

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,663 Member
    Stat for the day, just a run
    Jog- 56.19min, 9.23ap, 6.2-6.7sp, 6mi
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    bwcetc wrote: »
    {{{Sylvia}}} ... I'll pray you're wrong ....

    Sylvia ... I'm a boob! I'll be praying your SON'S wrong!

    I knew exactly what you meant!

    Thanks everybody for caring. I'll try harder not to dwell on it too much here. I depressed myself today horribly by watching several youtube videos about it. I keep hoping I'll see something that will help him, but so far nothing.

    Now I'm going back to being happy. Made a date to take son and kids bowling tomorrow afternoon, then out to supper. That will be fun!

    Hubby seems to be coming down with what I had. Sore throat and slight fever so far. We are at the lake tonight and this house is old and drafty and the cold outside comes whistling right on in. So I'm sitting in front of the fireplace in the futon with Spot and Bruno. Too bad I can't get anybody to sit on my cold feet! The fire looks pretty but doesn't put out much heat. Upstairs gets nice and warm though, so we will be snug at bedtime.

    The snow didn't amount to too much. Just a heavy dusting, but it was cold enough that it stayed all day, so it was really pretty. The trees looked enchanted!

    Well, I'm going to read a book and snuggle with furry people. Have a great evening!


  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    Gosh, there have been 156 new replies on this thread since I was here last. No way to catch up but I do read what I can. I love seeing all the caring posts here.

    Checked my weight this morning and it is only up a half pound since I weighed Christmas morning. So even with over-eating that day and a bit yesterday, I am still doing good. I only lost 2 pounds the entire month of December BUT I didn't gain. I know had I not started this 6 weeks or so ago that I would have been at an even higher weight.

    My exercise class has really motivated me to make real change in my health this year. I am hoping to lose the weight I need to and just maybe be able to come off some of my meds (either cholesterol or blood pressure). Not sure since both seem to be hereditary in my family even though we are not extremely overweight. We will see.

    MFP has helped a lot with my being mindful of eating also. Today my DH and I went shopping and I had a small lunch. I was still a bit hungry when I finished eating but it was enough. Doing so much better than I did before I started this journey.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    I had the chance to meet Rori at the Denver airport this morning for coffee. It was wonderful! I have a picture to share if I can figure out how. Since I'm brain dead at the moment, it may not show up until tomorrow.

    I am at my SL's house in Eastern Oregon at the moment. We'll be here through tomorrow night, and plan to leave for home the next day. I'm ready to be home.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :D Rori and Katla, great picture---it makes me happy to think about the two of you getting together.

    :D we take our holiday decorations down immediately but we don't decorate for Christmas so that's not really the answer to the question----in my neighborhood, many people put up outside lights and one by one they come down until about the second week in January. When we lived in Puerto Rico when I was a child, they celebrated Twelfth Night and for the children the three wise men brought presents and put them under the children's beds...the children put hay and water for the camels under their beds the way children here put out milk and cookies for Santa.

    :D I ordered a new scale that will come next week and I'm curious about whether I'll weigh the same on the new scale.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where mild weather allowed me to walk 20,000 steps primarily with Brandy and Sasha, the frisky poodles.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for posting the picture, Rori. I had such a good time meeting you!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,379 Member
    Did one segment of the Butt Bible DVD series. Took me about 40 minutes. The plan for tomorrow is to do some training games on the Wii. I had planned to do this since I thought that Jess and Kris were leaving and I wanted to get something done that can be done in an hour

    Joyce - the lights are on from 5:30 until 10:30. Now there are a couple of the inflatables that we need to run 24/7 like the snow globe that's out this year. If it deflates, it will get moisture inside the globe and the snow won't fall that well. We could just wait a few days and it'll dry out, but we keep those kinds of inflatables going all night. I LOVE your plan for the potatoes!

    peachstategal - Our tradition is that you must have some pork on New Years Day along with something green. I forget, what are the peas supposed to represent?

    Phew - I rmembered that Diana's birthday was shortly after Christmas, but last year (when she told me) I'd misplaced the book that I use to keep all important dates in, so I didn't have it in the calendar. Fortunately, I remembered and it's tomorrow. Phew!!!! If I'd forgotten, who knows if Bryan would ever forgive me?

