

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 I thought I woke up early at 5! What time do you get up?

    And by the way I HIGHLY recommend Friends (TV show) it's on Netflix now and I've watched the whole series twice! It's just so funny and it always puts me in a good mood if I'm feeling blue :(

    I watch that when I am on the stationary bike & need something to watch:D. My favorite character has to be Chandler for the guys & Phoebe for the girls.

    ME TOO! 100% agree, good choice!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession- I've only been at work for an hour and a half and I'm already trying to come up with excuses to leave for the day. I'm tired! o:)

    I feel ya on that one. I overdid my exercise yesterday (just fast walking, but I did like 7 miles of it lol) and now my body hates me and I just want to curl up on the couch with Netflix.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Jazzybrass wrote: »
    I am Australian and love reading the different versions of the English language.
    This reminds me... of how, as a result of my reading so much that is written with non-American English spelling, I now find myself hesitating at times, in having to think whether a specific word *does* have a "u" in it (if/when spelled in American English (that has suddenly been rendered 'indistinct' from any British version of such, in my mind, for that specific word, given that I find myself suddenly 'seeing' the American English -spelled version of such to look 'wrong' in some way (!)) --OR-- I won't 'catch' it until I've already written any such word *with* a "u", and essentially rendered it a form of non-American English spelling... (and then I sometimes cringe, in wondering how a specific family member or friend who has been the recipient of any such written communication from me 'reacts' to such (assuming they noticed), and whether they might be wondering if I suddenly don't know how to spell ;), or am otherwise 'getting fancy'... lol ;) ) unexpected 'downside' to reading the writing of those from around the world... ;) ...yes, words spelled in my native version of English suddenly appearing 'foreign' to me was something I never predicted I would (or could!) experience... :)

    (If nothing else, it would seem to portend to at least one perhaps now-inescapable reality -- that my ever being a copyeditor of any writing that is to intentionally mix American and British spelling, let alone is to involve the same words, at times (and their needing to be spelled in two different ways), would seem to be a task I might somewhat suck at... lol ;) )

    And in case anyone is wondering... the number one word which seems to 'get' me, in the Venus Flytrap -like nexus of its American/British spelling... and its peskily now-'too'-familiar letter "u"... is... enamored/enamoured... (and it occurs to me that the reason that that specific word is perhaps quite 'vulnerable' to such a mix-up, in my brain, is the fact that I so infrequently see the American English version of it (we Americans need to use that word more often! We need to become more enamored of being enamored! lol ;) )

    ...or perhaps it's due to my finding the British spelling 'version' of that word to be more 'congruous' with how the word *sounds* to me -- what with my finding "mour" to possess more 'floridity' (if that makes any sense in this context!)... well, whatever the case may be, I've inadvertently included a "u" at various times, and after 'catching' my 'mistake', subsequently taken my case before some sort of internal-to-my-mind Court of Language (or so it would seem), as I briefly 'probe' why it might be that I keep freakin' spelling that word as though I'd grown up in the land of Big Ben, ate crumpets, and knew the rules of cricket... ;)
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    rosehips60 wrote: »
    i hide m&m's in an old margarine container so my son and husband can't find them. I don't binge on them but I want to know they are there when i want a treat. I even count the darn things out so I can log them
    I have a stash at the back of the pantry which contains little baggies of weighed Reece's pieces, Cadbury buttons, mini eggs and various other snack-sized treats that my kids would go through in seconds if allowed access.

    I'm behind on the posts again! I keep seeing a lot of people posting that they have to hide their treats from their families and it is a bit weird to me. I have to hide my treats from myself! I am super short and the top shelves in my kitchen cabinets are literally 6 1/2 feet off the ground. I make my husband put my stuff up there. That helps in a few ways. First it is out of sight and I find that really does put it out of mind unless I really want something. He has to be home for me to get it because it is still too far back in the cabinet even if I'm standing on the counter. I told him ahead of time he is never to hand me more than one serving in a go.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    So I'm late to the game but whatever.

    - I'm from Connecticut so I don't really have a very recognizable accent. If anything, our accent sort of borrows a little from Boston and steals a bit from New York ;)

    - I love the color red but don't quite feel confident enough to rock it in large amounts. To my last job interview though, I wore red heels, charcoal gray pants, a black shirt, a necklace with a red stone, and carried a red purse. I may not get the job, but I looked freakin' fabulous! I'd highly recommend adding a splash of red to an outfit :)

    - I totally remember the old "Degrassi"! That and "Fifteen" starring a pre-dental work Ryan Reynolds, LOL!

    - I don't much like apples (unless they are in pie/crisp form) but I like Honeycrisps.

    - I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade, including some hideously huge Sally Jessy Raphael ones in the late 80s. For the last who-knows-how-many years, I've been wearing round silver wireframes. With my short dark hair and green eyes, I kind of look like Harry Potter from the books, LOL.

