

  • msk3001
    msk3001 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    msk3001 wrote: »
    This is going to sound stupid >.< and noobish, but to this day I still wish I had a thigh gap even though it's not even possible for my body type. It sucks not having any "good" body traits. I'm a banana shape. I don't have huge breasts or a big butt. I have violin hips that go inwards instead of outwards, and I judge myself at every moment. I feel like I'll never be as good looking as people who are "naturally beautiful" no matter how many years I take to change myself. I'm still going to do it, though.

    I have to say that I had to google violin hips- but apparantly I have them too and I never minded/ actually liked them. I wasn't aware they were a "bad thing" and I sure hope it's not going to get stuck in my head :( But I have quite broad shoulders that I never liked until I realized that only other people made me feel bad about it...

    So now a confession- sometimes after partying I eat a full kebab menue with fries etc., finish the leftovers of the others and then go for a few tiny cheeseburgers at McD...

    I had to google it as well. I thought it was just where people had underwear that was too tight. lol If it makes you feel any better, now I know what you are referring to, my SO's sister has violin hips and I would kill to have her body. She also does have a thigh gap so either she is grossly underweight or it is achievable for you, I think. I haven't looked into the whole 'thigh gap' thing, I have proper thunder thighs so I never even thought about looking it up to see if I could achieve it.

    Hehe- I used to believe the underwear thing too, thats why I always bought mine at least one size larger than necessary :) But like I said- I never gave it too much thought. I have relatively narrow hips and even in my "bigger" times there was this gap- now I also have a tiny thigh gap, but again that is just my body type.
    Some things you should just accept about yourself- without others making you feel bad about it. That's what I wanted to point out with my shoulder example. And you can't change your general body type- so don't feel bad about it and make the best out of it, otherwise you will be miserable your whole life :)

    Although I could make it a new confession- I have too broad shoulders, too big saggy boobs, next to no waist, a violin hip :), a flat butt and weird calves. And although I'm trying to focus on the big picture that is better than the single parts judged separately, I sometimes catch myself feeling bad about it, after snacking too much...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Does the exhaustion ever end??? I am always tired, it's getting to the point where it's my trademark. How am I? TIRED. Always. I hate it... I think my sleeping habits are very poor. Last night I know I woke up about 15 or so times trying to get out of bed to finish "work" that didn't exist.

    Sometimes, I'll wake up and while still half-asleep, I'll try to solve problems from my dreams. Like if I'm dreaming about my car breaking down, I won't be able to get totally back to sleep until I figure out where my AAA card is, how I'm going to call for a tow truck, how I'm going to get wherever I'm going (in my dream), etc. It takes me a while to realize, "Um, you're in bed and your car is fine. Go back to sleep."

    And I always wish I'd written down some of my dreams. I almost always remember them in the morning, at least for a little while, and some of them are so colorful and vivid, it's amazing. :)
    Same here. The worst for me is when I dream about work or school. I get out of bed trying to find where I put my things, going through my drawers or asking an imaginary co-worker if they need help with something (usually the TV). My boyfriend gets really annoyed sometimes.

    "What are you doing?"
    "I'm tryna find the.... the... the... uh. Oh, wait... I was dreaming. Sorry.''

    Then the cycle continues! I just remembered that my dad used to do the same thing. One time he was calling for me from his bed, and I ran in and asked him what he was yelling about. He said "The man with the red scarf. Did he leave???'' He kept asking me this and I had to tell him that the man with the red scarf didn't exist, and he eventually said ''Must have been dreaming...'' Like father like daughter, I guess :P

    Lol! I haven't been in school for 14 years, and I still dream about missing tests, being late, having a paper/project due that I haven't started. A couple months ago, I woke up at around 3 a.m., certain that I was going to be late to class, so I got dressed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My brother woke up and was like, "Where are you going?"

    "I've got to get to class."

    "It's 3 a.m. and you're 35. Go back to sleep, idiot."


    Hahaha so it's not just me. I keep dreaming I'm back in college. So horrible. The sad thing is that I should probably go back to college, but I wouldn't know where to start...

    I've also written down a story based on a dream. I'm still not happy with it though and haven't really touched it in a year... Plus since it happened (years ago), I keep seeing movies or TV shows that are 'stealing' my ideas LOL.

