Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    Just saw this thread! Can anyone join? what do i need to do (weigh-ins etc.) My husband and I have been TTC for about 6 months now but i'm having some other health issues so it has to take a second base sometimes. I don't really want to talk to my family/friends because being constantly asked makes it a lil depressing :(
    It'd be great to have someone to talk to thats in the same boat :)
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome April, lots of friendly advice and support here
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey all -

    Jalara, Because I have multiple challenges that I'm in, I have multiple weigh ins. I am down w/w (Monday to Monday - which is all I really care about) but since my last challenge weigh in (Sunday for Harry Potter) I'm up 3lbs - that would be in 1 day....LOL Not so much of a care...Usually I don't post anything about the challenge weigh ins on here to avoid confusion....And I agree with Pixie - you'll probably see the loss next week :)

    Minni - honeymoon weight is definitely better than "oops, I couldn't get off the couch and the bag of chips just had to sit with me all night" weight....LOL Don't be too hard on yourself

    Luki - I would have walked out.....LOL Just the fact that someone gets up abruptly would have been enough to get people thinking about what they said and you could have some cool off time. That's my polite way of telling them all to be careful around me......Anything that came out of my mouth wouldn't have been polite. My hubs is the same way though. When I get upset about TTC for such a long time, he feels bad because he can't fix it immediately.

    Alisa - It's nice to have someone so close, especially when DH is away for long stretches...bonus that she gets what you're going through too......A day lounging is all my momma asks for :)

    SDavis - Good job on the staying within maintenance!!

    Hiya April - Welcome

    My goals for this week:
    1. Get to half my body weight in ounces (14 glasses) at least 3 days this week, be over 8 the rest
    2. Be packed and ready for trip before Saturday
    3. Make sure that I get at least half the amount of proteins as I do carbs
    4. Get in at least 1500 calories burned over the week.

    Next week should be interesting. I won't be home, eating out all week, no access to my regular scale, access to a hotel gym, evenings by myself......
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--I'm enjoying all the new people joining us!

    So, I did C25k today--I even backed up a week, just so I wouldn't kill myself jumping right back into it after a week off. Ugh. It stlll worked me. My knee was twinging at me for part of it, which isn't does that if I don't "work up" to the workout I'm doing. So, I made it through, but that was a little disappointing that my knee was talking to me. IT WAS JUST A WEEK!

    Managed to stay JUST under my calorie goal today. I suppose that is a lot better than the last two days, so I'll take it...and I'll have to keep from listening to the siren song of the peppermint patties coming from the pantry.

    Not much else to report. As far as TTC goes, we are pretty much just in a holding pattern till next month for the HSG. So, we continue to "do what we can do", but I'm not holding out any sort of hope. I'm sorry Mother's Day can be so hard for's just....well, crappy that a day that is meant to bring happiness can bring so much crud with it. Sigh. We saw my mom at church and then spent the afternoon with my husband's mom. It was a pretty good day--although it didn't feel like a relaxing Mother's Day for me. The most relaxing part was getting to go to Target for a half hour by myself without my kid with me. It felt like a vacation. Haha.

    I'm trying to be good this week....mostly because I'm singing in a wedding on Saturday, so I have a rehearsal dinner on Friday and then the wedding and reception on Sat. I'm sure there will be a plethora of caloric-laden celebratory food...that I will probably not choose to keep my mitts out of enough. So, I'll be doing good if I don't gain 3 lbs.--but I weigh in on Friday, so perhaps that will steer me in a good direction for Friday and Saturday. I hope.

    Exercise every day.
    Under calorie goal M-F. Eat intentionally on the weekend.
    6-8 cups of H2O. I'm horrible at that.
    Take vitamins every day.

    Good luck everyone...
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Pam - LOVED your post! :flowerforyou:

    Mother's day weekend was pretty busy for me. but busy means I have lots to be thankful for, right?
    I had my tarot cards read for the first time (meh) baked / decorated a gluten free cake for SIL, got to sleep in until 10:30am on Sun, visited my parents, in the early afternoon, and had supper with in laws and celebrated SIL's b'day.

    today I spontaneously volunteered 1hr of my time, had a good talk with DH and made up (I swear HE gets pms, not ME! LOL) and met a mom, her 4 y/o DD from out of town and offered them a ride to TRU to save them the LONG walk / cab fare / bus fare. :) She offered to pay me and I said, it was ok, just pay it forward. :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Carina - That sounds super nice of you! I wish i could do stuff like that but i don't live in an area that even a Mother and her child would be safe to do that with. I love that you had that opportunity!!

