
  • Pipara
    Pipara Posts: 79 Member
    I've been trying for weeks to cut back on sugar (mostly chocolate) and the cravings are a lot more controllable now. That said, i've already pre-logged my white chocolate pistachio Easter egg :heart_eyes: for Easter Sunday, a half split over 2 days so I don't go over sugar goal. But who am I kidding? I know i'll probably devour the entire thing in one day.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    *coff* I miss carb fuelled poos. Those suckers couldn't wait to vacate the premises.........
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I've been trying for weeks to cut back on sugar (mostly chocolate) and the cravings are a lot more controllable now. That said, i've already pre-logged my white chocolate pistachio Easter egg :heart_eyes: for Easter Sunday, a half split over 2 days so I don't go over sugar goal. But who am I kidding? I know i'll probably devour the entire thing in one day.

    And that's why I do moderation, lol.

    In January my sister brought back some chocolates, I had been avoiding them (except a square of dark chocolate occasionally), and I ended up eating the whole bag in 2 days (ok I had some help, but still). Since then I bought a lot of chocolate... and I mean a lot. It's in my cupboard, I know it's there and I can have some anytime I want... and I just have a square or two every day. I haven't binged once in a month and only been a bit over a couple times.

    Cutting back and restricting is nice and all but unless you plan to never cave in, it just ends up badly, in my experience.

    My confession is that doing that, I actually realized that I'm actually ok with just having a square of chocolate, and I don't need half a bar to be satisfied anymore.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Vmax1992 wrote: »
    Some days I will eat less to allow for a vodka on the rocks or a whisky or two. I don't go over my daily, but a chunk of it is not good calories.

    Yes, but then I usually don't log it because I don't want it on my diary!
  • ChristinaWins500
    ChristinaWins500 Posts: 8 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    I used to do this with nesquick powder when I was little. Sooooo gooooood!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    I'm getting back into running after an injury and have been doing jog/walk intervals - the jog part never stops until a car passes me, though. Can't be seen to be whimping out and walking, nosirree :D

    I've totally done that too

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    A more light-hearted confession for my American football friends: I LOVE J.J. Watt. And I'm a Bears fan...


    You've made an opening for a confession I've been thinking about for a while. I also love JJ Watt but I'm from WI. BUT I can't stand Aaron Rodgers. I feel like I'm the only person in this state that doesn't worship him.

    I like Aaron Rodgers... and I'm a Bears fan. *shame*

    So then I might be the only person in the world that doesn't like him

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    ive binged massively 3 times this week & I know its because of finding lots of new foods I can eat after a year and a half of being on a restrictive elimination diet for my chronic health condition (to find what triggers it).Its also because of my loneliness but I think switching my thoughts to concentrating on my fitness will help with that instead of thinking of how lonely I am all the time

    anyway I only hate myself 50% for bingeing I guess that's a self love win

    Confession: Salembambi is my girl crush. :#
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    A more light-hearted confession for my American football friends: I LOVE J.J. Watt. And I'm a Bears fan...


    You've made an opening for a confession I've been thinking about for a while. I also love JJ Watt but I'm from WI. BUT I can't stand Aaron Rodgers. I feel like I'm the only person in this state that doesn't worship him.

    I like Aaron Rodgers... and I'm a Bears fan. *shame*

    So then I might be the only person in the world that doesn't like him

    In all fairness, when Cutler is your QB, what are you supposed to do? Us Bears fans have to have some QB to admire.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    A more light-hearted confession for my American football friends: I LOVE J.J. Watt. And I'm a Bears fan...


    Bears fan here too!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    My abusive and estranged husband committed suicide last week. He was in jail after beating his current girlfriend and trying to kill her and he hung himself in his cell. When I first heard the news, to be honest, I was excited he was dead. For many reasons really...he was more than abusive, the man was straight evil. He was excessively controlling and mean, he was a psychopath and I am truly lucky to have been able to escape with my life. There were times I thought I wouldn't. And I have been worried for the last year and a half that he would find me again, and that he would kill me this time. Why do I feel like a liar every time I say anything like that...he had me so screwed up, still has me so screwed up, that I don't even believe myself half the time when I talk about it. I actually look at the scars on my body and I read the police report and I look back at the pictures and I still feel like it's all wrong.
    Anyway...he's dead. And as happy as I am about it...I'm a little mad. But mad because he never had to face what he did, ever. He was never punished. He'll never be punished. And oh how I want him punished. I wish that I could have watched him die. And I think that makes me kind of awful.

    None of your feelings make you an awful person. I think it's 'normal' that you feel such hatred towards him, he must have had so much hate within himself to do the things he did to you and he didn't care how badly he hurt you.

    This is really well put.

    He was the most miserable person I've ever known. And that makes me feel sad for him...but he was the most evil person I've ever known as well. And now I feel confused.

    Just wanted you to know that I too was in an abusive relationship. I am now married to a wonderful man and have two great kids. It can get better!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Lebatsirk wrote: »
    I go through McDonald's sometimes when I am craving something salty...and I usually get the same thing, a cheeseburger, small fries, and a large diet coke. Fits perfectly into my calories.

    I like anchovies when I get those salty cravings! I have to have them otherwise I find myself thinking constantly about crisps and chips and other delicious-but-not-good-for-you salty alternatives.

