

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ...As for my confession: I ate five thousand calories yesterday. Yup, FIVE THOUSAND--and that's just an estimate.

    After a re-tally (Adding in stuff I had forgotten about), it turns out that I'm actually at roughly 6000 calories for the day. Go me. :(

    I'm sure I'm with you on the calorie count.

    Between yesterday & eating the 18 Mint Fudge Oreos (like the Girl Scouts Thin Mint), the whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Half Baked, some of the Ben & Jerry's Spectacular Cookie Core, & three Friendly's cups of Cotton Candy with Pop Rocks I had another bad eating day today.

    Today I had a lot of Edy's Cinnamon Bun Fun & most of a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.

    At first I was going to restrict my calories to punish myself for being a pig, but my sister knocked some sense into me not to do it. For the time being I just need to avoid buying ice cream, gelato, cookies, etc. until I can be satisfied with just one portion.

    Problem with me is that I'm a good baker and VERY creative when I want to be! I don't have to buy any of the actual desserts--I can have a bare minimum of ingredients and make something crazy out of them.

    My husband usually talks me off of that ledge. :) I'll be doing damage control for the next week or so, with my regular deficit. :(

    Susieq_1994, from this day forward, I shall think of you as a confection-concocting 'MacGyver'... ;)

    (...though you'll also remain in my tiny utensil 'hall of fame' (who says you can't be amazing in more than one realm of 'culinaria'?)... ;) )

    Ooh, it's so nice to be famous. At least one person in the world will recognize my name as the tiny-spoon-wielding-crazy-dessert-making lady! ;)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I see too many drivers on their phones swerving and weaving about. It's like DUH, hang up the d-mn phone already. Drives me nuts. Sure, there are other distractions in a car, people with you, the radio, etc. But I still think cell phones have to be THE worst. I cannot talk on a phone and drive at the same time, I just can't.

    My husband is an over the road truck driver. He watches people on their devices while driving all the time. He says the worst offenders are the cops.

    Here they're allowed to be on their phones.

    Here they are not supposed to be on their phones, but they are incessantly. Annoys me to no end.

    here, cops are allowed to be on their phones during emergency response while driving, if they're just cruising it's just as illegal for them.

    Which is logical, but the problem is if they don't self-enforce then no one else can do anything about it.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat, that wonderful anecdote is yet another reminder to me of how much fun it is to see random bits of conversation become 'pivot points'/'launch pads' to all kinds of unexpected whatnot... and in this case... from stick shift -to- a-foreign-rental-car-that-neither-party-can-'officially'-drive -to- Turkish CHiPs! -to- acting-scene-worthy-of-a-guest-stint-on-Inside-The-Actors-Studio! -to- taking-the-scenic-route-while-driving-through-Asia: bad-idea-edition -- cool! :smiley:

    Heh, thanks for reading and responding to my post!
    Thanks for writing it! :)

    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The scenic route part of that trip--as well as adventures on the overnight train to Ankara and why one should never trust the Let's Go! guide's endorsement of a hotel for being extremely inexpensive (although it was, in fact, extremely inexpensive) will have to wait until later topics that lead to such a digression. ;-)
    I understand completely... and look forward to the 'next installment' of this most adventurous, where-in-the-world-is-Lemurcat12 'bedtime story' (you and your friend would seem to have embarked upon a trip that turned out to involve some Bill Bryson -like 'comical misadventure')... ;)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I see too many drivers on their phones swerving and weaving about. It's like DUH, hang up the d-mn phone already. Drives me nuts. Sure, there are other distractions in a car, people with you, the radio, etc. But I still think cell phones have to be THE worst. I cannot talk on a phone and drive at the same time, I just can't.

    My husband is an over the road truck driver. He watches people on their devices while driving all the time. He says the worst offenders are the cops.

    Here they're allowed to be on their phones.

    Here they are not supposed to be on their phones, but they are incessantly. Annoys me to no end.

    here, cops are allowed to be on their phones during emergency response while driving, if they're just cruising it's just as illegal for them.

    Which is logical, but the problem is if they don't self-enforce then no one else can do anything about it.

    We could run after them yelling "Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest!" like Gomer Pyle in that episode of The Andy Griffith show when Barney made the U-turn.

    OK, maybe I really AM old. LOL
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm pretty self conscious about my body, I have super athletic legs, a fat belly, and average looking arms. I've been doing some serious weight lifting and while I've only lost an inch off of my belly, I noticed that I've developing some pretty mean trapezius muscles... totally not what I needed.

    Are you turning into a little guy poking out of the top of a muscle suit?

