Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    nannersp61 wrote: »
    Truth: I have been getting hungry every couple of hours today. I got up early and ate a bowl of cereal and a half banana, (7:00 am), then at 10:30 I ate a half a sweet potato and a cup of salad with cornbread. It's been snowing, but I was able to talk my husband into driving to the gym. I got a quick 2 miles in before we had to leave. My hubs is a pastor and needed to go visit a member who's losing his long fought battle with cancer. As soon as we got back I was hungry again and ate a ham sandwich and bowl of veggie soup. I realized as I sat there that I was craving chocolate, so I ate some chocolate animal crackers and had a cup of hot cocoa. So now, it wasn't a horrible amount of sweets, but I decided I needed to burn some more calories, so I spent 45 min shoveling heavy, wet snow.

    I noticed that you didn't have very much protein up until the ham sandwich. Perhaps that is why you are feeling so hungry?
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    bsracer wrote: »
    @NK1112 its a Maranga tree extract.

    Moringa .. I had to look it up ... here is what is on WebMD about it.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All,
    Well, I did not get my wish today about school opening late. However, that was a good thing since I was able to accomplish more at work by grading the mid-terms. Now tomorrow, I just need to bubble in the scores on the scan-tran sheets.

    cblue- Lori- have checked in the area for a Master's swim program. Some of those coaches will teach you how to swim. Depending on the program and the coach, there is a variety of workouts suited for swimmers of all ages. I use to think that Master's was just for the experienced competitive swimmers, but it is a great way to stay fit, while learning new skills. Check out

    truth- Nothing bad to report today. The good news is I have found a renewed happiness in exercise. The days off last week did a world of good since I was getting burned out and tired of focusing on diet. This week, I have been back to exercising with a passion and desire to push myself again. It feels good. So a goal I have now is it keep exericse, work and life in balance so that I can avoid burnout.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick pop-in to read posts ad update my goals. Just some journal conference write ups to finish tomorrow. YAY!!

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 19/21 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 2/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 32/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Susan So glad to see you back. I know you'll back in with both feet soon.
    Made my goals today, logged everything, and even got to go for a real walk. Its a good day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @LaurieK70 - Thanks for the info, there is a class starting next month at the Y near my house.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    I haven't had time to check in here for a day or two and wow, what a lot of news. Just quickly...
    @lori - congrats on 100 lbs. Way to go!!
    @ skinnyjeans - thanks so much for the info on how to get started planking. I, not knowing any better, tried to start right out on the forearms with no success. I am sure your way to work up to it will really help.
    @ all the newbies, keep checking in, it really helps!
    Hope everyone is healthy starting the new year.

    I have to admit I'm finding it hard not to over eat these last few days. Had an MRI on Monday, have to have a biopsy this Monday. Probably nothing but still worrisome.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've been trying to think of a truth that I feel comfortable sharing, then I realized that "comfort" doesn't equal growth. So here's something I've realized recently: I hoard food. This goes back to when my parents split up. I was 14 and we really struggled financially. I was in charge of the house and meals, so I knew how little money we had to work with for groceries. Now I buy groceries with every intention of cooking, but then I start thinking about all the reasons I might need the food in the future - when the nieces & nephews come over, if I need to take a meal to a grieving family/family with a newborn/etc., if I have no money to buy groceries... And how do I feed myself in the meantime? Lots of fast food. There are some other obstacles to me cooking for myself and following a meal plan, but the food hoarding is what I've decided to work on right now.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Sorry still not around much and won't be for a few more days, this virus got my middle child who has epilepsy and the high fever has been causing lots of seizures. So we're just hanging on and working on making sure one of us can be with her at all times. I've been fully logging everyday though even though sometimes the meals are odd and I've been indulging in more chocolate then normal.
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    Hi! I just discovered this thread. What a great idea. I'd love to participate.
    I don't know what you can see on my profile, so I'll just tell you where I'm at. I've got about 165# to lose, not counting the 15 I've lost already. I used to be really active, but health issues have made me really sedentary. I'm slowly fighting back from that, mostly with walking, using my FitBit to keep me honest. I have a border collie named Zeb who is my walking buddy except when I walk at work. I want to be feeling stronger and more ready to get back to doing the things that have been too difficult this past year, such as going to tournaments with my flyball team and to disc dog (frisbee) competitions with Zeb.
    I look forward to talking with you all here.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @MKknits‌ --hope your daughter recovers quickly.

