Golden Years



  • nutty192
    nutty192 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm nutty192, aged 73 and working to lose about 50 lbs. 19 gone already. Yippee!

    I was married for 40 years, but my darling died a few years back, but I am one of the lucky few, I now am in a new relationship. perhaps that is why I have decided that enough is enough and I must lose this weight.

    Good to find some friends who are so positive about the golden years, even if (I think) you are all a long way away in America. I am from Bath in England. I'll keep watching and keep an eye out for how you are all doing!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey nutty. glad to meet you I am from Dallas, Texas. Same husband for 58 year. and 3 kids. numerous grandkids great grandkids and one great grandson

  • BlueHarebell
    Hello Nutty, I am Anne and I live in the frozen north, Canada. I've been here 42 years and very happily, but then I was very happy in the U.K. too. I was born in the north of England, Yorkshire. We spent most of our holidays in Cornwall, so I know Bath a little from our trips down. The people on this site are a really nice bunch, but then us Goldies usually are. Marie is a real sweetheart and keeps us all on our toes and accountable. Thank you Marie. I'm amazed how the Internet connects us all wherever we are in the outside world, and how alike we all are despite our different backgrounds. Anne.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Barb, no offence taken. I only posted about my drinking for those who wanted to know if you can still drink and lose weight. I am so often under my 1200 calories, but get a very nutritious diet that is working for me, so I'm happy with it.

    Have a great day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :D Hello, Nutty, I am Barbie, a long time member on MFP..this site helped me reinvent my life. I live with hubby, Jake, who is the love of my life. We had to discard earlier spouses before finding each other. Now we've been married almost 26 years. Kids are all grown and off in different states leading busy lives. Our current children are Brandy and Sasha, the frisky poodles, and Bernie, the loving cat. Walking dogs is a major part of my fitness program along with line dancing. I hope you will post regularly and become a part of this friendly community.

    :D Barbie

    21,000 steps today :mrgreen:
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Hello Nutty - I am Bob - from the NYS. I'd have to say MFP has been crucial to my success so far (down 171); I had used another app initially but MFP has a larger food database. Welcome aboard!

    This is the 4th time in a year when I have had no loss (or gain), so I can’t be too disappointed – but as usual I had hoped for 1 lb. I’m fairly certain I would have knocked off 1 pound if not for going over my sodium goal Sunday. Lesson learned.

    According to sources: “Excess sodium intake can temporarily increase your body weight by about 2 to 3 pounds within a day or two of consumption.”

    Cardiologist appt. today went well. I hadn’t seen this particular physician in a while and he was impressed and gratified. I outlined the foods I was eating and my calorie intake…he said I was doing everything as I should and to stay on track. The technician performing a Doppler ultrasound also inquired “Did you do it on your own?” and asked questions.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Nutty,

    I am Shirley and live in Southern Ontario, Canada for 40 years with my husband.
    We own a sailboat and sail all summer on Lake Ontario. I have two daughters both grown, one is married and will be having our first grandchild in April. Our oldest daughter is not married but has a fantastic job as an event planner and a certified Yoga instructor.
    My husband will be retiring the end of this March and life will be different for us now.
    I have been retired three years this month so I am already in the mode of the Golden Years. It will be a new experience for him.

    So I welcome you to the group, Marie is our starter of this group, and I have known her for 4 years since I have been on MFP. She is a wonderful and sweet lady.

    I started my South Beach plan today and have already had my 75 min Yoga class and it feels good to be back from the holidays. Our instructor gave us a new meditation mantra
    and I would like to share it with all of you.

    May I be well.
    May I be happy.
    May I be free from suffering.
    May I be filled with loving-kindness.
    May I be filled with joy.
    May I be at peace and at ease.


  • Karin066
    Karin066 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone! I haven't posted in awhile, the holidays were too hectic and now I'm getting ready for a bathroom/bedroom remodel to start later this week, which has me stressed.

    Bob, all of your meals look scrumptious! I live alone and really quit cooking awhile back - I was eating poorly because of it - but since starting MFP and eating clean, I'm trying again. Cauliflower is my new best friend since I'm trying to keep it low carb. I did make loaded cauliflower and broccoli yesterday so I'll be eating that for the next 4 days with some chicken. I try to keep it simple.

