

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    edited June 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Cghost21 wrote: »
    I ate a half of a gallon worth of ice cream two rows of Oreo cookies half a gallon of milk and a cheeseburger and just decided not to log in those calories on purpose lol. I just want to get back to staying consistent with my nutrition. Good thing I love to work out

    I don't think I've ever expressed my ice cream consumption as portions of a gallon... I tip my hat to you, sir. Well done.

    Lamest reason for eating ice cream ever: there's one (give or take) serving left in the tub and tonight is garbage night, so I want to get the empty container out in the garbage. Therefore, I eat ice cream!

    Kind of annoyed because the nutrition content label only gives volume, not weight and I refuse to try and get ice cream in and out of a half-cup measure because it will get all melty in the process.

    Haha yeah it hurts to leave one serving of ice cream in a tub. Maybe you can find the weight of a serving online if it's a brand you can find in the US too?

    Unfortunately it's the President's Choice brand (Butter Tart Pecan flavour!) that is only available in the Real Canadian Superstore and its derivatives.

    I think precise accuracy is out the window anyway. I would think calorie value would depend on the relative proportions of pecans to ice cream to caramel sauce to little clumps of pretend pastry, which aren't the same in every serving, whether measured by weight or volume.

    I was actually supposed to be logging it. But I popped in here instead.

    edit: grammar!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    I am on the verge of menopause, so I guess I won't be able to use PMS as an excuse for my moodiness for long. But I guess menopause will work just as well :).

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession, I have undone my trouser button at work because they are too tight. Subtly undone, but I'm not sure how I will do them back up when I stand up, without someone seeing. :confused:

    I have done this. On multiple occasions.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Cghost21 wrote: »
    I ate a half of a gallon worth of ice cream two rows of Oreo cookies half a gallon of milk and a cheeseburger and just decided not to log in those calories on purpose lol. I just want to get back to staying consistent with my nutrition. Good thing I love to work out

    I don't think I've ever expressed my ice cream consumption as portions of a gallon... I tip my hat to you, sir. Well done.

    Lamest reason for eating ice cream ever: there's one (give or take) serving left in the tub and tonight is garbage night, so I want to get the empty container out in the garbage. Therefore, I eat ice cream!

    Kind of annoyed because the nutrition content label only gives volume, not weight and I refuse to try and get ice cream in and out of a half-cup measure because it will get all melty in the process.

    Haha yeah it hurts to leave one serving of ice cream in a tub. Maybe you can find the weight of a serving online if it's a brand you can find in the US too?

    Unfortunately it's the President's Choice brand (Butter Tart Pecan flavour!) that is only available in the Real Canadian Superstore and its derivatives.

    I think precise accuracy is out the window anyway. I would think calorie value would depend on the relative proportions of pecans to ice cream to caramel sauce to little clumps of pretend pastry, which aren't the same in every serving, whether measured by weight or volume.

    I was actually supposed to be logging it. But I popped in here instead.

    edit: grammar!

    I usually just find a generic US ice cream of a similar variety (something dense with nuts and stuff in this case) and assume it'll be kind of close. It drives me crazy that ice cream is always in mls here though.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Has anyone tried the Hershey's Cookies and Cream Big Deluxe cookies from pillsbury? Oh dear sweet Jesus those damn things are so so good! :naughty:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    You are so not judged. I'm thinking about (not yet committed to ) a dry June. Yes, it is a big enough of a deal to not drink for an entire month for me but June is my worst month. My dad died 3 years ago on his and my mother's 43rd wedding anniversary, right after Father's Day. I tend to drink and cry from one to the other. I try to keep that as discrete as possible (the drinking, not the crying ) so I'm not a super horrible example to my kids but seriously, it is excessive and it needs to stop.

    You are not alone. Many people struggle with cutting back on drinking.

    I am sorry for your loss. My father died right after 4th of july 1990 and I still morn him. He was a shot and a beer guy and drank every night before he went to bed. I toast him with a shot and a beer on 4th of july and on his birthday in October. It makes me feel better to keep this ritual in his memory.

