

  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    eMka11 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - getting pissed off this year again at the horrible cliffhangers in my shows' finales. Seriously... stop. We'll watch next season anyway, why leave it like that for 4 months?

    What are you watching?
    I was feeling the same recently!

    Worst this year were Supernatural and the Flash. You just don't stop a season that way. It's rude.

    So I'm under the weather again, totally exhausted, headache, throat bothering me again... 3 cups of coffee so far and seriously considering a 4th. Feeling guilty because I can't exercise again so I just know I'll be way over this week, because of course my appetite isn't going anywhere, I ate too much two days ago and we have an event on Sunday... but I've just been sitting in the recliner watching X Files (got to see it all before the next season in January!).
    We are catching up with Supernatural tonight, they have done that in previous series too
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    clover157 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm not having a very good day. Total pity party and tears over my parenting failures. I guess it's a good thing that I decided to go for a walk instead of digging in the ice cream stash.

    Sorry to hear this. Parenting is such a tough job. I hope the walk helped.

    Parenting is so hard, I am taking every effort to never have to do it. :smiley:

    And think about it, parenting with TWO parents is hard... and single parents...woah. AND if everyone is working?! :astonished:

    Everyone else can go ahead and make successful and wonderful humans. I do not feel strong enough to partake in that endeavor. :wink:

    ETA: I am serious about everything in this post. I see parenting as very difficult. It takes skills and abilities that I am pretty sure I do not possess.

    Here's something I've never confessed IRL before...
    I don't enjoy parenting. I don't think I was meant to be a mum.
    Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. I give all of myself to them to ensure they feel loved, are happy and healthy.
    But I just don't think I was cut out for it. I've had pretty severe postnatal depression since my first was born 3 years ago and I'm sure that contributes, but I do wonder if its just my personality. Also, I carry a lot of guilt over my depression, its so unfair to them and I worry I'm messing up their whole lives :(
    Aaaaaaaand now I want to cover my feelings in food.

    I could've pretty much wrote this post, word for word. I have a 3.5 yr old and an 8 month old (both boys). Everyone tells me I'm an awesome mom, but I feel like I'm failing at it constantly. It's not effortless for me like everyone else I see on Facebook. I have to WORK at my patience.
    To be fair, I'm pretty sure I have PPD and my 3.5 yr old is a DRAMA QUEEN and can be difficult, but still. I give everything I have in me to them, literally, and I still feel like I'm doing it wrong.
    Part of my inability to keep the weight off is I eat my feelings at night alone when they're in bed, because I sit and relive my parenting failures for the day in my head, over and over.

    And hi, I've lurked but decided to post in the thread today :)

    Welcome to the thread! Please don't beat yourself up! We all do it. Many admissions and confessions regarding that here. It does you nor your children any good. Don't rehash the past. Just do your best every day. That's all your kids need. Do seek help for PPD because that is serious to deal with.

    Also, the people who make self-promoting parenting posts on Facebook are liars. Ignore all that noise.

    This made me laugh. That has to be the most judgmental thing you have ever said! (And I love it!)

    It's okay to judge everyone else NOT on this thread, right? I thought those were the rules. :)

    Totally and it wasn't even that judgmental, you are just the nicest/most supportive person on here that NEVER says anything negative. :)

    Thank you and that makes me laugh. I think this thread must be my alter-ego or something because my husband and son call me negative and judgmental almost on a daily basis. Oops. Maybe I should pretend I'm typing something here before spouting off my mouth IRL?

    My confession is I am way nicer in this forum than in real life. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Thank God finally caught up. Whew. I was so behind for 2 days!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    Thank you and I applaud you for taking care of all these kitties. I wonder what's so terrible about Porch Kitty that he keeps getting taken to shelters?!

    I wouldn't call you a crazy cat lady. I'll refer to you as the "Caring Cat Lady".

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Total parent fail here: today was my daughter's last day of 2K, and her birthday is on Monday so I didn't think they would do anything for it since she's not going to be there anyway. Normally, a parent brings in some snacks or a cake or something on their kid's birthday, but since again she wasn't going to be there I didn't think about it. Well when I picked her up today, they actually were celebrating her birthday early, and bad mommy over here hasn't done anything for it. Talk about feeling horrible...... :(
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.