    Sylvia - the reason we always have pork on New Years is because a pig when he's walking sticks his nose out, a chicken scratches backwards. You don't want to go back in the New Year, hence never fowl, but you want to go forward in the New Year, hence the pork. Happy anniversary. We always have something green on New Years for money, hence the only green Vince will eat which is a salad. Now I'd have peas or green beans or even broccoli -- but not Vince. I made these sweet potato doughnuts and Kris tried them. Honestly, you can't taste the sweet potato in them. However, Jessica swore up and down that you could taste the sweet potato. To me, they had good flavor, only I didn't put the icing on them. She's a lot like Vince, Kris was saying that she didn't even get it to her mouth when she decided she didn't like it. That's one of the reasons I don't tell them what's in the food. She wouldn't eat the banana chocolate cake I made, she doesn't like when you "mix" foods. Wonder if she'd eat it if I just told her it was a chocolate cake? I'm going to try doing that one time. You are so good to your grandchildren, that's something that they'll never forget!

    Janet - the pumpkin in the brownies made the brownies SOOOOO moist, almost fudge like.

    Well, Sat. is my weigh-in day. I'm up almost 8lbs from last week. Not surprising, I can feel my ankles are on the swollen side from the sodium, for one thing. I'm trying to get more and more back to normal eating. I'm just having my tea without any sugar in it today.

    Having all the stress of these holidays wears on me. I guess it would be nice to go somewhere for the holiday just so that I can use portion control better. But it's just so nice to have the family here. Like I said before, last year my pants were getting tighter, that hasn't happened this year so I don't think it'll be all that long before I get this weight off.

    Cynthia - do you know that we took Lance's body to the vet YESTERDAY around 2 and today we got a call that his ashes are back!!!! What a pretty urn you have. Jessica went and picked up the ashes. We will probably be taking the TV to her and we were planning to bring the ashes then, but looks like that won't be happening.

    Heather - even tho a pan has a "non-stick" coating, I always spray it with non-stick spray. Admitted, after a while that nonstick spray builds up since you can't use anything harsh on it to clean it, but that just means that I'll need to get a new pan. Bet you can't wait to see your son! Sounds like you will be having lots of company.

    Rori - so glad you and Katla caught up. And thanks for sharing. The two of you look so wonderful! Glad to have been there -- if only in my dreams

    Jan - I never head of livermush until I moved to the South, same for persimmon pie

    Not good with the food today. We just came back from the airport where we took Denise and I had a chicken philly sub and instead of the provolone I had American cheese. The prices at the airport! Well, tomorrow I'm getting back to a definite better diet. Already have my pear to have while getting dressed and my 24oz of water before I exercise. Then I'll go to church, not sure what I'll have for breakfast, tho

    Jane - feel better fast!

    OK, I know I'm WAAAYYYY early for this. But does anyone have any suggestions? We like to see Melanie and Denise for Christmas. Really, unless she comes to Jess' on Thanksgiving, that's the only time we ever get to see her. Seems that Melanie wasn't a good traveler. Last year she bit Denise. Well, even tho Denise gave her this muscle relaxant by the time she (Denise) had to change planes, the pill started to wear off. Tonight evidentally Melanie was crying in the carrier so Denise took her out. The stewardess said something to Denise. Also, Melanie broke the zipper to the carrier. Well, it's not a real expensive one, we gave it to Denise and we had won it. You get what you pay for. Anyway, now Denise is saying that she will never again will fly with Melanie. See, Denise is a VERY nervous flyer. Actually, she's gotten so that she's very dependent, she doesn't like to drive very much at all by herself. We are paying for her education, and she makes sure she takes classes at the college campus closest to her. It's sad, really. What she really needs to do is to do more traveling (even if its to down here) on her own to get over her fear. I had a great fear of flying and that's how I got over it -- I just flew a few times. I'm sure Melanie senses Denise's apprehension and is reacting to it. So the fact that she's nervous doesn't help melanie one bit. I don't know how to get Melanie. We can drive up there and bring her back. Maybe what would be good (but I don't think Denise would go for this) is if she brought Melanie to Jess' at thanksgiving and then we brought her to NC, she stayed here and we brought her back up to Jess' and Denise (with Pete driving because Denise won't drive it) picked her up. While Denise was here she commented "I don't drive on 95". It's really gotten bad, at least to me. I'm ALREADY stressing and worry about NEXT year! How sad is that!

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We don't have any traditions for New Years. To be perfectly honest I had never heard of you guys traditions. Are they just family traditions, ethnic or religious. We also do not have a tradition about removing our Christmas decorations. It usually is determined on our tolerance, what's on TV, or when Michelle can come over and help us. She only has weekends and if weather is good she spends as much time at the dog park if she can unless it is muddy and she has to make time for her boyfriend who also work evenings.

