

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    edited May 2015
    I had a big breakfast and lunch nearly 1000 calories combined and now I know I will skip supper because I won't forgo my nightly ritualistic popcorn fest :)
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Another rather lame confession: I haven't the slightest idea what to do with my hair. I haven't had short hair since I was a baby just starting to grow it. I wish I had the courage to chop it up or do something with it, but I'm just scared of making it look worse. It's extremely wavy (and in my opinion, not the good kind of wavy!!!) and hard to manage, so I just straighten it all the time to make it easier for me to deal with, at least. It also wants to always be parted in the middle. I went to see a hair stylist last year and she told me that my hair was "refusing to be parted down the side." Dumb hair.

    My sister has experimented with all kinds of cuts and colors (well, all shades of red), and I wish I could be more like her. For some reason I'm just too scared.

    Have you ever tried a diffuser on your hair and do you use gel?
    I looked up diffusers- they go on the end of blowdryers? I always let my hair dry naturally, and never use gel either :tongue: No gel, hairspray, or anything... though I probably should get something to protect my hair from the heat when I straighten it.

    There are times I like my hair, like when I wake up and think I have ok looking waves for once. The bad thing is I can't brush my hair lest it turn into a frizzy mess. Someone on Facebook actually shared an image that shows what it's like for me. Before brushing and after brushing:


    Before I started straightening my hair, I had a friend who would always ask me why I never brushed my hair. I WAS brushing my hair, but it was coming out looking like the picture on the right!!! (but worse) :tired_face:

    Ugh. My hair is EXACTLY the same. Isn't it annoying?! I just don't brush it... Then if I do, I immediately braid it down my back. End of drama. ;)

    agreed - don't brush it. I am a fan of the Marc Anthony Stricly Curls products. I use hair cream and the spray on towel dried hair. If it is nice and warm out I will just let it air dry even w/o combing it from the shower. If it is yucky and cold out (i.e. winter), I will use the diffuser. I just don't have the time anymore to flat iron it everyday.

    the only time I will brush it is right before bed and then it turns into a bit of an afro.

    But don't you get tangled? My hair gets horribly tangled all over if I don't brush it...

    Confession - I HATE the Facebook MFP page. Always posting recipes that are 'only 200 calories' with ridiculous serving sizes (like half a sandwich). Pisses me off! Seriously who eats half a sandwich???

    i keep my hair really short and any knots can be combed out with a pick and then the brush. I used to have long hair but my hair is so thick and heavy that it ended up in ponytail 99% of the time by 7:30 a.m. I also miss being near water. Whenever we vacation to somewhere such as San Fran, Seattle, or Chicago, the humidity just makes it so curly that it looks so much better (nevermind making my skin feel amazing!). Stupid dry climate.

    I loved being in Seattle a couple summers ago. My hair curled so nicely, and I didn't have to use hand lotion once all week. Much better than the dry, cracked skin I get here!

    hence my addiction to the Costco sized bottles of Aveeno - year round.

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited May 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.


    Make sure you follow the airlines rules about what you can/can't take in your carry-on (and check to make sure your bag is an acceptable size). It'll suck if you have to throw out something when you're going through security! Be aware that belt buckles and sometimes underwire in bras can set off the metal detectors, so just something to think about while getting dressed that day :) I prefer to sleep on planes, so one of those wrap around neck pillows is a must for me, but I know some people can't sleep so you might not need one. Give yourself lots of time to get to the airport and through security. Check BEFORE you leave home if your flight is delayed/cancelled for some reason.

    If you've never flown before and aren't sure how your stomach will handle it, pack some ginger pills or Gravol just in case.

    ETA: Also, pack gum or chewy candy, something to chew while taking off & landing (for your ears). I actually wear ear plugs when I fly. They might not work for everyone, and it does say to take them out once you're at altitude, but I just wear them the whole time. It's a little annoying if you have to talk to someone since you can't tell how loud you're talking, but with them in my ears don't pop at all and it is wonderful.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Mmmmm.... cookie dough. I made sour cream cookies not long ago and the raw dough was so much better than the baked cookies. I do love cookies though, especially soft and slightly gooey ones. Harder ones... not so much... but I'LL STILL EAT THEM!

    It's amazing how many people can totally screw up a simple batch of cookies by over-baking them. Umm hello... If they are hard before you even pull them from the oven, do you think they are gonna soften afterwards?!?! Uugh I hate a hard 'fresh baked' cookie. lol
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    One of my best friends is an only child and she turned out terrific. Very, very intelligent, witty, and mature. I don't think being an only child makes you damaged at all. I do love my siblings, though... even if sometimes I compare myself to my sister and feel inadequate :lol: (she's beautiful and has the most gorgeous singing voice).

