

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I'm a bit iffy on clowns, but what really freak me out are sock monkeys. Those bright red mouths--WHY?

    I am terrified of sock monkeys too. My older sister had one when we were growing up. I wouldn't go in her room. When we lived outside of Rockford IL (the sock monkey capitol of the world, who knew huh?) I would avoid one road that would take me by a huge sock money statue.

    I'm ridiculously excited to learn this. I'm not sure if it makes me more or less likely to go to Rockford, but it will definitely be part of the consideration.

    I've always wanted a sock monkey an old one that was homemade. I can make my own but.....not the same.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Totally didn't feel like the gym tonight, but here I am on the triceps press.

    This is kind of anti-climatic after the big 666 :)

    True, but he is (was) on a machine typing on his phone. You know other people there are judging him and may even start a thread about "gym pet peeves". (doesn't bother me, I've just read so many threads like that)

    LOL not even my phone, it was on my Ipod, 3rd or 4th gen that can't upgrade past IOS 6.

    Confession: 2 years ago, I gave up my iPhone because I felt my quality of life slipping, I was a slave to my phone. I now have a stick phone with a slide out keyboard for Unlimited texting. I have 0 data plan, can't even send or receive pictures on it. It's pretty liberating.

    Good for you! I'm impressed! I just barely bought a smartphone last year. Was waiting for my old flip phone to die (that same phone lasted 7 years!). The only thing I use my phone for is music. It's been great for that. I'm online all day at work, so I do not use my phone for email, internet surfing, nothing other than texting, phone calls (both of which are very rare for me) and music. Evenings and weekends I try to stay completely unplugged.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I still have a flip phone and am not so secretly delighted that they appear to making a comeback. Well, in Japan anyway but that's good enough for me.
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    I'm terrified to try to date..especially now with the amount of weight I've lost. I don't know. Not good with rejection and afraid of what guys will think of how I look now. It's weird. I don't know how to explain it very well.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm terrified to try to date..especially now with the amount of weight I've lost. I don't know. Not good with rejection and afraid of what guys will think of how I look now. It's weird. I don't know how to explain it very well.

    I've never had a date. I would probably feel the same way.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited March 2015
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Awhile ago I confessed to some co-workers that my weakness was dark chocolate caramel corn - you know, like Moose Munch or Harry & David. One bite and I'm snagging the bag from the break room to take home.

    Anyway, there is a certain *ahem* large *ahem* woman that heard this, and now brings that crap in ALL THE TIME, and makes sure to stop by my office to tell me "there's popcorn in the break room..." I know she's doing this to sabotage me b/c she's said several times that "you don't need to lose weight" and "Why do you eat salad all the time, you're not fat" or "Live a little" (<--- that's the worst one. Makes me grind my teeth.)

    She was the inspiration for my post (hundreds of pages back) where I bring in a dozen chocolate donuts and leave them in there anonymously, just to watch them disappear.

    bolded...yea I can see how that might bug ya!

    ohhhhhhhhh the mystery of the chocolate donuts is being revealed on page 195. I think the original donuts by the dozen story appeared back on page 100 or so?

    Well it is possible she knows you like it and now brings it in to let you enjoy it. I've not ever had anyone try and sabotage me to keep me heavy myself. So I don't know how it feels but it does sound like a few others members have felt this way.

    So let me get this straight all you're doing is bringing in a dozen chocolate donuts in exchange for you fix of the dark chocolate popcorn? shrugs.... I don't see sabotage I see the workmates exchanging treats... You do grab the popcorn on the way out the door right? lol

    Your part 2 the donuts story helps to understand the method to your madness.. least for me :)
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm terrified to try to date..especially now with the amount of weight I've lost. I don't know. Not good with rejection and afraid of what guys will think of how I look now. It's weird. I don't know how to explain it very well.

    *kitten* girl, I just creeped your photo's. GET YOU SOME. You deserve it.

    Ever heard of a burner phone? You need some burner boyfriends. Don't be a ho, but you know, GET YOU SOME!
  • InCHarmsWay
    InCHarmsWay Posts: 103 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My coworker and I were just talking smack about our boss because we thought we were the only ones in the office. Nope, he's here and heard it all...

