

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Feeling great today! Was finally able to fit into pre-prego jeans...two years postpartum, and they are still my "fat jeans", but I digress. I still see it as good progress!

    Great work! My son will be 2 in June, and I just hit my pre-pregnancy weight in the last couple of months. Feels amazing, doesn't it?

    Nine more pounds until pre-pregnancy weight and then twenty on top of that to goal weight, but yes feeling better everyday!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    I confess that I'm really, really annoyed that MFP is releasing a Premium version that contains so many features their loyal users have been asking for since Lord-knows-when. I feel like an old friend has betrayed me. :|:s:'(

    I don't even think I care about any of the new features (depends what they are, but I'm fine as is), but I don't like the idea of having premium members and regular members, seems weird.

    I hate change, though. It's a flaw. [Heh, I just noticed that you said that too in a subsequent post--not directed at you!]

    In other confessions, I'm ridiculously amused that when my eyes fell across the most recent threads in the list of forums and topics it gave me: "diet coke, bacon, master cleanse"
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Confession: I bought both the White Chocolate Wonderful and the Dark Chocolate Dreams and was pretty meh about both. Neither really had much flavor, I felt. Now the jar of coconut macaroon cookie butter, that stuff is dangerous, especially if you like coconut. Had to chuck the jar after tasting because I would have made myself sick eating it.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    There's an App called Meerkat, and basically it broadcasts you doing whatever you're doing with your phone or ipad camera. I've been streaming myself playing games on Meerkat.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    Don't let that get you down! I have been bouncing around the same 3 lbs for the last month. I find I get "stuck" in a range for a while then suddenly drop. Just stick with your eating plan and keep moving and it will eventually come off.

    But of course if you think talking to someone will help do it! I just wouldn't freak about bouncing around a certain weight. Sometimes you just have to "wait" it out. Now go brush your teeth! You'll feel better.

    I get "stuck" too. I've been logging on MFP for almost 100 days, and I'm only down 5 pounds. I'll lose half a pound, gain a pound, lose a pound and so on. I didn't budge for almost 3 weeks and finally dropped like 2 pounds at once. It's a slow, frustrating process but don't give up.

    Even if they weight isn't budging, think about all the other health benefits you are getting from exercising and eating healthier.
  • kristen_wino
    kristen_wino Posts: 67 Member
    edited April 2015
    i am a BINGE eater, and i love it when its happening...but i want to hide my wallet and throw out the bad food left in my house when ive finished. ill do great for a few days of healthy food, then i give up for an entire day of grease, sugar. I can laugh about it. lol
  • cnoonannurse
    cnoonannurse Posts: 58 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    I totally hear you! I have been bouncing between 214 and 212 for over a week now...I just want to get to milestone #1 (15lb lost) at 210, so I can keep going to my ultimate goat of 160-180. It sucks to get stuck!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: I bought both the White Chocolate Wonderful and the Dark Chocolate Dreams and was pretty meh about both. Neither really had much flavor, I felt. Now the jar of coconut macaroon cookie butter, that stuff is dangerous, especially if you like coconut. Had to chuck the jar after tasting because I would have made myself sick eating it.

    I need some sort of Selective Post Amnesia that makes me forget tasty food products I've never heard of but would probably enjoy. Enjoy in a way-too-much sense.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    My wife does Zumba in the living room in the evenings and even though she's been doing it for months I still get so distracted staring at her butt that I cannot concentrate on anything else for the hour she does it.

    This made me laugh so hard that I had a coworker stop in my office to see what was so funny. I had to blame a cat on the internet.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Confession: I have a pretty nice backside and I didn't even realize it. I was turned around, looking in the mirror with a mirror so I could see how long my hair was getting when I noticed what a nice hourglass shape I've acquired since losing weight. And, it's only going to get better from here. Isn't my husband a lucky man!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    I once found one of those large deli subs from Wal-Mart unopened on a city bus...and ate it. The whole thing, right there on the bus. It was there when I got on so I had no idea who's it was. I am prone to binging, but this was probably the lowest form of desperation I have ever stooped too.

    i kinda envy you 1. for the glorious find 2. actually eating it 3. the $ you saved on food.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm just gonna throw this out there - y'all can hate on me later.

    Toasted buttered poptarts. Yep, butter them up like a piece of toast. I haven't had poptarts in years because I can't moderate when it comes to this.

    See previous post.

    You two and your twinning.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    Don't let that get you down! I have been bouncing around the same 3 lbs for the last month. I find I get "stuck" in a range for a while then suddenly drop. Just stick with your eating plan and keep moving and it will eventually come off.

    But of course if you think talking to someone will help do it! I just wouldn't freak about bouncing around a certain weight. Sometimes you just have to "wait" it out. Now go brush your teeth! You'll feel better.
    This has been happening since February, it's driving me crackers. I can't even get my hopes up that I will break the boundary anymore.

    Yea, I feel really gross. I'm going to have to go buy a toothbrush and paste from the local shop on my break...

    On the plus side, though, if that is your hand in one of the pictures I love your nail polish color!

    Great minds think alike ;) We have already established that it is Lois's hand and the nail polish is Barry M, a UK brand.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I realized last night I have this issue with feeling guilty if I do well at something. I am doing an agility class with my dog and I was able to pick up the new stuff last night that the other people weren't getting. I felt like one lady in particular was giving me stink eye because she wasn't doing so well (but seriously, who wears flip flops to something they know involves running and direction changes?). The instructor complimented me at the end and it took everything I had to not downplay it.