    Shirley, that's a great mantra, I may adopt it. Happy Belated New Year to everyone.
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Happy 2015 to everyone . Gained a few over the holidays so starting again. This group is very motivational , I have been here awhile but don't post much but will be sharing more this new year. Barbie is awesome, and I enjoy your pics of meals Bob . Shirley love your mantra.
    I like , If you say you can can.
    ....if you say you cant you cant. Self talk is very important In this journey kind to yourself is number 1. Have a great day everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We are getting a nice little family here. Thanks you all for being here.

    Bob...... You have such an interesting life. an tell it so well.

    Good morning Anne, We have 2 Canadian here. Anne and Shirley.
    Good morning Shirley. glad to see you getting back into the swing of things I too like your mantra Good day to the rest of the Golden Years people. So how is your days going?

    My day is going quite well. My husband brought me some sweet cherries home today. They are from Peru not as good as ours grown here in the states But still good. I quickly check my food dairy to see if I could have some them I could and I did. 1 cup of them quite a treat here in the winter time. love reading all of your post
    Marie <3
    I got my fitbit in the mail today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015

    happy 2015 to you too. Lets make this the year we lose this excess weight. I love all the saying you people are giving us. Welcome back. I think we all put on a few over the holidays but that's Ok we will just work a little harder to get it off. Can't get these Golden Years people down.
    Marie....One for all and all for one.

  • BlueHarebell
    Hello there Marie. Mmm I love cherries too! But then, I love most things that will go in my mouth, sigh.
    Happy day everybody, and as Shirley will tell you as well, it's a little nippy up here in the frozen north.
    I remember that mantra you've given us Shirley from when I did yoga years ago. My D-in-law is asking if I'd like to start yoga again with her. Maybe I will, it's extremely good for any age and I tried out the one leg tree? position today in the privacy of home and I did it without toppling over!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne you are remarkable at your age. Don't change a thing about you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :D Marie, I don't have a fitbit but all the people I know who have them, love them. You will enjoy having it. Keep us posted on how it is going.

    :'( It was raining so much this morning that neither of my dogs wanted to go out for their walk after breakfast so I went out without them. They went back to bed and I got almost totally soaked but had 10,000 steps by the time I got home.

    smiley-laughing004.gifI made some awesome meals today that were super healthy, nourishing, and low calories but I tend to smoosh everything together so they would never make great photos like Bob's meals.

    <3 Barbie
  • Rickwfla
    Rickwfla Posts: 4 Member
    Hi you'll I hope everyone had a happy new year.Once again I am making new years resolution to lose weight ,get fit (well maybe closer)and eat the things I should.I am 67 retired Having lived in Florida most of my life I can't blame the weather for not getting out and walking I'll get to it tomorrow seams to be the thought for the day.I am going to commit to loosing 40 lbs by Easter.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    come join us on it is called 20 pounds by Easter. But we would love to have you even 40 pounds by Easter. most of us will be lucky to get 20 pounds.................................

    Rickwfla wrote: »
    Hi you'll I hope everyone had a happy new year.Once again I am making new years resolution to lose weight ,get fit (well maybe closer)and eat the things I should.I am 67 retired Having lived in Florida most of my life I can't blame the weather for not getting out and walking I'll get to it tomorrow seams to be the thought for the day.I am going to commit to loosing 40 lbs by Easter.

  • nutty192
    nutty192 Posts: 50 Member
    I have just eaten some chocolare coins. Tidying up the christmas decorations you know! How is it that I know it is not good for me, that it will slow down the weight loss, that I will feel guilty, but I still do it?

    oh well, a new day and a new beginning tomorrow, and all the chocolate coins are gone. Noy you know why I am called nutty!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Then we all must be nutty.For we have not learn how to eat healthy or we would not be here. yes tomorrow is a new day lets make the best of it. Candy is not my weakness But cake icecream bread and cinnamon rolls are/ Thanks for drpping in.
  • nutty192
    nutty192 Posts: 50 Member
    Oh I forgot the cake! That was earlier in the day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hope all your goodies are gone now