

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hard confession here cuz it just happened again...

    I went to the Dollar Tree to grab 3-4 things best bought there. Was shopping fine enough, come time to checkout. A line out about 6 people deep with a ton of crap to buy and only one cashier checking people out.... Nope. No thanks. Not gonna happen. I dropped my hand basket in the center of the aisle where I stood and walked out. If you spend more time in line trying to pay for what you just shopped for then there is a problem with your practice! Yes, waiting is a part of living and in most cases there's no getting around it... The problem I have is not with the cashier doing their part so I never cut them a look or anything, I blame the business for insufficient staffing and I refuse to support them by making a purchase at that time.

    We were shopping the other night at Wal-Mart (we were in a small town and it was the only thing open that had what we needed) and there was seriously 1 lane open. In the whole entire store. One freakin' lane! Luckily, we didn't have a whole basket full of stuff, but still, I thought it was ridiculous. I've left a cart somewhere because I didn't feel like waiting in line for 20 minutes.
    I hate WalMart. Their official policy (here) is not to redirect or confront or scold people for having too many items in the express line.

    I know this because I once went through express with ONE item while the woman in front of me had 38. Yes, I counted. I wanted to say something to her but it would have been something really b*tchy and I'm trying to be a nicer person. So I pointed out to the cashier that the customer had exceeded the posted item limit about three times over, and she advised me that they weren't allowed to say anything.
    Do most stores in your area pay attention to the express lane rules? The only place around here that actually told a customer to move to another line was an Asian grocery store I don't get to go to often.

    I have heard a few cashiers in other stores pleasantly advise customers that they are over the limit and to use a regular checkout "next time", or see the number of items on the belt and say pointedly, "Umm, this is the express line". Honestly, I don't often see express line offenders, so those occasions do stand out in my memory.

    I don't think I'd last long as a cashier because I would not be able to hide my irritation if I was at the express line, lol! Let's just say I'm apparently not too good with people, from my experience working with customers in bakeries (but seriously, a lot of them were *kitten**oles). But at least I have stories, right?

    Too much to catch up with... you guys post too much.

    Glad for the person who's finally done with the job. Sorry for all the missing/deceased pets. Happy for the new ones.Totally sympathizing with people who binged or don't dare using the scale...

    I'm not as fatigued as I was yesterday but my sore throat is back. I'm so over this! I don't know if I'll have the courage to workout today. I'm going to the movies, then we'll see. This week has totally sucked so far.

    Confession - pretty happy with the host of the Sunday party for posting the menu on FB, so I can plan for it... it looks like it should be ok, but that doesn't account for the dessert and sides that people are going to bring... and I'm already wondering how much oil or mayo she puts in her salads so thinking I might just have a burger or something.. let's say that if I'm going to go over my calories, it's going to be on dessert, not on salads.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I spend Thursday nights at my SO's house. I get up at 5:00 am and drive home. I let the dogs out and I put on pajamas and sleep or snooze. My ex drops the kids off at 5:30 am. It's as if I was home all night. :smile:
  • djmiller54
    djmiller54 Posts: 37 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i drink way too much. way, way too much. it's caused me a lot of issues over the past couple of years (i've wrecked my car, twice; cheated on my boyfriend, which destroyed the relationship), which you would think would slow down my consumption, but instead i'm just drinking more "carefully." for most people these would be the "life changing events" where they have a massive realization that they need to turn their lives around, then everything is a montage of hard work, making amends and going on oprah.

    but i don't have that. and i'm not really sure why. i think some of it might be attributed to the prozac and welbutrin i take. i just mostly feel dead inside.

    I understand. Alcohol and drug abuse lead directly to spiritual/emotional/mental emptiness -- not a judgment on you, I speak from past personal experience. Yet we hang onto / continue to do what hurts us, and what has never worked in the past, because it helps us "numb out", which seems marginally better than being miserably sober. There is a better way, you just need to reach out to it.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I decided to try the stationary bike at the gym today.... it was almost successful in murdering my butt. I thought the stationary bike was going to be easy after 40 minutes of stairmaster, but nope!!! They need to invest in some comfy seats so my tush can stop screaming at me.

