

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    I just killed a spider on my food scale that appeared to climb out from behind the on/off button. I'm now terrified that there are spiders living inside my food scale. I'm seriously thinking of throwing it away and buying a new one, even though it is an expensive one.

    ETA: Just so this doesn't seem insanely irrational, I once found a colony of redbacks living in the body of a milkshake maker at work. There's precedent, people!!!

    When I was taking the plastic off of my air conditioner the other day, a huge spider crawled out from somewhere in there. I considered pushing the air conditioner out of the wall and letting it smash on the ground. I'm still paranoid to sit on that side of the room.

    Here's a spider story for you that a teacher once told me. A woman bought a cactus plant, and a few days later, it started pulsating. She called someone - a friend, maybe, I don't remember - and they told her to get out of the room right away. As soon as she did, there was a popping sound. The cactus had exploded, and there were baby tarantulas everywhere. Most likely, this is an urban legend...but I'm not taking any chances. No cacti for me.

    When I was in college I bought a plant at a plant store. About a week after I had it I realized the soil was crawling with centipedes. I called the plant store and they gave me some poison to put in the soil. Thank god I had a bad feeling about doing that and I put a white kitchen garbage bag around the plant. Cause sure enough those prehistoric suckers totally knew they were being killed and came climbing out of the pot trying to escape. They died in the bag. Grossest thing ever. I hate centipedes.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    Can't click that right now, I have to go do stuff. Don't get it shut down til I get back :p

    It's gone. I missed it too.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    What. the hell? Is this real life? LOL That OP is insane.

    Oh my gosh. I can't.

    What is wrong with her?

    I really feel like I missed something special here...
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SAFCMDO wrote: »
    I can eat 32 jaffa cakes in one go

    Jaffa cakes are one of those thy things I want to try someday, just so I get what people are talking about. Our import food section doesn't have them. Only problem is I'd be sick for a few days after.

    I want to try them, too. I've seen Digestives and Hobnobs in the import section of a local grocery store. I'm almost afraid to try them because if I like them, I'd probably down 32 of them in one go as well. :)

    Just FYI... They're amazingly delicious. Only the McVities ones though, the rest taste like cardboard. And the chocolate covered digestives.... Mmmmmm.

    You know what the WORST thing in the world is? We look after the firefighting equipment in the McVities factory and every visit we are given boxes and boxes or free biscuits. We currently have Digistives, milk chocolate digestives, chocolate Hobnobs, Orange Club Biscuits, Chocolate BN Biscuits, Crinkly Crisps, Twiglets and crackers. Christmas we get boxes each. Pretty much a McVitie hamper. I considered giving mine to a homeless person, but it just didn't quite make it.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    Don't let that get you down! I have been bouncing around the same 3 lbs for the last month. I find I get "stuck" in a range for a while then suddenly drop. Just stick with your eating plan and keep moving and it will eventually come off.

    But of course if you think talking to someone will help do it! I just wouldn't freak about bouncing around a certain weight. Sometimes you just have to "wait" it out. Now go brush your teeth! You'll feel better.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    For some reason today all my emoticons are being stripped from my posts. Sad...all my smiles, winks and frowns are gone!
  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    edited April 2015
    81Katz wrote: »
    I don't understand having a baby shower before you've given birth...

    Because you'll have most of the stuff you need before the baby arrives. I figure it makes it easier on the parents-to-be. (?)

    I know, but it must be absolutely awful if anything happened... :(

    A close friend has lost 2 babies within hours of giving birth due to a chromosomal abnormality that has only recently been diagnosed. Having to pack up and return the baby gifts brought further agony.

    Stillbirth and sudden infant death, although thankfully rare, still happens and is devastating for families.

    For this reason, until the baby is born and is safely home I don't send gifts.

    And we still chuckle when we think of all the toys and presents bought for my friend's baby boy, "Jacob". "Jacob" turned out to be a little girl- the hand made christening robes with his name embroidered into the lining, the £2000 nursery decorated to look like a pirate ship, complete with "his" name on the side of the boat, seemed somewhat inappropriate for "Rosie"!

    Fortunately, baby showers aren't such a big thing in England. We tend to wait until the baby is born and have a big party then.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    Check it out. And after my previous post I want to just dive right in and bathe in chocolate biscuits.3dizmcqdwokd.jpg

    The last picture is the batch that came in on Monday. If no-one claims them, they join the pile in the first picture in the kitchen lol
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    Don't let that get you down! I have been bouncing around the same 3 lbs for the last month. I find I get "stuck" in a range for a while then suddenly drop. Just stick with your eating plan and keep moving and it will eventually come off.

    But of course if you think talking to someone will help do it! I just wouldn't freak about bouncing around a certain weight. Sometimes you just have to "wait" it out. Now go brush your teeth! You'll feel better.
    This has been happening since February, it's driving me crackers. I can't even get my hopes up that I will break the boundary anymore.