    Some of you will remember about 2 months or so ago we had some water leakage in our lower level. We got it all dried up and the contracters who came out couldn't find anything wrong. We thought it came from something with the washer. Well it happened again but it wasn't from the washer. When we had this house built in 1978, it was a builder that built to code, not above code. We were ignorant, it looked wonderful so what did we care. There is a full bathroom in the lower level, if you want to count a shower as a full bathroom. Well apparently he didn't connect the plumbing correctly to the sewer system in the back yard. Or at least this is what the water department has told us. Nothing can be proved unless quite a bit is dug up in the back yard to prove it. So we just made that bathroom nonfunctional. Charlie jsut stuck a ball way way down in the commode. Well in 1980 the bathroom flooded with sewage, raw sewage as in several different kids of toilet paper raw sewage. 11 inches in a 1100 square foot area. I was pregnant and it was a mess. Luckily we had the builder leave the lower level unfinished. It came up from this commode, shower and even out of the sink. I guess that is when Charlie put the ball in because we did use that bathroom, at least the commode and sink. We have had no problem until recently. Anyway, today we got it all cleaned up. Michelle came over and we moved furniture so we could get water out and dry it. We will have to mop the floor with Lysol or bleach then replace what furniture we feel like we need. We really need to minimize. I had taken an old console record, cassette player, it was the length of a couch, and gutted it and put it in the laundry room as a table to fold things in and then used the inside to store things in in bins. Well the bottom got wet and I guess we need some other folding surface in there. Some one suggested we put a drop leaf table in. Install it on the wall and then just lift it back onto the wall with a hook like when you lock a bathroom door when we aren't using it. That would give me more room in the laundry room also. About 7 years ago when we redid our family room, gutted it, we hired a guy. He was one bad dude! One day he just didn't show up but left a lot of his equipment here. We have enjoyed using his contracters ladder, heavy duty fan and also this big heater he used to dry drywall paste!!! So the fan and heater are in use right now. The guy is in prison righ now, along with the guy we used to paint our exterior and the guy we used to do our deck. Can you tell my husband doesn't pick well.

    Sylvia, since your son has taken care of his living will, I really agree with Michelle that he needs to make you his durable power of attorney for health care. What kind of arrangements has he made for his children in his will? If that is not protected, the courts just may award custody to their mother.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow! I'm finally finished catching up with all the posts! It has been a really busy time here, like all of you, for the Christmas holidays. I was so excited because I started mfp on October 6th and I had lost 25 lbs on December 14th. I totally blew my diet for several days, especially around Christmas eating ham and lots of other high sodium foods. Yesterday I got on the scale and I had gained 11 lbs. I was so short of breath that it was actually scary. I reminded myself of my mother and my patients who had CHF. This morning I got on the scale and for the first time in my entire life, I was down 8 lbs in one day. Now if I hadn't repeatedly gotten on and off the scale yesterday and today with the same results, I wouldn't have believed it. I didn't take any diuretics, I just ate very little and drank a whole lot! Thank you Father, I feel much better today. I think I forgot how bad it feels to eat all the wrong foods. Now, I definitely remember!

    We had a wonderful Christmas with our DDIL and grandchildren. My son bought some new equipment for his office and had to take a class on how to use it before the end of the year. Unfortunately, the last class was the weekend they were planning to come, so he went to Dallas for the class and my DDIL came here with the children. We had such a good time. DD#3, her hubby, and their children all joined us and we picked oranges, opened presents, and just had a wonderful time. On Christmas, we were able to talk to all our children and grandchildren so that was really nice, too.

    This morning I got a call from DD#2 who lives in Colorado. Here DFIL has been battling lung cancer with mets to the brain for a while now. Early this morning he expired having thrown a massive blood clot to his lungs. She tells me that they had a wonderful Christmas with her in-laws. I feel so sorry for all of them. They were all hoping that he would live long enough to see the baby girl she is scheduled to deliver in a couple of weeks. Please keep them in your prayers. They are all such wonderful people. I couldn't have asked for a better family for my daughter to marry into. They love not only her, but us as well and we love them. My heart breaks for all of them. I want so badly to be able to fly there for the funeral, but I have a procedure on Tuesday to have an injection in my cervical spine to alleviate some of the pain and inflammation caused by the bulging disc. My heart, however, will be in Colorado.