    I feel you there- by the way I'm the brunette in my picture- the blonde is my sister. She is GORGEOUS it's not even funny. Love her to death but sometimes get so jealous of her haha. I know what you mean though!

    I don't think it's damaging to only have one kid but I'm one of five and I can't imagine not having tons of siblings they're my best friends <3

    You are gorgeous too!

    Wish I was closer with my siblings. I have two younger brothers. One is in the Army, stationed in Germany, and is married with kids so I don't talk to him very often. The other is a mess and the only time he calls is to ask for money, which I stopped giving to him over ten years ago.

    I have 2 younger brothers, neither one of which I am close with, all because of the huge age gap. There's 8.5 and 7.5 yrs between us and I was basically a 2nd mom, which I resented. I remember how much I hated being an only child until they came, and then I got stuck taking care of them a lot.

    My family is like that- brother is 30, I'm 29, sister is 23, brother is 20 and other brother is 17 so the last two are quite far in age from my brother and I. But now that we're all older and the two brothers will be 21 and 18 this year we've all become very close!

    My confession is I love my boyfriend and we're talking about me moving to the UK next year but I'm super nervous to be that far from my family and it's just a HUGE committment and so different and scary!

    I lived in the UK for a year for college (Norfolk, England) and loved it. I wish I could move back there- husband is ok with it, but no opportunities have come up to do it. I'm an Anglophile now lol
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    It is taking everything in me to hold myself together.. Next Friday will be the one year anniversary of my Mom's death. Somehow it still hasn't hit me as being, I know she's gone, but something in me just will not accept it. I don't know how to move on. It doesn't help that 15 days after losing her, my 15 year old dog(my first "child") died. The past year has just been a giant roller coaster. I have never been an angry person and have never turned to food for comfort until all of this. I have thought so many times about going to speak to someone...but I just can't bring myself to do it.
    I have been lurking this thread from day one..keeping up every day... and I am overwhelmed by all the support you show each other and the friendships that have formed. I feel like I've gotten to know you all through all of your confessions/comments/advice/jokes...and I can relate to so many of you. I guess I felt I could let it all out here.


    Go speak to someone. I had the opposite experience, I pretty much stopped eating while my mother was dying and after her passing. When I realized I hadn't eaten for 48 hours, I knew I needed help. I ended up being assigned a nun as a grief counsellor (I'm an atheist) and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. She was a wonderful therapist.

    Strong emotions need an outlet.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    And THIS is why my husband was in the boat he was in when I met him, with kids that didn't respect him. Until I came along and told him it's unacceptable for his kids to disrespect him in my home. So, he had to learn to stop letting his kids and finally his ex walk all over him. No time like the present to put a stop to it! You deserve better.

    I'll give it my best shot, and thank you. :)
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Yes, to the bold. Yes, it is and that is a HUGE victory! Feeling your feelings is the only way to deal with and resolve them. Numbing them makes them never go away.

    My suggestion to the anger you noted above: compartmentalize it. You know it's there, you found the source, you even know your resolution (when the time arises). Put it away in a "file" in your brain and access it when you need it. No need to carry it around with you actively.

    Thank you. I felt better after posting and will definitely tuck that realization away for the future so I can (hopefully) avoid feeling like this again. :)
    you sound like my twin, though I am a bit younger. When it comes to my work life and life with my husband, I am strong and so confident. When it comes to all my other family, I feel like a complete doormat because I am a people pleaser and am still struggling with how to handle it. First step was getting rid of FB which I've previously posted about but I still struggle with the in person/face to face stuff. I'd love to say, "screw you all" but it isn't that easy (b/c I would feel so guilty). *sigh*

    Yes to all of this. I can stand up for myself and completely be myself - without worrying about pleasing anyone - with certain people in my life, but with the rest, I struggle. And the funny thing is, I don't even like most of those people and I ask myself why the hell I'm knocking myself out to make them happy! I think the reason I didn't get a job I interviewed for recently was that I came across as totally fake during the interview - which I absolutely was because I was trying so desperately to make the interviewer like me/give me the job.

    I guess aside from learning to just say no to the people who try to take advantage of me (and not worrying if they get upset or not), I also need to work on learning how to just be authentic and say "screw it" if someone can't deal with it. Of course, it's sooo easy to say this but putting it into practice will be a challenge.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.


