

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm trying quite hard to not use pregnancy as an excuse to lapse into bad eating habits, but it is HARD. I never had any issue getting plenty of fruit and veg before, but most veg is turning my stomach at the moment. How has mankind evolved to be repulsed by the most healthy of foods at a time you would think good nutrition is critical!? Cheese and crackers and salty, salty crisps on the other hand, I can consume those by the bucket load.

    This is probably why prenatal vitamins are important - just saying.

    Thankfully I am organised and started taking prenatal vitamins 3 months before we conceived so no worries there. In good food news, I managed to eat a massive bowl of spinach yesterday. It was straight out of my garden, so having washed it myself it somehow felt 'safe' to eat and didn't turn my stomach. Sadly none of my other veggies will be ready to harvest for at least another few weeks. I will have to just keep trying!

    Ah, I really want a house with a garden. I want to grow all sorts of lovely eatables. Well done on the spinach, I do like fresh spinach. I still feel like Popeye when I eat it :smiley:

    We basically bought this house because it came with a big garden. Essentially we bought a garden that happened to have a house in it. This is why I've spent the past 18 months doing some serious DIY (and plan on carrying on for at least the next 5 years!). We love our garden, but you really can start small. You can grow lettuces from seed in pots. You won't be self-sufficient, but it's pretty satisfying. I know lots of people who grow herbs in pots too.

    That made me smile, yea, I still need to get on the market first. Its just so difficult. We were looking at new build flats the other day. £345,000.00 for a 2 bed room and you have to pay £10,000 for a parking space. £10,000! It's sickening.

    Wowsers, are you near London? I'm up in Notts/South Yorkshire and you get a lot more for your pennies here. My house is not very representative of local prices since it was in such a dire state when we bought it, but I'm sure averages are a lot less than 200K (pounds) for a 3 bed semi round here. Not paid attention for the past 18 months so I could be way off. I'm glad I live somewhere 'cheap'.

    Yea, I'm in South East London/Kent. They kind of merge into each other around the M25. I love it here, but the cost of living is through the roof. I think a 3 bed semi here would average around £500,000+ We are looking for a 2 bed terrace house at the moment, but they are around £250,000+. Our neighbor (living with the SO's mum) sold their 2 bed terrace for £320,000 last week. :#

    I can't imagine paying three quarters of a million dollars for a 3 bedroom duplex. It's bad in California, but that's downright insane. Where I am, that would buy you 8 fully detached ones.

    ... well, that is quite depressing. 8 detached houses? Clearly, I'm in the wrong country.

    yes, but there is a world of difference in the construction of houses in the UK and US. When we were in Texas a few years back, looking at houses, we went to a huge lot, which has houses of every shape and size....they get loaded on a flatbed truck and driven to your plot of land. Essentially they were porta-cabins**! Needless to say, we didn't proceed.

    **Disclaimer i know its not like that everywhere in America. I just found it amusing

    This is true. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most American houses are timber construction aren't they? I remember staying in a holiday house in Florida. It was MASSIVE and beautiful but all wood, which I found really odd considering its kind of hurricaney (yes, hurricaney) in Florida and it felt like it would just... blow away.

    Depends on what part of the country you are in. Oustide of large cities, most are wood frame with lots of different outer makeup. Some brick, some stone, some wood. They vary on foundation as well. Some concrete slab, some pier and beam and the mobile home on wheels.

    Ah ok, the other reason I thought this was whenever we see all the horrific photos after tornadoes and hurricanes all you see is wood everywhere and the foundations where they once stood. :disappointed:

    You may have seen the pictures of the Texas coastline after Hurricane Ike. Most of the homes there were wiped completely away. That was a scary sight.

    I know! I just couldn't imagine how it feels have your whole house wiped away. How can you possibly move on from that?
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    Dear Priest confession time:

    I got to me obese weight, because despite having a degree I am too stupid to put a delicious healthy eating habit in place & exercise that allows me to loose weight & get to my healthy weight.

    To Be consistent & disciplined is the only chose to progress. Too lazy for action, always with excuses, too cold, raining, hungry, headache, somebody stressing me out etc.

    I have been on Mfp for almost a year, I record my calories, and my calories are always over my allocated amount!! daaahhh and I wonder why I am not loosing weight!!

    I hate binging days even more, yet I still say f* it and still have binging days :):(, and no exercise days!! and then feel bad about being stupid!! and then feel stupid for feeling bad!!

    I hate the fact that my stomach sits on my lap, my upper arms have flappy wings, and my *kitten* and thighs look like I have 2 *kitten*!!

