

  • socksoffortitude
    socksoffortitude Posts: 69 Member
    Ok, other than that, my confession is that I have always wanted to look like Chun-Li from streetfighter. Those gams! Bam!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I was/still sometimes am what I refer to as a "punitive kleptomaniac". If I don't like someone or they piss me off, I will go out of my way to steal something -anything- from them. The bigger/more expensive, the better.

    There was a girl I lived with during my semester in Moscow who I absolutely hated because of her rich-upbringing attitude, passive aggressive insults (usually directed at me in front of everyone) and general loud-mouthiness and bossiness. We all went to a cafe, and when she went up to the counter to order I stole her iPod out of her purse. It felt great, and I kept it for years. She had pretty good taste in music.
  • skywalkerlucy1
    skywalkerlucy1 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been trying to loose weight for over a year and recently discovered nutrition was the key. Lost like 2 lbs in one week already. I had no idea calories were so important. I am ashamed.
  • fattybattyy
    fattybattyy Posts: 31 Member
    When I was a teenager, I'd mix butter with brown sugar and eat it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    When I was a teenager, I'd mix butter with brown sugar and eat it.

    I still do this.
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    When I was a teenager, I'd mix butter with brown sugar and eat it.

    Weird I've never thought about doing that, but it sounds delicious!

    I was/still sometimes am what I refer to as a "punitive kleptomaniac". If I don't like someone or they piss me off, I will go out of my way to steal something -anything- from them. The bigger/more expensive, the better.

    There was a girl I lived with during my semester in Moscow who I absolutely hated because of her rich-upbringing attitude, passive aggressive insults (usually directed at me in front of everyone) and general loud-mouthiness and bossiness. We all went to a cafe, and when she went up to the counter to order I stole her iPod out of her purse. It felt great, and I kept it for years. She had pretty good taste in music.

    The first thing I thought of was Lily Aldrin from HIMYM.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    The Speculoos one is good too!

    Wait. There's Speculoos Ben & Jerry's?

    So. Can you pre-post a confession like pre-logging a meal? Because in a world with Speculoos ice cream, that may be an important option.

    For some people. Not me. Really.

    What is Speculoos?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Omg did someone mention Harry Potter?! Yes they did so here I am! I've never tried to read the LOTR series but have always wanted to do so and I did try to read GOT but got completely lost trying to follow the story line in the first
    Book and gave up :(

    I never got on with harry potter either. i just wanted to slap him.

    I only ever wanted to slap him in the 5th book. He got really whiny in that book. BUT... @LBuehrle8 if you loved Harry Potter you will likely really like LOTR. I always felt that Harry Potter was like a dumbed down LOTR. Probably just because of the fantasy. But I am sure I will spark some kind of argument with that so please forgive me. I love both series. :)

    AHH plugging my ears I can't hear you la la la la (with the negative talk of HP) I have always wanted to read the LOTR series! What is the first book to start with? I know the movie the Hobbit came out after the trilogy so I'm not sure where to start :/

    You can start with The Hobbit if you like. It comes before Lord of the Rings, but isn't required reading. I own the Lord of the Rings in a all-in-one book, but if you are getting them separately it's Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King. After that you can read the Silmarillion (which chronologically is the first book but probably not a great idea to jump straight into, the depth of Tolkien's worldbuilding can be overwhelming) and then Unfinished Tales, the Children of Hurin (this one is a bit depressing), and then Christopher Tolkien's wonderful History of Middle Earth series, which details the process behind the books as well as containing changed/deleted scenes from the books themselves (twelve books).

    I was glad I started with the Hobbit since it sets the stage. And I enjoyed it. I never read beyond the 4 books. Is it worth it?

    Absolutely. The depth to everything he wrote is astonishing. And it's incredible to watch the way seemingly insignificant details link together. (And then comes the fun part, when you've finished reading the Silmarillion, and you go back through The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and you find hidden references to that wider mythology).

    I will say this though: The Silmarillion is pretty heavy going at times, and also a bit depressing, because it never really has that "happy" ending. It is a total masterpiece, though. I only wish we could have found the secret to immortality in time for Tolkien, because I would have loved to have seen more of it unfold.

    Ok I am putting that as next after GOT. Thanks!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I think it's pretty funny in my post yesterday I shortened assistant to *kitten*'t but used ss's and they EDITED it. Hello...that was not a swear word! Is there some program in this thread that looks for certain letter combinations? Rather than humans scanning?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    I confess I have never heard of DeGrassi. But I pretty much haven't watched tv since 1990. Never saw Friends, Seinfeld, etc. I do watch NCIS and Law and Order and used to watch House when I go to my Moms. I never wanted to spend the money when I first was on my own then just preferred to read if I had the free time.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    It is almost midnight and I am waiting for my son to get home from work so I can go to bed.