    Confession: I'm so over the whole "unemployment" thing, but I'm even MORE over the whole "interview" thing. Just give me the damn job or stop wasting my time. So sick of being evaluated and judged and feeling like a failure. :/ I had another interview today - not sure how it went but fingers crossed - and I left feeling overwhelmed and analyzing all the things I did wrong. I'm a little proud that when I stopped at the store to pick up a few essentials, I didn't buy a bunch of junk food to make myself feel better. Small victories, right?

    I want a nice pair of red shoes. I'm weird- I think I'm the only woman on Earth who had babies and now has SMALLER feet. I wore a 6.5-7 before, now I wear a 6, sometimes even a 5.5. I'm always sliding around in too-big shoes. My "reward" for getting to the -20 lb mark is a new pair of sneakers (trainers) and then for -25 is a new pair of cute shoes.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    The Speculoos one is good too!

    Wait. There's Speculoos Ben & Jerry's?

    Neither.did.I. ;)

    I hesitate to admit that in seeing "Speculoos Ben & Jerry's", the first thing that popped into my mind was "Speculoos? -- that word looks like speculum (!)" -- and in suddenly having the concept of speculum followed immediately by an ice cream reference, my mind suddenly found itself doing a tango with the unthinkable -- a speculum used as an ice cream 'scoop' -- ?!!! GROSS

    ...and then I looked up Speculoos... but instead of it replacing the concept of "speculum" in my mind, it merely 'changed course', such that I imagined those Speculoo cookies being easily *crushed by* a speculum...(!)

    (...must.change.the.subject...) :)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!

    I got told off for spending a bit too much time on the internet at work. :lol: I think all day was pushing it a bit. So I thought I would come on at lunch time today, sorry I missed you @pofoster21 I hope you have a nice day. :smile:
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Seriously, why does MFP take me to the last post of the page instead of the first non read post? This is making me very annoyed.

    *still PMSing*

    Also getting annoyed at what people post as their dinner sometimes, or when someone says that two eggs on toast or one serving of oatmeal 'fills them up until lunch'. I must really not be normal, but most of what fills people up for hours would maybe keep me satisfied for 2 hours. Maybe. So sometimes I just think I'm not normal and I'll just never manage to maintain my weight.

    Hehehe - I watch that thread too (what does your food look like on the recipe forum). There was a couple really sad ones recently. A salad that was literally a cup of lettuce and maybe three radishes as one meal, and then a light yogurt a diet tea for lunch. Most of that page is great food porn though.
    Don't hate me, but two eggs on toast is a pretty good breakfast for me, I'm a constant grazer, but eggs in the morning usually gets me about 3 hours before I want to eat again. Maybe more protein would make you feel more "normal". Related note - have you ever tried IF? Regardless, I think you really should feel better about how you managed so far. If I remember correctly, you lost a bunch of weight and have maintained for at least a year, right? Sounds like you're doing it right to me.

    Nah... I need my breakfast. I get lightheaded and hangry if I don't eat anything, and I workout in the morning and just can't do it without any food. I actually typically eat most of my calories by 4pm. I could do IF the other way around though (no food between 4pm and 8am or something)... but it just doesn't work with my family's schedule.

    If it works for you and it is something you want to try, would it be possible to just not eat at their schedule? I know you've mentioned you have twins so I'm unsure how much difficulty that would add. Maybe you could prepare the meals ahead of time and just take out your portions when you need them and reheat for them?

  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!

    I got told off for spending a bit too much time on the internet at work. :lol: I think all day was pushing it a bit. So I thought I would come on at lunch time today, sorry I missed you @pofoster21 I hope you have a nice day. :smile:

    hahahahahaha yeah that'll be me soon :) lol
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Oh and I forgot the most random thing that happened- since I started losing the weight, when I went in to my doctor, I found out my height increased from 5'4 to 5'4.5. Doc said when you lose weight your spine can decompress/you stand up straighter from strengthening back muscles etc. I'll take it. At my very heaviest I was 5'3.5, so technically now I'm an inch taller! :open_mouth:

    I've always wanted to be like 5'10. I'm so jealous of tall women, so gaining even an inch has me thrilled lol
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!

    I got told off for spending a bit too much time on the internet at work. :lol: I think all day was pushing it a bit. So I thought I would come on at lunch time today, sorry I missed you @pofoster21 I hope you have a nice day. :smile:

    On that note, I must confess that I am in fact the bosses daughter. Bosses plural because both mum and dad are the directors. I am the person everyone hates. :naughty: Internet usage is a allowed, but not all day. And the internet usage is monitored. I know for a fact I am not the worst offender in the company. But yesterday was pretty bad. :#
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Second confession, every time I see the thread 'Thigh Gap?' I get really angry.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Oh and I forgot the most random thing that happened- since I started losing the weight, when I went in to my doctor, I found out my height increased from 5'4 to 5'4.5. Doc said when you lose weight your spine can decompress/you stand up straighter from strengthening back muscles etc. I'll take it. At my very heaviest I was 5'3.5, so technically now I'm an inch taller! :open_mouth:

    I've always wanted to be like 5'10. I'm so jealous of tall women, so gaining even an inch has me thrilled lol

    Wow, that's really interesting! So your feet get smaller and you get taller? I feel like we are turning into worms...
  • blue_eyes1978
    blue_eyes1978 Posts: 127 Member
    I am getting frustrated with my weight loss and ready to start taking diet pills :(
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    Confession: I'm starting to get annoyed with eating my two snacks at work. I'd rather ignore the hunger and headaches than eat.