    Yea, I feel really gross. I'm going to have to go buy a toothbrush and paste from the local shop on my break...
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    There was a poptart thread I saw on here a while back, and ever since then I have been wanting a poptart. The weird thing is I DON'T EVEN LIKE POPTARTS! I've always found them rather cardboard-y. Why do I want one?

    Brown Sugar and Cinnamon or Frosted Strawberry. You'll thank me later haha :wink:

    My favorites so far are Wild Cherry, Gingerbread, & Peanut Butter. The Cookie Dough & Confetti Cupcake are also good.

    I had a Wild Cherry Poptart pack tonight with Ben & Jerry's Garcia ice cream in the middle.

    Cherry Garcia! One of my favorite flavors of all time!! My brother and I used to get cartons and cartons of it from the store and sit there and devour it in a couple of sittings. Mmmm... thankfully I walked by the ice cream aisle!

    The only Ben & Jerry's pint I have to devour in what seems like a second is Cinnamon Buns.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    12pm: *me prelogging food for supper* "Ahh yes, this will be healthy, and lovely and in my goal... And prelogging will help ensure I stick to it!"

    6:30pm: *delete, delete, delete... Adds three beers in healthy meal's place*

    The one food I always do that with is broccoli.

    Me: Do I want to eat broccoli today? ARE YOU NUTS? No way!
    Me: Should I eat more ice cream? Well duh, what are you still doing on your butt! Go scoop already.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I love this thread for food ideas. I just finished my jar of White Chocolate Wonderful which I discovered on here and have my jar of Dark Chocolate Dreams on order. I am definitely going to be buying poptarts but will wait until my surgery/recovery and will definitely be making ice cream sandwich with them as well. As for the poptarts vs. Strudel debate, I like both. Part of me also wants to try the gummy bears with the sugar substitute to get the plumbing moving again despite the warnings the reviewers gave.

    I am also craving donuts from the Italian Bakery.... soo good. They also have the best sheet cake. It is the only "store bought" cake I will eat because it is so liquor laden that it squeezes out when you press it with a fork.

    Also, the store was out of the battery I needed for my food scale. Not too happy about it.

    Edited for autocorrect

    Good luck with the gummy bears. That review was hilarious! I could only imagine those poor construction workers & fighting over the Jiffy Johns.
  • mellyb11
    mellyb11 Posts: 32 Member
    Bahahah. These posts made my day...I do nearly all of them....and you have all made me feel happy and "normal".
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    Sorry to hear you're so wound up. I went to see an NHS weight management nurse, who was lovely and helpful when it comes to food choices and exercise, but she really didn't delve into the emotional aspect of it. And I think that's where I also struggle most. Clearly I know brownies are not a good choice for breakfast, yet that didn't stop me today!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    Can't click that right now, I have to go do stuff. Don't get it shut down til I get back :p

    It's gone. I missed it too.

    I saw it before it went, but only made it through part of the first page. That thread was CafeMom levels of psycho.
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Yup, done this too.
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Just before my period, I get huge cravings for really bad-for-me food... This week, in 2 days I ate a whole package of Oreos. (But I had them with skim milk! Does that help at all?)
    I really wish menopause would happen soon. (No chance; it's probably at least another 5 years away.) :disappointed:
    The rest of the month, I can take it or leave it. Those few days, no cookie or chip is safe.
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.
    I used to do that all the time, but it was more than 2 spoonsful. :sob:
    It's much too good. Now I don't think I even have any in the house.
    funjen1972 wrote:
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol
    I always change my socks & underwear, but the shorts, bra, & t-shirt get aired out. In the summer I hang them & my towels on the clothesline outside before I even go into the house from the gym.

    Actually, the bra gets hand-washed once a week. The shorts & shirt, in the laundry maybe every other week. And I was just given a second pair of shorts that fit, so maybe they'll only go for a week from now on!

    Please, Menopause is the worse, you have to watch everything you eat like a hawk.
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Also, my confession is that while I laugh at the "sugar addiction" threads, I too am addicted. I typically snort the easier stuff like powdered sugar or dextrose. But when I am desperate I have been known to reach the depths of snorting pixie stix. Once I even did some stevia. Never again.

    I am not ashamed.

    You SNORT ... Like up your nose ? This can't be right
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Let's see... what shall I confess today... I pay for a BodyMedia subscription and know that the numbers will help me lose, but I can't afford to buy enough food to eat my calorie intake needs every day so I don't sync my data often. I basically wear it because eventually my activity points will earn me money via one of my achievement sites. I want to lose weight so much, but I feel like a failure because I have gotten so heavy that I can't properly feed the body I have.. So I actually default to an undereating state by financial limitation, which then makes me scared to do work outs because that's even more calories that I can't afford!

    Sometimes I think I should just eat sticks of butter.