40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    trish56832 wrote: »
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Good evening Cool Kids.

    Beeps, I only have three tractors, but I am always looking for a good deal on my next one. They don't get very many hours, but I do like having them.

    Webb, I feel your pain. My shoulders {and hips} have been giving me a fit the last couple of weeks. Planting the pine trees got them fired up, and they haven't calmed all the way down yet.

    Caramel, Margie's mom and brother were handicapped, so we know about the stress of being caregivers. After Margie's mom got too bad to stay at home, she went by the nursing home everyday to visit. Then when her mom died, her brother was in the nursing home the next week, so she visited him the same way. Until he went in the nursing home, I was his main caregiver. We have been lucky with Mamma so far. She can still drive herself to Altha and Blountstown.

    Sdereski, that is a pretty grandbaby. And yes, we do have more land {and stuff} than I can take proper care of. Our part of the Larro Ranchero is made up of 40 acres {here at the house}, 28 acres {pond}, 10 acres {more pine trees}, 2 acres {the old house}. My sister has a like amount of land, and we share two pieces on the Chipola River of 55 and 10 acres.

    We spent a long tiring day in town. Lot of it at the car dealership. Look what followed us home.


    Congrats on the new wheels!!!

    Thanks. It's the Prius C {the smallest one}. Margie's Prius is 10 years old, and she wanted a new one before she retired next year.
  • amplee22
    amplee22 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey cool kids 44 here and trying to regain control over eating habits. I was doing so good with the 40's are the new 20's now I've lost the mo. Now trying to get mojo and 32 waist back in my life. Btw my name is Anthony and look forward to meeting each and every one of you
  • chicadymanica1
    Hi everyone, are most of you American? I'm English. Different kind of patter maybe? It's excellent you have this over 40s group. I like to do a regular walk at least once a week, get out into the fresh air. I need to get back to running outdoors for 30 mins at least twice a week as that had the biggest impact on my stomach and thighs. It was incredible the difference it made. I'm 52 so it proves you can change body shape in later life. Why run on a treadmill if you can safely run outside? Only the weather in the winter gets in the way and the lack of light? So to kick start the running....!
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    edited March 2015
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Good evening Cool Kids.

    Webb, I feel your pain. My shoulders {and hips} have been giving me a fit the last couple of weeks. Planting the pine trees got them fired up, and they haven't calmed all the way down yet.


    We spent a long tiring day in town. Lot of it at the car dealership. Look what followed us home.

    a) nice new set of wheels! I'm off to the dealership today myself ... been researching for 2 weeks, and although I'd actually decided to put buying off until the fall, my wife had other recommendations (happy wife, happy life ... right?)

    b) You know there are times that I WISH the injuries were from something as useful as planting trees ... that way you could at least say "I hurt...but those trees will sure look good"

  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi everyone, are most of you American? I'm English. Different kind of patter maybe? It's excellent you have this over 40s group. I like to do a regular walk at least once a week, get out into the fresh air. I need to get back to running outdoors for 30 mins at least twice a week as that had the biggest impact on my stomach and thighs. It was incredible the difference it made. I'm 52 so it proves you can change body shape in later life. Why run on a treadmill if you can safely run outside? Only the weather in the winter gets in the way and the lack of light? So to kick start the running....!

    At my house, the weather, the lack of light ... and the skunks at twilight get in the way of outdoor running :smiley: Welcome aboard! (PS: I'm Canadian!)
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids!! Finally got all the labwork straight with my daughter, after two trips and an overnight stay at the hospital. Managed to keep the junk eating there to a minimum. Getting used to the daylight savings time here. Hoping for warmer weather soon. Have a great weekend!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th Cool Kids. But I know none of you guys are superstitious. I've got to run back to Marianna to drop a check off at the car dealership. Proof that leaving the checkbook at home is not a foolproof plan against a car purchase, it just leads to an extra trip to town. My late night party for tonight has not paid their deposit yet, so I won't know until noon if I have the night off or not.

    Today isn't a good day for planting, so the garden gets a day off. But while we were waiting on the car yesterday we walked down to the Farmer's Co-op and stocked up on seed. Seed has gone up again, even from last year's high prices.