    @melifornia‌ --your truth resonates with me. I've mentioned this before on this thread (so you long-timers here can skip it if you want), but I read an article about the differences between the way overweight and healthy weight people think. I was at the salon flipping through Self magazine and just happened upon it. I think there were a lot of points in the article, but the only one that stuck with me is that thin people aren't afraid of getting hungry--while people with weight issues are.

    This really struck me b/c I grew up with a mother who trained me to fear hunger. If we were going out for the day she would tell us all to eat something first because "you don't want to get hungry later." If I was leaving to go out with friends and hadn't eaten, she would ask, "aren't you afraid you'll get hungry?" If I was going to a party she would say, "eat something so you aren't so hungry when you get there that you eat a bunch of junk" effectively teaching me to be ashamed to eat in front of other people. If reality, she was trying to be a good mom, to keep me fed, to help me not overeat crappy food. However, the reality is that she instilled this fear of not having enough food and this desire to eat when no one was watching.

    The timing of happening upon this article was serendipitous b/c it was right when I started here on MFP. It also made me realize that I was afraid of a lot of things thin people didn't fear. I was afraid of sweating or getting red and breathless while exercising. I thought it was just an advertisement to all of the thinner people about how out of shape I was. I was afraid of eating--or at least of eating anything unhealthy--in front of my thin friends, or even strangers. I was afraid of shopping for clothes and would actually pretend to be trying on smaller sizes when I would go with other people.

    I decided right then and there to stop being afraid and boy did it change my relationship with food. Now, I own it when I want to eat something decadent--if I want a big piece of cake at a birthday party, I eat it--and then I go run a few miles (or better yet, I run first). Now I'm the girl at parties who people ask, "how do you eat that and not gain weight?" and I say, "I exercise." Now, I love sweating--"sweat is your fat crying" is my favorite quote--and if I don't sweat while working out, I don't really consider it a workout.

    Anyways, I think it's great that you've made this realization about your food hoarding and have decided to work on it. I'm living proof that even a lifetime of that kind of thinking can be reversed--you just have to decide to change it. :smile:
  • taleicummins
    taleicummins Posts: 3 Member
    "Sweat is your fat crying" - I love it :)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited January 2015
    @susan - Hope you feel better soon. You've had a huge life change and a weekend resting and recharging sounds like a very good idea.

    @mnwalkingqueen - Like you, I'm the reason I've been gaining instead of losing lately. It's so hard to keep my focus and motivation going month after month after month. But, I do know that once I string together a few good days, I feel better and have more energy which propels me to continue. The sad fact is I don't think I'll ever have a normal relationship with food. Some days it will win, but if I do most days it should be OK.

    @cblue - Love the Rome quote. Losing weight is an every d*** day thing.

    @laurie - You were smart to take a couple days off. I need to learn how to do that without backsliding for weeks.

    @melifornia and @skinnyjeanz - Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you have food issues. I realized a few years ago why I do as well. As a kid, I had severe asthma and allergies. So back in the day, I wasn't allowed to eat much of anything. No wheat, eggs, milk, shellfish, chocolate, peanut butte etc. That meant no birthday cake or ice cream. No cookies or candy or even bread. This was enforced strictly by my parents while I lived at home. Then came college and at the same time first generation inhaled steroids (which was the first drug that controlled my asthma) and I found I could eat all those things without having issues. So I did. For the first time in my life I could eat things that I had watched others eat my entire life. Little wonder it's very hard for me to say no to food. Good lesson even for today: Total denial of any food will come back to bite you in the end.

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)

    Hope everyone has a good day and weekend!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Friday- Trying to stay positive car has to go back to the shop today there where bolts falling out when we drove it last night. I am still in process of fighting for my money back on the last repair on my car. Maybe I just have to much exceptions on how long this car will last those expectations come from having no extra money for a car or car payment right now. We were trying to make this car last about 3 more years so we would have money saved up for something at that point. Oh well at least I live on a bus line. I am up 3lbs this week but I haven't drank as much water but I am learning to be okay with the roller coaster as long as I know I am still moving and staying under calories. Yesterday was the first time ever I came close to eating all my protein it was a little weird.
    FYI- For you that don't know the new pic is with my 6'5" son when we were in New Orleans at the zoo this fall. This pic makes me happy every time I look at it, so I have it as my background at work and here that way I can see it constantly.
    @Newbies- Welcome to the group
    @Susan- Hope you start to feel more like yourself again. Thanks for the pep talk about how we all lose differently.
    @MKknits- Prayers for your daughter that she recovers quickly
    @melifornia- I am a clean plate eater my parents never let us waste food. As an adult I notice even if I am not hungry any more I will clean my plate, especially when eating out because that is wasted money.
    @Cblue- 100lbs you lost focus on what a huge accomplishment that was. You are not fat anymore prayers that positive self talk comes your way.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    Geez! I thought I had checked in yesterday but when I brought up MFP this morning my still unfinished post sat there. :astonished: I think the auditors are trying to break us, they have been so high maintenance—they should finish up on site today though (fingers crossed).

