

  • dmeechin
    dmeechin Posts: 7 Member
    If I'm over by just a few calories at the end of the day, I'll add in more of my exercise to keep the number in green."

    LOL I totally do this!!!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    Caught up!

    I'm not too worried about this parenting thing. I'm worried about the nitty, grittiness of sleep deprivation and exhaustion that comes with the early days, but beyond ensuring the kid's physical well-being, I feel like the actual 'parenting' part will be okay. I'm a decent person. My husband is a decent person. My parents were decent people and my siblings and I turned out fine. Not a lot of drama, not a lot of scares and we all put up with one another to varying degrees. Sure I expect there will be arguments and frustrations and bumps in the road, but I'm not aiming for perfection as I think that probably doesn't exist.

    Am I being too blasé about the whole thing?!

    Nah. I will say though that based on nothing but my time on pregnancy message boards (tip: do not go to a pregnancy message board, the craziest people spend all day there) most first babies seem to be easy. That's how they trick you into having another one. My oldest was the easiest baby in the world. I found myself thinking "why do people complain about this?". Five years later when I had my daughter, I found out how bad it could be. My daughter has also taught me to be a lot less judgmental about parenting styles. I parented her in the same general way as my son, and she is ?

    I feel this exact way about my 4th child. She can be so sweet sometimes, but EVERYTHING is a damned battle with her. I cannot possibly convey how mule-obstinate she can be about the smallest things. It doesn't help that the older three (one of whom has to share a room with her) have figured out how to trigger her demon rages.

    All her teachers love her though, so I am occasionally "grateful" she saves her insanity for her father and I mostly.

    My daughter was the same way... until this year. Now she's driven her teacher mad a couple times too, and she basically doesn't participate or talk in class. Ugh... Hopefully next year is better...

    I decided to try the stationary bike at the gym today.... it was almost successful in murdering my butt. I thought the stationary bike was going to be easy after 40 minutes of stairmaster, but nope!!! They need to invest in some comfy seats so my tush can stop screaming at me.

    I did the stationary bike at the gym once... Found out what it's like when your intimate parts fall asleep... and how really odd it is when you start getting sensation in them again. Haven't tried it since... The funny thing is that my $100 stationary bike at home doesn't bother me one bit!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Sigh. I thought we were doing so well since we have half a dozen flavours of Russell Stover eggs here... and now I find out there are more and better varieties in other parts of the world.

    Please, nobody tell me there is a pumpkin Russell Stover egg (although that would be a weird juxtaposition of Easter and Thanksgiving) or I'll be on Amazon hunting the damned things down. :o
    I was able to find this. I don't believe there's a pumpkin egg for Easter.

    And red velvet too!

    I've never seen either of those here.
    Russell Stover also has these amazing S'More bars that come out around Summertime.

    I had to stop at a hospital today and saw a buncha Russell Stover big bars like this at the gift shop. I was really interested in this one:

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    It double posted again...

    I admit I haven't dared trying the Russel Stover stuff. I'm picky about my chocolate, and it's always seemed like a cheap brand to me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    WTH forum.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    We need a 'delete post' option.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It double posted again...

    I admit I haven't dared trying the Russel Stover stuff. I'm picky about my chocolate, and it's always seemed like a cheap brand to me.
    Triple posted :p

    I wasn't a fan of the Russel Stover assorted chocolate box I received a while back. That really tasted cheap.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It double posted again...

    I admit I haven't dared trying the Russel Stover stuff. I'm picky about my chocolate, and it's always seemed like a cheap brand to me.
    Triple posted :p

    I wasn't a fan of the Russel Stover assorted chocolate box I received a while back. That really tasted cheap.

    It quad posted!

    And yes, exactly. I'm kinda weary of any chocolate you can buy at $1 a box of 4.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited May 2015
    The good thing about working out at the gym as that I really, really ''don't want my hard work to go to waste.'' I find I eat better on these days, even if my chocolate cravings are now going through the roof. I couldn't get a Kit Kat Chunky today, but I am definitely hardcore thinking about getting one tomorrow. Or any chocolate, really!!! I'll try my hardest to limit myself to one bar :lol:

