Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Bump. Hope i can find this in my phone again!
  • geminirl
    geminirl Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning! I would like to join your group! I certainly could use the motivation!!! I have waaaaay more than 100 pounds to use so I would love/enjoy sharing your stories and posts! Thank you in advance for any help! I hope you have a great day!
    PS I could use some help....weekends are always tough for me but this weekend includes a wedding!!! H-E-L-P!!!!!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @geminirl Yup, weekends are hard. Just try to keep your eye on the ball and remember what you are eating. Have some wedding cake, but only a little and try to keep the other things you eat healthy. "life" will always be there, so we all must learn to deal with the occasions like that. Enjoy yourself but try not to eat or drink too much. The important thing is if you get off track to get right back on the next day, next meal and DON'T GIVE UP on yourself.
    Welcome to the group.
    Barb (mountmary)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Susan….LOL…I’m so happy that Jacob hasn’t hit the “girls” stage yet. He’s just not interested and I’m okay with that.
    @nanersp61…We’ve all had those “hungry all the time” days. What I find is that if I don’t have enough protein at the beginning of the day, it’s downhill from there.
    @Laurie…glad the time off helped you.
    @Karen…I needed to read that story today (about being afraid). I’m now going to do some thinking on that. How much of my life (or lack of living) has been out of fear? Although I know that much of my weight problem stems from the fact that I played sports year round and worked on the farm year round. I just never quit eating like I did. Meat, potatoes and gravy and fried foods etc were fine to eat when I burned so many calories for working, playing, and just being young; but when you stop the activity and not the food, it catches up with you fast. Case in point…I didn’t gain the Freshmen 15 as I was in college basketball my Freshmen year….but I stopped my Sophomore year and that’s what it all started.

    AFM…Basketball season is going to be a long one for me. Jacob’s team is going to be trying. His middle school allows for anyone who wants to participate in a sport, gets to and I agree with that whole heartedly. First and foremost at this age, it should be about exercise, fun and learning skills. Jacob apparently was on the edge of being on the B team but ultimately went on the C team. He had his first game and the very first play most of the team drove toward the wrong basket. GRRR. He has two mentally challenged boys on his team and two that don’t feel that they should have to run in the sport. Many times they would just be getting to the action when possession changed and they had to head the other direction. His coach even said during the huddle “Jacob can’t guard two people so you have to get down and guard your person.” My sister and I talked and she said maybe it will give him the motivation to practice off season so he can be on a stronger team next year. And I’ve decided that I will spend this season working on my patience. :)

    Friday Fitness: I’ve decided to quit scheduling my rest days and just assume that my calendar/life will get in the way of a couple of these days. 
    Saturday – Lift
    Sunday – Cardio
    Monday – Water Aerobics
    Tuesday – Lift
    Wednesday – Cardio
    Thursday – Lift
    Friday – Cardio
  • JustineElizabeth
    JustineElizabeth Posts: 54 Member
    Hello there! I've been on and off MFP for the last couple of years but have not been successful, the opposite, in fact. I feel like I've really hit rock bottom and now is the time for me to get myself in order. I have 110lbs to lose. Can't quite believe that over the last 7 years, I've gained that much weight. I'm now ready to get healthy. No more " I'll start tomorrow" for me. Thanks in advance for help and support!
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    @melifornia THANK YOU so much for the advice. I checked it out and changed my calorie limit up a bit over 1600. Maybe having less pressure will help me stay within my count. Thank you once again.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @slimbluehen‌ - You're welcome! I hope it removes that hurdle for you. :smile:

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - You're right, at the root of that is the fear of being hungry. I've only known genuine hunger a couple of times in my life, and then only briefly, but for a lot of my teen years, we were right on the brink. My brothers weren't aware of that because I was the one managing the food budget and making the meals, and I've noticed that they have very different relationships to food than I do. Thanks for that insight; I'm going to write it down as something to talk with my therapist about next time and continue working through.

    I'd do more personals, but I'm beat! Did laundry and ran errands this morning, then subbed for middle school PE this afternoon (I was on my feet for 4 hours solid), then had to interview a source right when I got home. Need to go back out and get some groceries for Sissy Night (chili, cornbread, cinnamon rolls), then I can sit down again.

    MFP Goals January 18-24

    Diet Goals

    * No fast food 3/7 days - 1/7
    * Track food 7/7 days - 6/7

    Exercise Goals

    * 30 mins of cardio (preferably elliptical) 3/7 days - 2/7
    * Yoga daily as part of Miracle Morning routine - 6/7
    * Talk to trainer at rec center about strength training -

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 5/7
    * Refill pill box when needed -

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen cabinet under sink - DONE
    * Declutter kitchen cabinets over sink -
    * Take last tote of kids clothes to BigBro's house -
    * Follow daily cleaning schedule - 3/7

    Personal Goals

    * Complete Miracle Morning routine daily - 6/7
    * Move wake up time back to 6AM daily - 2/7
    * Tweak night time routine to better set up for mornings - getting there...
    * In bed, lights out by 10:30 PM at least 4/7 days - x/7 (so close on Monday & Wednesday! lights out by 11PM!)