    I also have to send my mother a photo of every meal so she knows I'm eating. Though she has asked me twice if I'm lying to her about whether or not I actually eat it. (I do eat my food, btw).
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    My rodent is looking rather poor today....he is so skinny and was making a funny noise today when I was holding him. He spends all day in a puff ball in his cage with his head down, this is also what the other one did in the days before he died....I do not think it is gonna be much longer now....I am heartbroken.

    Poor Little Rodent Boy. Since it seems all hope is lost, I hope he goes peacefully and painlessly.

    I'm sorry about your dad, those sound like particularly horrifying memories. If you were only 15 he must have been a fairly young man at the time.

    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess I have never heard of DeGrassi. But I pretty much haven't watched tv since 1990. Never saw Friends, Seinfeld, etc. I do watch NCIS and Law and Order and used to watch House when I go to my Moms. I never wanted to spend the money when I first was on my own then just preferred to read if I had the free time.

    I haven't been much of a TV watcher since I left my parents' home at 17, I too prefer to read. But in my childhood it was safer to escape to my bedroom (I had an old B&W TV with no cable) -- stay under the radar and drown out the drunken arguing.

    Most of the shows that I've seen as an adult have been with friends or former partners... or occasional mindless stuff in a hotel room when travelling alone. So I've never seen Friends, Seinfeld (other than one episode at a friend's house, didn't think much of the show really), Sex and the City, Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones... any of the popular stuff.

    If I watch anything, my taste runs to British comedy. I just don't find a lot of American "comedy" funny, although I did like Big Bang Theory.
  • blue_eyes1978
    blue_eyes1978 Posts: 127 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh and I forgot the most random thing that happened- since I started losing the weight, when I went in to my doctor, I found out my height increased from 5'4 to 5'4.5. Doc said when you lose weight your spine can decompress/you stand up straighter from strengthening back muscles etc. I'll take it. At my very heaviest I was 5'3.5, so technically now I'm an inch taller! :open_mouth:

    I've always wanted to be like 5'10. I'm so jealous of tall women, so gaining even an inch has me thrilled lol

    This is so interesting now it makes sense. I was standing next to my niece who was once much taller than me. When I realized I was actually taller than her. I was like what how on earth am I growing taller, I am 36 and 5'9" and she is 15. So I thought that was the oddest thing. I guess my workouts were paying off after all even if my scales weren't saying so. :)

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    That sounds like a good rule to live by and it made me laugh. :)
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Second confession, every time I see the thread 'Thigh Gap?' I get really angry.

    I HATE that thread. I can't even look at it or I'll leave with a desire to slap someone silly.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    So I'm late to the game but whatever.

    - I'm from Connecticut so I don't really have a very recognizable accent. If anything, our accent sort of borrows a little from Boston and steals a bit from New York ;)

    - I love the color red but don't quite feel confident enough to rock it in large amounts. To my last job interview though, I wore red heels, charcoal gray pants, a black shirt, a necklace with a red stone, and carried a red purse. I may not get the job, but I looked freakin' fabulous! I'd highly recommend adding a splash of red to an outfit :)

    - I totally remember the old "Degrassi"! That and "Fifteen" starring a pre-dental work Ryan Reynolds, LOL!

    - I don't much like apples (unless they are in pie/crisp form) but I like Honeycrisps.

    - I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade, including some hideously huge Sally Jessy Raphael ones in the late 80s. For the last who-knows-how-many years, I've been wearing round silver wireframes. With my short dark hair and green eyes, I kind of look like Harry Potter from the books, LOL.

    Confession: I'm so over the whole "unemployment" thing, but I'm even MORE over the whole "interview" thing. Just give me the damn job or stop wasting my time. So sick of being evaluated and judged and feeling like a failure. :/ I had another interview today - not sure how it went but fingers crossed - and I left feeling overwhelmed and analyzing all the things I did wrong. I'm a little proud that when I stopped at the store to pick up a few essentials, I didn't buy a bunch of junk food to make myself feel better. Small victories, right?

    I want a nice pair of red shoes. I'm weird- I think I'm the only woman on Earth who had babies and now has SMALLER feet. I wore a 6.5-7 before, now I wear a 6, sometimes even a 5.5. I'm always sliding around in too-big shoes. My "reward" for getting to the -20 lb mark is a new pair of sneakers (trainers) and then for -25 is a new pair of cute shoes.

    You, I like- that is an excellent choice in motivation! <3 shoes!