    Oooh, ouch! Sorry about that. What has happened since? Awkward silence? Hope you don't have negative repercussions.

    Such an awkward silence... He hasn't said anything to me at all today! I mean, we weren't saying anything too bad. Just that we thought no one was there so we should be watching the tv and leaving early. And I did say how he never comes in on Fridays, and when he does he leaves early....
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I have a new confession. There are some people (a couple of men I can think of) on this MFP Community that are complete asssssholes and I wish diarrhea on them every time I read one of their stupid comments trying to ridicule other posters.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    threnjen wrote: »
    ... double post, MFP blip...

    Phew. It's not just me, lol.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession: I live vicariously through the people in this forum, because I have no physical friends. It's like watching the group of cool kids in the playground back when I was at school. :|

    I don't really have friends either. There's another mom I get along pretty well with but we only see each other on the rare days she picks up her kids... but I've been so disappointed by friendships in the past, I don't actually care. Well, except when people talk about going out with their friends and post all the pictures and it makes me feel very lonely. But I haven't had a close friend since my first marriage 15 years ago.

    Until recently I had one friend who I actually hung out with in real life. A few weeks ago, I forced myself to reach out to an acquaintance who had a new baby and it went well, so now I have 2 friends. I am jealous of women who are close to their sisters - my sister is on drugs and won't talk to me. /sad

    I'm sorry. I can somewhat relate: my sister (my only sibling) disowned me when I left the family religion when I turned 18. Just recently she tried talking to me again, which I'm open to, but in her eyes I'm still a bad person so I'm not welcome at her house. Needless to say, I have a hard time reconciling that and rebuilding a relationship at the same time, so I've basically just done nothing about it.
    Wow, I'm so sorry... your sad and difficult. By her disowning you I imagine that was pretty painful but standing up for what you've chosen to now believe in is important. It can be difficult to make changes and others don't like it and treat you as such.
    I have to say, BZAH10 is one of my favorite people in this thread. She tries to talk to as many different people as possible and I love that. I wish I could comment more. I need to start reading this when I'm at home
    @BZAH10 I always enjoy your posts as seem very kind and only once or twice have I seen you surprise me. LOL ;)
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    rotterholt wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    threnjen wrote: »
    ... double post, MFP blip...

    Phew. It's not just me, lol.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession: I live vicariously through the people in this forum, because I have no physical friends. It's like watching the group of cool kids in the playground back when I was at school. :|

    I don't really have friends either. There's another mom I get along pretty well with but we only see each other on the rare days she picks up her kids... but I've been so disappointed by friendships in the past, I don't actually care. Well, except when people talk about going out with their friends and post all the pictures and it makes me feel very lonely. But I haven't had a close friend since my first marriage 15 years ago.

    Me too - I keep telling my spouse how hard it is to make friends as an adult. We're either busy with work, kids, activities (or for me, the gym 6 days a week). At this point I consider him my closest friend, and we have a blast, but I miss having a group of "girlfriends".

    I'm only 25, so I feel like I'm losing my youth right now. I'm kinda hoping when it comes to getting our own house I can make friends with the neighbors or when it comes to having babies I'll make friends with other mums...

    I have always had a couple of good friends, but we moved a 5 hour drive from our home town 21 years ago, and for the first few years here I had no friends to hang out with, I still had a couple of friends I kept in touch with back home, but we weren't able to hang out. I did eventually make one really good friend at work, and we are still really close after 17 years, but it was only her. 4 years ago we moved to a new house and this has to be the most amazing neighborhood in the universe! We are friends with several couples now and the ladies - oh my - the ladies are amazing, we have a book club that meets once a month and I truly call the other 10 ladies in this club some of the best friends I have ever had. We also try to get together every couple of months for a craft night. And as couples we have frequent game nights. We all love wine and drink entirely too much of it when we get together but it is so much fun. I was always a little shy, and one of these special ladies convinced me to join the book club and I am so thankful I gave in and did this!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I'm very indecisive. My mind goes back and forth between "I don't really need to lose weight.... maybe I should just try to firm up!" and "I'm so disgusting and fat. I'll never look good.'' Mostly the latter. This is why I need to check out this place and get some positive energy going. I'm sure there are tons of people on here who can relate. It still sucks, though.
    I've noticed that instantly after I workout I view myself differently in the mirror. It's strange, but when I'm super lazy I think I look fat and disgusting. After working out I instantly think I'm gorgeous even tho the way I look hasn't changed. Maybe make some workout goals and appreciate the improvements in what your body can do to improve your self image.