    Most of all I hate the fact that I was so stupid that I allowed myself to get the obese zone!!

    Then I hate ALL my stupid choices/ weaker choices, poor choices, then confound the problem by wasting time regretting those choices!!

    Then I also Hate all my wasted time & days on stupid stuff, that shows no progress. Gains no points, Pissing time away!! Like a dripping tap!! and I hate a dripping tap!! Thats what excuses are like, the worst of the worst, because I can, not without ability, but choose not too.

    I last but not least I hate the fact I don't LOVE myself enough to do my best for myself and reach my best potential. WTF!!?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    my foot (if I managed to attach this pic)os6wvyyvx4y0.jpg

    I hope it feels 100% soon!!

    Thanks, it is getting better, the bruise is much uglier, so that means it came up to the surface more and is now much less painful today.

    Glad to hear it is improving because it looks painful. But, you still haven't told us what you did to earn that nasty injury! Just being nosy.

    Umm... it is embarrasing. I was using my elyptical (the as a step to reach something, and the darn thing spun around and threw me off.

    Absolutely something I would do. I've used cardio machines at the gym for countless years, but I'm still convinced that the reason my heart rate stays elevated is fear of falling off the machine. I'm a crooked walker, so I really have to watch myself on the treadmill. The first few weeks I did the step mill I didn't even call it a workout. It was "stumbling up the stairs for 30 min.".

    Now I bought a new pair of ear buds that I like, but the cord is really long. It's just a matter of time before that gets wrapped onto something and a disaster ensues.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    3 of the swimsuits and the swimsuit cover came from Amazon yesterday. As soon as I walked in the door, I was asked to "model" them.

    The first one I tried on barley covered my nipples and I feared my boob would pop out if I made any sudden movements. It was a really cute navy with white polka dots suit and it was my husband's favorite.

    The second one was just like the one I found on Anthropologie's website, but it was a lot less expensive. I shimmied into it and had him tie the halter. It fit perfectly and made my butt look amazing. I was really excited.

    The third one was a little strange. It was like a mini dress with a bikini bottom attached. The back was really cute and when I pulled the skirt down a little bit, it made my butt look amazing. The top where the two cups met was a little messed up or I probably would have kept it.

    I am due to get the final one today. I am most excited about it. I hope this works.

    My husband also said he was going to buy me another swimsuit cover.

    Every day I get a little bit more excited about our trip. Especially now that I have at least one really cute swimsuit.

    Oh my, I want! That is so cute!! I wonder if I can get that in England?

    Edit: And of course the one your husband liked was the most revealing :lol:

    He was looking at string bikinis last night. I think he's a little confused as to what my body ACTUALLY looks like. I definitely DON'T have a "bikini body". At least not yet, anyway. :smiley:

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    karenwill2 wrote: »
    I said that I resent that they have the option. Their cheating is having other options. And I admitted to jealousy. Just restating as there is no judgment here. I do support everyone and know many people that have had the multiple types of surgeries and cheer them all on. I resent not having the option or that type of help.

    Understandable. I stated in my other post that I hope you didn't take our responses the wrong way. It's normal to resent or envy people who have options we ourselves don't have, regardless of the subject matter.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Accents: in my opinion, small-town Canadians (from anywhere) have a very different accent to city-dwellers and it's very noticeable. I've lived my whole life in urban Alberta and my accent is apparently geographically untraceable (depending on who I'm talking to, I've heard everything from "California" to "oh, were your parents Scandinavian?" to "did you grow up in England?" in my life) but I think there is a very distinct accent for rural Canadians (and, obviously, for French-Canadians and a couple variations for East Coasters too.)

    It's not quite the same was what people think of as a "Canadian accent" (which usually sounds more like Minnesota to me when I hear it played for laughs on TV) but it's definitely a thing.

    If you want to know what a rural Canadian accent sounds like...[/embed]

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Edit: This is to Susie:
    Oh, I'm so sorry you're feeling bad. There's no rhyme or reason to depression, so try not feel like you're wrong to feel the way you do. I think guilt is a very common issue.

    I'm very worried about your talk of dying though. Do you have a doctor who's helping you? Is your husband around?

    Not to worry, I've never been suicidal. :) I just want to... Stop existing, if that makes sense. It's almost midnight here and my husband is asleep, but he's around to wake up if I need him. :)

    Nope, I don't have a doctor. I mentioned it like five million posts back, but I'm terrified of doctors. I tried to get help once and I just couldn't make it through the sessions. I broke down after my second one and never went back. I also never spoke to the doctor directly (my husband had to speak for me), because I have selective mutism and couldn't speak. It was a pretty useless attempt, to be honest. :-/

    Have you tried videoconferencing with any doctors? There is a woman at the barn that is a psychiatrist. She has some patients she video conferences with. Perhaps that would work for you? By not being in person maybe that would help with the fear of speaking? And allow you to be more open?

