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  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I eat when I'm depressed

    I feel ya there!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I should totally be working. I have my report minimized so I can pop it up and look busy if the boss walks by. But my motivation today is non-existent. Three day weekend and my brain already checked out. (I think I confess this every Friday, though, to be fair.)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    I always find it so interesting what people name their pets! I've had pets with people names (i.e. my first dog was Sam), but my current pets have 'animal' names - my husky in the photo is Jazz, and my cats are Tadpole and Purranha (long story- started with a cat named Catfish because my dad waded into our creek to 'fish' her out!).

    My mom almost always names her pets animal names, with two exceptions: she had a husky named Nikki when she was in high school/college, and a cat named Delilah for a while (yes, we then had Sam(pson) and Delilah in the same house!)

    So, my mastiff is Antigone Grace. People name or pet name? I love the name Antigone (Ann-tig-oh-nee for anyone wondering how to pronounce. Antigone is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles.) I wanted to name a little girl Antigone if we had one, but had a boy. Grace because as a puppy, she wasn't. :D

    People name, for sure. I enjoy it when people give their pets middle names.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    clover157 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm not having a very good day. Total pity party and tears over my parenting failures. I guess it's a good thing that I decided to go for a walk instead of digging in the ice cream stash.

    Sorry to hear this. Parenting is such a tough job. I hope the walk helped.

    Parenting is so hard, I am taking every effort to never have to do it. :smiley:

    And think about it, parenting with TWO parents is hard... and single parents...woah. AND if everyone is working?! :astonished:

    Everyone else can go ahead and make successful and wonderful humans. I do not feel strong enough to partake in that endeavor. :wink:

    ETA: I am serious about everything in this post. I see parenting as very difficult. It takes skills and abilities that I am pretty sure I do not possess.

    Here's something I've never confessed IRL before...
    I don't enjoy parenting. I don't think I was meant to be a mum.
    Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. I give all of myself to them to ensure they feel loved, are happy and healthy.
    But I just don't think I was cut out for it. I've had pretty severe postnatal depression since my first was born 3 years ago and I'm sure that contributes, but I do wonder if its just my personality. Also, I carry a lot of guilt over my depression, its so unfair to them and I worry I'm messing up their whole lives :(
    Aaaaaaaand now I want to cover my feelings in food.

    I could've pretty much wrote this post, word for word. I have a 3.5 yr old and an 8 month old (both boys). Everyone tells me I'm an awesome mom, but I feel like I'm failing at it constantly. It's not effortless for me like everyone else I see on Facebook. I have to WORK at my patience.
    To be fair, I'm pretty sure I have PPD and my 3.5 yr old is a DRAMA QUEEN and can be difficult, but still. I give everything I have in me to them, literally, and I still feel like I'm doing it wrong.
    Part of my inability to keep the weight off is I eat my feelings at night alone when they're in bed, because I sit and relive my parenting failures for the day in my head, over and over.

    And hi, I've lurked but decided to post in the thread today :)

    Welcome to the thread! Please don't beat yourself up! We all do it. Many admissions and confessions regarding that here. It does you nor your children any good. Don't rehash the past. Just do your best every day. That's all your kids need. Do seek help for PPD because that is serious to deal with.

    Also, the people who make self-promoting parenting posts on Facebook are liars. Ignore all that noise.

    This made me laugh. That has to be the most judgmental thing you have ever said! (And I love it!)

    It's okay to judge everyone else NOT on this thread, right? I thought those were the rules. :)

    Totally and it wasn't even that judgmental, you are just the nicest/most supportive person on here that NEVER says anything negative. :)

    Thank you and that makes me laugh. I think this thread must be my alter-ego or something because my husband and son call me negative and judgmental almost on a daily basis. Oops. Maybe I should pretend I'm typing something here before spouting off my mouth IRL?

    My confession is I am way nicer in this forum than in real life. :)

    Same!! Although I will say that since chatting with all you lovely folks, I am trying to be less judgmental in my every day life. You have all brought things to my attention that I never would've thought about on my own, so I try to see other people in a different light.

    Most definitely for me as well!

    Me too! People commented recently on how much more on time I am lately, and I said it was because of MFP! It is... from the 'almost' argument that erupted a while a go about people being late and how rude it is. I am always late, but it did give me a new perspective, and I try and be more timely now.
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I am a guilt eater, when I feel fat I end up eating more, when I feel guilty about not working out or eating like crap I usually eat more.. stupid really

    This is me. So me. And currently what I am trying to get control of.
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    Once a month, I eat an entire (2 cup) carton of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream in one sitting... I don't even know why I do it either, besides that it's delicious.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    clover157 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm not having a very good day. Total pity party and tears over my parenting failures. I guess it's a good thing that I decided to go for a walk instead of digging in the ice cream stash.

