

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I just saw my 4 year old slip a small cup into the cat's water dish and then drink it. It was so quick I didn't even have time to say something before it was over. Now I'm wondering how long he's been doing that. I just thought my cats were really thirsty, or that the heat was evaporating their water. Hmmm

    Since he hasn't gotten sick from it perhaps it's actually helping him build an immune system! One time when my youngest son was about 2 yrs. old I walked into the living room and saw him dunking his toothbrush into the fish tank and brushing his teeth. He survived, thankfully.
    I once found my son - aged about 9 months - chewing on the toilet brush. I needed therapy after that!

    I think I need therapy after reading that. I just recoiled in horror whilst doing a dance of revulsion in my chair and had to turn away from the screen. If I did anything like that when I was a kid I hope I never ever find out because I'd still be freaked out. I am the one who confessed many pages ago that I have problems with even thinking someone else has handled my food. So I can't even fully imagine how I'd react.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »

    My sweet girl, Chloe. This was taken soon after I got home from dogsitting. She really missed me. I missed her snuggles.

    I love calicoes
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess that all of the cat pictures are making me super jealous. I miss my baby. :'( Her name is Zainab, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, I had to give her to my sister when I got married because my husband is horribly allergic. I hand-raised her from a teeny little tot.... When I get on my computer I'll attempt to share some pictures. :D

    Great name! Does it mean anything?
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    My confession is I wish the gym wouldn't allow kids in the pool. There are so many pools around that people could go to, I just don't understand why private gyms have to allow it too. If there was even one around that didn't it would be a serious factor for me. Today there were lessons in the pool and it was down to 2 lanes. I nearly put my swim off completely when I saw all the kids in the changing rooms, and cut it down from my planned 30 to 20 minutes because it was so loud. I went into the steam room and it was still really loud. Please tell me I'm not the only person who hates this!

    I totally get it. In the fall/winter months I have a gym membership and nothing grates on me more is the after school swim lessons. The lanes are packed, the diving boards are closed and there is just no room. Even on weekends they started having lessons and have half of the pool closed if not more. So irritating.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their support. I actually didn't say anything to my parents, they actually ended up looking up the signs for anorexia online and my mom called me. :frowning: So now I send her photos of the food I'm eating (despite the fact that I eat the same things most weeks ((out of sheer convenience))) but she likes to know. So we'll see. I actually hit my goal weight back in March and then lost five more pounds in, I guess, a whoosh sort of occurrence and so now it just sort of hangs out there.

    I have been floating around the the 'gaining weight' board but, honestly, the thought of actively trying to gain weight is terrifying, upsetting, and daunting. The logical part of my brain knows I need to, but it seems to be drowned out by the hysterical part. :confused:

    And I guess to end this post on some lighter notes:

    I went out and got Talenti Mediterranean Mint gelato because of all the mint/chocolate talk many pages back.

    And! A photo of my cat Ella (whom I call Kiki and unintentionally named after my sister's dog, Ellie :lol: ).

    She spends most of her time on her back. lol. She's also super affectionate and hates when I do housework or any cooking because it means I'm not petting her. haha.



    Oh my God I want her... No no more cats...
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I am still back on page 642. I have had entirely too much work the past couple of days to get caught up. I am off work tomorrow and have a ton going on, then we are off to a family reunion long weekend at my families ranch and I will not have phone or internet service on the ranch so unless I drive to town while there I may lose my login stretch, this pains me! I might just have to go for a drive everyday. I am not sure how I will ever catch up with this thread with that much time away though. I have to read each and every post so I won't miss anything! I am addicted to this thread! I may need to seek professional help for this :o

    I, too am addicted to this thread. I tell myself everyday I won't go on here, but then I do. I spend countless work hours checking it and replying to it. I feel you people (what do you mean, YOU people?!) have helped me more than you'll ever know. I have found some friends on here that I feel like I know IRL and I cherish our friendship. Even if it is strictly online only.

    I consider this free therapy and I feel free saying things here that I can't anywhere else. If I could hug each and everyone of you, I would. Even those of you that aren't into that sort of thing. :smiley:

    I keep finding myself entering my food, and then clicking right on "community" to come here.
    I leave a tab open in my browser & on my phone so I can pick up where I left off.
  • _coupongirl_
    _coupongirl_ Posts: 1 Member
    seosaimhin wrote: »
    Confession: Sometimes I go to pro-ana sites and wish I looked like they do.

    I do the same thing :( i made a completely separate instagram account just for thinspirational pix and to "help" myself be motivated to lose the weight. I have issues with food, have had periods of anorexia, bulimia, and most recently orthorexia and binge disorders. Never diagnosed because im too ashamed to tell anyone. Anyway, youre not alone. I hate myself for doing it, but it works.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I want to thank everyone for their support. I actually didn't say anything to my parents, they actually ended up looking up the signs for anorexia online and my mom called me. :frowning: So now I send her photos of the food I'm eating (despite the fact that I eat the same things most weeks ((out of sheer convenience))) but she likes to know. So we'll see. I actually hit my goal weight back in March and then lost five more pounds in, I guess, a whoosh sort of occurrence and so now it just sort of hangs out there.