    Lol, this made me laugh :smiley:

    I don't remember when I first saw that meme, but I can't unsee it. Any time I see any picture of someone in a bodybuilding pose like that, all I see is the little guy sticking out the top.

    Please share this meme. I haven't ever seen it but would like to.

  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Fair point. It's already been shot down that there is CDC involvement considering the season 1 development. It'd be interesting to see if they take the bioterrorism route or if it's more like Planet of the Apes -- the James Franco one -- where it's just one unlucky person who happens to spread it to 5 friends, then they spread it to their 5 friends, so on and so forth. Or what genetic mutation happens to make it so some people were instantly turned and not others.

    I do wish they'd show how it's handled in colder locations. I'd like to believe the zombies would be slower in like..a Cleveland winter. Or maybe I'm wishful thinking so I could actually run away from them :).
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Kissynn wrote: »
    I log the sweet stuff I want to eat at the beginning of the day. In this way it's already accounted for by the evening when I want to eat it. Shameful, I let me go, I need to put in this evening's slice of coconut cream pie.

    I think that's the way you're supposed to do it, to make room for treats in your day.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Fair point. It's already been shot down that there is CDC involvement considering the season 1 development. It'd be interesting to see if they take the bioterrorism route or if it's more like Planet of the Apes -- the James Franco one -- where it's just one unlucky person who happens to spread it to 5 friends, then they spread it to their 5 friends, so on and so forth. Or what genetic mutation happens to make it so some people were instantly turned and not others.

    I do wish they'd show how it's handled in colder locations. I'd like to believe the zombies would be slower in like..a Cleveland winter. Or maybe I'm wishful thinking so I could actually run away from them :).

    I'm not a fast runner by any means, at least I don't think I am, I haven't run for quite some time (except in my dreams where I'm not very fast and can't outrun anything or anyone chasing me), but I'm pretty sure I can outrun a foot-shuffling-leg-dragging zombie/walker.

    One thing I would like to have cleared up in TWD, is how is everyone infected?! I don't mean how is it spread, I mean, how is it that even the living/healthy people turn when they die? How did THAT happen? I'm open to theories and suggestions.

    Did I miss something in one of the seasons where they explained this?

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited April 2015
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Fair point. It's already been shot down that there is CDC involvement considering the season 1 development. It'd be interesting to see if they take the bioterrorism route or if it's more like Planet of the Apes -- the James Franco one -- where it's just one unlucky person who happens to spread it to 5 friends, then they spread it to their 5 friends, so on and so forth. Or what genetic mutation happens to make it so some people were instantly turned and not others.

    I do wish they'd show how it's handled in colder locations. I'd like to believe the zombies would be slower in like..a Cleveland winter. Or maybe I'm wishful thinking so I could actually run away from them :).

    In World War Z (the book), they talk about cold locations. The zombies freeze, then thaw in the spring and resume killing.

    ETA: I'm pretty sure it's that book, it's been a while since I read it.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited April 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Fair point. It's already been shot down that there is CDC involvement considering the season 1 development. It'd be interesting to see if they take the bioterrorism route or if it's more like Planet of the Apes -- the James Franco one -- where it's just one unlucky person who happens to spread it to 5 friends, then they spread it to their 5 friends, so on and so forth. Or what genetic mutation happens to make it so some people were instantly turned and not others.

    I do wish they'd show how it's handled in colder locations. I'd like to believe the zombies would be slower in like..a Cleveland winter. Or maybe I'm wishful thinking so I could actually run away from them :).

    I'm not a fast runner by any means, at least I don't think I am, I haven't run for quite some time (except in my dreams where I'm not very fast and can't outrun anything or anyone chasing me), but I'm pretty sure I can outrun a foot-shuffling-leg-dragging zombie/walker.

    One thing I would like to have cleared up in TWD, is how is everyone infected?! I don't mean how is it spread, I mean, how is it that even the living/healthy people turn when they die? How did THAT happen? I'm open to theories and suggestions.

    Did I miss something in one of the seasons where they explained this?

    If I remember correctly, Rick finds out from the guy at the CDC before the building explodes. But Rick doesn't say anything to the others because he doesn't know for sure, until Shane is killed.

    They haven't explained HOW though, probably because the characters have no idea how it all started. I'm thinking it could be an air-borne virus, but the body can fight it off until the person dies?
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Although it doesn't exactly involve "watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused" (which, I agree, would make for a fascinating aspect of exploratory storytelling), the movie "I Am Legend", which is based on a book from long ago, and which previously was 'refashioned' into the movie "The Omega Man", does involve a man-made cause that is disclosed... and to boot, includes a 'last man on Earth' -type element, as well...