    Here, we usually put up our Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving and take it down after New Year's day. I work for a Catholic hospital and they prefer the decorations stay up until Epiphany. Our southern tradition is to eat ham, black eye peas, and cabbage on New Year's day. The cabbage (or other greens) are for fortune because they resemble money. The black eye peas are, also, supposed to be for fortune because they're supposed to symbolize coins. The ham (or other pork) are supposed to symbolize progress. My dad always said, "I hope your New Year is healthy, happy, and prosperous." So that is what I wish for each of you mfp friends! Happy New Year! Hugs and prayers for all!

    Barb from South Louisiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Rori and Katla: how great, and what a cute picture!

    Jane: hope you feel better.

    Yanniejannie: yes, I'm going to make the oatmeal. Want to try it with dried cranberries; they're easier to get.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning or good day whatever the time might be in your neck of the woods. I'm back and hope I can be good. I gained to much for my liking while away. Got a fit bit for Christmas and need to show my hubby that he didn't buy it for nothing that I plan on using it. I have on since I programed it last night. Now I need to find how to start it every morning. Guess i'll learn.
    Be back later right now I'm going back to bed or it will be a long day been up since 4:10/ Just couldn't sleep.
    See you lighter.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hey, Lin.........Great to see you; I was just wondering how you were doing the other day!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning or good day whatever the time might be in your neck of the woods. I'm back and hope I can be good. I gained to much for my liking while away. Got a fit bit for Christmas and need to show my hubby that he didn't buy it for nothing that I plan on using it. I have on since I programed it last night. Now I need to find how to start it every morning. Guess i'll learn.
    Be back later right now I'm going back to bed or it will be a long day been up since 4:10/ Just couldn't sleep.
    See you lighter.

    I'm still posting and counting calories although I've met my goals. I need the support to stay on track. I look forward to seeing more of your posts. I'm already contemplating my goals for the New Year. I suspect they'll be quite a bit like they are right now. :bigsmile:

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Based on the condition of my kitchen, the 1/3 Ambien I took last night caused some sleep-eating. Luckily, the scale only shows 1 more pound, so I can handle this over the next few days. I hope I don't have to take Ambien again this week. I sure wish I could freeze the mac & cheese I make for DS, so it isn't easy to grab and eat while sleeping. Now I have cut fruits and vegetables at the front of the fridge, instead of the junk.

    Leaving for bowling in a few minutes, with some grapes in a tiny bag. Plus, I am almost 1/2 finished with nieces baby blanket, so I can keep my hands busy. DS doesn't feel good, and DH worked last night, so I will grocery shop alone later today (that always saves me money).

    I will catch up on reading later today. I hope everyone is able to make it a good one.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in (cold and windy) Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's cold and clear here this morning. There is a layer of frosty fog over the lake and frost covering the trees. It's really beautiful. Getting ready to take the dogs out this morning, Molly and Spot were doing some serious playing, wrestling on the bed, chasing, face fighting, barking happily. It was so nice to see them like that. Maybe they are learning to get along after all. Bruno was in his crate cheering them on.

    I had turkey bacon with my cereal this morning. Hubby tried some and said it was better than no bacon at all, but just barely. I reread the label and it is 80 mg of sodium per slice, and just 25 calories. I like that.

    Nothing else to report here. I loved the picture of Katla and Rori! So glad you could meet in person.

    Terri, good luck with the sleep eating. I hear Ambien is bad about that.

    Lin, nice to see you! Have fun with your fitbit! Mine has been dead in my purse for weeks, but I'm going to dust it off, charge it up, and get back into walking again. My bruised heel is feeling so much better lately.

    Barb, I hope your injection goes well and you get some relief! Keep us posted on that and the situation with your daughters family. And the new baby!

    Joyce, I will ask about the power of attorney, but I doubt it would help with the kids if the worst happens. I think at that point the court would give them back to their mom. I don't think he can leave them to me in his will. If it came to that, I don't know what I could do. It's too awful to contemplate.

    I'm ready to take our tiny Christmas tree down already. Maybe I'll do that this afternoon before I take the kids bowling.

    Bye for now. Have a great day!


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning Friends,

    Sylvia so sorry about your son.

    When we did our estate planning we learned it is important to have some one you trust be power of attorney. We learned it is important to have some one fill this roll in case you become incapacitated. Financial procedures are much more easily done.

    Setting up a trust keeps an estate out of probate too. We learned if you have property in two states, if there are not in a trust both states will put the estate in probate. A Will will not keep it out of probate. That is why no matter what your age having your estate in order is important. We learned 70% do nothing. As hard as it is going to be to clean out my mom's house, she does have her financial affairs in a row and has the more reliable brother in charge.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My DS#1 arrived at the airport only half an hour late, so all is well. :bigsmile: We had a nice chat over a coffee and now he is in his room having a bath so he can de-stress from his five days with his half brother and sister. He can only take people in small doses. I also like time to myself so it suits me if he has some time to himself. I'm glad he feels able to ask.