    Make sure you follow the airlines rules about what you can/can't take in your carry-on (and check to make sure your bag is an acceptable size). It'll suck if you have to throw out something when you're going through security! Be aware that belt buckles and sometimes underwire in bras can set off the metal detectors, so just something to think about while getting dressed that day :) I prefer to sleep on planes, so one of those wrap around neck pillows is a must for me, but I know some people can't sleep so you might not need one. Give yourself lots of time to get to the airport and through security. Check BEFORE you leave home if your flight is delayed/cancelled for some reason.

    If you've never flown before and aren't sure how your stomach will handle it, pack some ginger pills or Gravol just in case.

    Congratulations on your belated honeymoon! I'm sure you'll have an excellent time. My biggest flying tip is to drink plenty of water - I always get soooo dehydrated. And make sure you have a sweater or little travel blanket, planes are usually cold (at least for me, I'm always cold though)!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Another rather lame confession: I haven't the slightest idea what to do with my hair. I haven't had short hair since I was a baby just starting to grow it. I wish I had the courage to chop it up or do something with it, but I'm just scared of making it look worse. It's extremely wavy (and in my opinion, not the good kind of wavy!!!) and hard to manage, so I just straighten it all the time to make it easier for me to deal with, at least. It also wants to always be parted in the middle. I went to see a hair stylist last year and she told me that my hair was "refusing to be parted down the side." Dumb hair.

    My sister has experimented with all kinds of cuts and colors (well, all shades of red), and I wish I could be more like her. For some reason I'm just too scared.

    Have you ever tried a diffuser on your hair and do you use gel?
    I looked up diffusers- they go on the end of blowdryers? I always let my hair dry naturally, and never use gel either :tongue: No gel, hairspray, or anything... though I probably should get something to protect my hair from the heat when I straighten it.

    There are times I like my hair, like when I wake up and think I have ok looking waves for once. The bad thing is I can't brush my hair lest it turn into a frizzy mess. Someone on Facebook actually shared an image that shows what it's like for me. Before brushing and after brushing:


    Before I started straightening my hair, I had a friend who would always ask me why I never brushed my hair. I WAS brushing my hair, but it was coming out looking like the picture on the right!!! (but worse) :tired_face:

    Ugh. My hair is EXACTLY the same. Isn't it annoying?! I just don't brush it... Then if I do, I immediately braid it down my back. End of drama. ;)

    agreed - don't brush it. I am a fan of the Marc Anthony Stricly Curls products. I use hair cream and the spray on towel dried hair. If it is nice and warm out I will just let it air dry even w/o combing it from the shower. If it is yucky and cold out (i.e. winter), I will use the diffuser. I just don't have the time anymore to flat iron it everyday.

    the only time I will brush it is right before bed and then it turns into a bit of an afro.

    But don't you get tangled? My hair gets horribly tangled all over if I don't brush it...

    Confession - I HATE the Facebook MFP page. Always posting recipes that are 'only 200 calories' with ridiculous serving sizes (like half a sandwich). Pisses me off! Seriously who eats half a sandwich???

    i keep my hair really short and any knots can be combed out with a pick and then the brush. I used to have long hair but my hair is so thick and heavy that it ended up in ponytail 99% of the time by 7:30 a.m. I also miss being near water. Whenever we vacation to somewhere such as San Fran, Seattle, or Chicago, the humidity just makes it so curly that it looks so much better (nevermind making my skin feel amazing!). Stupid dry climate.

    I loved being in Seattle a couple summers ago. My hair curled so nicely, and I didn't have to use hand lotion once all week. Much better than the dry, cracked skin I get here!
    Yes, when I go back to drizzly England to visit, my hair and skin are like sponges and everything plumps up nicely. That's until I get back to Alberta and dry up like a neglected houseplant.

    My hand eczema was terrible when I was travelling between England and VA. At home I'd get the horrible, itchy blisters, then back there they'd eventually heal, but then they'd dry up so much they'd crack and bleed. Don't think flying back and forth every month helped either. Don't know where my hair was better, mine is also curly, and has gone more that way as an adult. I also find it's curlier long, which is apparently not how it's meant to work.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Also, regarding the choice of ads on MFP, it's still directly related to YOUR browsing/search history because just a few minutes ago I saw an ad by Amazon for cycling gloves, which I just happened to search for, on Amazon, just yesterday. ;)
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Something's been missing from this conversation:

    Although now that I'm allegedly a grown up I prefer cininamon.