    @ZebsterBC~Welcome to the best kept secret in MFP land, you found a great place for support and encouragement. Check back often to receive the most benefit. I love border collies, Zeb is a cutie!

    Welcome to any other newlings that have stopped by lately, post often so we can get to know you.

    @MKknits~I’m sorry the flu has hit your family so hard, hope your daughter recovers quickly!

    @Melafornia~I can resonate with your Thursday truth. My parents were pretty strict about the foods we ate as kids—my mom didn’t keep sugary cereals around, no sugary drinks, and almost no desserts. My grandmother had told me one time that my dad said to her that he wasn’t raising fat kids, never said it to us though—I think it’s one reason he kept us so active (played tennis with my sister and ran with me). They just really sheltered us from certain things. It didn’t seem to affect my sister much (opposite, in fact—she is uber thin) but I think in some ways it contributed to the food decisions I made as an adult (that, combined with some harmful experiences).

    @Laurie~I’m so glad you found your mojo with exercise again!

    @nannersp61~I think the hunger you felt yesterday may have come from a high carb breakfast/snacks early in the day, try having more protein in the morning and see if you don’t fare better.

    @bapcarrier~I’m sorry for the MRI and upcoming biopsy, keeping you in my thoughts & hoping you receive good news.

    @Susan~I’m sorry you’re sick and a little unmotivated. You have been through a lot of changes in the last couple of months, you’ll find a rhythm soon and you’ll be ready to tackle weight loss head on again. I hope that Cyrus is adjusting well.

    @Karen~You’re a grading wiz! :wink: I had and still have to some extent some of the same fears you did. I still hate eating in front of thin people (weirdly enough, especially my sister—she is super thin), I always feel like they’re judging my choices (while they are usually healthier than their choices). I still prefer to shop by myself or with my mom—I have a fear of going into a store and the salesperson saying something negative (that’s happened to me before). Oy, still lessons to be learned I guess. :confounded: But I no longer have a fear of exercising or sweating around other people—like you; if I don’t sweat I didn't work out hard enough. I feel so accomplished after a good work out and it really helps me to de-stress from the day.

    AFM~Not much to report. I did meet all of my fitness goals this week, today will actually be my first scheduled rest day in over a week—I will catch up on some things around the house, though. Meeting my friend and trainer at the park tomorrow morning after WW for another 3 miles. Need to talk to my friend though and see if she wants to try another park--one of my neighbors has spotted a bobcat in our regular spot and I don't want the dogs to have a run-in with her. Then usual weekend stuff, although I hope to rest a bit more after such a tumultuous week. Hopefully tonight will be a better night for sleep, last night I feel asleep on my back ( a big no, no) and had an episode of sleep paralysis—so scary! I haven’t experienced it in a long time, still hate it when it happens though.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Walk w friend
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Good morning :D It's gray and cloudy outside my window this morning but it's sunny and bright on my computer screen as I read all your discussions today. I can relate and probably can tell a similar story as many others.

    Last evening I made the most delicious microwave 'cobbler' as a before bed snack ... a cup of frozen strawberries, a half cup of frozen seedless concord grapes and 1/4 cup old fashioned oats sprinkled over the top. Zapped for 5 minutes, stirred and cooled till a comfortable eating temp. The concord grapes were from a trip to our wine country last August with my sis. She made jelly out of hers and I simply popped mine into the freezer.

    @MKknits - it really sucks when your child has an illness. Is medical marijuana on the horizon in your state to help with your daughters seizures? It's been recently approved in my state but won't be available for a couple more years ... so now some parents will get special permits to travel to states that have it available to bring some home for their kids.

    watch your calories ... 20/22
    All-in .... zero

    follow-through, Niki
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Friday! It’s chilly and rainy today so that might mean some customer coming into the store to hopefully buy and NOT just browse!