    Welcome to the new guys, and hello to everyone else,


    PS: Here are the week's numbers:

    21.1% Body Fat
    24.0 BMI
    171.5 Pounds

    That is 0.1 pounds gained for the week. So at that rate in 15 weeks I'll be right at my goal weight.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Looking forward to actual social events this weekend, out for a show with the hubby tonight and to a Stag & Doe tomorrow. Last night I just flaked about 9:30 and vegged until bed. Was spent from working out, making homemade potato bacon soup and homemade bread, cleaning, laundry and then my littlest convinced me to make mini cupcakes with icing for St. Paddy's day today, so 4 dozen later!

    Larro, love the new car. Wish we could get a cute little car but it would be hard cramming the kids in!

    Curious, good luck with the no snacking! I love my beer on a Friday night, so that will be my snack.

    MomFlyer glad the vertigo is gone, that would suck.

    Dan, welcome aboard, sounds like you've got the right attitude.

    Amplee, there's lots of exercise mojo here!

    Webb, hope the injuries heal quicky.

    Sorry for anyone I missed, gotta get back to work!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    This looks like my kind of place! I'm 48 and never had trouble maintaining a healthy weight...until I hit 40! What a struggle!

    Eight years later, I have finally found a balance between diet, strength training, and cardio exercise that made the scale move in the right direction. However, I've plateaued since February. Hopefully, getting back on track with logging my food and exercise will also get my weight loss back on track.

    I haven't read all 245 posts in this thread yet, but the ones I have read are interesting. I look forward to getting to "know" all of the cool kids!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's !
    Sorry if I go M.I.A. occasionally. Life in general can be stressful and I don't want to spread any negativity. I know if I'm around negativity it really wears on me. Probably the whole caretaker/peace keeper persona I tend to live in. I want to fix everyone's problems.
    Had to call an electrician yesterday. May Will have to end up getting a new panel soon. One of those unexpected/unplanned for costs.
    Still maintaining at 149 lbs. this morning ( though haven't been as active as I'd like lately ). Some weeks my brain just can't keep up with everything I need to do. Missed one appointment the other morning, managed to re-schedule for later in the day, got an chiropractic adjustment ( my hips were bothering me again) , waiting around on a electrician ( breaker went bad ), and then tried to take my son to an appointment a week early. LOL. Had to stop in the middle of this post to take a call about buying Josie some Life Insurance. Never ends. More calls to make ... Trying to contact the city/owner of the property next door. Ugh

    Caramel- Cyberhugs ! While I loved being a private duty sitter a few years ago. When it's at home with no break/relief it can really wear us down. With Jeff's anxiety issues and the after effects of them ( for years ) I'm often walking on eggshells even the few times they aren't there. " Peace keeper" . I eventually end up having to take a nerve pill. Please take care of yourself.

    Sdereski - She really is a beauty !

    Larro- Love that color! My Nissan is a similar blue. :)

    Alisha- Glad your daughter has improved.

    Kelly Sue- As always praying for healing to your hubby, and strength and comfort for your family.

    Webb- If I didn't wake up with some kind of ache or pain in the morning I'd have to check to make sure I was alive. " Getting older really does suck " LOL. Hope you recover fast.

    Anyway. Josie after getting up at 6 a.m. is napping so this Mom's off to grab a shower. Have a great day everyone.

    Welcome newbies!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    edited March 2015
    Today isn't a good day for planting, so the garden gets a day off. But while we were waiting on the car yesterday we walked down to the Farmer's Co-op and stocked up on seed. Seed has gone up again, even from last year's high prices.

    What do you grow?
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday!!


    This is totally me today!! I will be getting in two workouts today so tomorrow I am going to sleep in a bit before heading to see my hubby. I did some power walking- uphill- today and it was leg and ab day. Will be heading to aerobics later tonight.

    Off to see hubby tomorrow, then a birthday party on Sunday for my friend's son who turned one not too long ago. Always something going on!