    Make sure you follow the airlines rules about what you can/can't take in your carry-on (and check to make sure your bag is an acceptable size). It'll suck if you have to throw out something when you're going through security! Be aware that belt buckles and sometimes underwire in bras can set off the metal detectors, so just something to think about while getting dressed that day :) I prefer to sleep on planes, so one of those wrap around neck pillows is a must for me, but I know some people can't sleep so you might not need one. Give yourself lots of time to get to the airport and through security. Check BEFORE you leave home if your flight is delayed/cancelled for some reason.

    If you've never flown before and aren't sure how your stomach will handle it, pack some ginger pills or Gravol just in case.

    Congratulations on your belated honeymoon! I'm sure you'll have an excellent time. My biggest flying tip is to drink plenty of water - I always get soooo dehydrated. And make sure you have a sweater or little travel blanket, planes are usually cold (at least for me, I'm always cold though)!

    I'm always cold too. Do they sell travel blankets? Can I bring water or get water on the plane? I try to drink a minimum of 16 ounces of water by 10 am, so hopefully I'll be fine. Just hope I don't have to pee until I can make it to our layover stop.

    Thanks for the congratulations. When I say VERY belated, I'm talking 15 years belated. :smiley:

    RE: travel blankets - I always bring a light jacket or zip up hoodie so it's easy to take on and off. And I hope you have so much fun on your trip!

    I ALWAYS carry a hoodie with me, but I will sure to have one that day for sure. Thanks!
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Ahh, my first MFP eaten post. @MoHousdon - go to the D terminal for shopping in Dallas and bring your own snacks (beverages purchased after security) was the basic jist of my message. Enjoy your flight and honeymoon!

    Thanks, @WestCoastJo82 I will remember D terminal for "delightful shopping in Dallas!" :)

    I usually travel with a large decorative scarf. It fold down to nothing and can be worn around the neck, draped as a shawl or used as a blanket if it is cold on the airplane.
    I travel with dried fruit and nuts and instant oatmeal packets in my luggage and energy bars of my choice in my carry on. If you get delayed or things just take too long having food on hand can be a lifesaver. Once you pass through security go buy yourself a bottle of water. Have a great trip!

    I am planning on bringing some Quest Bars in my carryon. I also have so travel mix that I got from the local candy store that would be perfect too. Thanks for the advice and the well wishes!

    Just so you know if you do get a layover in Dallas (where I currently reside) Just be prepared for delays especially if you travel AA or US. They've been have some issues recently over here. ( I would know since my BF is a pilot for US) He always complains about the hour or two delays. So just make a note ;p I hope you have a fantastic trip!

    I wasn't going to be negative, but since someone else brought it up: HATE the DFW airport. I mean, not the airport itself, but I have never once made a connecting flight there on time. Also, a 2 hr. layover there is not much because the airport is so large. If you want to shop at concourse D find out which concourse you land in and which you depart from and plan accordingly. It takes a while to get to each concourse. But, you'll still make your destination and you'll have a great time, I'm sure!

    I will try to have all my stuff mapped out way beforehand. As long as I make it to my resort in Siesta Key by 10:30 pm, I'll be fine. If not, guess we'll be sleeping in the rental car and paying for a night we don't get to sleep in the room.

    I used to live about 35 minutes or so from siesta key. It is beautiful. I hope you enjoy.

    Looking forward to it. Do you have any must do's while we're there? We're planning on going to St. Augustine for a day since my brother lives in Jacksonville and I want to see the fort. We're also planning on going to Venice to collect sea shells and sharks teeth.

    Those sound good. My kids and I enjoyed a brief trip to st. Augustine. And Venice is nice. My parents and sister live about 30 minutes from Venice.

    I enjoyed Sanibel/Captiva. I've heard the shelling is really nice there, and they are beautiful, small communities. St Armand's circle near Lido beach is also nice, and has a lot of shops and restaurants.

    I've been in north Carolina for 21 years now, so I'm a little rusty on Florida :).