    That's the main thing keeping me from getting a bike. Mix a Lot wrote a song about it once...

    LOL! And so true! My son got a new bike a couple weeks ago...I tried to ride it...No flipping way!

    The pains subside rather quickly. Usually about a week for new riders... After that, you are good to go!

    Ya, you gotta build up some "butt callouses" then you'll be okay. :grin:

    I've biked a lot for almost 30 years. And by a lot I mean it has varied from a short daily commute to long biking vacations (i.e. from a few miles to lots of miles). I have one tip to add to the others. Bike shorts designed for women. Takes a few rides to get used to but makes a big difference.

    You do have to find the right ones though. Not TOO padded...that just causes more problems. And try Hoo Ha Ride Glide:,aps,168

    Totally helps. I actually get more sore in the creases of my legs where they connect to my body... that for me gets really painful if I don't carefully arrange the shorts as I am biking.

    Likewise for me in the creases. I've had a saddle sore or 2 in those exact spots that luckily didn't need too much attention other than a quick yet OMG sooo painful squeeze & pop and they didn't sideline me at all so I consider myself fortunate.
    On my 13 mile commute I have to stand and adjust my chamois shorts a few times to avoid any gathering problems. It probably doesn't help I wear loose sweatshorts over my chamois and not biker shorts but I have a 38" inseam and while I think my legs look decent enough, I don't care to share my sun deprived upper thighs with the general public. LOL

    @m1xm0d3 My SO also has a 38" inseam so I'm going to pounce on you (as I do every other tall MFP member) and ask WHERE THE HELL DO YOU FIND PANTS??

    Seriously. The poor guy wears one style of Levis and his current suit pants are unhemmed because he can't lose any length (fortunately it's not obvious). He has to get a new suit this summer and I have no idea where to even start. Big & Tall stores aren't helpful because the waist sizes are always too big.

    I am a 36/38 x 38 and I buy online and online only. lol

    Levi's is great for the B&T so that's my go-to for jeans. Pants I go to Kingsize direct. There's also casual male xl.

    Darn, I was hoping you would give me some different stores/sites to check out. As previously posted my husband is 7'2" and finding anything that is long enough is a challenge - even more of a challenge is finding the places that might have his size that ship to Canada.... I'm still looking for track/lounge pants....

    Maybe I'll start a small online business making them. Lol. My SO lives in the ones I've made when he's at home.

    Every now and then we'll pass by the fabric dept in a store and I'll see some really loud or juvenile print flannel or fleece and threaten to make the next pair out of it. >:)
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Oh my god .... I had to read 15+ (maybe even 20 pages!) to get caught up. You people sure confess an awful lot ;)

    I have never donated blood. The idea of it freaks me out.
    I am also not an organ donor. :neutral:

    Walmart, oh god that place sucks! I usually try to go really early to beat the rush, but the problem with that is no checkouts are open, except self-checkout with someone standing there nearby when said self-checkout doesn't want to work (hellllllo, just open a freakin' lane then!)

    I still haven't weighed myself. I keep telling myself it's probably not THAT bad, but then I am scared the number will be huge, so I am living in denial currently ...

    i used to be an organ donor, then my bff saw it on my license and lost her mind. she was adamant that if it was dire situation (keep in mind as a teenager/early 20's i wrecked a ton of vehicles) they wouldn't attempt to save me. i still don't totally agree with that, but she pleaded with me to take it off "just in case."
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I decided to try the stationary bike at the gym today.... it was almost successful in murdering my butt. I thought the stationary bike was going to be easy after 40 minutes of stairmaster, but nope!!! They need to invest in some comfy seats so my tush can stop screaming at me.

    That's the main thing keeping me from getting a bike. Mix a Lot wrote a song about it once...

    LOL! And so true! My son got a new bike a couple weeks ago...I tried to ride it...No flipping way!