    This is great advice. I too, feel best right after a workout, or after a few good workouts. I feel confident in my body and what it can do.

    Setting athletic goals (run longer, run faster, more chinups/pushups, etc.) are so much more motivating than weight goals. While both are good to have, the former tend to give you more confidence and are "easier" reached than some arbitrary number that relies on so many things (food, water, sodium, water retention, bloat, sore muscles, etc.)

    Yes, yes they are. This is what keeps me motivated and always making progress. FluffySandwich, I'd say focus on your inner health and what your body can physically do. The shape of your body will change and that will just be a bonus. But, first things first: get rid of that negative talk! Before you even say those words in your head, ask yourself, "Would I say this to another person?". If the answer is "no" then your body does not deserve that kind of treatment either. Read the success stories thread!
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm terrified to try to date..especially now with the amount of weight I've lost. I don't know. Not good with rejection and afraid of what guys will think of how I look now. It's weird. I don't know how to explain it very well.

    Girllll I checked out your profile and you've got nothing to worry about. You were gorgeous before and you're *kitten* gorgeous now. Get it get it. And if someone rejects you, it's their issue not yours. If a guy is into you, he'll be into you...
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    threnjen wrote: »
    ... double post, MFP blip...

    Phew. It's not just me, lol.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession: I live vicariously through the people in this forum, because I have no physical friends. It's like watching the group of cool kids in the playground back when I was at school. :|

    I don't really have friends either. There's another mom I get along pretty well with but we only see each other on the rare days she picks up her kids... but I've been so disappointed by friendships in the past, I don't actually care. Well, except when people talk about going out with their friends and post all the pictures and it makes me feel very lonely. But I haven't had a close friend since my first marriage 15 years ago.

    I have two close friends, but I only see them every few months because they are always so busy.

    I don't have any friends or people in my life with similar interests. My gym partner will workout with me, but only once or twice a week and doesn't take it as seriously as me. I'd like to go hiking/biking and travel to different places to do those things, but if I ask anyone to go for a walk they look at me like I grew a second head. I also suck at making new friends due to my social awkwardness.

    My confession: I am scared to date or even try to approach someone I find attractive because I assume their reaction will be "ewwww". And I also feel that I am not attractive or good enough to even deserve to have someone love me. It makes me sad that I feel this way, but I don't know how to change it.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    Last night I did that (which was a big step for me) he asked me what I was looking at onine and I froze a little. He noticed and asked what site I was on so I said my fitness pal. In the past I just would have said no where really.

    The funny thing is once I am on a plan for very long he figures out that I am (like WW) since he will change how he asks when about food. So the only thing me being secretive achieves is not having to discuss my weight and have him get worried in the beginning (since I act like I am hiding something since I am but it is just WW or MFP).
    It was a small step for me to say my fitness pal. And I wasn't willing to go past that since he asked what I was "blogging about" which is how he asks me what I am posting online. I said nothing. But it was a baby step.
    Everything else I am very open with him but talking with him about this just triggers the hell out of me.
    So working on it... baby steps..
    ythannah wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    But so my own fing crazy monologue makes my hubby wonder if I am having an affair since I don't have the balls to just say baby I am working on losing weight..

    You could always leave out the weight loss part and tell him you come here for fitness/health/nutrition.

    That's how I ended up here... every fitness-related question I googled always turned up multiple references to MFP. Eventually I just joined, especially as there was merit in tracking my sodium, fiber and protein intake.

    *high five* You may think of them as "baby" steps, but they are steps in the right direction all the same.

