

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I hate the falling dreams. Those are awful because you usually jerk yourself awake.
    I hate dreams about being hurt (emotionally) by people in my life. Confession: I woke up crying from dreams like that. I have very vivid totally random dreams where they are story after story within a story, it's weird.

    I've woken up crying from dreams before, usually it's because someone close to me dies. Those are awful and I end up being incredibly sad for the rest of the day.

    I've had those before too. Very real too.

    When I was trying to get pregnant I had a very vivid dream where I had a little girl too... was awful to get up from that.

    And once I dreamed that my husband cheated on me, I woke up and I smacked him. He still remembers that one...
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    bettybing1 wrote: »
    Yesterday I ate a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked AND an entire 200g bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chip Ahoy chocolate. I stopped myself from eating anything else but I thought about it.
    I'm determined not to do that again. When I look at what I had and the fact that I considered more it's hard to avoid the word "binge". A lot of people would say "have a little of what you want" but the fact is that just doesn't work for me.
    Ben and Jerry's Half Baked. My god... I don't blame you. I would have devoured the whole carton in record time, myself.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Usually at work I wear hoodies and dickies, because, I buy the food but I also manage the warehouse and I'm not going to tear my dress shirts and slacks throwing pallets around. So I had my interview this morning, but it also coincides with the 20th anniversary at the company I currently work for. So everyone's like "ERMAGERD WHY ARE YOU DRESSED UP" and I'm like "20th anniversary?"

    They're buying it.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Usually at work I wear hoodies and dickies, because, I buy the food but I also manage the warehouse and I'm not going to tear my dress shirts and slacks throwing pallets around. So I had my interview this morning, but it also coincides with the 20th anniversary at the company I currently work for. So everyone's like "ERMAGERD WHY ARE YOU DRESSED UP" and I'm like "20th anniversary?"

    They're buying it.

    I don't know what those are... well wait. I know what they are, but not in that context.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    That is very exciting! I'd say good luck, but the different time zones mean as I'm catching up this morning you've probably already put the offer in! Hope you were successful.

    Thanks everyone that wished me luck. They rejected the offer - it was low, but like I said, it's not worth what they paid 5 years ago. I am countering today, but I have a feeling they won't accept less than their list price. I can't blame them, I get that they don't want to lose too much money, but it still sucks because it would be a great opportunity for me.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I dreamed for what seemed to be hours last night. Now I feel like I didn't sleep at all!

    My daughter (21) is interviewing for a job today and is asking advice from me.
    Me: Be professional. Cover the tats as much as possible. Don't wear the strapless dress unless you wear a jacket over it. Jeans are not a good idea. :neutral:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    I once stole candy off a mentally ill child

    What kind of candy?

    Totally my thought. Some kinds of candy might be worth it >:)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I woke up once and kicked my husband because he'd been cheating on me in my dream.

    I had a dream once that my husband was cheating on me with a certain co-worker. I woke up legitimately pissed off at him. The funny part is I wasn't pissed he was cheating, I was pissed about which co-worker it was. Old enough to be my mom, and not attractive.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I dreamed for what seemed to be hours last night. Now I feel like I didn't sleep at all!

    My daughter (21) is interviewing for a job today and is asking advice from me.
    Me: Be professional. Cover the tats as much as possible. Don't wear the strapless dress unless you wear a jacket over it. Jeans are not a good idea. :neutral:
    I tell my kids the same thing my mother told me: "How will they know how nicely you scrub up if you don't show them?"
  • jefadav
    jefadav Posts: 3 Member
    I lie to myself and don't login all that I ate
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    That is very exciting! I'd say good luck, but the different time zones mean as I'm catching up this morning you've probably already put the offer in! Hope you were successful.

    Thanks everyone that wished me luck. They rejected the offer - it was low, but like I said, it's not worth what they paid 5 years ago. I am countering today, but I have a feeling they won't accept less than their list price. I can't blame them, I get that they don't want to lose too much money, but it still sucks because it would be a great opportunity for me.

    Ditto. Hopefully they'll be sensible and accept your counter.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yesterday when I ate that 3/4 pint of ice cream, I really realized for the first time that after 1.5 serving... it just didn't taste that good anymore. But I was on autopilot and kept eating. I hadn't done that in a long time too... it's just so weird when you think about it.

    But back on track today (so far).
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    I moved the wedding date out so I have a full year to lose 80+ pounds before I have to buy the dress or think abut fittings....and I'm scared as hell that I'll still be this size.....which is stupid because I would marry him tomorrow in a thong if that's what he wanted to do.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    On the topic of dreams, does anyone else keep a dream diary? For some odd reason I have always been fascinated with dreams and love them. I don't write them down every day (I definitely don't remember them every day), but I have a BUNCH of files and sometimes like to look back on them.

    I definitely wish I'd taken the time to jot down some of the more interesting dreams I've had over the years, and which include those that were 'ridiculous beyond words' ;), as well as those that were just plain wth?-like (and 'baffling' in a smh -sort of way (and I dreamed this, why?! ;) ))... though, that being said, there are some dreams I've had that I've never forgotten, nor ever could (or so it would seem)...