    Nope, it wouldn't help. :) I've tried it with my husband, and it doesn't make it any easier whether it's on a video conference or face to face. Plus, I'm pretty sure the doctors here don't offer the option, so the point is pretty moot anyway. :-/

    You have to have a doctor there? Can't go outside of the country? I would think a good psychiatrist would understand there are options here like maybe you write letters back and forth or something.

    Not even within the country. My insurance only covers care within the healthcare clinics available inside my husband's work campus. And psychiatrists aren't exactly affordable without any form of insurance to cover their fee. :-/

    I'm not comfortable going back to the only available psychiatrist available there (who didn't work out the first time) with my tail between my legs and admitting that I cancelled the third session and the counseling appointment that was supposed to follow it, and didn't even attempt to try the medication he tossed at me without even bothering to let me try to speak. :'(

    Well, going to the wrong doctor isn't a good option either. Would probably do more damage than good. That isn't going to help. Hmmm. I am going to ask this woman. Not that she is going to know much about the rules in your country but still...there has to be options.

    That's really kind of you to do for an internet stranger!! :) Thank you so much for going the extra mile. :)

    You don't fee like a stranger to us! I'd love to offer suggestions, but I don't really know what to say, so I'm really grateful for those here who do have the ability and resources to help.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I just binged on 4 chocolate chip brioche rolls, and 8 chocolate cookies

    Both of those sound delicious and I LOVE your hair!!!

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    I haven't washed my hands after going to the bathroom. Then shook this dude's hand whom I really dislike.

    I find this less gross than all the poop-eating dogs! I love dogs but that really grosses me out, so I've had to skim those posts. Sorry people!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    3 of the swimsuits and the swimsuit cover came from Amazon yesterday. As soon as I walked in the door, I was asked to "model" them.

    The first one I tried on barley covered my nipples and I feared my boob would pop out if I made any sudden movements. It was a really cute navy with white polka dots suit and it was my husband's favorite.

    The second one was just like the one I found on Anthropologie's website, but it was a lot less expensive. I shimmied into it and had him tie the halter. It fit perfectly and made my butt look amazing. I was really excited.

    The third one was a little strange. It was like a mini dress with a bikini bottom attached. The back was really cute and when I pulled the skirt down a little bit, it made my butt look amazing. The top where the two cups met was a little messed up or I probably would have kept it.

    I am due to get the final one today. I am most excited about it. I hope this works.

    My husband also said he was going to buy me another swimsuit cover.

    Every day I get a little bit more excited about our trip. Especially now that I have at least one really cute swimsuit.

    Oh my, I want! That is so cute!! I wonder if I can get that in England?

    Edit: And of course the one your husband liked was the most revealing :lol:

    He was looking at string bikinis last night. I think he's a little confused as to what my body ACTUALLY looks like. I definitely DON'T have a "bikini body". At least not yet, anyway. :smiley:

    I've always thought if you have a body and you have a bikini, then you have a bikini body.
  • brandi9172
    brandi9172 Posts: 61 Member
    Confession #1: I missed 3 entire days of this thread and skipped 20 pages so I could sort of catch up...I feel as if I've commited a crime. :(
    Confession #2: I purchased Ben and Jerry's Peanut Buttah Cookie Core Ice Cream last's delicious! But I still have about half left, I just have two spoonfuls every night just to taste it, haha. Still feel guilty though. I really should quit feeling guilt when it comes to food.

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    Dear Priest confession time:

    I got to me obese weight, because despite having a degree I am too stupid to put a delicious healthy eating habit in place & exercise that allows me to loose weight & get to my healthy weight.

    To Be consistent & disciplined is the only chose to progress. Too lazy for action, always with excuses, too cold, raining, hungry, headache, somebody stressing me out etc.

    I have been on Mfp for almost a year, I record my calories, and my calories are always over my allocated amount!! daaahhh and I wonder why I am not loosing weight!!

    I hate binging days even more, yet I still say f* it and still have binging days :):(, and no exercise days!! and then feel bad about being stupid!! and then feel stupid for feeling bad!!

    I hate the fact that my stomach sits on my lap, my upper arms have flappy wings, and my *kitten* and thighs look like I have 2 *kitten*!!