    Sorry to hear this. Parenting is such a tough job. I hope the walk helped.

    Parenting is so hard, I am taking every effort to never have to do it. :smiley:

    And think about it, parenting with TWO parents is hard... and single parents...woah. AND if everyone is working?! :astonished:

    Everyone else can go ahead and make successful and wonderful humans. I do not feel strong enough to partake in that endeavor. :wink:

    ETA: I am serious about everything in this post. I see parenting as very difficult. It takes skills and abilities that I am pretty sure I do not possess.

    Here's something I've never confessed IRL before...
    I don't enjoy parenting. I don't think I was meant to be a mum.
    Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. I give all of myself to them to ensure they feel loved, are happy and healthy.
    But I just don't think I was cut out for it. I've had pretty severe postnatal depression since my first was born 3 years ago and I'm sure that contributes, but I do wonder if its just my personality. Also, I carry a lot of guilt over my depression, its so unfair to them and I worry I'm messing up their whole lives :(
    Aaaaaaaand now I want to cover my feelings in food.

    I could've pretty much wrote this post, word for word. I have a 3.5 yr old and an 8 month old (both boys). Everyone tells me I'm an awesome mom, but I feel like I'm failing at it constantly. It's not effortless for me like everyone else I see on Facebook. I have to WORK at my patience.
    To be fair, I'm pretty sure I have PPD and my 3.5 yr old is a DRAMA QUEEN and can be difficult, but still. I give everything I have in me to them, literally, and I still feel like I'm doing it wrong.
    Part of my inability to keep the weight off is I eat my feelings at night alone when they're in bed, because I sit and relive my parenting failures for the day in my head, over and over.

    And hi, I've lurked but decided to post in the thread today :)

    Welcome to the thread! Please don't beat yourself up! We all do it. Many admissions and confessions regarding that here. It does you nor your children any good. Don't rehash the past. Just do your best every day. That's all your kids need. Do seek help for PPD because that is serious to deal with.

    Also, the people who make self-promoting parenting posts on Facebook are liars. Ignore all that noise.

    This made me laugh. That has to be the most judgmental thing you have ever said! (And I love it!)

    It's okay to judge everyone else NOT on this thread, right? I thought those were the rules. :)

    Totally and it wasn't even that judgmental, you are just the nicest/most supportive person on here that NEVER says anything negative. :)

    Thank you and that makes me laugh. I think this thread must be my alter-ego or something because my husband and son call me negative and judgmental almost on a daily basis. Oops. Maybe I should pretend I'm typing something here before spouting off my mouth IRL?

    My confession is I am way nicer in this forum than in real life. :)

    Same!! Although I will say that since chatting with all you lovely folks, I am trying to be less judgmental in my every day life. You have all brought things to my attention that I never would've thought about on my own, so I try to see other people in a different light.

    Most definitely for me as well!

    Me too! People commented recently on how much more on time I am lately, and I said it was because of MFP! It is... from the 'almost' argument that erupted a while a go about people being late and how rude it is. I am always late, but it did give me a new perspective, and I try and be more timely now.

    This makes my little heart happy!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    My father-in-law was an alcoholic, too. It messes up a family for sure.

    You are officially a member of our group now.

    As was my stepdad. A 12 pack every single day after work. A case a day on the weekend. Every weekend morning I remember the sound of a beer can popping open. Breakfast of champions, my azz!

    My stepdad is an alcoholic too. He drinks as soon as he clocks out from work, all day on the weekends and pretty much any other time too. He has come to church functions, side jobs (he builds fences), birthday parties (kids), family gatherings, including Christmas morning, my 27th birthday party (where he called me a bit@h), and several other occasions drunk. He keeps a cooler of beer in my mom's car so he can drink while she drives. He ran into a bridge last week "because the sun was in his eyes", but I'm pretty sure that alcohol was involved. I refuse to let my daughter ride in the car with him while he's driving.

    I hope that's a typo for 'bridge'?!?

    What typo?! :wink:

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    I always find it so interesting what people name their pets! I've had pets with people names (i.e. my first dog was Sam), but my current pets have 'animal' names - my husky in the photo is Jazz, and my cats are Tadpole and Purranha (long story- started with a cat named Catfish because my dad waded into our creek to 'fish' her out!).