    Confession: I still have 1500 calories to get in today, but I overslept, and have no motivation to do so. At all. I'll probably force down some eggs later just to cover the protein for working out, but that may be it today. For those who say they don't like/don't believe/envy the people who are never hungry and have to fight to get 1000 in a day, believe me, it's not all sunshine and roses.

    Also, add me to the list wondering if @AgentOrangeJuice's boss went rogue today.


    Great guys, now I have that song stuck in my head.

    There's a cure for that...

    OMG. I just listened to a Cyndi Lauper/ Fergie mash up. Thanks a lot :D
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.

    Scars are tattoos with better stories. We saw that tshirt a couple of weeks ago.

    I have said this for years as well!

    I confess that I like what Ron White says about tattoos:

    "Tattoos are permanent stupidity bruises."
    I wouldn't mind one, but I think I'd end up like this:

    Oh dear god I agree! I was a corrections officer for three years and I saw all kinds of hideous, horrible tattoos! I've thought about it but they're just not my thing I think after a year or so I'd get bored with whatever it was and want it off of me! This is not to say that I dislike them I think some people have really neat and amazing tattoos!

    Ps I was watching Tattoo Nightmares at the gym today! Love that show!

    I have a very small and tasteful tattoo of my daughter's name in a really pretty script on the inside of my right wrist. I LOVE it! It hurt like hell, but I'd do it again. I want more, but I'm terrified of needles, so I don't know if it will happen or not.

    I have an orange ribbon with my daughter's name in it on my ankle. It was in honor of her fight with ALL (leukemia). She is now a survivor and we are celebrating that.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Caught up!

    I'm not too worried about this parenting thing. I'm worried about the nitty, grittiness of sleep deprivation and exhaustion that comes with the early days, but beyond ensuring the kid's physical well-being, I feel like the actual 'parenting' part will be okay. I'm a decent person. My husband is a decent person. My parents were decent people and my siblings and I turned out fine. Not a lot of drama, not a lot of scares and we all put up with one another to varying degrees. Sure I expect there will be arguments and frustrations and bumps in the road, but I'm not aiming for perfection as I think that probably doesn't exist.

    Am I being too blasé about the whole thing?!

    Nah. I will say though that based on nothing but my time on pregnancy message boards (tip: do not go to a pregnancy message board, the craziest people spend all day there) most first babies seem to be easy. That's how they trick you into having another one. My oldest was the easiest baby in the world. I found myself thinking "why do people complain about this?". Five years later when I had my daughter, I found out how bad it could be. My daughter has also taught me to be a lot less judgmental about parenting styles. I parented her in the same general way as my son, and she is 400% more willful, stubborn, possessed by demons... I feel like I shouldn't have to say this - but I love her so much and she is also amazingly creative and funny in addition to possibly being the devil.

    This made me laugh out loud. I feel the same way about my daughter at times. :D

    LOL. Truth. My boys aren't angels, but there is no doubt that she is the hardest one. I am terrified of her as a teenager. She is only 6.

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    One of my best friends is an only child and she turned out terrific. Very, very intelligent, witty, and mature. I don't think being an only child makes you damaged at all. I do love my siblings, though... even if sometimes I compare myself to my sister and feel inadequate :lol: (she's beautiful and has the most gorgeous singing voice).

    I feel you there- by the way I'm the brunette in my picture- the blonde is my sister. She is GORGEOUS it's not even funny. Love her to death but sometimes get so jealous of her haha. I know what you mean though!

    I don't think it's damaging to only have one kid but I'm one of five and I can't imagine not having tons of siblings they're my best friends <3

    You are gorgeous too!

    Wish I was closer with my siblings. I have two younger brothers. One is in the Army, stationed in Germany, and is married with kids so I don't talk to him very often. The other is a mess and the only time he calls is to ask for money, which I stopped giving to him over ten years ago.

    I have 2 younger brothers, neither one of which I am close with, all because of the huge age gap. There's 8.5 and 7.5 yrs between us and I was basically a 2nd mom, which I resented. I remember how much I hated being an only child until they came, and then I got stuck taking care of them a lot.