    Most of all I hate the fact that I was so stupid that I allowed myself to get the obese zone!!

    Then I hate ALL my stupid choices/ weaker choices, poor choices, then confound the problem by wasting time regretting those choices!!

    Then I also Hate all my wasted time & days on stupid stuff, that shows no progress. Gains no points, Pissing time away!! Like a dripping tap!! and I hate a dripping tap!! Thats what excuses are like, the worst of the worst, because I can, not without ability, but choose not too.

    I last but not least I hate the fact I don't LOVE myself enough to do my best for myself and reach my best potential. WTF!!?

    Well, well done for getting that off your chest. Reflection can be hard, particularly honest reflection! You now have a good starting point. You have identified where you have been going wrong so you know what you need to do to put right. I'm still learning to love myself, it's not easy, so don't beat yourself up about it. Good luck, we are here if you need us! :heart:
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    my foot (if I managed to attach this pic)os6wvyyvx4y0.jpg

    I hope it feels 100% soon!!

    Thanks, it is getting better, the bruise is much uglier, so that means it came up to the surface more and is now much less painful today.

    Glad to hear it is improving because it looks painful. But, you still haven't told us what you did to earn that nasty injury! Just being nosy.

    Umm... it is embarrasing. I was using my elyptical (the as a step to reach something, and the darn thing spun around and threw me off.

    Absolutely something I would do. I've used cardio machines at the gym for countless years, but I'm still convinced that the reason my heart rate stays elevated is fear of falling off the machine. I'm a crooked walker, so I really have to watch myself on the treadmill. The first few weeks I did the step mill I didn't even call it a workout. It was "stumbling up the stairs for 30 min.".

    Now I bought a new pair of ear buds that I like, but the cord is really long. It's just a matter of time before that gets wrapped onto something and a disaster ensues.

    The cord on the ear buds is the reason I will only use blue tooth headphones when working out. I am too paranoid about becoming entangled in the cord and looking foolish!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Accents: in my opinion, small-town Canadians (from anywhere) have a very different accent to city-dwellers and it's very noticeable. I've lived my whole life in urban Alberta and my accent is apparently geographically untraceable (depending on who I'm talking to, I've heard everything from "California" to "oh, were your parents Scandinavian?" to "did you grow up in England?" in my life) but I think there is a very distinct accent for rural Canadians (and, obviously, for French-Canadians and a couple variations for East Coasters too.)

    It's not quite the same was what people think of as a "Canadian accent" (which usually sounds more like Minnesota to me when I hear it played for laughs on TV) but it's definitely a thing.

    If you want to know what a rural Canadian accent sounds like...[/embed]

    Sounds like a Northern Michigan accent lol... I hear that one almost every day, even being down here in Detroit.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    my foot (if I managed to attach this pic)os6wvyyvx4y0.jpg

    I hope it feels 100% soon!!

    Thanks, it is getting better, the bruise is much uglier, so that means it came up to the surface more and is now much less painful today.

    Glad to hear it is improving because it looks painful. But, you still haven't told us what you did to earn that nasty injury! Just being nosy.

    Umm... it is embarrasing. I was using my elyptical (the as a step to reach something, and the darn thing spun around and threw me off.

    Absolutely something I would do. I've used cardio machines at the gym for countless years, but I'm still convinced that the reason my heart rate stays elevated is fear of falling off the machine. I'm a crooked walker, so I really have to watch myself on the treadmill. The first few weeks I did the step mill I didn't even call it a workout. It was "stumbling up the stairs for 30 min.".

    Now I bought a new pair of ear buds that I like, but the cord is really long. It's just a matter of time before that gets wrapped onto something and a disaster ensues.

    I've found that if I put the ear bud cord through my shirt sleeve and out the top of my shirt it helps with getting caught on stuff.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    3 of the swimsuits and the swimsuit cover came from Amazon yesterday. As soon as I walked in the door, I was asked to "model" them.

    The first one I tried on barley covered my nipples and I feared my boob would pop out if I made any sudden movements. It was a really cute navy with white polka dots suit and it was my husband's favorite.

    The second one was just like the one I found on Anthropologie's website, but it was a lot less expensive. I shimmied into it and had him tie the halter. It fit perfectly and made my butt look amazing. I was really excited.

    The third one was a little strange. It was like a mini dress with a bikini bottom attached. The back was really cute and when I pulled the skirt down a little bit, it made my butt look amazing. The top where the two cups met was a little messed up or I probably would have kept it.

    I am due to get the final one today. I am most excited about it. I hope this works.