    Work Goals

    * Submit at least 4/8 magazine articles for review - 1/8
    * File 5/5 newspaper articles - 4/5 (this will end up being 4 b/c the subject of the 5th is unavailable until next week)
    * Invoice newspaper - DONE
    * Invoice magazines -
    * Resolve issue with client's shopping cart -
    * Follow up on PR pitches sent last week -
    * Coordinate with outlet #1 and PR client for coverage - DONE
    * Sub at middle school Friday afternoon - DONE

    January All-In

    * Login to MFP daily - 23/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 4/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 9/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Thanks Niki! I often come home from work after closing the store at 8pm starving and needing something to eat. For instance tonight I will go home with my calories for the day barely past 1100. I know that I will need to eat a little something. I'm going to look into the fruit and oat idea. It sounds wonderful!! :)
  • riella25
    riella25 Posts: 98 Member
    I am just getting started . I have about 150 pounds to lose. I am having health problems . I have tried so often to get the weight off .
  • Hippster91
    Hippster91 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello there! I've been on and off MFP for the last couple of years but have not been successful, the opposite, in fact. I feel like I've really hit rock bottom and now is the time for me to get myself in order. I have 110lbs to lose. Can't quite believe that over the last 7 years, I've gained that much weight. I'm now ready to get healthy. No more " I'll start tomorrow" for me. Thanks in advance for help and support!

  • Hippster91
    Hippster91 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. Just want you to know you can do it. Just make it a day to day. Your not a failure..success is in you. Stay mind set for 2015 is....Close the Gap 2015.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Teresa - I hope it works for you, I am a porridge lover, having been brought up on all different types of porridges. My mom alway smade them on milk, but now I usually make mine on water.
    You know, you might like to try one of the porridges I make for breakfast almost every single day ... this mornings was 242 calories with 33 grams of carb, 12 of protein, 8 of fat, and 6 of fiber ... it was 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 cup water, 1 xlarge omega-3 egg, and 1/2 cup of cranberries. On Monday I had my porridge without the egg, but used 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts and an ounce of pomegranite seeds ... that was only 198 calories, 21 of carb, 7 of protein, 12 of fat and 4 of fiber. But I have to admit, I love the frozen strawberries or blueberries the best. The frozen concord grapes are a special treat because I want to make the frozen bag last until next harvest season.
    @geminirl - that photo you have as your profile pix is one of my favorites. Stop, Stop, I'm gonna pee! ... so true, so true.

    AFM ... the doctors appointment this afternoon went very well. He is pleased with my weight loss (only 4 pounds but that's great as I've been in maintenance mode) and he said I don't have to come back for 4 months this time. The Bronchitis I had earlier this month is not trashing my lungs ... no rattles, rasps, wheezes in the doc's ears. I'm good to go at the gym and will start on Monday ... as I have made it a policy to only workout during the workweek (pun intended, hope you got it.)

    So, to celebrate, I had a small DiBella's tunafish submarine on multigrain roll with loads of vegetables and brought home an oatmeal/raisen cookie for my bedtime snack ... with milk.

    Then I changed my MFP goals to give me a cut again, no more maintenance, and put in the exercise goals I have .... I feel energized by this.

    My fitness goals for the weekend are to go grocery shopping so I can make the dishes I want to cook up this weekend ...a version of my mom's cabbageand white bean soup; a platter of roasted winter vegetables with Polenta; Ratatouille. And I am going to bake a cake to share with my sister and sister-in-law when we have lunch together on Tuesday. This cake uses a box of angel food cake mix and a can of crushed pineapple ... and that's it. It will be a sort-of birthday cake because my brother's would have been on this Monday, and my SIL has one in a week.

    Gosh ... can you all tell I'm hyped up and raring to go? It must have been the tunafish!

    Follow-Through, Niki
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Niki Go get 'em girl. I am sure it was the tuna!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    My goodness it was a busy day on this thread! So many newlings who I can't wait to get to know. Welcome to you all! :smile:

    I had a fairly productive day at work. We had the morning to work on our own since it's the end of term. My AP colleague and I did an item analysis of our final exam, then planned for the entire upcoming quarter. It feels good to have that all planned out.

    Went out to lunch with some of the other teachers (we NEVER get to go out to lunch unless it's an institute day). Was in the mood for a burger, so I got one, but skipped the sweet potato fries. I knew the burger would be filling enough all on its own, so I got cole slaw as my side since it's much easier for me to pass up. I don't care much for regular fries, but sweet potato fries are one of my favorites. I knew I would eat them all needlessly, so better not to tempt fate.