    My dad died 26 years ago this June, 3 days before my parents wedding annivesary and again, right after Father's Day. Still miss him every day.

    Funny how it never seems any father died on Dec 3rd, 1991, I still cry every single time that anniversary passes. He died very suddenly, and inadvertently left me alone with my crazy mother, so it was really difficult. He was the person I loved most in the world, and I still miss him every day. My son is named after him, and it makes me tear up when I think about how my son never got to meet him. My sister said she cried a lot when he died too, not only because he was a great stepdad to her, but because she felt bad for the way he was treated by our mother and when he died she felt bad that he wasted so many years of his life being treated like that.
    I lost my Dad to cancer at 61 in July 2012. It was pretty quick really, he had his kidney removed just over a year before, but then it came back and he deteriorated quickly. I loved my Dad totally, I feel so lucky when some people on here have talked about their upbringings because I had a great childhood.

    But last year, on only the second anniversary of his death I was really into what I was doing at work at the time and I completely forgot until my brother text to see of I was ok. This made me feel like I was a terrible person. Me and my brother have both always said to my mum that we don't want to mark the occasion, we'd rather continue to celebrate his birthday instead, and her brother and sisters tend to do something with her on the anniversary. But I felt awful that I didn't even realise.

    I've never really been much of a crier, and tend to get on with things, but some things will really upset me. Sometimes even imagined things, like a song I think he'd have liked and I imagine him telling me about this great new singer that I was trying to get him into years before, but he'd only have recognised when they came onto radio 2. And when my brother got married last month I got quite upset when we did something to remember him, but I'd not have expected that I would have.

    But I have found that it does seem easier, I love my dad and always will, he has played a big part in who I am, and although I miss him when he should be around I know how he would have felt about things and can imagine his reaction. And to me the anniversary of his death is the opposite to special and not something I want to mark.

    I don't make a big deal about the day my dad died either. He also died of cancer. And we found him...He had probably got out of bed to go to the bathroom and had a stroke or he may have fallen and hit his head on the side table. My mom had stayed in the spare bedroom because he was getting Chemo and she had a cold and didn't want to affect him. She couldn't find him when she went looking for him and came running into the kitchen where I was having breakfast hysterical she couldn't find him. She thought he had committed suicide, went running for the garage to see if his car was there. When she saw it was she just looked at me like where is he? And I knew. I said 'did you look beside the bed'? She was so confused but I just knew. We went to the bedroom and looked at the far side of the bed and he was laying there. She was hysterical again and kept begging me to do something, to help him. I could tell that he had been gone for hours. I worked as a nursing *kitten*'t at the time, and she thought I should save him. It still breaks my heart that I couldn't do anything to help -- her mostly as he was long gone. I felt guilty about that for years. For years I could never say my dad had died, I only said he was gone. Apparently a lot of cancer patients don't actually die from cancer, they have strokes, etc. before the cancer kills them (at least that is what I remember the doctor telling me at the time). But the day he died is just a day. I prefer to remember all the good stuff he did, none of the bad (which my siblings like to focus on) and I simply miss him every day. But I have 'missed' the day of his death before and felt guilty to not even recognize it. I am always sad on Fathers day and I get bitter when marketers send me emails about 'gifts for dad'. I actually just got one as I was writing this. I wish I could buy my dad a gift.

    And now I am sorry I probably just depressed all of you.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)

    That made me smile. Dove dark chocolate promises are some of my absolute favorite. My husband bought 3 bags for me for Christmas.

    Its taken me a long time to work out that American Dove chocolate = British Galaxy

    I hate galaxy chocolate. Cadburys all the way for sweet, every day chocolate. Dark chocolate for those indulgent treats.

    Really? I didn't know that!
    And I can't believe you hate Galaxy! I thought we were friends? I'm not angry, just disappointed. :disappointed:

    Oh dear. Galaxy chocolate is just vile, over sweetened, fatty tasting blandness. I mean, i'll eat it in a pinch, when there is nothing else available, but its not my go to.

    and apparently, we own page 744!

