Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Drum Roll Please. . . . . . . . .A most successful weigh in this morning
    Please note the new ticker

    I am happy beyond words. The last time I was at this weight was when I was pregnant with my baby 23 years ago.

    New goal is to get out of the obese category on the BMI.
    Love to all B) Happy dance!
    Living Life Gratified
  • nanigyrl4ever
    Ok. Not sure if I'm writing in the right spot. I'm looking to join a group that can help motivate and encourage me. I was doing really good with mfp, but have been going through a lot and stopped. I know that's an excuse and I'm ready to get back on track.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning all.

    Happy National Cheese Lover’s Day!
    January 20, 2015 is
    National Cheese Lover's Day
    Today is National Cheese Lover’s Day! Did you know that the average American consumes about 31 pounds of cheese each year? That may seem like a lot, but for the average French person it’s 50 pounds!
    There are more than 900 known cheeses in the world, and they can all be classified by texture. Here are the primary classifications and some examples: fresh cheese (ricotta); soft cheese (feta); semi-soft cheese (Fontina); semi-hard cheese (Gouda); hard cheese (Cheddar); double or triple crème cheese (Brillat-Savarin); blue cheese (Gorgonzola); washed rind cheese (Limburger); and bloomy rind cheese (Brie).
    People have been making cheese for at least 8,000 years, so the cheeses we enjoy today are all relatively young by comparison. Take Emmental (also known as Swiss cheese), for example. It’s only been around since the first century BC!
    Visit your local cheesemonger and pick up your favorite kind of artisan cheese or cook a cheesy dish for dinner tonight in honor of National Cheese Lover’s Day!
    I guess I should cold smoke some cheese today and I have to put some butter in the smoker while there is cheese in there. :)

    “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Lori 100# gone. WAY TO GO. That is still eluding me, but I'm not giving up.
    @‌L2T Thanks for giving me a good chuckle to start my day. I've been retired for over 10 years and still waiting for things to slow down.
    @Skinny Boredom definitely needs to be on the list of eaters. I think I would have to change social eating to family eating. Family events are really hard.
    Well, I'm back again. I feel like the last couple of months have just been a series of derailments and excuses. My son and his family came over Friday night to spend the long weekend. They have 2 boys ages 5 and 3, and our little Jane Kaye who will be 1 tomorrow. What a handful they are. Those boys are so busy. I swear the 3-year-old would wear Satan out! The older one has calmed down a lot since he started kindergarten. Needless to say, I was busy. I didn't have time to even think about going for a walk, but I also used it as an excuse to not pay attention to what I was eating. Sunday we had a birthday party for Jane complete with cake. Well, that is over and just need to get back in the groove.
    I like the idea of strength training. I will have to do a bit of research. I have some small dumbbells that I can use. The gym isn't an option so I will have to find some things I can do at home. I really need to focus on the basics, logging, water, and walking.
    Welcome newcomers. I hope you'll return often, and share with us.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm been MIA once again. I think the relocation, new job, new house, BF's husband's passing, Cyrus, etc. . . has caught up with me and I'm just plain exhausted. I can't get enough sleep and now I've come down with a nasty sinus infection/cold and sound like a bull frog. It's just lovely. I think this is the first weekend coming up where I have nothing to do and I plan on doing just that. NOTHING! I'll be back soon I promise.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @cblue315‌ - Congratulations! Rock it, sister!

    Welcome, newbies! I was a newbie just a few weeks ago, and folks in this thread welcomed me with open arms. I hope you feel just as included. :smile:

    I can't remember what Tuesday's theme is...Tom wants us to think it's about cheese, clearly. :wink:

    I'm trying to get some work done in the quiet at the B&B, but it's so cold in here! I figured out that the batteries in the thermostat were low which was preventing me from changing the temp; new batteries fixed that problem, but now I'm wondering if the pilot light on the furnace is out because all I'm getting from the vents is cold air. *shiver* As much as I like having the space to spread out, my fingers are frozen and I'm having trouble concentrating, so I think I need to pack up and go back to my house. Best laid plans, eh?

    I have a phone meeting at 1PM, then I plan to hit the new fitness room at the rec center. So exciting!

    MFP Goals January 18-24

    Diet Goals

    * No fast food 3/7 days - x/7
    * Track food 7/7 days - 2/7

    Exercise Goals

    * 30 mins of cardio (preferably elliptical) 3/7 days - x/7
    * Yoga daily as part of Miracle Morning routine - 3/7
    * Talk to trainer at rec center about strength training -

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 2/7
    * Refill pill box when needed -

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen cabinet under sink -
    * Declutter kitchen cabinets over sink -
    * Take last tote of kids clothes to BigBro's house -
    * Follow daily cleaning schedule -

    Personal Goals

    * Complete Miracle Morning routine daily - 3/7
    * Move wake up time back to 6AM daily - 1/7
    * Tweak night time routine to better set up for mornings -
    * In bed, lights out by 10:30 PM at least 4/7 days - x/7 (so close on Monday! lights out by 11PM!)