    Francl27 wrote: »
    I did the stationary bike at the gym once... Found out what it's like when your intimate parts fall asleep... and how really odd it is when you start getting sensation in them again. Haven't tried it since... The funny thing is that my $100 stationary bike at home doesn't bother me one bit!
    I have a ''sort of'' stationary bike at home. It doesn't have a seat, it's just the pedals, so it feels a lot more comfortable! Sadly I don't think I get a good workout from using it :( I think I'm just going to stick to the other machines at the gym from now on!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited May 2015
    All I thought about this morning was chocolate so to squash those cravings I ate an Anthony Thomas chocolate and almond bar- yuuuum! 324 calories but I made it work today woo hoo!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I got my new work out tank in the mail today and I want to wear it always. It's this one: rh1q6e0ezot7.jpg
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I got my new work out tank in the mail today and I want to wear it always. It's this one: rh1q6e0ezot7.jpg

    Saw this on Pinterest last week. I'm tempted...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I got my new work out tank in the mail today and I want to wear it always. It's this one: rh1q6e0ezot7.jpg

    Saw this on Pinterest last week. I'm tempted...

    Lol I'd love that one.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    So I looked up awesome drinks to try in the Dominican Republic, and I found out about the ''dirty monkey,'' which is something I need in my life:
    A drinkable, alcoholic dessert, which I'm sure is extremely dangerous for me. Especially since I'm a lightweight and am prone to drinking my way through alcoholic drinks WAY too fast (''Whoa... where did my wine go?''). Someone at work told me to try the ''mamajuana.'' No idea what that is but it looks to be of a citrus-y nature. Sorry guys, I'm getting terribly excited.

    ... I'm going to gain back every single pound, aren't I?
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Hope you're doing ok...
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I got my new work out tank in the mail today and I want to wear it always. It's this one: rh1q6e0ezot7.jpg

    Saw this on Pinterest last week. I'm tempted...

    I love it. I have a wish list on amazon of all the tank tops I want. I'm thinking this one next:
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    ptkat28 wrote: »
    My only confession on here is that I have strictly went by the book! I have had a few drinks, but it was in my caloric intake, so it was ok. My only problem is that I am NOT eating back my burned calories for exercise! I know, that could be a bad thing! But with what I am eating during the day, I am not hungry for anything else! I am only 5 ft tall, and have a small bone structure. I have lost approx 30 lbs and need to lose 80 more. I am still new at this and need to know if I need to change anything in my profile! I am eating 1000 calories a day, MFP goal was 1000-1200. Since I had so much to lose, I have been hitting the 1000 mark. I have also upped my exercise to 2 hours a day doing continual dancing. No breaks! This is not my first time on the roller coaster weight loss thing! I have lost 100 lb at least 2 almost 3 times. I want this to be my last and make this my life change since I am 45. The smallest I have been was 118 lb. I wore a size 2 or 5 at the time. Sorry this "confession" turned into my life story! Any advice would be helpful :)

    I know we're not supposed to judge posts, but please be kind to your body! Since you asked for advice then I would say to do it sustainably by eating a decent amount & exercising less or with breaks. Think of weight loss as a marathon & not a 100 yard dash. Also since you have more to lose you can get away with eating more & not starving yourself by eating around 1,000 calories. If you don't weigh your food you could be eating more than 1,000 calories & not realizing. My biggest suggestion would be to get a food scale & weigh in grams & ounces & to at least try to net 1,200.

    I weigh EVERYTHING I eat :) I am very strict on myself about this. Do I need to update my profile any? MFP did put my caloric goal between 1000-1200, but I have lost 30lbs since starting, and exercising more.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    I am way behind on this thread.

    I confess that when I was a kid I was the one who would be found eating chips or candy and drinking soda for breakfast at school. Those are the things that I could steal easily (without getting caught) on the way to school. If I didn't do that I didn't eat. Every time I read another thread on these forums I get reminded of this. Now, I don't know if that other kid is in even remotely the same situation I was, but I am saddened at all the people who think that you shouldn't even check in on the child.

    There is a little girl that I spend time with every week who has been in and out of foster care for her entire life (this is not uncommon). The first thing that foster care wants to do is reunite families, but this isn't always a good thing. Her father melted her ears completely off her head and they placed her back in her home after that happened. The only reason she is in care now is because her father dropped dead of a heart attack. Every time I look at one of these kids I'm reminded that most people don't want to get involved and I get so very angry.

    I don't know if this was very coherent and I apologise if not, but I've just come home from one of these visits and I'm very worn down.
  • LorraineZinn
    LorraineZinn Posts: 43 Member
    Confession 1: I have lived in coastal Florida for three years now, and I still have not stepped a single toe on the beach.

    Confession 2: I'm eating Talenti salted caramel peanut gelato while I'm writing this.