    Friday fitness: I’m back to working out on the treadmill and elliptical and will do my walking at work today to get as many steps on my Fitbit that I can. The scale is down and my fingers are crossed for a good weight loss this weigh-in.

    I have my company dinner that is held every year this Sunday so I’m hoping to be able to something cute and that I feel good. :)

    @Niki, that cobbler sounds delish!! :p What are the calories in something like that? Do you just use regular oats like Quakers?

    @mnwallkingqueen, car troubles suck!! I hope it gets straightened out for you. I have also learned that if I don’t drink my water my weight shows it. Good for you accepting the roller coaster ride. :)

    @melifornia and @skinnyjeanz, thanks for sharing your history with food. I think we all have some story that makes us different from naturally thin people. I think part of my problem was my mom who has always been weight obsessed and on a diet.

    Well, I would love to do more personals but the clock is ticking and I got to go to work. My boss is doing my yearly review. Ohhhhhh joy!! :#

    Motto: Fit for 50!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    TGIF!!! I've got one more meeting and after that I'm out of here. I just want to sleep. The body is aching now so the cold may be turning into the flu. I took some Mucinex DM, but think some Advil is needed too for the aches and pains. I've been filling up on hot tea and water too. Just a few more hours to push through. I can do it!!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    @teresa_3266 - They might be high for many people, but was what I needed to bring my calories up and to keep my BG stable through the night. I also slept the best last night than I have for weeks.

    The nutrition counts turned out to be: 158 cals, 36g carbs, 4g protein, 2g fat, 5g fiber, 4g sodium and 16g sugar.

    The oats I use are Quaker Old Fashioned. I know it was 2 servings of fruit and 1/2 serving of starchy carb ... but oats are a favorite of mine and I had not had fruit yet. I could have cut everything in half and still been satisfied ... or just eaten half of it, but it was so yummy I gobbled it all up. ... :#
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone,

    @L2T I love the quote: "Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." That is something I for sure need to do again and again and again. I am forever having to correct and get back at it.

    @Melifornia Melissa, so glad you are feeling better. The “blahs” just make everything hard.

    @Susan I hope you can get some much needed rest later to get over that bug. I suspect you have just been way too busy with the move etc and are worn out a bit. Take care of yourself.

    @nanners I agree with those who suggested more morning protein. I know for sure if I don’t have any early I will be hungry much of the day. It just takes longer to digest, thus keeps us satisfied longer.

    @bapcarrier Barb, good luck with the biopsy on Monday. It is easy to see how that would drive you to eat a bit more with all the anxiety.

    @MKknits I am sorry to hear your little one is having so much trouble with the flu. Seizures can really be frightening; My son in law has epilepsy, so sort of understand the fears and concerns. Certainly, don’t concern yourself with not being able to post much.

    @Mnwalkingqueen Holly, what a great picture of you and your “rather tall” son! My own son was so very proud when he was taller than me. He is a good looking young man. I am sure he makes you proud.

    @Kah68 I laughed about your “unposted” post. I have no idea how often I have done that, or lost my post. I can’t even count them. Glad you were able to recover.

    @Teresa Sounds like you are finally feeling more like yourself again. Good to hear you are recovering.

    AFM: Belated Thurday truth: I really blew the calories yesterday! I am not sure what happened other than “life”. Nothing catastrophic, but it sure derailed me. I lot of the chatter about food attitudes from the past sure resonate with me. We so easily fall back into those old patterns don’t we? Niki had a quote on FB this AM about adjusting the sails in the wind and I so understand that. (For one thing we used to sail a lot) I am forever getting off course and having to correct. One thing I think I am learning though is when I go so far astray on the calories I actually don’t feel as good physically. Yesterday was sort of salty and rich and I just felt like I ate lead or something. Need I say we ate out?? It is soooo very much better to eat at home! I had a Reuben and French fries for Pete’s sake; how silly of me! The first couple bites tasted good. Good news though is I actually could not finish the dumb sandwich…that must be some sort of progress.

    Happy Friday everyone and make it a good healthy weekend.

    Hello Ellen, Kai and Edna.

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 13 /31
    Cardio Exercise: 0 /31
    Core fitness DVD 1 /31
    De-clutter 15 minutes/365 14/31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY”

    Thanks every one of you for being here.