    My mom almost always names her pets animal names, with two exceptions: she had a husky named Nikki when she was in high school/college, and a cat named Delilah for a while (yes, we then had Sam(pson) and Delilah in the same house!)

    So, my mastiff is Antigone Grace. People name or pet name? I love the name Antigone (Ann-tig-oh-nee for anyone wondering how to pronounce. Antigone is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles.) I wanted to name a little girl Antigone if we had one, but had a boy. Grace because as a puppy, she wasn't. :D

    Hahaha! I LOVE that name! And, I love mastiffs! Any pictures you can share?

    My Holland White turkey is Georgia. She is a good guard turkey.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    I just saw my 4 year old slip a small cup into the cat's water dish and then drink it. It was so quick I didn't even have time to say something before it was over. Now I'm wondering how long he's been doing that. I just thought my cats were really thirsty, or that the heat was evaporating their water. Hmmm

    Hahaha, that made me laugh out loud! Reminds me of the time we thought our cat was stealing treats out of the dog's container, only to find out that my little cousin had decided they tasted good! (they were tiny chewy apple flavored treats)

    I went upstairs for a few minutes one morning and left my 3 year old downstairs while quietly playing with his toys. I yelled down a few times to make sure he was ok. Anyway, a few minutes later when I came back down, he immediately said, "I didn't just drink out of the cat's waterbowl". Suspicious? No, not at all...

    LOL! My two year old will dip her fingers in the dog's water and then suck on them. I have also caught her eating the dog's food multiple times.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »
    Confession : I have an acute fascination with boxes. Leather boxes, cardboard boxes, small containers, it's just something about the fact that I could put stuff in it if I wanted to. Not that I have anything to put in it.

    Husband had gone from asking can I use a box or container for something to what I will use the box for. Mainly cute our interesting shaped ones I like, not every since box....although I do have blue then I need.

    That's funny.

    I have a fascination with calendars. I love them. I always have multiple calendars up. I think they appeal to me because I have a short attention span, so I get a new picture every month. I get excited when it's "new calendar day". I tell my dog when it's new calendar day, but she doesn't seem to care. :disappointed:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    I always find it so interesting what people name their pets! I've had pets with people names (i.e. my first dog was Sam), but my current pets have 'animal' names - my husky in the photo is Jazz, and my cats are Tadpole and Purranha (long story- started with a cat named Catfish because my dad waded into our creek to 'fish' her out!).

    My mom almost always names her pets animal names, with two exceptions: she had a husky named Nikki when she was in high school/college, and a cat named Delilah for a while (yes, we then had Sam(pson) and Delilah in the same house!)

    So, my mastiff is Antigone Grace. People name or pet name? I love the name Antigone (Ann-tig-oh-nee for anyone wondering how to pronounce. Antigone is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles.) I wanted to name a little girl Antigone if we had one, but had a boy. Grace because as a puppy, she wasn't. :D

    Hahaha! I LOVE that name! And, I love mastiffs! Any pictures you can share?

    We call her Tig for short.


    And so the cat isn't jealous... Her name is Lucky (son named her. I wanted to name her Maui.)


    She's adorable and it would have been too funny had you named her "Meowi". :smiley:

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess... That I haven't ever made a really deep or meaningful confession here. Everyone else seems to relate to each other so much, and I feel like an outcast; in my mind, at least, I'm certain that if I were to make a deeper confession that would leave me vulnerable, I'd be targeted for bullying or judged harshly by everyone here.

    I have to admit that I'm not sure how much sense I'm making, or if I'm making sense at all. :) Does anyone else ever feel this way, or is it just the anxiety talking? I don't know that either!

    I think you've shared a lot about yourself! In a good way. Say whatever you need or want to. We are not here to judge you. I think you are a valuable member of this thread!

    DITTO! And I love hearing about your life and your country. So different from mine. I want to visit now!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    My new manager is starting Tuesday and I have to give the New Hire Orientation. I hate doing it, hate hate hate public speaking! I'm torn between doing a crappy job so I never get asked to do it again and trying harder than usual to impress the new boss.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    My father-in-law was an alcoholic, too. It messes up a family for sure.

    You are officially a member of our group now.

    As was my stepdad. A 12 pack every single day after work. A case a day on the weekend. Every weekend morning I remember the sound of a beer can popping open. Breakfast of champions, my azz!