    Barb - I hope your injection goes well. :flowerforyou:

    Katla and Rori - what a great photo! Glad you could meet up. :bigsmile:

    It feels a bit weird not having to cook for tonight! I think DB and DSIL will arrive around 6.30 for our meal out. Luckily one of them will be driving and not drinking so they will give us a lift to the pub and back. There is a lot of choice on the menu, but I often end up having two starters and no main. We will see. I always used to have fish and chips there, but that is really, really high in calories so no more. :cry:
    I think I am about a pound up from Christmas, but that could be sodium. I haven't eaten over TDEE overall, just on Christmas Day itself. Next week will be the test with a LOT of entertaining. I hope to keep plugging away with the exercise and so far haven't missed a day. That, for me, is the secret.

    Love to all. I love your New Year traditions! All ours are Scottish where they make a big deal of Hogmanay, as they call it. We sing Auld Lang Syne in a circle and you are supposed to have a "first footer" - a tall dark man who is first over the threshold bringing coal and bread. I'm not sure how many do that in England, but my ex's parents always had that as a few friends in their suburban road were Scottish! These days DH and I just watch the fireworks display on TV and then go to bed. Our fun will start the next day! ! ! ! !

    Heather in colder Hampshire UK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I plan on coming often to keep up with the reading I love to read what other people are doing about the weight and there lives.
    Thank you YanneyJannie,Katla and Sylvia for the great welcomes. Much appreciated.
    Did go back to bed just to toss and turn. Oh well sleep when I get tired nothing much to do today anyhow.
    See you all lighter.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, all!

    I am enjoying reading about your holiday customs. I've lived in TN for 34 years but as a transplant from Kansas had to learn about Southern New Years traditions. I don't cook the black eyed peas, greens, and ham hock but if you went to a gathering down here you would expect to have that. In Kansas my mom always had a New Years ham. Now I know why! Her family was from western New York. If I decorate, I like to leave Christmas decorations up until Epiphany. I have been known to leave my snowmen out until Valentines.

    We have a get together today with my husband's kids and the grandkids. Looking forward to it but my own son won't come. Family drama. It always puts me in the middle. DH's daughter (from FL) is so sweet and would love to see him. DS has something against DSS's line of work, etc..... I really think it is the DIL but I wish I had raised my son better. I have had a rough day or two over this but am going to let go...... I can only control me.

    Sylvia - so sorry to hear of your son's illness. It makes my problems seem so small. Keep the jokes coming. I need an extra dose of humor right now!

    Barb - I hope the injection helps. I have back trouble so I sympathize with you,

    Cynthia - I think the urn is beautiful!

    Michele - I am sorry you are worrying so about your daughter. My heart is with you.

    Rori and Katla - Love the picture of your reunion.

    Terri - Do you have regular sleep eating events? That must be so distressing.

    Toni in dreary, rainy TN
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Mostly cloudy and rather warm day here today. I was in bed last night by 9:15; can't remember the last time that happened when I wasn't ill......guess I needed the sleep.

    Terri........Yes, I've heard some amazing stories of stuff people have done on Ambien; at least you didn't drive anywhere. I have had Ambien prescribed and filled it but have never been brave enough to actually take one........I stick with half a Valium or codeine (if I have a cough) when I occ. need some sleep help. There used to be a drug called Dalmane that I took a few times in the 70's when I worked nights to help sleep; worked pretty good but I don't know if they even still use that.

    Barb.......Glad you are feeling better; my condolences to you all. Hope your back pain is eased.

    Michele.........Livermush???? Never heard of it.

    Sylvia........I think maybe a frank meeting with a lawyer for advice and planning might be in order; there's a lot on the line that's hard to even think about should the worst happen........knowing your rights and options mght give you and your son some peace of mind. I do highly reccommend your having durable medical p.o.a. at the very least.
    Glad the dogs are getting along now; maybe they worked it all out on their own.

    Heather ........Hope your dinner went well. I totally forgot about singing Auld Lang Syne; we did that too.

    Toni..........Sorry you have had a bad couple days; your words about "only controlling me" are so true.........frustrating as that can be. (((Hugs))) to you!!

    Lin........Looking forward to seeing you regularly again!!!