    But Galaxy is so silky smooooooth. I prefer it cold to room temperature. Room temperature it is a bit sickly.

    I will never turn down Milka chocolate though. The Swiss get chocolate right on so many levels.

    mmmm milka! With daim pieces. Yummy!

    :p The best are the HUGE bars you get in the airport. Bit like the MASSIVE Toblerone bars.

    I need to stop talking about chocolate...

    So them apples. I'm a Braeburn girl myself.

    count me in for Pink Ladys. Very juicy, crisp and sweet.

    I quite enjoy the gala or the honey crisp!

    I have never tried a honey crisp apple.....someone mentioned them in this thread really early on, and I search every grocery store in my city looking for them and could not find any! I only generally eat Granny Smith apples, but would like to at least TRY a honey crisp!

    ETA: I have no idea what a pink lady apple is either :(

    It's easier to find them closer to autumn, I think they are some of the last to be ready to pick.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Cghost21 wrote: »
    I ate a half of a gallon worth of ice cream two rows of Oreo cookies half a gallon of milk and a cheeseburger and just decided not to log in those calories on purpose lol. I just want to get back to staying consistent with my nutrition. Good thing I love to work out

    I don't think I've ever expressed my ice cream consumption as portions of a gallon... I tip my hat to you, sir. Well done.

    Lamest reason for eating ice cream ever: there's one (give or take) serving left in the tub and tonight is garbage night, so I want to get the empty container out in the garbage. Therefore, I eat ice cream!

    Kind of annoyed because the nutrition content label only gives volume, not weight and I refuse to try and get ice cream in and out of a half-cup measure because it will get all melty in the process.

    Haha yeah it hurts to leave one serving of ice cream in a tub. Maybe you can find the weight of a serving online if it's a brand you can find in the US too?

    Unfortunately it's the President's Choice brand (Butter Tart Pecan flavour!) that is only available in the Real Canadian Superstore and its derivatives.

    I think precise accuracy is out the window anyway. I would think calorie value would depend on the relative proportions of pecans to ice cream to caramel sauce to little clumps of pretend pastry, which aren't the same in every serving, whether measured by weight or volume.

    I was actually supposed to be logging it. But I popped in here instead.

    edit: grammar!

    Yeah it's true.

    Confession - After 620 calories of brioche and two KIND bars, I had four crackers with a bit of cheddar before dinner, because I was still starving. My mom told me I'd ruin my appetite for dinner. I laughed.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I feel like this is the 'Brit hour' while most of the Americans are still asleep!

    Also, please, please, please, please don't put any GoT spoilers on here. I haven't seen the series, but I'm reading the books (on the 5th one I think, although I don't know because it's on the kindle) and if someone spoils any of it for me I will cry. I can see from the kindle I am 86% of the way through the entire thing, and I don't quite know what I'll do with myself when I finish it!

    I get very mournful when I finish a series of books. Wishing I could forget all about them and read them again.

    oh god sorry!!! I will endeavour not to spoiler. I'm such a huge GoT fan, TV series and books. I've just started reading them again. I love talking about it with other fans, but i don't know many people who've read the books :(

    But i will say the books are better at some storylines, the tv show is better at others.

    I refuse to watch the show until I read the books. I don't have HBO (or TV for that matter) but because I work in the communications industry and market HBO I get the DVDs. I Just pile them up to watch after I read the books.

    I confess, now I think I am going to read the books regardless of having not finished my dissertation (bad move as I am a binge reader).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Omg did someone mention Harry Potter?! Yes they did so here I am! I've never tried to read the LOTR series but have always wanted to do so and I did try to read GOT but got completely lost trying to follow the story line in the first
    Book and gave up :(

    I never got on with harry potter either. i just wanted to slap him.