    The sad dad stories really got to me today.

    When my dad died he was shoveling the drive way and had a heart attack. A neighbor found him. He drove me to school that morning (I was 15), when he did not pick me up, I called, and a cop answered the phone and told me he had died and to come home right away. I actually told the cop that he usually picked me up from school at the other end of town, and I did not know how to get home. His reply was that they would be there when I got there.

    I ran back in the school and had a teacher drive me home. Later that day, when I went outside, his hat, eye glasses, blood and vomit were all over the drive way.

    At the funeral, in true 'mother' style, she caused a big scene and picked him up out of the casket....I will never forget the crude autopsy scar on the back of his head.

    I do not think I will ever fully get over that.

    My best girlfriend died two and a half years ago, that was the hardest death I have dealt with other than my father's. Death really sucks!

    My rodent is looking rather poor today....he is so skinny and was making a funny noise today when I was holding him. He spends all day in a puff ball in his cage with his head down, this is also what the other one did in the days before he died....I do not think it is gonna be much longer now....I am heartbroken.

    On a better note, my sister and her family are coming to visit next month. They live in Indy and I only see them once every couple years......

    I am sorry about your dad. That was really rough.

    Are you SURE it's not time to euthanize your Degu? Ease his passage to another life?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I feel like this is the 'Brit hour' while most of the Americans are still asleep!

    Also, please, please, please, please don't put any GoT spoilers on here. I haven't seen the series, but I'm reading the books (on the 5th one I think, although I don't know because it's on the kindle) and if someone spoils any of it for me I will cry. I can see from the kindle I am 86% of the way through the entire thing, and I don't quite know what I'll do with myself when I finish it!

    I get very mournful when I finish a series of books. Wishing I could forget all about them and read them again.

    oh god sorry!!! I will endeavour not to spoiler. I'm such a huge GoT fan, TV series and books. I've just started reading them again. I love talking about it with other fans, but i don't know many people who've read the books :(

    But i will say the books are better at some storylines, the tv show is better at others.

    I refuse to watch the show until I read the books. I don't have HBO (or TV for that matter) but because I work in the communications industry and market HBO I get the DVDs. I Just pile them up to watch after I read the books.

    I confess, now I think I am going to read the books regardless of having not finished my dissertation (bad move as I am a binge reader).

    I watched the show first, then read the books. I don't usually like to do it that way, i'm always a books first girl, but in this case, i found the TV show, got obsessed, got the books and I have to say, having seen the show really enhanced the books for me, fleshed out some things. After reading the books i watched series 1-4 again and picked up stuff i'd missed the first time but picked up in books.

    The books are addictive, but i found because the chapters change the character POV, they were easier (!) to put down. And doing a disso, you need some alternative reading to let your brain switch off (thats what i tell myself).

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)

    That made me smile. Dove dark chocolate promises are some of my absolute favorite. My husband bought 3 bags for me for Christmas.

    Its taken me a long time to work out that American Dove chocolate = British Galaxy

    I hate galaxy chocolate. Cadburys all the way for sweet, every day chocolate. Dark chocolate for those indulgent treats.

    Really? I didn't know that!
    And I can't believe you hate Galaxy! I thought we were friends? I'm not angry, just disappointed. :disappointed:

    Oh dear. Galaxy chocolate is just vile, over sweetened, fatty tasting blandness. I mean, i'll eat it in a pinch, when there is nothing else available, but its not my go to.

    and apparently, we own page 744!

    Ha ha yea I know! THE ENGLISH WILL RULE FOR 1 PAGE!

    MWAH HA HA HA! :naughty:

    I'm going to pretend Pofoster21 isn't there. Ruin our English streak!

    I know I am sorry. I felt bad when I saw I interrupted your 'ownership' of page 744.

    :smile: Tis ok, I'll pretend you are in England, it's all good.

    I was in spirit!!

    you certainly were for timezone

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Full moon? Quarter moon? No moon? I can keep trying!
    I think there is a full moon here tonight. Close if not.

    Dumb question maybe, but do we have full moons at the same time as you? Or anywhere else? Is it worldwide?

    yes it was full moon last night
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!

    What time is it where you are? You must get up crazy early!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Full moon? Quarter moon? No moon? I can keep trying!
    I think there is a full moon here tonight. Close if not.

    Dumb question maybe, but do we have full moons at the same time as you? Or anywhere else? Is it worldwide?