    Well done! :)
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    I am 3.5 months pregnant. It's been years since I had my last child, and I had conveniently forgotten that being pregnant is not fun. Throwing up, sore boobs, constipation, random steel-wire chin hairs that appear like radio antennae every single night....I just 'popped' and look like I'm 6 months gone (leading to my MIL asking if I had my dates wrong). Oh, and I really, really want a big plate of sushi and several ice cold beers. I dream about it (especially the beer!) Only 6 months to go..
  • teslagraceless
    teslagraceless Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2015
    I handle all the catering for my company's meetings. Even though we get pretty healthy stuff, I am the heaviest I've ever been just due to the range of options I have. A little of this, a little of that mentality is killing me.

    Also, I've never been skinny. I'm afraid if I lose this weight, I will become a more shallow person.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    My other confession is that I'm worried my brother is developing a drinking problem. He used to have a couple drinks on the weekend, and then there were a couple here & there throughout the week and now it seems like he's having multiple drinks almost every night. He goes to work, comes home then plays video games or watches TV for 5 or 6 hours (We are roommates so I see him every day).

    I don't know how to approach him on it because he gets defensive really easily (about anything remotely serious you try to discuss) and will just walk away. I don't want to make him feel judged because then I'm worried he'll start drinking in secret, which is much worse.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    threnjen wrote: »
    ... double post, MFP blip...

    Phew. It's not just me, lol.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession: I live vicariously through the people in this forum, because I have no physical friends. It's like watching the group of cool kids in the playground back when I was at school. :|

    I don't really have friends either. There's another mom I get along pretty well with but we only see each other on the rare days she picks up her kids... but I've been so disappointed by friendships in the past, I don't actually care. Well, except when people talk about going out with their friends and post all the pictures and it makes me feel very lonely. But I haven't had a close friend since my first marriage 15 years ago.

    Until recently I had one friend who I actually hung out with in real life. A few weeks ago, I forced myself to reach out to an acquaintance who had a new baby and it went well, so now I have 2 friends. I am jealous of women who are close to their sisters - my sister is on drugs and won't talk to me. /sad

    I'm sorry. I can somewhat relate: my sister (my only sibling) disowned me when I left the family religion when I turned 18. Just recently she tried talking to me again, which I'm open to, but in her eyes I'm still a bad person so I'm not welcome at her house. Needless to say, I have a hard time reconciling that and rebuilding a relationship at the same time, so I've basically just done nothing about it.
    Wow, I'm so sorry... your sad and difficult. By her disowning you I imagine that was pretty painful but standing up for what you've chosen to now believe in is important. It can be difficult to make changes and others don't like it and treat you as such.
    I have to say, BZAH10 is one of my favorite people in this thread. She tries to talk to as many different people as possible and I love that. I wish I could comment more. I need to start reading this when I'm at home
    @BZAH10 I always enjoy your posts as seem very kind and only once or twice have I seen you surprise me. LOL ;)

    Thank you! That's very kind of you. I guess all I can say as far as surprising you is that this is a "confessions" thread so I'm a bit more open here than on other threads. Maybe I should be more careful!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    I am 3.5 months pregnant. It's been years since I had my last child, and I had conveniently forgotten that being pregnant is not fun. Throwing up, sore boobs, constipation, random steel-wire chin hairs that appear like radio antennae every single night....I just 'popped' and look like I'm 6 months gone (leading to my MIL asking if I had my dates wrong). Oh, and I really, really want a big plate of sushi and several ice cold beers. I dream about it (especially the beer!) Only 6 months to go..


    Confession: much of the time I feel like a bit of a fraud/imposter on here because, although the site is called "my FITNESS pal", it is definitely slanted toward weight loss and I'm not interested in losing weight. And, no, no one here has ever made me feel like I don't belong or anything, it's all in my head.

    Yet I am sooo grateful to the MFP community because since joining here I have a) monitored my sodium intake (good for my hypertension) b) increased my protein intake and c) taken up barbell lifting, which I LOVE and has made me feel sort of "athletic" for the first time in my life. And I still continue to pick up useful tips and knowledge from posts on here.