    I only ever wanted to slap him in the 5th book. He got really whiny in that book. BUT... @LBuehrle8 if you loved Harry Potter you will likely really like LOTR. I always felt that Harry Potter was like a dumbed down LOTR. Probably just because of the fantasy. But I am sure I will spark some kind of argument with that so please forgive me. I love both series. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)

    That made me smile. Dove dark chocolate promises are some of my absolute favorite. My husband bought 3 bags for me for Christmas.

    Its taken me a long time to work out that American Dove chocolate = British Galaxy

    I hate galaxy chocolate. Cadburys all the way for sweet, every day chocolate. Dark chocolate for those indulgent treats.

    Really? I didn't know that!
    And I can't believe you hate Galaxy! I thought we were friends? I'm not angry, just disappointed. :disappointed:

    Oh dear. Galaxy chocolate is just vile, over sweetened, fatty tasting blandness. I mean, i'll eat it in a pinch, when there is nothing else available, but its not my go to.

    and apparently, we own page 744!

    Ha ha yea I know! THE ENGLISH WILL RULE FOR 1 PAGE!

    MWAH HA HA HA! :naughty:

    I'm going to pretend Pofoster21 isn't there. Ruin our English streak!

    I know I am sorry. I felt bad when I saw I interrupted your 'ownership' of page 744.

    We'll make you an honourary brit!

    And I had finalized my morning posting at that point and gotten up to shower! Can I still be an honorary Brit???
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)

    That made me smile. Dove dark chocolate promises are some of my absolute favorite. My husband bought 3 bags for me for Christmas.

    Its taken me a long time to work out that American Dove chocolate = British Galaxy

    I hate galaxy chocolate. Cadburys all the way for sweet, every day chocolate. Dark chocolate for those indulgent treats.

    Really? I didn't know that!
    And I can't believe you hate Galaxy! I thought we were friends? I'm not angry, just disappointed. :disappointed:

    Oh dear. Galaxy chocolate is just vile, over sweetened, fatty tasting blandness. I mean, i'll eat it in a pinch, when there is nothing else available, but its not my go to.

    and apparently, we own page 744!

    Ha ha yea I know! THE ENGLISH WILL RULE FOR 1 PAGE!

    MWAH HA HA HA! :naughty:

    I'm going to pretend Pofoster21 isn't there. Ruin our English streak!

    I know I am sorry. I felt bad when I saw I interrupted your 'ownership' of page 744.

    :smile: Tis ok, I'll pretend you are in England, it's all good.

    I was in spirit!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - pissed off this morning. Was up too early, which tends to make me grumpy, had a nice breakfast planned, and found out that my mother's boyfriend finished all my English muffins. Now, I don't really mind if people eat my food, but did he REALLY have to eat the LAST THREE in one day?

    So I had to get something else. I'm very annoyed. I have no patience for people who eat huge portions of my food, leaving me with none. I don't care if you're obese, you don't finish something when someone else bought it, especially not by having 3 servings of it.

    I'm also PMSing.

    That was just plain rude.

    Edited to be clear: the boyfriend not you!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    You are so not judged. I'm thinking about (not yet committed to ) a dry June. Yes, it is a big enough of a deal to not drink for an entire month for me but June is my worst month. My dad died 3 years ago on his and my mother's 43rd wedding anniversary, right after Father's Day. I tend to drink and cry from one to the other. I try to keep that as discrete as possible (the drinking, not the crying ) so I'm not a super horrible example to my kids but seriously, it is excessive and it needs to stop.

    You are not alone. Many people struggle with cutting back on drinking.

    I am sorry for your loss. My father died right after 4th of july 1990 and I still morn him. He was a shot and a beer guy and drank every night before he went to bed. I toast him with a shot and a beer on 4th of july and on his birthday in October. It makes me feel better to keep this ritual in his memory.

    My dad died 26 years ago this June, 3 days before my parents wedding annivesary and again, right after Father's Day. Still miss him every day.