    Kah - I hear ya on the knee thing...4 years of cheerleading and snowboarding (dislocated each of them at least once doing both of these activities) has had lasing effects on my knees as well! I can't really run for too long w/o braces - I like the elliptical that is less impact.

    I didn't get a chance to run tonight as there was a freak thunderstorm that rolled thru as soon as i left work tonight. So i came home and swapped out some laundry and did some dishes. I don't have class in the morning bc my Dr. appointment is at 1130am so I am going to go to the gym instead. I'm kind of excited to go to the gym and not have a time limit or anything like that.

    Tonights dinner was yummy stuffed salmon (stuffed with a cream/goat cheese thing i thru together) and peas...I made brown rice, but i only made enough for my son and I to each have a small serving and i ended up burning it so it was crunchy and un-edible. I'm starting to get excited to go to the grocery store....I have a lot of ideas for low-carb stuff! I have come to the conclusion that carb-free is IMPOSSIBLE so i have decided just to cut out bread, pasta and white rice (and only have brown rice every so often). Tomorrow however - is my cheat day. In&Out is my choice...I have a meeting there during lunch time...Might try their it protein style (wrapped in lettuce).

    I've started looking at Vacation villa's in Hawaii and I found a studio apartment on the Northshore with a private beach and full kitchen etc for only $215 a night which is within i need to look into travelers insurance so i can make sure i get my money back if something happens and they get extended or delayed. I - am - so - EXCITED!!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    April and minni- Welcome!

    Ladies- thanks for understanding and the support!

    Jalara- oh yes they know we are adopting! Part of the reason it upsets me so much- it like a slap in the face! We are in the beginning. We are waiting for my husband’s citizenship certificate to arrive and looking at different adoption attorneys. As soon as school is out for the summer we will start meeting with them, choose the attorney, get the home study completed and then notify all the extended family that we are looking :happy: I always smile when I think of the getting the word out to the family because for us that is the “official” waiting for a match phase of the process. My SIL (the one that is a birth mom) is so excited she has told some extend family members already in Samoa. But until all the paper work is figured out we aren’t in a position to adopt. We have no idea how long it will take to find a match- but if we have to wait 5 years, we wait five years- we're just excited to meet our child :smile: Our initial timeline was to get all the initial steps finished my the end of the year and get the word out to family at the beginning of 2012, but it looks like we will blow the timeline out of the water and maybe ready by the end of the summer!

    Pam- I thought about walking out but I thought if I walked out I might start crying and I wanted to keep a brave face on while I was there…part of my stubborn side I guess…I don’t like people seeing me cry. Yes, my husband and yours sound a lot alike- he just doesn’t like seeing me hurt and wants to fix it and can’t.

    Carina- sounds like you had an awesome weekend. It is always nice to be able to help others.

    Had a great workout tonight and a pretty good eating day too.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I thought I gained 25 pounds over night.... until I realized my husband had his FOOT on the scale!!!!!!


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So last night I re-set my goals to lose 2lbs a week vice 1.5 lbs a week. A couple of years ago when I first discovered MFP I was eating 1200 calories a day and seeing results, so I think that that number works for me (considering how short I am). So I am hoping to be able to stick to it, and I am aiming to eat 1/2 to 3/4 of my exercise calories, instead of maxing them out at every chance. Hopefully, like this, there will be some change.

    DH and I are headed to the gym tonight, and I've already done a short Turbo Jam session today, so I should be able to reach my calorie-burn goal without any problems.

    Happy Tuesday everyone - Biggest Loser is on tonight!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Pam - Thanks. Hahaha. That is a great comparison. Truly makes me feel better. But I lost it before, I KNOW I can do it again. I just have to get back into the swing of things.

    Jalara - Good for you for realizing what worked and getting back to it. Keep it up!

    Carina - Your post made me laugh. I could so imagine my hubby doing that same thing.

    AFM - so far not doing well for my goals. I just can't stand the taste (or lack thereof) of water!!!!! In other news, hubby and I have decided to start really trying. I had gone and gotten a prescription for BC, but decided not to take it. I was on depo for 3 years though, so we're not sure if we'll even be able to conceive anytime soon. Most articles say it can take a year, and my doctor told me the same thing. At this point I'm not sure if that would be a blessing, or a nuisance...

    Dinner at Olive Garden with mom and m-i-l tonight for a late mother's day dinner. Good thing I like salad! Hahahaha.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Minni - I'm dying to ask about your wedding dress! Would you be willing to share a link to a picture of it? I love wedding dresses!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I love my wedding dress. here's my wedding portrait. and at the head table.