    We'll take any and all suggestions. We'll have 7 days to explore and do touristy stuff.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    So I looked up awesome drinks to try in the Dominican Republic, and I found out about the ''dirty monkey,'' which is something I need in my life:
    A drinkable, alcoholic dessert, which I'm sure is extremely dangerous for me. Especially since I'm a lightweight and am prone to drinking my way through alcoholic drinks WAY too fast (''Whoa... where did my wine go?''). Someone at work told me to try the ''mamajuana.'' No idea what that is but it looks to be of a citrus-y nature. Sorry guys, I'm getting terribly excited.

    ... I'm going to gain back every single pound, aren't I?

    I tried this when I was in the Dominican, it is... interesting? It's a local beverage and the stuff I had was potent. I drank no more than an ounce, and even that was done in teeny sips because it's such a strong flavor.
    My coworker told me that it's ''delicious,'' but will ''peel your eyelids back'' if you're not careful. I drink very rarely, so I'm not so sure if that's going to be a smooth experience. I'll definitely give it a shot, though!
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    So I looked up awesome drinks to try in the Dominican Republic, and I found out about the ''dirty monkey,'' which is something I need in my life:
    A drinkable, alcoholic dessert, which I'm sure is extremely dangerous for me. Especially since I'm a lightweight and am prone to drinking my way through alcoholic drinks WAY too fast (''Whoa... where did my wine go?''). Someone at work told me to try the ''mamajuana.'' No idea what that is but it looks to be of a citrus-y nature. Sorry guys, I'm getting terribly excited.

    ... I'm going to gain back every single pound, aren't I?

    OMG I lived on Dirty Monkey's while in Jamaica! totally worth the 10 pound gain lol
    Hahaha!!! I'm a sucker for anything banana-y, pineapple-y, and coconut-y. I already plan on drinking some delicious pina coladas :sunglasses:

    There was something called Ice Cream, tasted like a sundae and DESTROYED me. I'm a lightweight and they went down way to easily lol
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited May 2015
    misskarne wrote: »
    I think I have found the one type of pain that does not make me want to eat eat eat. (Probably comfort eating, but I digress.)

    My back hurts? My period cramps hurt? My everything hurts? Gimme all the food.

    Migraine? Leave me on the couch to die.

    This is probably the most true thing that has ever been said.

    No. the truest thing is leave me alone in my bedroom, hiding under the covers, with the windows blacked out, to die. My living room is much too bright (lots of windows) for a migraine.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »
    Confession: I totally traded out my lunch for a piece of carrot cake. Oh, yeah I did that. B)

    Confession: I'm totally jealous.
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    We'll take any and all suggestions. We'll have 7 days to explore and do touristy stuff.

    I live an hour SE of Orlando. There is so much to do and see in Florida. If you like amusement parks go to Universal Studios Island of Adventures or as a Disney fan I love all of the parks. Go to the beach for sure. There's lots of water parks. The historic area of St Augustine is amazing. In Orlando they have dinner mystery shows you can do and the nightlife is amazing. Visit Kennedy Space Center. If you're into gambling there's a casino cruise boat that goes out of Port Canaveral all the time. There is so much to do here!
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    My mom was out with my grandma and brought me home McNuggets. Let's just say I am going to work my butt off and enjoy them. They are definitely not pre-workout food. lol

    I bought these white chocolate macadamia nut energy bars from Aldi. They're a glorified candy bar (22g of sugar) but they're so good! It's nice to have 250 calories and 37g of carbs ready to go if I don't feel like making something before I workout.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Caught up!

    I'm not too worried about this parenting thing. I'm worried about the nitty, grittiness of sleep deprivation and exhaustion that comes with the early days, but beyond ensuring the kid's physical well-being, I feel like the actual 'parenting' part will be okay. I'm a decent person. My husband is a decent person. My parents were decent people and my siblings and I turned out fine. Not a lot of drama, not a lot of scares and we all put up with one another to varying degrees. Sure I expect there will be arguments and frustrations and bumps in the road, but I'm not aiming for perfection as I think that probably doesn't exist.

    Am I being too blasé about the whole thing?!