    The pains subside rather quickly. Usually about a week for new riders... After that, you are good to go!

    Ya, you gotta build up some "butt callouses" then you'll be okay. :grin:

    I've biked a lot for almost 30 years. And by a lot I mean it has varied from a short daily commute to long biking vacations (i.e. from a few miles to lots of miles). I have one tip to add to the others. Bike shorts designed for women. Takes a few rides to get used to but makes a big difference.

    You do have to find the right ones though. Not TOO padded...that just causes more problems. And try Hoo Ha Ride Glide:,aps,168

    Totally helps. I actually get more sore in the creases of my legs where they connect to my body... that for me gets really painful if I don't carefully arrange the shorts as I am biking.

    Likewise for me in the creases. I've had a saddle sore or 2 in those exact spots that luckily didn't need too much attention other than a quick yet OMG sooo painful squeeze & pop and they didn't sideline me at all so I consider myself fortunate.
    On my 13 mile commute I have to stand and adjust my chamois shorts a few times to avoid any gathering problems. It probably doesn't help I wear loose sweatshorts over my chamois and not biker shorts but I have a 38" inseam and while I think my legs look decent enough, I don't care to share my sun deprived upper thighs with the general public. LOL

    @m1xm0d3 My SO also has a 38" inseam so I'm going to pounce on you (as I do every other tall MFP member) and ask WHERE THE HELL DO YOU FIND PANTS??

    Seriously. The poor guy wears one style of Levis and his current suit pants are unhemmed because he can't lose any length (fortunately it's not obvious). He has to get a new suit this summer and I have no idea where to even start. Big & Tall stores aren't helpful because the waist sizes are always too big.

    I am a 36/38 x 38 and I buy online and online only. lol

    Levi's is great for the B&T so that's my go-to for jeans. Pants I go to Kingsize direct. There's also casual male xl.

    Darn, I was hoping you would give me some different stores/sites to check out. As previously posted my husband is 7'2" and finding anything that is long enough is a challenge - even more of a challenge is finding the places that might have his size that ship to Canada.... I'm still looking for track/lounge pants....

    Maybe I'll start a small online business making them. Lol. My SO lives in the ones I've made when he's at home.

    Every now and then we'll pass by the fabric dept in a store and I'll see some really loud or juvenile print flannel or fleece and threaten to make the next pair out of it. >:)

    Adidas makes some insanely huge/long track pants. FYI
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    sometimes I'll binge eat like crazy - I'm talking 4 slices of pizza or half a cheesecake - and I won't log it because it's so shameful. I just kind of... pretend it didn't happen.

    Oh, I'll binge and tell myself I'm not going to log it and then end up logging it anyway when my guilt gets the better of me. I'm pretty much immune to those red numbers.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hard confession here cuz it just happened again...

    I went to the Dollar Tree to grab 3-4 things best bought there. Was shopping fine enough, come time to checkout. A line out about 6 people deep with a ton of crap to buy and only one cashier checking people out.... Nope. No thanks. Not gonna happen. I dropped my hand basket in the center of the aisle where I stood and walked out. If you spend more time in line trying to pay for what you just shopped for then there is a problem with your practice! Yes, waiting is a part of living and in most cases there's no getting around it... The problem I have is not with the cashier doing their part so I never cut them a look or anything, I blame the business for insufficient staffing and I refuse to support them by making a purchase at that time.

    We were shopping the other night at Wal-Mart (we were in a small town and it was the only thing open that had what we needed) and there was seriously 1 lane open. In the whole entire store. One freakin' lane! Luckily, we didn't have a whole basket full of stuff, but still, I thought it was ridiculous. I've left a cart somewhere because I didn't feel like waiting in line for 20 minutes.

    I hate WalMart. Their official policy (here) is not to redirect or confront or scold people for having too many items in the express line.

    I know this because I once went through express with ONE item while the woman in front of me had 38. Yes, I counted. I wanted to say something to her but it would have been something really b*tchy and I'm trying to be a nicer person. So I pointed out to the cashier that the customer had exceeded the posted item limit about three times over, and she advised me that they weren't allowed to say anything.