    It kind of sounds like I'm humble bragging, maybe I am, maybe I should just turn it into actual bragging: Me and my dog are doing awesome in agility. Unfortunately I can't seem to allow myself to enjoy it and feel proud of her and I because... well I don't know why.

    It's not wrong to feel proud of being good at something, is it?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I had a complete breakdown/tantrum this morning. Got on the scales and I'm back up to 214lbs. It's like I'm on some sort of weight bungee cord. I can't get past 212.9lb and I bounce back up to 214lb. I spend all month getting down to 212.9lb and back up again! So complete breakdown, sat crying on my bed for about 15 minutes, got dressed and went down stairs to get breakfast and saw my swimming stuff on the line outside frozen from the frost in the morning. Completely flipped out. Gym bag went across to room, laundry went flying around the room and I just thought bollo*ks to this I'm going to work grabbed my handbag a left. Arrived at work an hour early, no breakfast, I didn't even brush my teeth. Currently trying to find a local therapist, I don't want to go on the happy pills, but I can't take this much more.

    Don't let that get you down! I have been bouncing around the same 3 lbs for the last month. I find I get "stuck" in a range for a while then suddenly drop. Just stick with your eating plan and keep moving and it will eventually come off.

    But of course if you think talking to someone will help do it! I just wouldn't freak about bouncing around a certain weight. Sometimes you just have to "wait" it out. Now go brush your teeth! You'll feel better.
    This has been happening since February, it's driving me crackers. I can't even get my hopes up that I will break the boundary anymore.

    Yea, I feel really gross. I'm going to have to go buy a toothbrush and paste from the local shop on my break...

    On the plus side, though, if that is your hand in one of the pictures I love your nail polish color!

    Great minds think alike ;) We have already established that it is Lois's hand and the nail polish is Barry M, a UK brand.

    Thank you! I saw that after I posted. I read this thread every day, so I have no idea how I'm always lagging behind and trying to keep up! Well, maybe because I actually have to work and get stuff done, too.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I slept in over 30 minutes late so my whole routine was off and I was rushed this morning.

    Their is a very good chance I forgot to put deodorant on. :(
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I realized last night I have this issue with feeling guilty if I do well at something. I am doing an agility class with my dog and I was able to pick up the new stuff last night that the other people weren't getting. I felt like one lady in particular was giving me stink eye because she wasn't doing so well (but seriously, who wears flip flops to something they know involves running and direction changes?). The instructor complimented me at the end and it took everything I had to not downplay it.

    It kind of sounds like I'm humble bragging, maybe I am, maybe I should just turn it into actual bragging: Me and my dog are doing awesome in agility. Unfortunately I can't seem to allow myself to enjoy it and feel proud of her and I because... well I don't know why.

    It's not wrong to feel proud of being good at something, is it?

    I think a lot of people, especially women, struggle with this. I know in school, I got excellent grades. I was in the top 2% of my high school graduating class and went to college on a 100% academic scholarship. Most of my friends didn't realize it because I would always pretend like my scores were poor on a test where I may have gotten a 95%. I was embarrassed that some things came so easy to me.

    I still downplay my accomplishments to some extent. I've had managers/directors tell me to be more outspoken about what I'm accomplishing, so I'm working on it.
  • tonightokayalright
    tonightokayalright Posts: 289 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Okay, I chalk this up to my OCD, lol. Whenever I scoop something out of a jar with a spoon (i.e. peanut butter), I weigh the spoon first. Then I weigh it again after I'm done dishing out a serving. That way I can lick the spoon and track what I ate off the spoon as well.

    Jesus Christ this is brilliant.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I realized last night I have this issue with feeling guilty if I do well at something. I am doing an agility class with my dog and I was able to pick up the new stuff last night that the other people weren't getting. I felt like one lady in particular was giving me stink eye because she wasn't doing so well (but seriously, who wears flip flops to something they know involves running and direction changes?). The instructor complimented me at the end and it took everything I had to not downplay it.

    It kind of sounds like I'm humble bragging, maybe I am, maybe I should just turn it into actual bragging: Me and my dog are doing awesome in agility. Unfortunately I can't seem to allow myself to enjoy it and feel proud of her and I because... well I don't know why.

    It's not wrong to feel proud of being good at something, is it?

    I think a lot of people, especially women, struggle with this. I know in school, I got excellent grades. I was in the top 2% of my high school graduating class and went to college on a 100% academic scholarship. Most of my friends didn't realize it because I would always pretend like my scores were poor on a test where I may have gotten a 95%. I was embarrassed that some things came so easy to me.

    I still downplay my accomplishments to some extent. I've had managers/directors tell me to be more outspoken about what I'm accomplishing, so I'm working on it.

    It's the culture, we don't keep score in peewee sports leagues, everythings about sharing, and making everyone feel good, we're weeding out that killer instinct to get in and get after it and scream for the rafters when you take it.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I realized last night I have this issue with feeling guilty if I do well at something. I am doing an agility class with my dog and I was able to pick up the new stuff last night that the other people weren't getting. I felt like one lady in particular was giving me stink eye because she wasn't doing so well (but seriously, who wears flip flops to something they know involves running and direction changes?). The instructor complimented me at the end and it took everything I had to not downplay it.

    It kind of sounds like I'm humble bragging, maybe I am, maybe I should just turn it into actual bragging: Me and my dog are doing awesome in agility. Unfortunately I can't seem to allow myself to enjoy it and feel proud of her and I because... well I don't know why.

    It's not wrong to feel proud of being good at something, is it?

    Of course not! That is really awesome. Healthy for both you and your doggie. And yes, wearing flip-flops to an agility course is just silly.