20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    earmuff111 wrote: »
    I just joined. I'm excited to get back on track :)

    <3 (*) <3

    we are happy to have you. "earmuff" welcome to the Easter challenge it will work if you work your plan -Marie

  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Please count me in on this. I am in need of lots of encouragement. I am just starting this journey and am a little lost. Seems like 20 lbs is the perfect first goal. that would be a 10% weight loss.
    SW 200
    CW 200
    GW 180 by Easter April 5,2015
    UGW 140
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Please count me in on this. I am in need of lots of encouragement. I am just starting this journey and am a little lost. Seems like 20 lbs is the perfect first goal. that would be a 10% weight loss.
    SW 200
    CW 200
    GW 180 by Easter April 5,2015
    UGW 140

    <3 (*) <3
    hey mslady

    Lets get with it. we can do it. feel free to post here often and encourage all of us. I am sure we will get these 20 lb off. Got to work at it tho. I have had a bad day. eating wise. Need to get back on track beginning tomorrow.-Marie <3

  • I'm in! My name is doug. I was 403 pounds I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes have lost up to about 60 pounds now I weigh 350 pounds. my birthday is April 18th and its right next to Easter and I would like to lose another 45 to 50 pounds Easter. I see you are an Dallas Cowboys fan I am a Detroit Lions fan.
  • lululovebaby
    lululovebaby Posts: 18
    edited December 2014
    So the morning started great but then by dinner it was all down hill.oh well tomarrow is another day
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Good morning all, Thank you Marie for welcoming me to your thread it's great to have good support and in turn I hope to be able to support others.
    A good start for me this morning as I managed to get myself out of bed early and do my exercise video and filled in my food diary for breakfast and lunch, not sure what we're having for our evening meal yet . Evening is the worst time eating wise for me, I get bored and start eating things I shouldn't. Does anyone else have this problem and if so what do you do to distract yourself. In the summer I like to get out for a walk in the evening but on these long dark cold nights I can't get up the enthusiasum to go out side in the dark.
    Well must get ready for work now. Hope you all have a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I'm in! My name is doug. I was 403 pounds I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes have lost up to about 60 pounds now I weigh 350 pounds. my birthday is April 18th and its right next to Easter and I would like to lose another 45 to 50 pounds Easter. I see you are an Dallas Cowboys fan I am a Detroit Lions fan.

    <3 (*) <3

    Doug so glad you join us. Wow you have already done a marvelous job of losing weight
    Wonderful. You better believe I am a Dallas Cowboys can hardly wait till noon for the game this afternoon. Win or lose Dat My boys GOING TO FIGHT TO THE FINISH DAT MY BOYS.

    I have a hunch you are going to be a great inspirations to all of us. I am Diabetics on insulin and nighttime Lantus. Congestive heart failure and several; other Problems it is very hard for me to lose. I have lost 9 lbs following the 1-1-1- diet in the past month. So I am making a little headways.
    Welcome to our thread.and wish you the best of luck125421jndpxabtet.gif

    <3 Marie Ps drop in often for a little chat.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    So the morning started great but then by dinner it was all down hill.oh well tomarrow is another day

    <3 (*) <3
    hang in there LULU It will click I think we all have had that problems or we would not be here
    Tomorrow is another day. Keep on working on it and never give up.
    Marie <3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Linda. look like you got a good start this morning. . bravo
    I plan on trying to get a dew steps in each day. My back and leg,hips don't usually corporate tho. we have our family Christmas dinner today and then back to the grind.

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    edited December 2014
    Small victories... the new scale showed a loss this morning, so here's to a great loss by Friday WI day! It's raining here this morning, so hubby and I will do our new yoga DVDs instead of walking.

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday! Becky
  • joysalts
    joysalts Posts: 3 Member
    ]Is it to late to join in?[/quote]

    <3 (*) <3

    no never too late, hop right on in the water is fine.
    looks like you might have just join MFP. Glad to have you. We love to chat so pop in as often as you can and have a nice chat while you are losing by Easter.
    Marie <3
    oh and by the way Welcome to our thread

    Nope not new to MFP, just the community section. The Holidays has packed a few pounds back on and I've lost my motivation.