    From the wiki page for "I Am Legend" --
    In 2009, a genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created as a cure for cancer, mutates into a lethal strain which kills 90 percent of those it infects, and turns the remaining 10% into predatory, nocturnal "Darkseekers" who are vulnerable to sunlight. Three years after the outbreak, US Army virologist Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville (Will Smith) lives an isolated life in New York City, which is now deserted, unsure if there are any other uninfected humans left in the world. [...]

    I couldn't help 'wondering' (and futilely trying to 'imagine'(/fathom)), while watching "I Am Legend", just what it would be like to 'live' the different scenes the viewer 'sees' the lead character experience, 'face', survive, and 'navigate', day after day... with the world of his immediate environment having been turned into a 'ghost town' (albeit a dangerous one, at that, what with the 'mutants' coming out at night, and looking for human 'prey'), and his being a scientist involving the perpetual seeking of a 'cure' (all while enduring the stress of trying to survive each day (well, night ;) ), and keep his wits about him, and his spirit 'up', in the wake of not having another human being to interact with)...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm pretty self conscious about my body, I have super athletic legs, a fat belly, and average looking arms. I've been doing some serious weight lifting and while I've only lost an inch off of my belly, I noticed that I've developing some pretty mean trapezius muscles... totally not what I needed.

    Are you turning into a little guy poking out of the top of a muscle suit?

    Lol, this made me laugh :smiley:

    I don't remember when I first saw that meme, but I can't unsee it. Any time I see any picture of someone in a bodybuilding pose like that, all I see is the little guy sticking out the top.

    Please share this meme. I haven't ever seen it but would like to.

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    1200 calories seems crazy low to me! How tall are you and how much do you weigh? And sorry if this is late to the game...I'm a couple pages behind! But aren't you doing some heavy lifting? Maybe you need more calories?
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    My husband has tried to teach me so many times, and I just cannot do it. I'm fine once I get going, even pretty decent with the clutch/gas/shifting dance, but it's the getting going out of a complete stop that I can't master. I just gave up. I will NEVER need to know how to drive a manual car and if I do, I can get by, but that would only be necessary if my husband has already become a zombie and I've had to put him down.

    We'll team up in the Zombie apocalypse. I'll drive if it's a stick.

    Sounds good! What will my job be?! I don't want to be zombie bait. I am a pretty good shot and I think I could wield a mean samurai sword.

    I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :smiley:

    ETA: Ooh, or a crossbow!

    I have a compound bow already!! Can I team up? :#
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    My husband has tried to teach me so many times, and I just cannot do it. I'm fine once I get going, even pretty decent with the clutch/gas/shifting dance, but it's the getting going out of a complete stop that I can't master. I just gave up. I will NEVER need to know how to drive a manual car and if I do, I can get by, but that would only be necessary if my husband has already become a zombie and I've had to put him down.

    We'll team up in the Zombie apocalypse. I'll drive if it's a stick.

    Sounds good! What will my job be?! I don't want to be zombie bait. I am a pretty good shot and I think I could wield a mean samurai sword.

    I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :smiley:

    ETA: Ooh, or a crossbow!

    I have a compound bow already!! Can I team up? :#

    I don't have any weapons, but I can bring some Dr Pepper :smiley:

    YES to both of you! Who's in for bringing the Quest Bars and kettle cooked chips?!

    I got that!!

    SWEET!!! I live in KS and @quiksylver296 lives in Idaho, where should we meet up? Nebraska, South Dakota?

    I will drive straight up from Texas! pick you up in KS!

    Anyone coming north? Far, far north? haha

    ETA: Never mind. If the world ends and there's no more power/heat, I'm heading south.

    We can travel together, Shiba!
    Pop over to Uk if you run out of zombie-free space on your side of the pond!

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited April 2015
    Not going back through the pages to quote everyone, but:

    Deciding to pay huge amounts to treat a pet is always tough. On several occasions I've gone the pain management route, rather than the surgery route. That doesn't make you a bad pet parent.

    I've never watched The Walking Dead (or Breaking Bad), but I am all in for the Zombie Apocalypse gang. I have guns, extra ammo, extra food rations, and I'll even bring a large supply of toilet paper! I could be talked into Mount Rushmore, but I like Crazy Horse better.

    I can drive a stick, but with all the hills around here, don't want to!

    Setting a good example for my ultra thin but out of shape daughter is one of my main motivators for being more healthy and fit.

    @Rashmi411 I'm with everyone else- you deserve better than that.

    I've noticed a few posts in here have been flagged as spam or abuse. So much for no judgment.