    My husband also said he was going to buy me another swimsuit cover.

    Every day I get a little bit more excited about our trip. Especially now that I have at least one really cute swimsuit.

    Oh my, I want! That is so cute!! I wonder if I can get that in England?

    Edit: And of course the one your husband liked was the most revealing :lol:

    He was looking at string bikinis last night. I think he's a little confused as to what my body ACTUALLY looks like. I definitely DON'T have a "bikini body". At least not yet, anyway. :smiley:

    I've always thought if you have a body and you have a bikini, then you have a bikini body.

    I definitely do NOT have the proper shape to be seen in public in one, but I dang sure will put one on in my backyard pool. As long as I am the only one there.....and I know no one will be coming
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited June 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    Accents: in my opinion, small-town Canadians (from anywhere) have a very different accent to city-dwellers and it's very noticeable. I've lived my whole life in urban Alberta and my accent is apparently geographically untraceable (depending on who I'm talking to, I've heard everything from "California" to "oh, were your parents Scandinavian?" to "did you grow up in England?" in my life) but I think there is a very distinct accent for rural Canadians (and, obviously, for French-Canadians and a couple variations for East Coasters too.)

    It's not quite the same was what people think of as a "Canadian accent" (which usually sounds more like Minnesota to me when I hear it played for laughs on TV) but it's definitely a thing.

    If you want to know what a rural Canadian accent sounds like...[/embed]

    Sounds like a Northern Michigan accent lol... I hear that one almost every day, even being down here in Detroit.

    I think living in the mitten state pretty much makes a person an honorary Canadian anyway, right?
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    3 of the swimsuits and the swimsuit cover came from Amazon yesterday. As soon as I walked in the door, I was asked to "model" them.

    The first one I tried on barley covered my nipples and I feared my boob would pop out if I made any sudden movements. It was a really cute navy with white polka dots suit and it was my husband's favorite.

    The second one was just like the one I found on Anthropologie's website, but it was a lot less expensive. I shimmied into it and had him tie the halter. It fit perfectly and made my butt look amazing. I was really excited.

    The third one was a little strange. It was like a mini dress with a bikini bottom attached. The back was really cute and when I pulled the skirt down a little bit, it made my butt look amazing. The top where the two cups met was a little messed up or I probably would have kept it.

    I am due to get the final one today. I am most excited about it. I hope this works.

    My husband also said he was going to buy me another swimsuit cover.

    Every day I get a little bit more excited about our trip. Especially now that I have at least one really cute swimsuit.

    Oh my, I want! That is so cute!! I wonder if I can get that in England?

    Edit: And of course the one your husband liked was the most revealing :lol:

    He was looking at string bikinis last night. I think he's a little confused as to what my body ACTUALLY looks like. I definitely DON'T have a "bikini body". At least not yet, anyway. :smiley:

    I've always thought if you have a body and you have a bikini, then you have a bikini body.

    He must feel the same way. I'm just too self-conscious to wear one. Maybe since we'll be where we won't know anyone, I can try to be a little less inhibited. I don't know. I'm really embarrassed by my flabby stretch mark laden stomach.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm going on a road trip. It is about 3,000 miles in four days of driving with a day of rest in the middle. I'll be in four or five (depending upon route, maybe six, but probably no more than five) states. It is me, a child, two dogs. Taking one kid to grandma/pa and picking up the other. Please wish me safe travels... that's a lot of driving.

    Oh, wow, yes, safe thoughts being sent your way! Road trips used to be a lot of fun, but there is so much driver-distraction on the roads anymore it can be very dangerous. Enjoy and be safe!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    3 of the swimsuits and the swimsuit cover came from Amazon yesterday. As soon as I walked in the door, I was asked to "model" them.

    The first one I tried on barley covered my nipples and I feared my boob would pop out if I made any sudden movements. It was a really cute navy with white polka dots suit and it was my husband's favorite.

    The second one was just like the one I found on Anthropologie's website, but it was a lot less expensive. I shimmied into it and had him tie the halter. It fit perfectly and made my butt look amazing. I was really excited.

    The third one was a little strange. It was like a mini dress with a bikini bottom attached. The back was really cute and when I pulled the skirt down a little bit, it made my butt look amazing. The top where the two cups met was a little messed up or I probably would have kept it.

    I am due to get the final one today. I am most excited about it. I hope this works.

    My husband also said he was going to buy me another swimsuit cover.

    Every day I get a little bit more excited about our trip. Especially now that I have at least one really cute swimsuit.

    That's the one my husband would have liked too :)