    Funny how it never seems any father died on Dec 3rd, 1991, I still cry every single time that anniversary passes. He died very suddenly, and inadvertently left me alone with my crazy mother, so it was really difficult. He was the person I loved most in the world, and I still miss him every day. My son is named after him, and it makes me tear up when I think about how my son never got to meet him. My sister said she cried a lot when he died too, not only because he was a great stepdad to her, but because she felt bad for the way he was treated by our mother and when he died she felt bad that he wasted so many years of his life being treated like that.
    I lost my Dad to cancer at 61 in July 2012. It was pretty quick really, he had his kidney removed just over a year before, but then it came back and he deteriorated quickly. I loved my Dad totally, I feel so lucky when some people on here have talked about their upbringings because I had a great childhood.

    But last year, on only the second anniversary of his death I was really into what I was doing at work at the time and I completely forgot until my brother text to see of I was ok. This made me feel like I was a terrible person. Me and my brother have both always said to my mum that we don't want to mark the occasion, we'd rather continue to celebrate his birthday instead, and her brother and sisters tend to do something with her on the anniversary. But I felt awful that I didn't even realise.

    I've never really been much of a crier, and tend to get on with things, but some things will really upset me. Sometimes even imagined things, like a song I think he'd have liked and I imagine him telling me about this great new singer that I was trying to get him into years before, but he'd only have recognised when they came onto radio 2. And when my brother got married last month I got quite upset when we did something to remember him, but I'd not have expected that I would have.

    But I have found that it does seem easier, I love my dad and always will, he has played a big part in who I am, and although I miss him when he should be around I know how he would have felt about things and can imagine his reaction. And to me the anniversary of his death is the opposite to special and not something I want to mark.

    I don't make a big deal about the day my dad died either. He also died of cancer. And we found him...He had probably got out of bed to go to the bathroom and had a stroke or he may have fallen and hit his head on the side table. My mom had stayed in the spare bedroom because he was getting Chemo and she had a cold and didn't want to affect him. She couldn't find him when she went looking for him and came running into the kitchen where I was having breakfast hysterical she couldn't find him. She thought he had committed suicide, went running for the garage to see if his car was there. When she saw it was she just looked at me like where is he? And I knew. I said 'did you look beside the bed'? She was so confused but I just knew. We went to the bedroom and looked at the far side of the bed and he was laying there. She was hysterical again and kept begging me to do something, to help him. I could tell that he had been gone for hours. I worked as a nursing *kitten*'t at the time, and she thought I should save him. It still breaks my heart that I couldn't do anything to help -- her mostly as he was long gone. I felt guilty about that for years. For years I could never say my dad had died, I only said he was gone. Apparently a lot of cancer patients don't actually die from cancer, they have strokes, etc. before the cancer kills them (at least that is what I remember the doctor telling me at the time). But the day he died is just a day. I prefer to remember all the good stuff he did, none of the bad (which my siblings like to focus on) and I simply miss him every day. But I have 'missed' the day of his death before and felt guilty to not even recognize it. I am always sad on Fathers day and I get bitter when marketers send me emails about 'gifts for dad'. I actually just got one as I was writing this. I wish I could buy my dad a gift.

    And now I am sorry I probably just depressed all of you.

    I feel for you. The one year anniversary of my mom's death was just this past Friday. It was hard...but not as hard as I thought it would be. I tried really hard to treat it as any other day...just concentrate on other things and not the bad part. I figure I can't mark off every day that something bad happens for the rest of my life or I'll have days every few weeks or every month that are "bad".
    I admit I think it will get a little easier from here though now that the first year has passed. The first of everything was first birthday without her, first Thanksgiving, Christmas, her birthday, Mother's Day, and my parent's anniversary..etc.
    I still find it hard to believe though..sometimes I still think my phone will ring and it will be her. :(

    ETA: Completely understand your feeling bitter on Father's Day. Mother's Day was horrible..having to see all my Facebook friends posting pictures out to lunch and celebrating with their moms..or just posts about how amazing their mother is. :( I guess it's just jealousy that they still get another day with their moms and I don't.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Full moon? Quarter moon? No moon? I can keep trying!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession, I have undone my trouser button at work because they are too tight. Subtly undone, but I'm not sure how I will do them back up when I stand up, without someone seeing. :confused:

    I have done this. On multiple occasions.