    I have been floating around the the 'gaining weight' board but, honestly, the thought of actively trying to gain weight is terrifying, upsetting, and daunting. The logical part of my brain knows I need to, but it seems to be drowned out by the hysterical part. :confused:

    And I guess to end this post on some lighter notes:

    I went out and got Talenti Mediterranean Mint gelato because of all the mint/chocolate talk many pages back.

    And! A photo of my cat Ella (whom I call Kiki and unintentionally named after my sister's dog, Ellie :lol: ).

    She spends most of her time on her back. lol. She's also super affectionate and hates when I do housework or any cooking because it means I'm not petting her. haha.



    Oh my God I want her... No no more cats...

    I adopted her through the Humane Society. A big plus was that she was already declawed (which was a requirement since I live in an apartment).

    She also will tap me or rest her paws on my knee when she wants attention. Also, she will wait in the bathroom next to the tub while I'm showering. And as soon as that water is off and the curtain is pulled away, she will get on her hind legs, and reach for me. Because I need to pet her. lol.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    I confess... That I haven't ever made a really deep or meaningful confession here. Everyone else seems to relate to each other so much, and I feel like an outcast; in my mind, at least, I'm certain that if I were to make a deeper confession that would leave me vulnerable, I'd be targeted for bullying or judged harshly by everyone here.

    I have to admit that I'm not sure how much sense I'm making, or if I'm making sense at all. :) Does anyone else ever feel this way, or is it just the anxiety talking? I don't know that either!

    Lots of people have confessed feeling vulnerable or bullied so you are not an outcast at all. Plus you just confessed something deep so hooooray to you as well.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Memorial Day is such a nonevent in my family. I keep forgetting it's even a free day home.

    I do that with all the holidays! I end up sat there alone wondering where people are till someone informs me it is Christmas (totally happened).
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    Aw, I love your pet names. I used to have two cats who were sisters, and their names were Lucy and Diamond. That was back when I was in college. My calico is called Pan. I tell people it's short for Pancake so I don't have to explain, and that is her nickname, but really she is named after Pantalaimon from His Dark Materials - because I got her when I was reading those books for the first time and I was in love with the concept of Daemons. I was 25 btw.

    My kids named my orange and white cat. His name is Dragon. They had recently watched The Secret of NIMH. I guess we just really like bookish names!

    I misread the bolded at first as My kid's name is Orange and I was like wat? Now I'm giggling, so thank you for the unintentional laughter.

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Memorial Day is such a nonevent in my family. I keep forgetting it's even a free day home.
    I do that with all the holidays! I end up sat there alone wondering where people are till someone informs me it is Christmas (totally happened).
    I remember my elementary school teacher warned the class not to show up on holidays!

    I'm watching my sister's dog this weekend, meaning she'll actually get walked for two days. I'll post her tomorrow.

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their support. I actually didn't say anything to my parents, they actually ended up looking up the signs for anorexia online and my mom called me. :frowning: So now I send her photos of the food I'm eating (despite the fact that I eat the same things most weeks ((out of sheer convenience))) but she likes to know. So we'll see. I actually hit my goal weight back in March and then lost five more pounds in, I guess, a whoosh sort of occurrence and so now it just sort of hangs out there.

    I have been floating around the the 'gaining weight' board but, honestly, the thought of actively trying to gain weight is terrifying, upsetting, and daunting. The logical part of my brain knows I need to, but it seems to be drowned out by the hysterical part. :confused:

    And I guess to end this post on some lighter notes:

    I went out and got Talenti Mediterranean Mint gelato because of all the mint/chocolate talk many pages back.

    And! A photo of my cat Ella (whom I call Kiki and unintentionally named after my sister's dog, Ellie :lol: ).

    She spends most of her time on her back. lol. She's also super affectionate and hates when I do housework or any cooking because it means I'm not petting her. haha.


    Love the kit Kat!

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles and hope they can improve. I went through a pretty bad patch when I logged on another website. MFP and some outside support really helped silence it.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I think I ate a piece of cat litter that I thought was a cookie crumb. In my defense, I am blind without my glasses.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess that all of the cat pictures are making me super jealous. I miss my baby. :'( Her name is Zainab, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, I had to give her to my sister when I got married because my husband is horribly allergic. I hand-raised her from a teeny little tot.... When I get on my computer I'll attempt to share some pictures. :D

    Great name! Does it mean anything?