    ETA: I also upped my calories (by changing my goal to a lower amount lost per week) and the weight eventually came off.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I confess that I'm a little bummed out that everyone has been talking about TV shows for the last... Ten pages or so? I don't watch tv shows (or movies... Or actually anything, really) at all, so I have no idea what anyone is talking about.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Inspection people are here. Everybody's freaking out a little. Except me. Think I'll just sit here and eat my string cheese until somebody needs me.

    Noticed that you've been MIA lately and remembered you said you'd be busy this week. Hope everything is going well!
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    ...As for my confession: I ate five thousand calories yesterday. Yup, FIVE THOUSAND--and that's just an estimate.

    After a re-tally (Adding in stuff I had forgotten about), it turns out that I'm actually at roughly 6000 calories for the day. Go me. :(

    I'm sure I'm with you on the calorie count.

    Between yesterday & eating the 18 Mint Fudge Oreos (like the Girl Scouts Thin Mint), the whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Half Baked, some of the Ben & Jerry's Spectacular Cookie Core, & three Friendly's cups of Cotton Candy with Pop Rocks I had another bad eating day today.

    Today I had a lot of Edy's Cinnamon Bun Fun & most of a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.

    At first I was going to restrict my calories to punish myself for being a pig, but my sister knocked some sense into me not to do it. For the time being I just need to avoid buying ice cream, gelato, cookies, etc. until I can be satisfied with just one portion.

    Problem with me is that I'm a good baker and VERY creative when I want to be! I don't have to buy any of the actual desserts--I can have a bare minimum of ingredients and make something crazy out of them.

    My husband usually talks me off of that ledge. :) I'll be doing damage control for the next week or so, with my regular deficit. :(

    Susieq_1994, from this day forward, I shall think of you as a confection-concocting 'MacGyver'... ;)

    (...though you'll also remain in my tiny utensil 'hall of fame' (who says you can't be amazing in more than one realm of 'culinaria'?)... ;) )

    Ooh, it's so nice to be famous.
    In my absence, could you do me a favor (?), and hook up a camera near your kitchen (it can still have the lens cap on, no problem ;) ), along with a motion sensor -- so that when you enter 'The Den of Culinary Creation', the camera (keep that flash on!) will click away incessantly... and render a paparazzi-like 'feel' to 'the occasion' (you famous being, you)... :)

    At least one person in the world will recognize my name as the tiny-spoon-wielding-crazy-dessert-making lady! ;)
    I hereby bow my head in respect-filled acknowledgment of your awesome tiny-spoon 'adventures' ;), and your gimme-some-duct-tape-and-a-wad-of-gum dessert-making prowess... :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    eMka11 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    My husband has tried to teach me so many times, and I just cannot do it. I'm fine once I get going, even pretty decent with the clutch/gas/shifting dance, but it's the getting going out of a complete stop that I can't master. I just gave up. I will NEVER need to know how to drive a manual car and if I do, I can get by, but that would only be necessary if my husband has already become a zombie and I've had to put him down.

    We'll team up in the Zombie apocalypse. I'll drive if it's a stick.

    Sounds good! What will my job be?! I don't want to be zombie bait. I am a pretty good shot and I think I could wield a mean samurai sword.

    I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :smiley:

    ETA: Ooh, or a crossbow!

    I have a compound bow already!! Can I team up? :#
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    My husband has tried to teach me so many times, and I just cannot do it. I'm fine once I get going, even pretty decent with the clutch/gas/shifting dance, but it's the getting going out of a complete stop that I can't master. I just gave up. I will NEVER need to know how to drive a manual car and if I do, I can get by, but that would only be necessary if my husband has already become a zombie and I've had to put him down.

    We'll team up in the Zombie apocalypse. I'll drive if it's a stick.

    Sounds good! What will my job be?! I don't want to be zombie bait. I am a pretty good shot and I think I could wield a mean samurai sword.

    I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :smiley:

    ETA: Ooh, or a crossbow!

    I have a compound bow already!! Can I team up? :#

    I don't have any weapons, but I can bring some Dr Pepper :smiley:

    YES to both of you! Who's in for bringing the Quest Bars and kettle cooked chips?!

    I got that!!

    SWEET!!! I live in KS and @quiksylver296 lives in Idaho, where should we meet up? Nebraska, South Dakota?

    I will drive straight up from Texas! pick you up in KS!

    Anyone coming north? Far, far north? haha

    ETA: Never mind. If the world ends and there's no more power/heat, I'm heading south.

    We can travel together, Shiba!
    Pop over to Uk if you run out of zombie-free space on your side of the pond!

    I'm heading over to London In August for the first time, I absolutely cannot wait!!