    Nah. I will say though that based on nothing but my time on pregnancy message boards (tip: do not go to a pregnancy message board, the craziest people spend all day there) most first babies seem to be easy. That's how they trick you into having another one. My oldest was the easiest baby in the world. I found myself thinking "why do people complain about this?". Five years later when I had my daughter, I found out how bad it could be. My daughter has also taught me to be a lot less judgmental about parenting styles. I parented her in the same general way as my son, and she is ?

    I feel this exact way about my 4th child. She can be so sweet sometimes, but EVERYTHING is a damned battle with her. I cannot possibly convey how mule-obstinate she can be about the smallest things. It doesn't help that the older three (one of whom has to share a room with her) have figured out how to trigger her demon rages.

    All her teachers love her though, so I am occasionally "grateful" she saves her insanity for her father and I mostly.

    This is spot on my daughter too. My husband are always getting how sweet and polite and well behaved and helpful she is. That's awesome, FOR YOU. You should see her at home. Not helpful at all unless she feels like it which is almost never!

    Yesterday I just want to punch her in the face. She was going to an end of the year school dance and changed into shorts. It was 50 degrees outside and I told her she'd freeze if she wore shorts. She said, "You've never been to one of our dances and I am always hot." I argued with her back and forth then finally said word for word, "FINE! Freeze your *kitten* off, I don't care! Get out of my house!" Yesterday was NOT the day to come at me. Not my best mommy moment, but I didn't feel bad either.

    Oh, kids. Something I was told a long time ago helped a bit when the kids were little: from day one kids are told what to do, how to do it, when to do it, what to wear, what to eat, etc. by EVERYONE around them. By rebelling and lashing out they are simply trying to make a decision for themselves. As far as the example of the shorts, depending on age, don't even start with the word "no" (kids automatically tune out after that). Just say, "Do you want to wear these jeans, these red pants, or these blue sweats?" (or whatever is appropriate) Doesn't always work but by frequently giving them an option to make their own decisions the other battles subside.

    Give them options of what they can eat; give them options of when they can do chores or homework. All within your own boundaries of course, but presenting them options gives them a sense of control over their own lives. Calms down the inner rebellion monster somewhat.

    I will try to keep "no" to a minimum. Never thought about it that way before, thank you.

    Those are all really great points and I try to give her choices and she usually says, "I don't want to do any of those", to which I reply, "Well, those are your options so you have to pick one." Don't get me wrong, she's a GREAT kid. Spunky, witty, funny, sweet, loving, compassionate, responsible, and a lot of other great adjectives, but there are just times when I can't stand to be around her. Yesterday was one of those days. I didn't really want to be around anyone yesterday. My husband even asked me if I was depressed last night before bed. I don't think I am, I'm just pmsing and missing my Owen.

    Maybe I just need a cookie.

    Completely understandable. And that's my main point and what it took me a little too long to learn: kids rebelling or being uncooperative is in no way a reflection of their character or emotional maturity or intelligence. It's simply an attempt at control. Hard to remove the emotions in the heat of the moment. I regret many times that I didn't. But, live and learn.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I've fallen off big time lately, and now I'm confused on how to get back. I've looked at the TDEE method but I'm so confused on that, but I can't do the 1200 MFP keeps setting for me. I really don't want to put up a new post about it but may just have to...

    What are your stats? Height, weight and activity level? I'll figure it for you and try to explain it.
    I'm around 5'2, 197.4 lbs, and I've just started going back to the gym 2 days a week, about to bump it up to 3 days a week once hubby gets paid again (kid's birthday drained us lol). Thanks! :smile:

    OK. So your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) to maintain your current weight is 2027 calories per day. If you eat that, you'll stay where you are. You can subtract a percentage from that number to lose weight - 10%, 15%, 20%. Higher than 20% is not recommended. Your TDEE - 20% is 1622 calories per day. That includes light exercise, so you do not eat back any exercise calories using this. If you ramp up your exercise significantly, we'd have to recalculate. As you lose weight, every 10 pounds or so, you want to recalculate.

    If you want to lose slower and have more calories to eat, you could do TDEE - 10%, which would give you 1825 calories per day.

    With that said, a food scale is a must. You need to be accurate with your calorie intake.