  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 243 Member
    I dreamed last night that I was attending Kurt Cobain's funeral but had to keep introducing myself as his first wife before he was famous and we drifted apart and moved on. When I woke up I was genuinely sad and exhausted from the ceremony but was glad that I caught up with Courtney.... weird huh!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    I love the Kurt Cobain dream! I never remember mine unless they are stress dreams or wake me up somehow (either really bad dreams, which seem to be rare, or silly things where I slip on ice and move my body and wake up).

    I do also get school-related stress dreams (usually I'm in a class I've forgotten all about and not attended and some big paper is due or it's finals) when I'm stressed at work, and I'm 45.

    The great thing about it is I used to wake up feeling stressed, but now I wake up and think "right, I'm not in school anymore" and feel relieved and happy.

    I'm really glad it hasn't transitioned into more realistic work-stress scenarios.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I dream I have a huge art project due and I'm miles behind. The strange part is, in real life I was never miles behind for an art project. I was always so far ahead I used to do extra 'mini projects' just for something to do, so this was never even close to a fear when I was doing my A-levels. Weird.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I dont dream I'm back in school, but I have had a lot of dreams where I'm at the starting line for a marathon without my bib number and sometimes wearing flip flops or the wrong clothes for the weather or full makeup. So weird. I've also dreamed that the marathon started and I was still on my way. That's actually happened to me before though. Lol
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I keep writing out and deleting the same confession over and over. I chicken out just in case someone IRL reads it. It's nothing bad, I just like to keep certain things private. But I'm getting super excited about it!

    If you have a burning desire to confess send me a message, I have no idea who you are IRL.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I'm in Syracuse for two days. I went to Delmonico's and ate enough food for at least 2 people. I fear it will never digest. But it was soooooo worth it.

    Yes to Delmonico's! May I also suggest Kitty Hoyne's downtown and Heid's of Liverpool before you leave. Heid's is my kryptonite.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    Confession: I'm having (a lot of) cheddar & sour cream potato chips for breakfast.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My deepest desire is to own my own game store. And I don't mean monopoly for xbox. I'm talking Roleplaying, Tabletop board games, miniatures, collectible card games, locked card games, walls packed with product and the tables filled with games. make all my profits from selling Code Red MT Dew and funyons.

    I can totally see that for you! (And Funyons.....yum)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.

    Holy cow well done! The pool I swim in is 33.33m (it actually is, I asked) long so 30 lengths is about a Km. I know I have made it that far, but I always lose count, so how you managed to keep count for 80 lengths is amazing! How long did it take you?

    Edit: and yes swimming makes me hungry. That's why I swim before breakfast (or lunch on a Sunday) and then eat so I don't eat extra food.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    that is aweful mo. Sorry to hear that.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.

    Holy cow well done! The pool I swim in is 33.33m (it actually is, I asked) long so 30 lengths is about a Km. I know I have made it that far, but I always lose count, so how you managed to keep count for 80 lengths is amazing! How long did it take you?

    Edit: and yes swimming makes me hungry. That's why I swim before breakfast (or lunch on a Sunday) and then eat so I don't eat extra food.

    I wanted to see how far I could swim in one hour, which it turns out is 76-77 lengths, and I thought I'm so close to 80 I may as well carry on, so about 1hr 2 minutes-ish. I am not a fast swimmer! As for keeping count, I just sing the number in my head and keep an eye on the clock knowing how fast I usually go, and if in doubt, redo a couple of lengths! But generally, if I swam for 50 minutes (my usual), it's likely I did about 65-66 lengths.