    Nope, they aren't. People know this and abuse it. is a godsend! Free shipping to my home for any orders over $50.00. I order almost all of my non-perishable foods, toiletries, household cleaners, etc. Then I go to a different grocery store only for my fruit, vegetables, dairy, etc. Haven't set foot in Walmart for almost a year and I intend to keep that streak growing.

    That is such a good idea! You are a genius! I usually go to one grocery store for meat, veggies, dairy, and sale items and then go to Walmart for paper, cleaning, etc. Totally doing this next time!
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    My confession for today--I looked back at my diary and found the last honest day of logging was about two weeks ago. Probably explains the creeping I have seen on my scale as of late. Time to buckle down and get back to keeping track.

    I hear ya. This week has been a mess for me as far as logging goes. I've been all over the place with eating and exercising thanks to emotional rollercoaster-ing and just life getting in the way. But I'm right there with you on the buckling down thing :) We'll get back on track!

    Put me on the list for this, too. :( I've been off-track for a week now, with cookies and brownies flowing freely out of the oven at any time of the day. I NEED to get back on track. Send me good vibes and I'll return the favor? I'm so scared to weigh myself! Even my "big" pants are getting tight. :(

    You got it :) When I bake, I usually enjoy one of whatever I've made and then get my mom to bring the rest to work with her. But this week, I baked walnut shortbread bars and made old-fashioned buttermilk doughnuts from scratch. She loved them so much that she refused to give them away. They call to me every time I walk into the kitchen, lol. I've got to get myself on track because I gave all of my "big" clothes away to the Goodwill. :s

    Would you be able to PM me the recipe for these? I would love to try them!

    Or post it here? They sound amazing.

    Absolutely! I'm always happy to share recipes :) This isn't one of mine so I'll cite it - don't call the copyright police on me ;)

    "The Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library" copyright 1971 by General Mills, Inc. (And it's listed under the section "Men's Favorites", LOL.)

    "Buttermilk Doughnuts

    3 1/3 cups Gold Medal flour*
    1 cup sugar
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1 teaspoon soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    2 tablespoons shortening
    2 eggs
    3/4 cup buttermilk

    Heat fat or oil (3 to 4 inches) to 375 (degrees) in deep fat fryer or kettle. Measure 1 1/2 cups flour and the remaining ingredients into large mixer bowl. Blend 1/2 minute on low speed, scraping bowl constantly. Beat 2 minutes on medium speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in the remaining flour.

    Turn dough onto well-floured cloth-covered board; roll around lightly to coat with flour. Gently roll dough 3/8 inch thick. Cut with floured doughnut cutter.

    With wide spatula, slide doughnuts into hot fat. Turn doughnuts as they rise to surface. Fry 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown on both sides. Carefully remove from fat; do not prick the surface. Drain. Serve plain, sugared or frosted. 2 dozen doughnuts.

    *Do not use self-rising flour in this recipe.

    Deep Fat Frying Tips: The right temperature of fat is so important for tender, light doughnuts! If too hot, doughnuts brown before they cook through; if too cool, they became grease-soaked.

    To test temperature without a thermometer, drop a bread cube into the fat. At 375 (degrees) it should brown in 60 seconds."

    A few notes: 1) I used generic all purpose flour and "soda" means baking soda (yeah, there was a split-second of confusion when I first read the recipe. "'Soda'? Like...Coke?" LOL!); 2) I used one of them newfangled deep fryers with temperature control ( :) ) and one of them there KitchenAid mixers with the paddle attachment so I basically mixed the ingredients just until combined so the dough didn't get overworked and tough; 3) I didn't use a "cloth-covered board" but the dough is pretty sticky so a fair amount of flour is necessary; 4) I don't have a doughnut cutter but a round biscuit cutter and a smaller round cookie cutter (for the center) worked fine (plus: doughnut holes are awesome); 5) I dipped some of the doughnuts in cinnamon sugar and used a ratio of 1/2 cup sugar and 1 T. cinnamon.