    I LOVE anchovies! Fresh ones mind, not tinned ones. I have an anchovy salad at least once a week. My co-workers love me very much.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    My abusive and estranged husband committed suicide last week. He was in jail after beating his current girlfriend and trying to kill her and he hung himself in his cell. When I first heard the news, to be honest, I was excited he was dead. For many reasons really...he was more than abusive, the man was straight evil. He was excessively controlling and mean, he was a psychopath and I am truly lucky to have been able to escape with my life. There were times I thought I wouldn't. And I have been worried for the last year and a half that he would find me again, and that he would kill me this time. Why do I feel like a liar every time I say anything like that...he had me so screwed up, still has me so screwed up, that I don't even believe myself half the time when I talk about it. I actually look at the scars on my body and I read the police report and I look back at the pictures and I still feel like it's all wrong.
    Anyway...he's dead. And as happy as I am about it...I'm a little mad. But mad because he never had to face what he did, ever. He was never punished. He'll never be punished. And oh how I want him punished. I wish that I could have watched him die. And I think that makes me kind of awful.

    I don't think you are awful.

    I'm glad you are safe now. Please take care of yourself!

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I confess that sometimes while I am sitting at my computer listening to music I will get a random spurt of energy from nowhere and it is so powerful that I just have to get up and dance around until the feeling goes away. It's actually super hilarious because most of the time it's some really obscure song...and I become really embarrassed. Thank god it only happens when my boyfriend is away hah!

    I am like this when channel hopping music channels during the ads. If either chandelier or elastic heart by Sia come on, I have to dance around like a loon. Scary faces and EVERYTHING.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    My life has been a roller coast the last 7 months. [...]

    Again, thanks for reading

    I'm sorry you've been through so much. Be proud of what you've accomplished (congrats on the weight loss!). Unfortunately we can't change the past but just try to do as many good things as you can from here on.
    Confession: I've got the month from hell coming up at work in terms of deliverables and travel and I've got a *kitten*-ton of things going on in my personal life (not bad things, just time commitments, taxes, etc.). I've already come to the realization that I have to take an MFP posting hiatus to get everything done and have decided in advance that I will not attempt to catch up on any threads except this one when I come back. No matter how many pages I miss, I'm reading it all. *kitten* those other threads, though. Every one of them.

    Good luck on getting caught up afterwards! We will miss you.
  • brandi9172
    brandi9172 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you to everyone who responded to me. It is nice to get it out, even in this small way, and I appreciate all of your well wishes and understanding.
    Thank you.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    My abusive and estranged husband committed suicide last week. He was in jail after beating his current girlfriend and trying to kill her and he hung himself in his cell. When I first heard the news, to be honest, I was excited he was dead. For many reasons really...he was more than abusive, the man was straight evil. He was excessively controlling and mean, he was a psychopath and I am truly lucky to have been able to escape with my life. There were times I thought I wouldn't. And I have been worried for the last year and a half that he would find me again, and that he would kill me this time. Why do I feel like a liar every time I say anything like that...he had me so screwed up, still has me so screwed up, that I don't even believe myself half the time when I talk about it. I actually look at the scars on my body and I read the police report and I look back at the pictures and I still feel like it's all wrong.
    Anyway...he's dead. And as happy as I am about it...I'm a little mad. But mad because he never had to face what he did, ever. He was never punished. He'll never be punished. And oh how I want him punished. I wish that I could have watched him die. And I think that makes me kind of awful.

    I'm a few pages behind so I don't know how many have commented on this. If this makes you awful then I'm awful too. I am glad on your behalf that he is dead. A lot of people will not understand because unless you've gone through this type of abuse, the fear and bottomless rage you experience can't even be expressed adequately. Even thinking about things that happened years ago I clench my jaw and my breathing gets jagged and I have to distract myself with something else. I've been made to doubt myself so much that even if I am feeling one hundred percent one way I end up questioning my motives and whether or not I'm behaving this way for attention.

    A lot of the people who abused me are still alive and when I hear news of their long over due demises I am going to throw a big party. I am going to refuse to feel bad about it. I am going to try to revel in the giddy relief I will experience knowing they will never find me again. They are disgusting human beings that don't deserve to be alive. You are normal, you don't sound awful and you deserve to be happy.
  • Pipara
    Pipara Posts: 79 Member
    edited March 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Pipara wrote: »
    I've been trying for weeks to cut back on sugar (mostly chocolate) and the cravings are a lot more controllable now. That said, i've already pre-logged my white chocolate pistachio Easter egg :heart_eyes: for Easter Sunday, a half split over 2 days so I don't go over sugar goal. But who am I kidding? I know i'll probably devour the entire thing in one day.

    And that's why I do moderation, lol.

    In January my sister brought back some chocolates, I had been avoiding them (except a square of dark chocolate occasionally), and I ended up eating the whole bag in 2 days (ok I had some help, but still). Since then I bought a lot of chocolate... and I mean a lot. It's in my cupboard, I know it's there and I can have some anytime I want... and I just have a square or two every day. I haven't binged once in a month and only been a bit over a couple times.

    Cutting back and restricting is nice and all but unless you plan to never cave in, it just ends up badly, in my experience.

    My confession is that doing that, I actually realized that I'm actually ok with just having a square of chocolate, and I don't need half a bar to be satisfied anymore.
    Oh i'm all for moderation. I've ditched 100 lbs by not cutting anything out/restricting completely. When I say 'cut back on' I mean trying to find that 80%/ 20% balance rather than having 50% of my diary filled with sweet treats.

    I. like you, am at that point where I can just be satisfied with a square of dark chocolate but if there's two things I have a weakness for it's white chocolate and nuts (cashews and pistachios specifically). So i'll be nomming that Easter egg all day and will regret nothing.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    A more light-hearted confession for my American football friends: I LOVE J.J. Watt. And I'm a Bears fan...


    You've made an opening for a confession I've been thinking about for a while. I also love JJ Watt but I'm from WI. BUT I can't stand Aaron Rodgers. I feel like I'm the only person in this state that doesn't worship him.

    I like Aaron Rodgers... and I'm a Bears fan. *shame*

    So then I might be the only person in the world that doesn't like him

    No, you're not the only person that doesn't like him. And shame on you, Talkradio!