    Went out for drinks with friends after work, then came home for dinner. Guess what my DH made--burgers! LOL I ate a patty sans bread and just a few french fries b/c they were there. :/ Even with some good-ish choices, it looks like I'm over for today. That's my second of 3 allowed overage days, but I'm okay with that since there's only one week left in the month. I can still make my goal.

    Speaking of goals, I only have 25 journal conference write-ups for the weekend. I won't get my grade-free weekend, but that's still not bad at all. My plan is to go to the gym tomorrow to run my 8k for this month, then hit starbucks to finish the grading. Sunday I have my niece's 3rd b-day party at my sister's house, so that will be a fun day.

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 21/23 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 2/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 41/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    @kah68 Thank you for the welcome. :) you'll hear more about the Zebster as he's my regular walking buddy.

    @NK1112‌ I'm envious of your access to Concord grapes. They're so delicious if you can find them.

    @mnwalkingqueen‌ I'm sorry you're dealing with car problems. They can really add stress to your life. :(

    @susan2396‌ I hope you feel better soon.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ You did well managing your choices and I like that you've got solid goals that you adhere to. I've been finding goals helpful as well, but I'm not as organized as you. I need to write them down.

    My exercise for the weekend will consist of a walk or hike with Zeb. I can't walk at the pace I prefer, but I'll get some hill climbing in. That should finish out my week with all goals met.
    I had planned to go to flyball practice to see friends tonight, but I'm just too wiped out from the week. I've been feeling a bit run down these past few days.
    I use my phone to access MFP and I'm finding it hard to scroll back and forth to read and reply in the format I see many of you using. I hope to find an easier way to manage it.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Made my goals today, and got to take a real walk in the sunshine.
    I'm going to have to cut myself some slack tomorrow. We need to go to Costco to get new tires and I have a long grocery list. I don't hoard food but I keep a very well-stocked pantry so I don't have to go to the one grocery store in town very often except for milk and produce. Costco is about an hour away so that means eating out. I am very excited because we get to meet my BFF for lunch. We raised our kids together, but now she lives more than an hour away, and we rarely get to see each other.
    I am really enjoying all of your reports on your successes and struggles. Its great to have so many new people to share ideas with.
    I have been thinking about my own relationship with food. I know that part of it is grounded in the fact that food was always a big part of family and social events. I grew up on a farm where we ate what we grew. I have had to learn to pay the price to buy produce. My daddy wanted dessert for dinner every day so I have a real sweet tooth. I also love to cook, and my best recipes are desserts and breads. I think that making good food for my family is part of my love language. I also like to eat. I don't binge eat, or eat to over-full, but I am grazing and looking for tasty things to eat all the time. I am learning to work with these things. I can't make anything forbidden. It would never last and then I would feel like a failure.
    We can do this. Have a great weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @grandmakaye44‌ - Isn't the sunshine a nice break for January? It's supposed to be a stunner here in East Central Kansas today. Trying to find some time in my day to get outside! It's funny that you mentioned food being your love language - I just started reading that book yesterday. I've thought for a while that preparing food for others is part of my love language. I suspect it falls under the "Acts of Service" language, but I haven't read that far yet.

    Have a terrific Saturday, everyone!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Saturday Sickness instead of Success
    I have come down with a horrible cold. Fever, runny nose, sore throat etc.. Taking the day off of work and the gym. Staying home to binge watch the last season of Breaking Bad.

    I want to eat. That is how my mother cared for us as children. I know where this comes from. I want all my comfort foods.

    Today I did have my food planned and will have to change it up a bit. I am determined to stay within my calorie range. I have everything here to be successful.

    Thanks for all your sincere sharing and caring.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
    Living life gratified
  • Hippster91
    Hippster91 Posts: 9 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    Saturday Sickness instead of Success
    I have come down with a horrible cold. Fever, runny nose, sore throat etc.. Taking the day off of work and the gym. Staying home to binge watch the last season of Breaking Bad.

    I want to eat. That is how my mother cared for us as children. I know where this comes from. I want all my comfort foods.

    Today I did have my food planned and will have to change it up a bit. I am determined to stay within my calorie range. I have everything here to be successful.

    Thanks for all your sincere sharing and caring.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
    Living life gratified
    cblue315 wrote: »
    Saturday Sickness instead of Success
    I have come down with a horrible cold. Fever, runny nose, sore throat etc.. Taking the day off of work and the gym. Staying home to binge watch the last season of Breaking Bad.

    I want to eat. That is how my mother cared for us as children. I know where this comes from. I want all my comfort foods.

    Today I did have my food planned and will have to change it up a bit. I am determined to stay within my calorie range. I have everything here to be successful.

    Thanks for all your sincere sharing and caring.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
    Living life gratified

  • Hippster91
    Hippster91 Posts: 9 Member
    I hope you start feeling better soon