    Larro- love the new wheels! Nice! When my grandfather was alive we had a ton of land at his house that everyone took care of, but after he and my grandmother passed it got sold. Miss being able to go and wander through there, but it was just too much to keep up with.

    Sdereski- forgot to tell you yesterday that your new grand daughter is beautiful!! Congrats!

    Have a good day all!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited March 2015
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    Today isn't a good day for planting, so the garden gets a day off. But while we were waiting on the car yesterday we walked down to the Farmer's Co-op and stocked up on seed. Seed has gone up again, even from last year's high prices.

    What do you grow?

    Last year I had peas, green beans, sweet corn, several kinds of peppers and tomatoes, squash, onions and I'm sure there were a few things I can't remember now. This year I'm going to try to space out my planting so I don't have so much getting ready at the same time. There were times last year when I could not get it all picked before it went bad.
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all!! Having a great day finally got over myself and am back on the clean eating wagon! Looking forward to a terrific weekend and trying some new fitness moves with my brand new kettle bell. Just curious for those tact have scales that show fat % do you feel it is an added motivation and accurate??
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Caramel (((((((HUGS))))))

    KS, that 80's event sounds like a lot of fun!!!

    Sdereski, your granddaughter is precious. God bless her.

    StephanieL, have fun tomorrow!!!

    Welcome to all new members! Take care everyone!
  • mommylern5
    mommylern5 Posts: 37 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    This looks like my kind of place! I'm 48 and never had trouble maintaining a healthy weight...until I hit 40! What a struggle!

    Eight years later, I have finally found a balance between diet, strength training, and cardio exercise that made the scale move in the right direction. However, I've plateaued since February. Hopefully, getting back on track with logging my food and exercise will also get my weight loss back on track.

    I haven't read all 245 posts in this thread yet, but the ones I have read are interesting. I look forward to getting to "know" all of the cool kids!

    Hi Betty! Looks like you n me are in the same boat lol! I turn 50 in October so I decided this year no more fooling around, not getting any younger lol! After about a month of not really seeing results now I finally am. I don't really have a lot to lose I just need to tone n strengthen. Although when my daughter gets married in October losing a few pounds will certainly make buying a new dress more fun! Well good luck! If you want to add me that would be great
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    trish56832 wrote: »
    Just curious for those tact have scales that show fat % do you feel it is an added motivation and accurate??

    They are not very accurate, but they are consistent. I figure the more info I have the better. I have logged my weight, BF, BW & BMI everyday for 15 months. It is neat to look back over time and see the trends. Some scales have wi-fi and will upload your numbers to your phone or tablet. I use that tried and true pen and paper.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Well end of day here in this part of Canada after an extremely busy and stress filled week I will confess that the stress got the better of me. I broke down and went out for lunch today, had the soda and poutine for lunch and half the deep fried pickles...the other half was dinner with the veggie burger and two cocktails. So I am well over my calorie count for today but I am not freaking out over that. Why well I did a run yesterday and two walks with the dog today and I brought my workout clothes home for the weekend. It's going to be a nice weekend and I plan to get out for a run or two with the dog...and concentrate on making tomorrow a better day. If I freak out the binge will continue so this time it will not work and things will be better than before.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Sad day. A good friend and mentor has died. He was my age, had type 2 diabetes and lots of extra weight. He was having serious health issues from the years of diabetes and lack of control. I think he just sort of gave up.

    I am sad to lose him. And I am more determined to stay the course on lose this weight. I was bigger then him but better genetics have kept me out of the sugar issues. But I started this 15 months and 90 pounds ago because I knew the good genes would not save me forever.

    RIP Steve. :(
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Sad day. A good friend and mentor has died. He was my age, had type 2 diabetes and lots of extra weight. He was having serious health issues from the years of diabetes and lack of control. I think he just sort of gave up.

    I am sad to lose him. And I am more determined to stay the course on lose this weight. I was bigger then him but better genetics have kept me out of the sugar issues. But I started this 15 months and 90 pounds ago because I knew the good genes would not save me forever.

    RIP Steve. :(

    Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. When friends and folks your age die, it does make you think about healthy living.