    Regarding the dreams I've never forgotten... they're a 'mixed bag' that includes... a few comically nonsensical dreams... a few 'profound' dreams... a few fascinating dreams (that involve my having been able to 'solve' some problems 'in my sleep'... as well as dreams that involved my mind identifying some 'patterns' in that day's events, and that my conscious mind had failed to notice (those are a treat ;) ))... and last, but certainly not least, are the nightmares...

    I had a few recurring nightmares as a child (and for years), in the wake of my being present during a highly traumatic event (and at a very young age)... it's remarkable how tenacious the mind can be, in wrestling with 'potential alternative actions' that one can never go back in time to 'try' (given that there is only one 'chance' to action such an attempt, and is when the 'event' is unfolding... and can be further complicated/intensified by the reality that any 'mistake' could result in death to oneself and/or a sibling and/or a parent)...

    It's odd 'how' and 'what' we can learn from our subconscious minds, when/after they 'wrestle' with near-impossible circumstances... let alone, what they can do 'for' us, in 'allowing' us to 'see' various other possibilities (along with their potential outcomes), and how the course of action that we took -- that I took -- was really the 'only' choice (thereby providing an odd form of 'reassurance', and from a most unexpected 'source')...

    Another thing that those dreams 'taught' me, and despite the 'high price' of having had to 'watch' them (and repeatedly (and waking up in a 'puddle of sweat', with my heart racing, my wits 'rattled', my body shaking, and my breathing being of a nature whose sound and 'frequency' would end up being one of the first 'orders of business' to 'get under control'))... that I couldn't have otherwise fathomed how a child who was at the very young age that I was, at the time, could possess those kinds of instincts to protect, and be willing to 'fight to save another'... let alone to knowingly 'choose' to risk their life (under the circumstances), and be willing to sacrifice it, to save another... it goes without saying that kids (nor anyone else, for that matter) obviously shouldn't ever have to experience such a thing, or think any such thoughts, or go through the torture of needing to rapidly figure out what, among a given set of very limited options, would be the 'right' 'choice' in order to optimize the odds of 'everyone coming out alive'... but my experience did teach me (and in a way that perhaps nothing else could) that a child of a surprisingly young age can possess an instinctual capacity to protect that goes well beyond what many would ever think such a child to be capable of... (though to 'know' the 'depths' of it, would require its being 'tested', and *that* is something best left 'unknown')...

    Lastly... it strikes me as being a twisted form of 'non-parity' that the party who 'inflicted' said trauma, has no idea to what extent their actions affected my life from that moment on... (and I wasn't even the initial target of their 'wrath')... and the anxiety of not knowing if anything of the kind could or would ever happen again, or could otherwise put any member of my family's life at risk in my presence -- and my seeming to subconsciously feel as though I needed to be capable of 'knowing', ahead of time, 'how I would react' (which is impossible to know) -- was a form of during-childhood-'life-sentence' that I wouldn't wish on anyone...

    Wow, I'm so sorry for whatever it is you went through! Yes, it is amazing the instincts we have even at a very young age. I hope you and your family found some peace after this event, even though you know that it affected you and shaped you for life.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    PinUp2014 wrote: »
    I moved the wedding date out so I have a full year to lose 80+ pounds before I have to buy the dress or think abut fittings....and I'm scared as hell that I'll still be this size.....which is stupid because I would marry him tomorrow in a thong if that's what he wanted to do.

    Not trying to judge, but you spelled Shield wrong in your fan-girl description.
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »

    Ohhhh boy. There are so many directions this thread is going...

    That link needs to come with a tumblr warning.

    Sorry I'll be sure to # tw's next time :)
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    My deepest desire is to own my own game store. And I don't mean monopoly for xbox. I'm talking Roleplaying, Tabletop board games, miniatures, collectible card games, locked card games, walls packed with product and the tables filled with games. make all my profits from selling Code Red MT Dew and funyons.

    Get a liquor license and I'm there...unless you serve up those Mountain Dew Martinis with a crushed Dorito rim.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    My deepest desire is to own my own game store. And I don't mean monopoly for xbox. I'm talking Roleplaying, Tabletop board games, miniatures, collectible card games, locked card games, walls packed with product and the tables filled with games. make all my profits from selling Code Red MT Dew and funyons.

    Get a liquor license and I'm there...unless you serve up those Mountain Dew Martinis with a crushed Dorito rim.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA, one of my running jokes is a Munchkin Beer League
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.

    There's a real professional right there...

    I LOVE watching people coming in to interview at the agency! It's always mind blowing how many people do not know the proper attire to wear for an interview!

    That reminds me of when I got married at the courthouse. The judge said that people come in there in cutoff shorts, tank tops and flip flops, sometimes even bikini tops with no shirt. I live in a state with a 3 day waiting period, so it's not like they just decided that minute to go get married. Cracked me up.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.

    That is awesome! Good for you! I'm also curious about your confession.