suffering of their family and friends who live on it is hard not to rejoice that he is no longer living.

    I too believe that while human life is sacred, that there is something to what my father, who was a Marine and a true blooded American who fought on foreign soil, had once told me. If one death can save 100 lives, then we have to make peace with that. In this case, there are untold number of lives who may have been saved. Yes, I feel that we will see splinter cells and possible retributions world wide and on American soil once again, but I also know that scripture quotes an eye for an eye so I have to feel in some way judgment has been served.

    That said, I hope that these reports are true. Watching the coming together of our country last night and this morning has given me a sense of pride in our Country and fellow Americans that I think has been sorely lacking of late.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    While my spiritual beliefs make it difficult for me to rejoice in death, as others have stated, when I look at the lives of those who have died and the daily continued suffering of their family and friends who live on it is hard not to rejoice that he is no longer living.

    I too believe that while human life is sacred, that there is something to what my father, who was a Marine and a true blooded American who fought on foreign soil, had once told me. If one death can save 100 lives, then we have to make peace with that. In this case, there are untold number of lives who may have been saved. Yes, I feel that we will see splinter cells and possible retributions world wide and on American soil once again, but I also know that scripture quotes an eye for an eye so I have to feel in some way judgment has been served.

    That said, I hope that these reports are true. Watching the coming together of our country last night and this morning has given me a sense of pride in our Country and fellow Americans that I think has been sorely lacking of late.

    ^^^ Agree!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    Yea sorry huge skeptic!! Our government has been screwing us for decades now....and we have nothing but corruption so I can not bite yet...sorry everyone that is celebrating. I hope to be proven incorrect and can join...but until then I am keeping my distance.

    Agreed. Seems like I recall being a young teenager, and watching a man on the tv telling the nation that he knew for a fact that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
    Even at that age I knew our country was doing something wrong, and that it was going to be a huge mistake. Not saying that in hindsight.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I just feel

  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Thank you, pretty sure he said last night that they were working together on this.
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    I am not excited OR happy about the news of Usama Bin Ladin's death. I think the government used him as a scapegoat once he slipped out from their control (remember, he was a friend of the US for years). Same as Saddam Hussein. Same as Manuel Noriega. Same as many, many, many others.

    The US sets them up to take control of a group or country, give them training and weapons, and when they break free of US control, the US goes after them.

    History repeats itself.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
    the facts are, he fought like hell to prevent us going after the terrorists. He tried to deny our troops body armor with his vote. NOW he wants to take full credit as the conquering hero!? Talking about how we were all in agreement and resolved to get Osama? EW. That's what is distasteful to me. The hypocrisy is staggering.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
    the facts are, he fought like hell to prevent us going after the terrorists. He tried to deny our troops body armor with his vote. NOW he wants to take full credit as the conquering hero!? Talking about how we were all in agreement and resolved to get Osama? EW. That's what is distasteful to me. The hypocrisy is staggering.

    His vote was to try to prevent our troops being stuck in a quagmire for a decade without a pull out date. That was his only objection. He wanted a firm plan for pulling out before continuing to fund a war. He in no way wanted to keep body armor from the troops.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
    the facts are, he fought like hell to prevent us going after the terrorists. He tried to deny our troops body armor with his vote. NOW he wants to take full credit as the conquering hero!? Talking about how we were all in agreement and resolved to get Osama? EW. That's what is distasteful to me. The hypocrisy is staggering.

    His vote was to try to prevent our troops being stuck in a quagmire for a decade without a pull out date. That was his only objection. He wanted a firm plan for pulling out before continuing to fund a war. He in no way wanted to keep body armor from the troops.

    WOW big surprise here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
    the facts are, he fought like hell to prevent us going after the terrorists. He tried to deny our troops body armor with his vote. NOW he wants to take full credit as the conquering hero!? Talking about how we were all in agreement and resolved to get Osama? EW. That's what is distasteful to me. The hypocrisy is staggering.

    His vote was to try to prevent our troops being stuck in a quagmire for a decade without a pull out date. That was his only objection. He wanted a firm plan for pulling out before continuing to fund a war. He in no way wanted to keep body armor from the troops.

    I forget,,,,,, what is the pull out date now that he is in office?
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
    the facts are, he fought like hell to prevent us going after the terrorists. He tried to deny our troops body armor with his vote. NOW he wants to take full credit as the conquering hero!? Talking about how we were all in agreement and resolved to get Osama? EW. That's what is distasteful to me. The hypocrisy is staggering.

    His vote was to try to prevent our troops being stuck in a quagmire for a decade without a pull out date. That was his only objection. He wanted a firm plan for pulling out before continuing to fund a war. He in no way wanted to keep body armor from the troops.

    WOW big surprise here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not.

    I'm glad you aren't surprised that I would want to post the truth rather than propaganda. Props to you freerage!!!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Lets not forget it was our military who did this not our president. Our president merely gave permission to attack.

    Both work hand in hand, if President doesn't give the orders then troops don't take actions.

    Naw, I guess they would like to believe that the military operates without executive order.
    the facts are, he fought like hell to prevent us going after the terrorists. He tried to deny our troops body armor with his vote. NOW he wants to take full credit as the conquering hero!? Talking about how we were all in agreement and resolved to get Osama? EW. That's what is distasteful to me. The hypocrisy is staggering.

    His vote was to try to prevent our troops being stuck in a quagmire for a decade without a pull out date. That was his only objection. He wanted a firm plan for pulling out before continuing to fund a war. He in no way wanted to keep body armor from the troops.

    WOW big surprise here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not.

    I'm glad you aren't surprised that I would want to post the truth rather than propaganda. Props to you freerage!!!

    YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH (man I love that line)
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Ya know, I haven't felt any joy at all hearing the news. NONE.

    I don't feel joy, I feel relief that that SOB is dead.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    This transcends politics...am glad he is dead and give kudos to both Presidents Bush and Obama as well as our military and intelligence personnel who all stayed focused on the goal no matter what their individual political beliefs are.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I think Al Qaeda is a hydra, and 3 heads will grow back where one was cut off.

    I think celebrating death is inhumane, no matter whose death that is. I am not sad he's dead, but I am sickened by street parties celebrating it. It's still death, and I can't ever find joy in death, be that human or animal.

    I fear the retribution.

    I should add I am much more disturbed by the news of the death of Gaddaffi's son and grandchildren. That really upset me. They were innocent, no matter what a monster their father/grandfather is.

    I would say that we are not only celebrating death... We are celebrating that the deaths in 9/11 have finally been laid to rest knowing the killer got what he deserved. Also celebrating the thousands of lives that may have been saved by one man's death

    I am going to be unliked here, but the bodies of 9/11 were laid to rest in 2001....this was an act of pay back.....We tell our children that if they get bullied to get help, not retaliate. We tell our children that death is a part of life, and violence is not how life is supposed to be. We tell ourselves we want peace and tranquility.....I understand he needed to die, but to celebrate his death is not relief, it is justification....

    Justice will be done, Justice has been done, Justice is ours. I understand why the President had to do this....I even understand a feeling of relief....but this is not a time for celebration, it is a time for evaluation....

    I know not going to be like for this....but it is the truth..NO matter how many are killed by us, the people from 9/11 are still dead...they deserve our respect. Not our payback...
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