    Work Goals

    * Submit at least 4/8 magazine articles for review x/8
    * File 5/5 newspaper articles - 3/5
    * Invoice newspaper -
    * Invoice magazines -
    * Resolve issue with client's shopping cart -
    * Follow up on PR pitches sent last week -
    * Coordinate with outlet #1 and PR client for coverage - DONE
    * Sub at middle school Friday afternoon -

    January All-In

    * Login to MFP daily - 20/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 3/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 7/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • scrubb816
    scrubb816 Posts: 6 Member
    My goal today is simple.

    Make it to the end! I am sick, with some serious sinus pain and pressure. Plus a teething 6 month old - who does nothing but scream! And a crazy 3.5 year old that doesn't understand that mommy is sick.

    I just need to make it to bedtime. I need strength... And my husband to get home :)
  • Rozie1019
    Thank you for all the support you guys have given me. I really appreciate it. Yesterday was a hard night for me. My Dad went home yesterday and that left me home alone for the first time since my mom passed. I was just a big ball of tears. I need to make sure I have something to focus on when I'm home alone. My eating was a mess yesterday and a bit today but I have time to make it up today. The rest of the week should be better. My DH will be home much earlier tonight and will help me get things ready for the rest of the week.

    The rest of January will be me trying to get back into pre-preparing food and logging everything. February I will start setting goals. Good news is I have been doing more with my appearance.

    Anyone have any ideas where I could get some cheap lifting equipment?

    Have a great day,
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! Just doing a quick run through. The women at my church our starting our own Bible study that starts in about an hour. I just made the most yummy pasta dish with tons of fresh veggies. Went over my calories a bit, but I will make it up tomorrow and eat much lighter. Sometimes you just have to have pasta!! :p

    @Rozie, do you have a Play it again Sports in your area? You would probably find some good bargains there.

    @scrubb816, I sure hope you feel better soon. I remember when my girl was little and how much of a pain motherhood was when I wasn’t feeling well. :(

    @susan, feel better soon!! ((((Hugs))))

    @nanigyrl4ever, this is the right spot for awesome support and motivation. Welcome!! :)

    @cblue, congratualation to you!! You will be out of that obese category in no time and onward to even greater successes. (*) (*) (*)

    @Laurie, I know I fall into the social eater category. I can do great until I’m with others who are eating whatever they want. This has totally derailed me so many times and I would love to get a handle on it this year!

    Motto for 2015: Fit for 50!
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Tuesday
    @cblue - Congratulations....welcome to the century marker! Great work!
    @Ellen - thinking about you and sending you positive vibes....

    I hope today brought good things to you. I weighed in today...lost a pound....will take it. :) Call it a win.
    Exercise has been consistent....still a bit too snacky. I need to get that in more control, but am doing OK.
    I need to buy fewer snacky foods. If I only have a bit of it in the house, I do better. If I have plenty, I'll want plenty. :) Bleck. I will continue working on it and being thankful for the success I've been able to get.

    Perfect effort and balance,
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    A Big (((Thank you))) to all. Really helped to make this day special.

    @Rozie 1019 - My nephew bought all his weights on Craigslist for pennies on the dollar. The Play it Again in our area charges $1.00/pound for free weights.

    @Scrubb816 - This terrible moment is just that, a moment. Tomorrow will be better. The next day even better. My youngest got 7 teeth in 10 days. We all managed to live through it.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just a few personals tonight:

    @lori--congrats on 100 lbs lost!! I'm doing a happy dance for you!!

    @susan--good to see you pop in, girlfriend!

    @kelley--Ouch about the fence. Gunner has given me a few bumps and bruises over the years under similar circumstances.

    Tuesday Goal:
    To make the next 2 days as productive as today. I got most of my AP essays done while my students took their finals. Tomorrow I give 2 more finals and 1 on Thursday. I will definitely finish all of the essays tomorrow and hopefully all of the analysis activities as well. That will leave Thursday for the journals and conference write-ups. It would be nice to go into the weekend without much grading.

    We had a meeting after school and one of the teacher groups provided pizza and salad. I had a bit of salad and 2 small squares of the thin crust pepperoni. Then someone pointed out that there was a veggie pizza as well. When I opened the box, I saw it was rising crust pizza cut into VERY large wedges. I found a plastic knife and cut one of those babies right in half. The calories in my food diary are just estimates of course, but I bet they are close. Regardless, I made a smart choice by refusing to take one of those humongous pieces (which I surely would have eaten in its entirety if it was on my plate).

    No exercise today due to the late meeting. Will probably hit the gym tomorrow after school.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 17/19 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 1/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 55/66 AP essays
    2. 35/66 AP journals
    3. x/14 junior analysis activities
    4. 24/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lori- Cblue- Congrats on the 100 pounds lost.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    Karen- I agree, I tend to eat out of boredom as well and that should also be a type of eating behavior.

    Here are articles that support the social eating that I mention yesterday. Both very good and they make sense.

    Thanks for all the support in the swim meet, I am looking forward to the official times being posted.

    I have spent much of tonight talking to friends via facebook so I did not get much work done. Oh well, that means more to do tomorrow night.

    Goal- To workout at least 3 more times this week.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Tom - Every day is cheese day here. :) I sprinkled mozzarella on my bean soup at lunch today...yum!