    My stepdad is an alcoholic too. He drinks as soon as he clocks out from work, all day on the weekends and pretty much any other time too. He has come to church functions, side jobs (he builds fences), birthday parties (kids), family gatherings, including Christmas morning, my 27th birthday party (where he called me a bit@h), and several other occasions drunk. He keeps a cooler of beer in my mom's car so he can drink while she drives. He ran into a bridge last week "because the sun was in his eyes", but I'm pretty sure that alcohol was involved. I refuse to let my daughter ride in the car with him while he's driving.

    I am sorry, that has to be hard. My Dad was an alcoholic, as is my brother and my 3 sisters. I am the only one who isn't and I have been getting dangerously close the last few years. While I have significantly cut down, and almost eliminated it, as soon as I get with my family I drink again. Like last weekend (but I am going to give myself a pass on last weekend) but I am back on track again. My next challenge will be to make it through Monday at my Moms and not drink. The funny thing is my Mom barely drinks, and my Mom's boyfriend not at all. But its in the house and being with my mom stresses me out. So... I have wine. :neutral:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So, my last few confessions have been pretty negative thoughts about my weight and food. And this week my mom pretty much kicked my butt out of my state of denial. I'm displaying way too many symptoms of anorexia to the point I just can't deny it. :confused:

    I am getting a lot of support from my family, and I am going to make efforts to seek medical help. I do have thoughts about lowering my calories even though I shouldn't. I do still think I'm overweight sometimes.

    I'm kind of angry and annoyed with myself for letting myself get here and not exactly have the courage to eat more. I'm already thinking my goal weight (110 lbs @ 5'4") is 'too heavy' even though it's not. :frowning:

    Thanks for listening!

    Definitely get some help! It's good that you have support.

    Confession - I should really go to the gym for a good calorie burn, but it's GORGEOUS out so I'm going to just go for my 3.5 miles walk in the neighborhood and burn half the calories that I would burn at the gym. Plus this way I won't need to take a shower after, and I can go do some groceries before picking up the kids.

    But I'm also worried about my dog... he was at the vet yesterday to have his teeth cleaned and his hips seem worse. He was limping for a while earlier after getting up. He just turned 10. I'm not that close to him and he annoys me more than anything really, but I still feed sad and worried. I just know we'll have to put him to sleep eventually when his back legs just hurt too much. And my cat turned 14 and is getting bony... I hate when pets get old.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    edited May 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    My father-in-law was an alcoholic, too. It messes up a family for sure.

    You are officially a member of our group now.

    As was my stepdad. A 12 pack every single day after work. A case a day on the weekend. Every weekend morning I remember the sound of a beer can popping open. Breakfast of champions, my azz!

    My stepdad is an alcoholic too. He drinks as soon as he clocks out from work, all day on the weekends and pretty much any other time too. He has come to church functions, side jobs (he builds fences), birthday parties (kids), family gatherings, including Christmas morning, my 27th birthday party (where he called me a bit@h), and several other occasions drunk. He keeps a cooler of beer in my mom's car so he can drink while she drives. He ran into a bridge last week "because the sun was in his eyes", but I'm pretty sure that alcohol was involved. I refuse to let my daughter ride in the car with him while he's driving.

    I hope that's a typo for 'bridge'?!?

    What typo?! :wink:

    edited: Nevermind
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    I skipped drinking my protein shake for breakfast so I could eat Jimmy John's guilt free for lunch today. I will NOT be making my protein goal today. Oh well.

    Also, I'm peeved because I have a significant deficit this week, but I'm heavier than I was last week when I had my whoosh. Why does my body hate me?!

    Oh, and my stepdaughter finally made an appearance after not having seen hide nor hair of her for a week. I didn't see or talk to her last night as I was afraid of what might fly out of my mouth. I chose to go to bed instead. Wise decision on my part, I think.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    I always find it so interesting what people name their pets! I've had pets with people names (i.e. my first dog was Sam), but my current pets have 'animal' names - my husky in the photo is Jazz, and my cats are Tadpole and Purranha (long story- started with a cat named Catfish because my dad waded into our creek to 'fish' her out!).

    My mom almost always names her pets animal names, with two exceptions: she had a husky named Nikki when she was in high school/college, and a cat named Delilah for a while (yes, we then had Sam(pson) and Delilah in the same house!)

    So, my mastiff is Antigone Grace. People name or pet name? I love the name Antigone (Ann-tig-oh-nee for anyone wondering how to pronounce. Antigone is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles.) I wanted to name a little girl Antigone if we had one, but had a boy. Grace because as a puppy, she wasn't. :D

    Hahaha! I LOVE that name! And, I love mastiffs! Any pictures you can share?

    My Holland White turkey is Georgia. She is a good guard turkey.

    Turkeys (and geese) are really good guards!