    Hope you enjoy them!
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Confession : I have an acute fascination with boxes. Leather boxes, cardboard boxes, small containers, it's just something about the fact that I could put stuff in it if I wanted to. Not that I have anything to put in it.

    Husband had gone from asking can I use a box or container for something to what I will use the box for. Mainly cute our interesting shaped ones I like, not every since box....although I do have blue then I need.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I appreciate the comments about not being ashamed for being afraid to donate blood! I hope, somehow, that this fear will one day up and vanish. My mom said so many people were passing out all over the place when she went through medical school, but they stuck it out and now don't get phased in the slightest. I, however, am not currently planning on going through medical school! :lol:

    For a confession, I got really really sick of craving chocolate all day. I made my way through two pots of tea (6 cups) and then decided to make a chocolate cake. It's currently sitting in the oven and I can't wait for it to be done. Problem's going to be limiting myself to one slice. I thought about freezing it, but then I remembered how I used to pull frozen cupcakes from the freezer and devour them. Guess I should really work on my self control.

    Oh good luck. Me and chocolate cake = not a good idea.

    Confession - I really stress out about special events. It sucks. I am completely torn between the 'enjoy it, it doesn't happen often' and the 'don't go crazy, you'll gain weight' mentality. Special events have always been about food for me and I just can't get out of that mindset. And I hate it because it stresses me out all week trying to bank calories for it and not necessarily succeeding.

    Second confession - I'm really not sure I'll be one of the people who successfully maintain their weight loss because I'm just too obsessed with food and I can't always find the willpower I need to resist some foods anymore. Plus knowing that I will go over because of PMS every month gives me extra pressure to maintain a deficit the rest of the time, and it sucks. I'm honestly stressed out just thinking I'm going to have to live my life this way.

    I have been feeling the exact same way. I have been backsliding for the last 2 months, I'm basically back to where I was in November. All because I suck at portion control.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The People thread just took a very dark turn.

    Do you have a link? I couldn't find it in recents....

    It got zapped. I was trying to read it and figure out where the dark turn took and it got zapped before I got to the end.

    Bummer, I was going to look for that. Does anyone know why they lock some threads but delete others?
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Oh and new profile pic. SKINNY ARMS ROB LOWE!!! He's my fav out of those commercials.

    I noticed that! I love those commercials!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hard confession here cuz it just happened again...

    I went to the Dollar Tree to grab 3-4 things best bought there. Was shopping fine enough, come time to checkout. A line out about 6 people deep with a ton of crap to buy and only one cashier checking people out.... Nope. No thanks. Not gonna happen. I dropped my hand basket in the center of the aisle where I stood and walked out. If you spend more time in line trying to pay for what you just shopped for then there is a problem with your practice! Yes, waiting is a part of living and in most cases there's no getting around it... The problem I have is not with the cashier doing their part so I never cut them a look or anything, I blame the business for insufficient staffing and I refuse to support them by making a purchase at that time.

    We were shopping the other night at Wal-Mart (we were in a small town and it was the only thing open that had what we needed) and there was seriously 1 lane open. In the whole entire store. One freakin' lane! Luckily, we didn't have a whole basket full of stuff, but still, I thought it was ridiculous. I've left a cart somewhere because I didn't feel like waiting in line for 20 minutes.

    I hate WalMart. Their official policy (here) is not to redirect or confront or scold people for having too many items in the express line.

    I know this because I once went through express with ONE item while the woman in front of me had 38. Yes, I counted. I wanted to say something to her but it would have been something really b*tchy and I'm trying to be a nicer person. So I pointed out to the cashier that the customer had exceeded the posted item limit about three times over, and she advised me that they weren't allowed to say anything.

    Nope, they aren't. People know this and abuse it. is a godsend! Free shipping to my home for any orders over $50.00. I order almost all of my non-perishable foods, toiletries, household cleaners, etc. Then I go to a different grocery store only for my fruit, vegetables, dairy, etc. Haven't set foot in Walmart for almost a year and I intend to keep that streak growing.