    Since I'm enormously lazy, I just grabbed this for you off of Google: "The name Zainab is derived from the Arabic root words "zeenah" (meaning precious jewel, what glorifies someone, source of beauty) and "ab" (meaning father). It can also mean "fragrant flower".

    It's an Arabic girl's name that I've been in love with for as long as I can remember. Every time I got a cat (I've had three in total, excluding family pets, all female) I'd beg my mom to let me name her Zainab. In the Arab world, most people would be offended if you named an animal with their name--She had two friends named Zainab and so kept refusing for fear of insulting them.

    I found Zainab as an abandoned kitten when I was sixteen, and told my mom that I was naming her Zainab whether her friends liked it or not. ;) She laughed and said that she wasn't going to tell them, and that she would blame it on me if they found out. So I figured we had a deal. ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    I confess... That I haven't ever made a really deep or meaningful confession here. Everyone else seems to relate to each other so much, and I feel like an outcast; in my mind, at least, I'm certain that if I were to make a deeper confession that would leave me vulnerable, I'd be targeted for bullying or judged harshly by everyone here.

    I have to admit that I'm not sure how much sense I'm making, or if I'm making sense at all. :) Does anyone else ever feel this way, or is it just the anxiety talking? I don't know that either!

    Lots of people have confessed feeling vulnerable or bullied so you are not an outcast at all. Plus you just confessed something deep so hooooray to you as well.

    Aww, thank you! :) It's actually sad how many people (me included) suffer with anxiety and feel like they don't belong anywhere. :( I didn't realize there were so many similar people until I started reading the forums here. (I don't read any other forums, so I can't say for sure whether they would be similar)

    My confession for the day: Yesterday I decided that I was totally going to stick to my calorie goal and log and get back on track. When I felt too sick to cook dinner (I'm suffering through the worst cold I've had in YEARS), I even specifically asked to go to Subway, since their sandwiches are pretty calorie-friendly. Then, when we actually got to the mall... I blew my calorie budget with steak fajitas and a chocolate milkshake from Beef O'Brady's. Oops?
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their support. I actually didn't say anything to my parents, they actually ended up looking up the signs for anorexia online and my mom called me. :frowning: So now I send her photos of the food I'm eating (despite the fact that I eat the same things most weeks ((out of sheer convenience))) but she likes to know. So we'll see. I actually hit my goal weight back in March and then lost five more pounds in, I guess, a whoosh sort of occurrence and so now it just sort of hangs out there.

    I have been floating around the the 'gaining weight' board but, honestly, the thought of actively trying to gain weight is terrifying, upsetting, and daunting. The logical part of my brain knows I need to, but it seems to be drowned out by the hysterical part. :confused:

    And I guess to end this post on some lighter notes:

    I went out and got Talenti Mediterranean Mint gelato because of all the mint/chocolate talk many pages back.

    And! A photo of my cat Ella (whom I call Kiki and unintentionally named after my sister's dog, Ellie :lol: ).

    She spends most of her time on her back. lol. She's also super affectionate and hates when I do housework or any cooking because it means I'm not petting her. haha.



    I am rooting for you and am super proud of you!! That is a beautiful cat.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »

    Here's my Disney princess. He totally identifies with Rapunzel.

    On the keyboard! So adorable.

    Thank you!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I confess... That I haven't ever made a really deep or meaningful confession here. Everyone else seems to relate to each other so much, and I feel like an outcast; in my mind, at least, I'm certain that if I were to make a deeper confession that would leave me vulnerable, I'd be targeted for bullying or judged harshly by everyone here.

    I have to admit that I'm not sure how much sense I'm making, or if I'm making sense at all. :) Does anyone else ever feel this way, or is it just the anxiety talking? I don't know that either!

    I would be pretty shocked to see that happen.....
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I am still back on page 642. I have had entirely too much work the past couple of days to get caught up. I am off work tomorrow and have a ton going on, then we are off to a family reunion long weekend at my families ranch and I will not have phone or internet service on the ranch so unless I drive to town while there I may lose my login stretch, this pains me! I might just have to go for a drive everyday. I am not sure how I will ever catch up with this thread with that much time away though. I have to read each and every post so I won't miss anything! I am addicted to this thread! I may need to seek professional help for this :o

    I, too am addicted to this thread. I tell myself everyday I won't go on here, but then I do. I spend countless work hours checking it and replying to it. I feel you people (what do you mean, YOU people?!) have helped me more than you'll ever know. I have found some friends on here that I feel like I know IRL and I cherish our friendship. Even if it is strictly online only.

    I consider this free therapy and I feel free saying things here that I can't anywhere else. If I could hug each and everyone of you, I would. Even those of you that aren't into that sort of thing. :smiley:

    I keep finding myself entering my food, and then clicking right on "community" to come here.
    I leave a tab open in my browser & on my phone so I can pick up where I left off.