  • nicolek1009
    Hi everyone! I just joined yesterday and I am in some serious need of support/motivation. I can't help but notice how friendly everyone is and supportive one another. I hope this helps:)

    A lil about me. My DH and I are TTC but I would like to lose some weight. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), have thyroid issues and some other hormone imbalances. Anyone else have similar problems?
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined yesterday and I am in some serious need of support/motivation. I can't help but notice how friendly everyone is and supportive one another. I hope this helps:)

    A lil about me. My DH and I are TTC but I would like to lose some weight. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), have thyroid issues and some other hormone imbalances. Anyone else have similar problems?
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2003, but in hind sight, I know I've had it since I was 16. I'm currently taking Metformin.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey - been swamped at work, getting ready for my trip and putting out fires....I haven't had a chance to read through yet but I will and comment.

    As the song says "I've been a bad, bad, girl...." not with a delicate man, but with my food.....This cold or whatever has really messed with my taste buds. Not in the usual cinnamon bark way, but just in a way that everything that isn't chocolate or french fries tastes like paste. So I've been voting for covering my paste in chocolate or chasing it with chocolate or whatever. Last night DH made mushroom sauce chicken with zucchini and stuffing.....I got through about half my plate and that was it....Today at lunch I ate halff a plate of french fries and half my actual lunch....hoping dinner will get better, but I'm already at 1300 cals almost for the day without actually having dinner...........and I left my water bottle at my parents on the weekend so I haven't had enough water either - drinking it by the glass is a pain in the (look at that - I'm a poet :wink: ) Tomorrow will be a better day. We're going to my mom's during the day (well DH is, I'll be working) so we'll get it plus I'll be feeling better and everything will be roses and sunshine....LOL

    My only saving grace is the amount of yardwork I've also been doing. The next two weeks is calling for rain, so we've been weeding and mowing and edging and weeding and planting up a storm the last week. I'm sure you guys will be seeing more of me next week when I'm all on my lonesome for the week and my DH has told me to stop calling....LOL
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Nicole - welcome!! We' super happy to have you join us! We weigh in each Monday and we all set our own goals for the week.

    So - I think we should share wedding photos! Yay! I'm going to share a whole bunch of mine! LOL (after dinner though).
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    So I slept in today and finished being WAY under my calories... and this is what MFP said to me when I completed my day:

    "*Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to receive adequate nutrition at these calorie levels, but you could also be putting your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. We suggest increasing your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day minimum."

    Not a frequent thing for me so I'm not concerned at all, but this is definitely something new for MFP!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    So today was cheat day....and I needed it to be cheat day. I had my follow up appointment and was told that my lab results came back and I have PCOS. I held it together pretty well while I was at the Dr. but when I left it kinda hit me that we are now going to have an even more difficult time getting preggo...I find It so inspiring to see you ladies that also have it be able to function and keep on keeping on with it but now i sorta feel responsible for our "fertility issues"....So any tips or advice to help me moderate. On TOP of all that I am going to have a HSG testing thing done. I'm waiting for my referral to the hospital in the next town over before I can schedule my appointment. The good news is I shouldn't have any time restraints bc their only requirements are to do it within the first 11days of your cycle of abstaining from sex for 2 weeks....I'm on week 14 of abstaining...I think we're clear on that part! :laugh:

    I did make it to the gym today...I did 15min of Interval running before (like Kah) my knees couldn't take it anymore, then 10more min on the elliptical...I felt sick to my stomach when I was done...I'll call that a win :drinker:

    LOVE The wedding photos idea - Here are some of mine!


  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I LOVE WEDDING PICTURES!! As soon as I am on the computer where I have some, and have figured out how to put a picture in one of these thingies, I'll post some too. Meanwhile--everyone who wants to, keep posting. They make me happy...

    Jalara--I'm at 1200 calories if I want to lose anything, pretty much, and at that, I still only am supposed to be losing about .8 lb per week. I'm just at a healthy BMI (squeaking into it and hoping for a few pounds of wiggle room as my goal!), and it always squawks at me if I don't eat all of my exercise calories back because it says I'm under the 1200. It doesn't happen often though, so I don't worry about it. In fact, it might help if I did get that message a few more times. Haha.

    Did good today with my goals---exercised, drank 8 cups of water (Well, I cheat---I put Mio in the water--can't stand it otherwise.), took my vitamins, and would have been under my cal goal if not for the starburst I found in the bottom of an Easter basket that I was storing away till next year. Popped that baby in my mouth before I even thought twice. FAIL. Oh well. 17 calories over---not too shabby.