    I always check the zipper on my jeans or pants- its second nature to me as I'm terrified of walking around with my fly open!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Omg did someone mention Harry Potter?! Yes they did so here I am! I've never tried to read the LOTR series but have always wanted to do so and I did try to read GOT but got completely lost trying to follow the story line in the first
    Book and gave up :(

    I never got on with harry potter either. i just wanted to slap him.

    I only ever wanted to slap him in the 5th book. He got really whiny in that book. BUT... @LBuehrle8 if you loved Harry Potter you will likely really like LOTR. I always felt that Harry Potter was like a dumbed down LOTR. Probably just because of the fantasy. But I am sure I will spark some kind of argument with that so please forgive me. I love both series. :)

    AHH plugging my ears I can't hear you la la la la (with the negative talk of HP) I have always wanted to read the LOTR series! What is the first book to start with? I know the movie the Hobbit came out after the trilogy so I'm not sure where to start :/
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Cghost21 wrote: »
    I ate a half of a gallon worth of ice cream two rows of Oreo cookies half a gallon of milk and a cheeseburger and just decided not to log in those calories on purpose lol. I just want to get back to staying consistent with my nutrition. Good thing I love to work out

    I don't think I've ever expressed my ice cream consumption as portions of a gallon... I tip my hat to you, sir. Well done.

    Lamest reason for eating ice cream ever: there's one (give or take) serving left in the tub and tonight is garbage night, so I want to get the empty container out in the garbage. Therefore, I eat ice cream!

    Kind of annoyed because the nutrition content label only gives volume, not weight and I refuse to try and get ice cream in and out of a half-cup measure because it will get all melty in the process.

    Haha yeah it hurts to leave one serving of ice cream in a tub. Maybe you can find the weight of a serving online if it's a brand you can find in the US too?

    Unfortunately it's the President's Choice brand (Butter Tart Pecan flavour!) that is only available in the Real Canadian Superstore and its derivatives.

    I think precise accuracy is out the window anyway. I would think calorie value would depend on the relative proportions of pecans to ice cream to caramel sauce to little clumps of pretend pastry, which aren't the same in every serving, whether measured by weight or volume.

    I was actually supposed to be logging it. But I popped in here instead.

    edit: grammar!

    Little known secret - Walmart's Sam's Choice and Great Value brands are actually PC, rebranded for walmart. The info may still be out there, but I don't know if the numbers would be the same. They have PC at some other grocery chains too, directly branded as PC.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I had a Target giftcard to use, so I stopped in to pick up some things I needed for my exam this weekend, and general household stuff. I also picked a pair of workout capris (pair #15, or so - obsession!)...and a pair of SIZE FOUR jeans. They are still VERY snug and totally muffin top-inducing, but they technically both zip and button so...

    It counts! and I adore Target..I could live in that store for real!

    Oh how I love Target! I will drive 30 minutes out of my way to go there, simply because I HATE walmart! Reminds me of a saying I saw somewhere, "Target: where you spend a little more just to avoid going to Walmart." :lol:
    Oh god, I've had so many crappy trips to Wal Mart. We went to one we don't normally go to on a recent trip and someone started yelling and telling people not to look at her because they wouldn't sue her. :s

    HEB is my favorite grocery store. I do love Target apparel though!
    What is HEB?
    Just a standard grocery chain in the south. It's got more of a variety of foods than my local Krogers and Target

    I've worn glasses since 6th grade and can still remember how shocking it was to be able to see the individual hairs on my cat so clearly! My last pair were busted after my car accident and I couldn't get new ones with my old prescription right away. I spent a good few weeks without them and not being able to read certain words was not fun.
    I really want to buy some prescription sunglasses man. I need to stop being lazy and actually do it.