    That is such a good idea! You are a genius! I usually go to one grocery store for meat, veggies, dairy, and sale items and then go to Walmart for paper, cleaning, etc. Totally doing this next time!

    Amazon Pantry is also a solid choice. You have a box with a set size and as you add items to your box, it shows you how much space each item takes as well as how much space you have left before it's full and ready to ship to you.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I decided to try the stationary bike at the gym today.... it was almost successful in murdering my butt. I thought the stationary bike was going to be easy after 40 minutes of stairmaster, but nope!!! They need to invest in some comfy seats so my tush can stop screaming at me.

    That's the main thing keeping me from getting a bike. Mix a Lot wrote a song about it once...

    LOL! And so true! My son got a new bike a couple weeks ago...I tried to ride it...No flipping way!

    The pains subside rather quickly. Usually about a week for new riders... After that, you are good to go!

    Ya, you gotta build up some "butt callouses" then you'll be okay. :grin:

    I've biked a lot for almost 30 years. And by a lot I mean it has varied from a short daily commute to long biking vacations (i.e. from a few miles to lots of miles). I have one tip to add to the others. Bike shorts designed for women. Takes a few rides to get used to but makes a big difference.

    You do have to find the right ones though. Not TOO padded...that just causes more problems. And try Hoo Ha Ride Glide:,aps,168

    Totally helps. I actually get more sore in the creases of my legs where they connect to my body... that for me gets really painful if I don't carefully arrange the shorts as I am biking.

    Likewise for me in the creases. I've had a saddle sore or 2 in those exact spots that luckily didn't need too much attention other than a quick yet OMG sooo painful squeeze & pop and they didn't sideline me at all so I consider myself fortunate.
    On my 13 mile commute I have to stand and adjust my chamois shorts a few times to avoid any gathering problems. It probably doesn't help I wear loose sweatshorts over my chamois and not biker shorts but I have a 38" inseam and while I think my legs look decent enough, I don't care to share my sun deprived upper thighs with the general public. LOL

    @m1xm0d3 My SO also has a 38" inseam so I'm going to pounce on you (as I do every other tall MFP member) and ask WHERE THE HELL DO YOU FIND PANTS??

    Seriously. The poor guy wears one style of Levis and his current suit pants are unhemmed because he can't lose any length (fortunately it's not obvious). He has to get a new suit this summer and I have no idea where to even start. Big & Tall stores aren't helpful because the waist sizes are always too big.

    I am a 36/38 x 38 and I buy online and online only. lol

    Levi's is great for the B&T so that's my go-to for jeans. Pants I go to Kingsize direct. There's also casual male xl.

    Darn, I was hoping you would give me some different stores/sites to check out. As previously posted my husband is 7'2" and finding anything that is long enough is a challenge - even more of a challenge is finding the places that might have his size that ship to Canada.... I'm still looking for track/lounge pants....

    Maybe I'll start a small online business making them. Lol. My SO lives in the ones I've made when he's at home.

    Every now and then we'll pass by the fabric dept in a store and I'll see some really loud or juvenile print flannel or fleece and threaten to make the next pair out of it. >:)

    Adidas makes some insanely huge/long track pants. FYI

    Good to know! If you think of any other brands, keep posting for smashley and I.

    30 years ago when my SO was a teen there was no online shopping and no 38" inseam jeans to be found, so his (late) mother, who was quite the seamstress, made him track pants and that's all he ever wore. Fortunately they were in style for young guys back then.

    Since I couldn't find any flannel/fleece pants with an inseam longer than 34" I dusted off my old sewing machine and started making them for him as gifts (he's super hard to buy presents for). Of course, since I was hemming them without trying them on him, I completely forgot that lounge pants are worn a bit lower in the crotch than regular pants, so they ended up being VERY long.

    He says he's never had pants that are "too long" for him before. Lol.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    My father-in-law was an alcoholic, too. It messes up a family for sure.