    Preach. I'm 11 years older than my brother and I watched him so much that people in the small town my mom lived in thought he was my son. When they lived there, he was 3, I was 14 - and although I do question the mental math of those people because I def did not look older than I was, I resented the heck out of my mom for not hiring a real sitter.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Also, regarding the choice of ads on MFP, it's still directly related to YOUR browsing/search history because just a few minutes ago I saw an ad by Amazon for cycling gloves, which I just happened to search for, on Amazon, just yesterday. ;)

    Generally, that is true. However, I use a "private" browsing window via Firefox so the ads for me are just random, but sometimes they are for crazy things or super ugly shoes I would never wear so I get offended and feel like it is trying to tempt me to do searches on it so that it will remember them!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.

    Scars are tattoos with better stories. We saw that tshirt a couple of weeks ago.

    I have said this for years as well!

    I confess that I like what Ron White says about tattoos:

    "Tattoos are permanent stupidity bruises."
    I wouldn't mind one, but I think I'd end up like this:

    Oh dear god I agree! I was a corrections officer for three years and I saw all kinds of hideous, horrible tattoos! I've thought about it but they're just not my thing I think after a year or so I'd get bored with whatever it was and want it off of me! This is not to say that I dislike them I think some people have really neat and amazing tattoos!

    Ps I was watching Tattoo Nightmares at the gym today! Love that show!

    I have a very small and tasteful tattoo of my daughter's name in a really pretty script on the inside of my right wrist. I LOVE it! It hurt like hell, but I'd do it again. I want more, but I'm terrified of needles, so I don't know if it will happen or not.

    I have an orange ribbon with my daughter's name in it on my ankle. It was in honor of her fight with ALL (leukemia). She is now a survivor and we are celebrating that.

    Congratulations! Definitely something worth celebrating!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Also, regarding the choice of ads on MFP, it's still directly related to YOUR browsing/search history because just a few minutes ago I saw an ad by Amazon for cycling gloves, which I just happened to search for, on Amazon, just yesterday. ;)

    Generally, that is true. However, I use a "private" browsing window via Firefox so the ads for me are just random, but sometimes they are for crazy things or super ugly shoes I would never wear so I get offended and feel like it is trying to tempt me to do searches on it so that it will remember them!
    Agreed - right now I have golf, Advil and sleep clinic ads - none of which I've searched for, so I assume it's just random ads.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.

    Scars are tattoos with better stories. We saw that tshirt a couple of weeks ago.

    I have said this for years as well!

    I confess that I like what Ron White says about tattoos:

    "Tattoos are permanent stupidity bruises."
    I wouldn't mind one, but I think I'd end up like this:

    Oh dear god I agree! I was a corrections officer for three years and I saw all kinds of hideous, horrible tattoos! I've thought about it but they're just not my thing I think after a year or so I'd get bored with whatever it was and want it off of me! This is not to say that I dislike them I think some people have really neat and amazing tattoos!

    Ps I was watching Tattoo Nightmares at the gym today! Love that show!

    I have a very small and tasteful tattoo of my daughter's name in a really pretty script on the inside of my right wrist. I LOVE it! It hurt like hell, but I'd do it again. I want more, but I'm terrified of needles, so I don't know if it will happen or not.

    I have an orange ribbon with my daughter's name in it on my ankle. It was in honor of her fight with ALL (leukemia). She is now a survivor and we are celebrating that.

    Congratulations! Definitely something worth celebrating!
    I missed that one - Wonderful reason to get that tattoo! Wishing her continued good health.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Pammalla wrote: »
    My hair is straight without the slightest wave to it but my baby has super curly hair and I have no idea how to deal with it. It's not getting longer it's just getting biger

    Curly hair takes time and practice to learn to work with. Do you have a salon you go to? Or a cosmetology school nearby? I'm sure someone would be more than happy to work with you! Probably someone like myself who had/has curly hair and a mother who did nothing with it when I was younger (NOT saying that is you) and would be glad to help someone else so that they don't go through a childhood with bad hair.

    Also, the color of your hair is gorgeous! Love it!

    *NODS* My mom had no idea what to do with my hair, and the internet didn't exist yet so there were many, many mornings I would be in a rage because my hair was being uncooperative, so into a ponytail it went.

    Lucky you! My mom's solution was to keep it as short as possible. I was mistaken for a boy countless times. She refused to let it grow long because SHE didn't want to deal with it.

    Awww. I see this a lot with some young girls. I would hate mistaking one of these girls (esp. with an ambiguous name for a boy).
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Don't know
    fr3smyl wrote: »

    Noooooo. WHY?

    Don't know. I buy a bag and leave it open for 2 days. That way they get extra stale and yummy!

    You would be so welcome at my house!