    Does that make sense?
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    edited May 2015

    misskarne wrote: »
    I think I have found the one type of pain that does not make me want to eat eat eat. (Probably comfort eating, but I digress.)

    My back hurts? My period cramps hurt? My everything hurts? Gimme all the food.

    Migraine? Leave me on the couch to die.

    This is probably the most true thing that has ever been said.

    No. the truest thing is leave me alone in my bedroom, hiding under the covers, with the windows blacked out, to die. My living room is much too bright (lots of windows) for a migraine.

    I, too, have to hibernate in my bedroom underneath the covers with the blackout curtains and all the doors closed.

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited May 2015
    I’m hoping you all can provide some advice. I just got a call from the Assistant Principal at my son’s school. He is in 2nd grade. He was caught taking ice cream from the cafeteria and not paying for it. He admitted to his teacher that this was the second time he has done this. When he was asked why he did this, he said ‘his parents only allow him to have ice cream on Fridays and he doesn’t like that rule’. He has to have silent lunch tomorrow and write a letter to the cafeteria staff. I spoke with him briefly and he was crying and said he was sorry.

    He has been in trouble quite a bit lately for taking things without asking, our phones, the family tablet, his DS. We have tried no electronics, staying in his room, grounding, spanking, soap in the mouth… I’m at a loss…and really scared that this doesn’t bode well for the future. Is this a phase? What did you do that worked?

    ETA: wanted to clarify that he is taking our phones, the family tablet, and his DS...not stealing other peoples property.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I've fallen off big time lately, and now I'm confused on how to get back. I've looked at the TDEE method but I'm so confused on that, but I can't do the 1200 MFP keeps setting for me. I really don't want to put up a new post about it but may just have to...

    What are your stats? Height, weight and activity level? I'll figure it for you and try to explain it.
    I'm around 5'2, 197.4 lbs, and I've just started going back to the gym 2 days a week, about to bump it up to 3 days a week once hubby gets paid again (kid's birthday drained us lol). Thanks! :smile:

    OK. So your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) to maintain your current weight is 2027 calories per day. If you eat that, you'll stay where you are. You can subtract a percentage from that number to lose weight - 10%, 15%, 20%. Higher than 20% is not recommended. Your TDEE - 20% is 1622 calories per day. That includes light exercise, so you do not eat back any exercise calories using this. If you ramp up your exercise significantly, we'd have to recalculate. As you lose weight, every 10 pounds or so, you want to recalculate.

    If you want to lose slower and have more calories to eat, you could do TDEE - 10%, which would give you 1825 calories per day.

    With that said, a food scale is a must. You need to be accurate with your calorie intake.

    Does that make sense?

    You are awesome! I'm learning too :)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    We'll take any and all suggestions. We'll have 7 days to explore and do touristy stuff.

    I live an hour SE of Orlando. There is so much to do and see in Florida. If you like amusement parks go to Universal Studios Island of Adventures or as a Disney fan I love all of the parks. Go to the beach for sure. There's lots of water parks. The historic area of St Augustine is amazing. In Orlando they have dinner mystery shows you can do and the nightlife is amazing. Visit Kennedy Space Center. If you're into gambling there's a casino cruise boat that goes out of Port Canaveral all the time. There is so much to do here!

    Our resort is on the beach so that's no problem. The dinner mystery shows sound AWESOME! I've always wanted to do one of those dinners where you have you have to guess who the murderer is. Kind of like the movie Clue. We don't have an itinerary (I spelled that without using spell check, yay me!) just yet, but we'll make one. Luckily for me, since my brother lives in Florida, I'll have plenty of excuses to go back.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I think I have found the one type of pain that does not make me want to eat eat eat. (Probably comfort eating, but I digress.)

    My back hurts? My period cramps hurt? My everything hurts? Gimme all the food.

    Migraine? Leave me on the couch to die.

    This is probably the most true thing that has ever been said.

    No. the truest thing is leave me alone in my bedroom, hiding under the covers, with the windows blacked out, to die. My living room is much too bright (lots of windows) for a migraine.

    Now this... This is the truest thing that has ever been spoken in the history of ever. Migraine sufferers unite!