    You are officially a member of our group now.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I've fallen off big time lately, and now I'm confused on how to get back. I've looked at the TDEE method but I'm so confused on that, but I can't do the 1200 MFP keeps setting for me. I really don't want to put up a new post about it but may just have to...

    What are your stats? Height, weight and activity level? I'll figure it for you and try to explain it.
    I'm around 5'2, 197.4 lbs, and I've just started going back to the gym 2 days a week, about to bump it up to 3 days a week once hubby gets paid again (kid's birthday drained us lol). Thanks! :smile:

    OK. So your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) to maintain your current weight is 2027 calories per day. If you eat that, you'll stay where you are. You can subtract a percentage from that number to lose weight - 10%, 15%, 20%. Higher than 20% is not recommended. Your TDEE - 20% is 1622 calories per day. That includes light exercise, so you do not eat back any exercise calories using this. If you ramp up your exercise significantly, we'd have to recalculate. As you lose weight, every 10 pounds or so, you want to recalculate.

    If you want to lose slower and have more calories to eat, you could do TDEE - 10%, which would give you 1825 calories per day.

    With that said, a food scale is a must. You need to be accurate with your calorie intake.

    Does that make sense?

    That makes perfect sense now lol! I have an app that is supposed to calculate it, but the way it's done confuses me. What kind of formula did you use to get that? Just for future reference lol

    I used an online calculator. Just google TDEE. or are good sites to use.
  • Harleyb87
    Harleyb87 Posts: 279 Member
    I am a guilt eater, when I feel fat I end up eating more, when I feel guilty about not working out or eating like crap I usually eat more.. stupid really
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    What a week.

    So, I'm officially done with my old job, paid through next Tuesday, cashing out all of my vacation time. What a soul suck the last few days were.

    I won't say anything bad about anyone there, it's behind me, here's the gist of it.

    I went to the Sr Director of Human Resources yesterday, and said "It hurts me being here until Tuesday, but I plan on honoring my commitment." When the General Manager for the property came back from being out of town for 2 days, he went to her, basically said "AOJ's had 10 good years here, there's a severe breakdown in relationships between he and his direct management, let's get him out of here and let everyone move on and have a good Memorial Day weekend."

    So at 1 O'clock today, I walked to the door with the SDHR, got outside, took a deep breath and headed home.

    I spent a few hours in my front yard sitting on the steps, then I went and mowed someone else's lawn.

    I've gotten tons of texts because for some reason, when you leave work before your resignation date, everyone assumes there's a negative connotation. I typically don't talk about work publicly, but I had to put a facebook message up to clarify to people I left out of reciprocated respect for all parties involved.

    So that chapter has ended, and I know I'll be much happier going forward.

    Sorry for anyone I've worried with my absence the last few days.


    Sounds stressful and emotional! Hope you have a great long weekend!!!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Oh my god .... I had to read 15+ (maybe even 20 pages!) to get caught up. You people sure confess an awful lot ;)

    I have never donated blood. The idea of it freaks me out.
    I am also not an organ donor. :neutral:

    Walmart, oh god that place sucks! I usually try to go really early to beat the rush, but the problem with that is no checkouts are open, except self-checkout with someone standing there nearby when said self-checkout doesn't want to work (hellllllo, just open a freakin' lane then!)

    I still haven't weighed myself. I keep telling myself it's probably not THAT bad, but then I am scared the number will be huge, so I am living in denial currently ...

    i used to be an organ donor, then my bff saw it on my license and lost her mind. she was adamant that if it was dire situation (keep in mind as a teenager/early 20's i wrecked a ton of vehicles) they wouldn't attempt to save me. i still don't totally agree with that, but she pleaded with me to take it off "just in case."
    I donate blood and platelets. I am also on the stem cell donor list and organ donor list. The only thing I will not donate will be cord blood if/when I have kids. I with have that stored in a cord blood bank for personal use if my kids ever needed it. There is a lot of cancer in my family.