    So I was going to answer this knowledgeably then realized I didn't know! I knew it had to do with the angle of the earth to the sun but thought that could be the same everywhere at the same time. So I googled it. And the answer is yes, the world experiences a full moon at the same time. And the moon looks full for 24 hours so if the moon looks full at 10 pm in France it would look full at 4 pm in NY. We wouldn't see it until it's gets dark but technically we all experienced the full moon at the same time.

    I was thinking the same things, and if you see it from the same angle everywhere as the earth spins and it gets dark elsewhere. And then also if being in the north/south hemisphere made a difference. But I was in bed, so didn't Google it as I figured it was the type of thing that I'd end up staying up for ages looking at.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    edited June 2015
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Any Canadians used to watch DeGrassi?? I was obsessed!! Where Drake was little Jimmy before he hit it big. And I know people love to hate him but I will always love the Biebs! Also, all the crap they give Robin about being Canadian in How I Met Your Mother is hilarious- love that show!
    peleroja wrote: »
    I never saw that Degrassi, but I'm obsessed with the original Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High (the ones from the 80s, which played in reruns constantly in my childhood.) An ex-boyfriend gave me the complete box set on DVD years ago and I watch it when I'm sick all the time, haha.


    I've always found it fascinating (though ne'er before conveyed it 'aloud', until now ;) ) how various videographic and/or written works -- and especially those from childhood -- can be *the* thing we turn to, when ill, or feeling 'down', or otherwise needing to in some way be 'soothed', and in a way that only something from 'back then'(/our formative years) would seem to do...

    And in reflecting on this tendency (and my suddenly experiencing an offshoot of thought that includes my wondering whether various folks who were involved in creating such works-that-are-'turned-to'-by-countless-souls-the-world-over-in-times-of-'need' have any idea just how integral a circumstance-specific 'experience' the art they created *is* for so many -- and when a media-like analogue to 'comfort food' is needed, no less -- and for untold years after said art's creation)...

    ...I find that I cannot help being reminded of the time I had to have my wisdom teeth removed (all freakin' four of 'em at once), and knew that I'd subsequently be experiencing an odd form of 'solitary confinement', with a college roommate who would temporarily be away for the weekend, and my knowing that I wouldn't be leaving the apartment for those few days... and that I would very likely be refraining from speaking much (ha! I can only imagine how futile any attempted phone conversation might have been, with my mouth filled with gauze, and the swelling resulting in a chipmunk-esque bit of 'fun' being thrown into the mix ;) ), or otherwise using my mouth to do much of anything (let alone, ingest any must-be-chewed -type food)... and in realizing that said timeframe represented the chance to have some relatively rare time alone, in the apartment, I couldn't help thinking that it'd be a good time to do some solitudinous reading... and I subsequently found myself wondering, "what might make for the ideal 'read', to accompany the silence-'filled' ambience that would surround me while my swollen-and-bloody ex-impacted-molar craters 'settle down'...?" (which was perhaps not unlike the task a sommelier faces, when discerning the 'perfect' wine to pair with a given meal (albeit a meal whose 'composition' had perhaps not ever been considered before, and presents said sommelier with an unexpected challenge they likely never thought they'd be tasked with... ;) ))

    ...and while that was a one-off kind of experience, I nonetheless have found myself reminded of wisdom teeth, and impacted-molar-extraction, every time I think about, see, or otherwise read from the book in question (that was chosen all those years ago, for that swollen-mouth-accompanied bit of solitudinous reading (interrupted as it was, by brief episodes of mush-mashed food 'intake' (which felt like a surreal, self-administered form of 'baby feeding' ;p ))), or if/when I ponder the potential purchase of any books of its 'type'... :)

    And on a final note, regarding this sort of 'pairing' of video-based or written works of art with 'exceptional times during our lives'... I just now had a flashback to an episode of Veep (from Season 3, if memory serves), in which a couple spent part of their honeymoon quasi-cocooning on a couch, with popcorn in hand, while watching an episode of Kojak ("who loves ya, baby?", indeed :) ).
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »

    I confess that I've been fighting getting readers for a few months now. About a year ago it was like a switch got flipped in my head. I suddenly couldn't read magazines, ingredients on packaging, and audits at work were giving me headaches.

    Soooo I finally went and bought some $20 Foster Grant readers at the store...and it makes all the difference in the world. DAMMIT.

    I had 20/16 vision growing up & through adulthood, but now at age 46 it's official...I'm the reader-perched-on-the-head-guy.


    I've been wearing reading glasses since I was 19. It's almost a blessing starting so young with them, because I don't associate my deteriorating vision with 'getting old', just genetics (nearly everyone in my family was wearing glasses by the age of 25). I've decided they make me look intelligent.