    Sw 192
    Gw 165
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Happy Sunday!

    I am off to church after a great breakfast of oatmeal with flax meal and egg white omelette with spinach/bell pepper/onion. ( carb, fat, protein) It's unreal how I used to have oatmeal, raisins, applesauce, and egg before. That's three carbs in one meal! Yikes!

    No bloat this morning after 4 days of 1:1:1. What a blessing!
    Today is a rest day from formal exercise; I'll just walk the dog.
    Have a great day, all!
    Marie, enjoy your family and dinner!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    <3 becky lets keep our fingers crosss Little victories leave to big victory
    my best to you.Becky

    <3 Connie gosh girl you caught on early on this 1-1-1 diet So proud of you. it is going to be my life style.

    Thanks girls for you morning report. Love hearing how you are doing

    ;) By the way people I am not pushing the 1-1-1 diet I just stumble onto it and love it. it makes a whole lot of sense to me. more so than any diet I been on. it will be my life style.-marie <3 .


  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning all - let me introduce myself...I am Alice - one of Marie's daughters. I have unofficially been a part of this challenge but now will be more active. Can't let my mom have all the fun!
    i have been following WW since Labor Day and have lost 30 lbs so if by Easter I can lose another 20 I will have met the goal set by my doc. So count me in!
    My weight loss mantra is "No Matter What...". Today it will be No Matter What...I will not park myself in front my Sis's delicous dip! Cheese and jalapeños- yum! I can do this!
    Looking forward to the journey with you all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 (*) <3 don't I have a wonderful daughter. yes we are having our big Christmas dinner today I just got to remember 1 serving of Protein, 1 serving of carbs [ I will take a T. of this and a T. of that to get my carbs in} and hopfully find some non starch veggies. and my fat will be the cheese dip no chips I will have a little extra carb for a small sl. of Texas sheet cake and watch the Dallas cowboys Game. hugs <3 marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :D Hi Alice, I feel like I've known you for years......it seems like your mom has something nice to say about you almost every day....I know you are her "go to" person for computer problems. Congrats on your weight loss so far and your commitment to continue. You'll be successful today if you pay more attention to your sister than you do to her cheese and jalapeños dip.

    :D Now I'm off to walk the first dog....we never care if it's dark....we just carry a flashlight and a happy attitude.

    :D Barbie
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    May I join you? My name is Carl, I am 5'3" and 163lbs so my target weight at the moment is 140, and then I will assess things when I get there.
    - with 14 weeks to April 6 and aiming to lose 1lb per week, my goal will be 149lbs.
    - Carl
    - Ashtanga Yoga and open water swimming.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yogicarl wrote: »
    May I join you? My name is Carl, I am 5'3" and 163lbs so my target weight at the moment is 140, and then I will assess things when I get there.
    - with 14 weeks to April 6 and aiming to lose 1lb per week, my goal will be 149lbs.
    - Carl
    - Ashtanga Yoga and open water swimming.

    <3 (*) <3
    Carl you certainly may join us and tickle to have you.
    Hope you enjoy this thread and chatting wit us all. we are a Friendly bunch and really do hope you make your goal.
    <3 Marie

    thanks for signing your name . these MFP names are really hard on me to remember each of you Besides at 84 I have a right to be forgetful Thanks

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post, still learning this Android tablet of mine.

    Trying to get back on track today and get back to some normal eating, all sweet treats are gone now.

    Alice, nice to finally meet you. We have heard alot about you from Marie and so glad you could join us on this challenge.

    Marie, you have Connie as a supporter now to help you through the 111 program.

    We just had breakfast, scrambled eggs, peameal bacon and some toast. Now for my exercising.

    Good luck this week and hello to all the new members!! :D
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Ok, time to toss out all this JUNK in the house - I'm sneaking some of these treats into the compost while no one is looking. I have a house full of boys and what they don't know won't hurt me - lol!