    When I started, I could only do 1km (40 lengths) before I was shattered. 6 months later, I feel like I could go further if I had time (I swim before going to work as soon as the pool opens). If I can get better at it, anyone can.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2015
    Confession: I felt total bada$$ at the gym last night. Not because of the amount of weight I lifted, either. When I got to the gym, there was a guy benching in the squat rack (which is fine, because there is no bench rack at my gym). I like to start with squats, but whatever, I started with my deadlift - 195 pounds, BTW! Guy was still in the squat rack, so I moved onto OHP from the floor. So, I had to clean the bar before I could OHP (which I kinda liked and may do from now on). Guy is still in the squat rack. So I went and did some extra biceps curls and tricep extensions. Guy is still in the squat rack. We're talking 30 minutes or so he's been in there, doing really slow bench with really long breaks between sets. At one of his breaks, I finally ask him "You gonna be much longer?" He says, "I'm done," and walks out of the gym. He didn't just leave the squat rack, he left the whole gym! He left the weights on the bar and everything. I didn't know I was that scary! LOL

    I have another gym confession from last night, but I'm gonna post it later so this doesn't become TL:DR
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    Actually bought a coworker a birthday cake that I HATE the taste of so I won't eat a piece. Maybe being in charge of getting the cakes isn't a bad thing?
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.

    Holy cow well done! The pool I swim in is 33.33m (it actually is, I asked) long so 30 lengths is about a Km. I know I have made it that far, but I always lose count, so how you managed to keep count for 80 lengths is amazing! How long did it take you?

    Edit: and yes swimming makes me hungry. That's why I swim before breakfast (or lunch on a Sunday) and then eat so I don't eat extra food.

    I wanted to see how far I could swim in one hour, which it turns out is 76-77 lengths, and I thought I'm so close to 80 I may as well carry on, so about 1hr 2 minutes-ish. I am not a fast swimmer! As for keeping count, I just sing the number in my head and keep an eye on the clock knowing how fast I usually go, and if in doubt, redo a couple of lengths! But generally, if I swam for 50 minutes (my usual), it's likely I did about 65-66 lengths.

    When I started, I could only do 1km (40 lengths) before I was shattered. 6 months later, I feel like I could go further if I had time (I swim before going to work as soon as the pool opens). If I can get better at it, anyone can.

    I decided to just go by times in the end, but I might have to make an effort on thursday to count how many I do now. :smile: Sunday's I have gone up to 90mins but I'm not sure I could count for that long, I go onto Autopilot after about 30 mins.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    Confession: back when a certain candidate announced his run for presidency this year, there were media crews all over my university campus. I was shaking mad at how many faux "journalists" were making stories out of nothing and harassing students. My roommate even had to talk me down from telling off a certain Buzzfeed "writer" whose story contained absolutely false information... I'm a journalism major. I honestly fear for what the media circus will look like by the time I graduate.

    Earlier in this thread there was a conversation about geographical opposites, I think you might be mine...

    Does this mean you're at Liberty? I was out in Lynchburg for work from September to March, and I'm now back home in England. Where are you going to be studying?

    Haha yup, studying journalism with a sociology minor. Not that I'm all for everything the school is (nobody here is...) And I'm going to be in England from September to December XD maybe we are geographical opposites!
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    Actually bought a coworker a birthday cake that I HATE the taste of so I won't eat a piece. Maybe being in charge of getting the cakes isn't a bad thing?

    I admire you. I don't think I could do that... I'd go to look for a cake and come out with the prettiest one that *I* loved... You've got willpower, my friend, and smarts.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.

    Holy cow well done! The pool I swim in is 33.33m (it actually is, I asked) long so 30 lengths is about a Km. I know I have made it that far, but I always lose count, so how you managed to keep count for 80 lengths is amazing! How long did it take you?

    Edit: and yes swimming makes me hungry. That's why I swim before breakfast (or lunch on a Sunday) and then eat so I don't eat extra food.

    I wanted to see how far I could swim in one hour, which it turns out is 76-77 lengths, and I thought I'm so close to 80 I may as well carry on, so about 1hr 2 minutes-ish. I am not a fast swimmer! As for keeping count, I just sing the number in my head and keep an eye on the clock knowing how fast I usually go, and if in doubt, redo a couple of lengths! But generally, if I swam for 50 minutes (my usual), it's likely I did about 65-66 lengths.

    When I started, I could only do 1km (40 lengths) before I was shattered. 6 months later, I feel like I could go further if I had time (I swim before going to work as soon as the pool opens). If I can get better at it, anyone can.

    Sounds quick to me! I can do about 12x20 m in 10 mins, but does tend to drop off a little in an hour. And right now probably only about a length a minute.