    @Lori - Huge congratulations on the big 1-0h-0h! You are awesome.

    @Susan - Hi! Hang in there.

    @Rozie - So sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. Craigslist, a used sporting goods store, or sometimes you get lucky at Goodwill are all places to check for weights. You could even use things from around your a couple of cans of soup to hold onto while you do bicep curls or tricep extensions.

    January All-in: 9/20
    Mantra: You Know Better!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    You guys, Aunt Flo is being a beyotch this month. I ate stupid today and my emotions were all over the place. Bleh. Going to bed early with every intention of having a positive, productive day tomorrow.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--thanks for the links!

    @hansea--I forgot to say congrats on your loss for the week! You made me LOL when you said "everyday is cheese day" in WI. :smiley:

    @mel--bad days happen. Due to my BC, I don't even get visits, but I still get food cravings a week before I would be due. At least you know what it's from and can start fresh tomorrow. :smile:

    AFM--got a burst of motivation, applied my mantra, and graded half of the analysis activities. Yay--less to do tomorrow! :smile:

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 18/20 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 1/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 55/66 AP essays
    2. 35/66 AP journals
    3. 7/14 junior analysis activities
    4. 24/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today is my weigh in day and I am happy to report I lost 2.5 pounds and am again back on my ticker. My intent is to never have to battle those same pounds again. Things got a little crazy earlier this month after that string of not so fun things, deer hit, mom in hosp, dying alternator in the car on the way home etc. I resorted to emotional eating and bingo, gained weight. The talk this week about emotional eating is so true for so many of us; I am especially susceptible. This “old dog” needs to learn some new tricks in that regard.

    To that end I do think the mantra is helping. I really did remind myself to be tenacious several times. I also often use Karen’s mantra of “just 15 minutes” and Niki’s “follow through” to keep me at this. It all finally came together and worked this week!

    @cblue Lori, congratulations! I am thrilled for you.

    @hansea My same thought about National Cheese day. I too had cheese yesterday!

    @Laurie Thanks for posting the links to those Huffington Post articles. They were so “on target”. Especially hard for me is the darned bread basket. I order a healthy entrée and salad etc only to have the bread presented while I sit there hungry. If it is really good crusty bread with EVOO to dip in or those darned Cheddar Bay Biscuits I am in real trouble. I have never tried to snack before leaving the house, but I am thinking just maybe that would help as then I would not be so hungry. Gotta think about that one.

    AFM: I still need to get myself moving more in the exercise department. I think the challenge next month will help. Just seems I can always put that off with little other things that “need” to be done first. I need a new mind set on that one.

    Welcome to all the new people. There are so many of you I sort of lost track. You certainly have come upon a great group of people. Keep coming back and join the conversation.

    Hello to Kai, Edna and Ellen.

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 13 /31
    Cardio Exercise: 0 /31
    Core fitness DVD 1 /31
    De-clutter 15 minutes/365 13/31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY”

    Thanks every one of you for being here.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish- That this journey was way more easier than it actually is. I guess I have unrealistic expectations of how fast a person will lose. It did take from age 12 to 26 to get this big so it won't melt away just cause I wish it gone. Patience is a virtue just wish God gave me more of it :o
    Ok, secret to tell....I don't watch much tv and usually only watch specific shows but I am addicted to this show on TLC channel called my-big-fat-fabulous-life. It's about this girl who found out in college she had polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pocs when she couldn't stop gaining weight. It's a reality tv on how she is living her life to the fullest at 380lbs, things she struggles with and trying to lose weight when this problem makes you constantly gain.
    @Newbies-Welcome to the group
    @cblue- awesome job on the milestone met.
    @mountmary84- I am an emotional eater also. Congrats on the loss.
    @Rozie- I will continue to keep you in my prayers
    @karen- great will power over the pizza
    @Susan- hang in there, you are a very strong woman. ((Hugs))
    @the people who are sick-get well soon
  • rototee
    Hi all! First time posting here! This looks like a great forum. Following the suggestion at the very very top (if anyone can see that far back, lol) Today is Wednesday and I am going to talk about my wish.

    My wish is that I can be happy with my choices in life.

    My life has been like a domino. Where you wouldn't think one thing would be remotely related to another (I didn't), turns out I kick myself all the time for it.

    One example: I had wanted to move out of our house and town for years. Gave it a lot of thought. Things fell into place and we did. We bought a different house on the other side of the county (small county in TN) in the country with an acre and no neighbors. Nice place, bigger, more quiet than the no street light town we lived in and has lots of privacy.

    Who knew that in doing that, our kids to quit coming to see us with the grandkids, my husband and I to argue all the time about the way his son is taking care of the other house, and family to turn against us. Then ultimately for me to go into depression that caused me to gain back 55lbs I lost on WW between March 2010 and June 2012. Which only caused me to gain even more along with it.

    That is just one example, not even the latest choice I made about my job!

    Sorry if this is long. I understand that life happens, but why does it always have to happen all the time? Lol.
  • rototee
    @mountmary84 - binge eat celery! low calorie, and if you can eat the whole package, you are better than me!! hee hee