

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.
  • KeairaSedai
    KeairaSedai Posts: 138 Member
    I cannot do jumping jacks or many other kind of exercise because the motion makes me.. well.. for some reason I can't control my bladder it seems when jumping up and down. And it always embarrasses me and annoys the hell out of me, because I wish I could jump rope in my backyard to improve my endurance.. sigh. Cry.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm just going into a 3 hour boring meeting. Where are y'all to keep me entertained?
  • drkhoax
    drkhoax Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 2015
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol

    I do this as well. Workout clothes for a week! P.S. I wipe down the machines when I am done using them.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited June 2015

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    @crosbylee I'm so sorry about your friend.

    @Italian_Buju I can't even imagine what you went through, my heart breaks for you. And I hope your degu gets better.

    @pofoster21 What a heartbreaking story as well. So sorry

    Here's a confession: My husband plays games on his iPad. His newest game is Hay Day where you virtually take care of a farm. He was gone this weekend and I picked up his iPad to look something up and an alert said "your farm animals miss you" I decided I had to look in on them. I am now hooked on Hay Day. I feel ridiculous when I play and super ridiculous admitting it.

    Edited: Because I didn't want to forget anyone

    I'm completely addicted to Hay Day myself. I'm on level 54 now, and I've been playing for almost a year, multiple times daily! ;)

    My husband teases me about it, and whenever I have my face stuck in my tab, he'll go... "Checking on your chickens again, huh?"

    No need to feel ridiculous, it's an awesome stress-reliever since it's so... Brainless? Kind of like coloring for me, both are destressors. At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    Thanks, that makes me feel better! I don't know how long my husband has been playing it but he's on level 20 or 21. I checked on it this morning and almost didn't get my workout in, smh. But the good news is, I'm not mindless eating after I put my daughter to bed, I'm harvesting my crops. Still..smh

    When I wake up to pray my first prayer of the day (at dawn) I tend to pick up my phone and start playing it after I pray, instead of going back to sleep. Next thing I know, the sun is up and it's time to get up, but I want to sleep more after losing two solid hours (that I could have spent sleeping) playing the game and then checking this thread! :o

    For Curiosity's sake I must know when are the prayers times?

    They follow the sun. For clarity, I'll give you their names first: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. :)

    In the winter, I can expect Fajr to be around 5:30 AM. Currently, it's at 3:15 AM. Fajr is the prayer that's called when the first thread of light rises over the horizon and the sky begins to lighten, and the prayer time ends as soon as the sun begins to rise.

    Dhuhr is the noon prayer, which is prayed right after the sun has reached its zenith, or its highest peak in the sky. The time for Dhuhr ends when the time for Asr begins. Dhuhr is around 11:30 AM right now.

    Asr time begins when the sun is at a certain position in the sky (not too sure how to explain it), and can basically be measured by the time of day when the length of the shadow of a given object is equal to the length of the object itself. Asr time ends when the sun begins to turn orange-ish, but before it starts to set. At the moment, Asr prayers begin around 3:10 PM.

    Maghrib time begins as soon as the sun has set completely, but the afterglow is still visible. Maghrib time ends when the afterglow is completely gone, which is when the Isha prayer begins. Maghrib currently falls at 6:30 PM in Saudi Arabia.

    Isha prayer lasts until the midway point between dusk and dawn, so currently at 10:45 PM. :)

    Thank you for explaining! I've always wondered but never knew how to properly bring it up without being offensive, errr if I offended you. SORRY! :)

    Don't apologize! The reason so many people know so little about Islam is because they're so afraid of offending Muslims by asking. :o You're welcome to ask anything that you'd like to know, and I'm always glad to share information. The more we know about each other's cultures, religions, and customs, the less hate there would be between us all, don't you agree? :)

    I agree whole heartedly! I'm always curious about world religions, I grew up Roman Catholic so our traditions are pretty basic in my opinion haha.
    I feel like part of the problem is this whole fear mongering situation with ISIS etc BUT I won't open that can of worms :)
    I get so mad when it comes to ISIS and their un-Islamic, evil, twisted form of ruling. They're what the world immediately thinks of when the word "Muslim" comes up nowadays AND I HATE THAT SO MUCH. :'( And I have to admit that I bear a hefty amount of resentment towards the Saudi government for the same reason... All idiots, and all representing the millions and millions of Muslims worldwide. Just so.. UGH. -_-
    It's the vocal minority rearing its ugly head and ruining the majority's perception. :/

    So true. :-/ It's one of the main reasons that I always try to answer questions anyone might ask. Maybe they'll come away with even a slightly different view of Islam and Muslims from my answer. :)

    I think you give a great impression of Islam and muslims. Thank you for your explanations of prayer times. I had wondered too.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    @crosbylee I'm so sorry about your friend.

    @Italian_Buju I can't even imagine what you went through, my heart breaks for you. And I hope your degu gets better.

    @pofoster21 What a heartbreaking story as well. So sorry

    Here's a confession: My husband plays games on his iPad. His newest game is Hay Day where you virtually take care of a farm. He was gone this weekend and I picked up his iPad to look something up and an alert said "your farm animals miss you" I decided I had to look in on them. I am now hooked on Hay Day. I feel ridiculous when I play and super ridiculous admitting it.

    Edited: Because I didn't want to forget anyone

    I'm completely addicted to Hay Day myself. I'm on level 54 now, and I've been playing for almost a year, multiple times daily! ;)

    My husband teases me about it, and whenever I have my face stuck in my tab, he'll go... "Checking on your chickens again, huh?"

    No need to feel ridiculous, it's an awesome stress-reliever since it's so... Brainless? Kind of like coloring for me, both are destressors. At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    I confess that I used to play Farmville & actually paid money for FVC LOL! I stopped playing when they had around 6-10 farms & it felt more like a job than a game.

    I quit when they introduced the second farm. I wasn't happy with that at all... wanted to improve my farm, not have another one.

    I don't mind paying a bit of money though, I mean I pay for games I like for my computer/PS4, so I don't find anything wrong with it... but when all the nice stuff would cost you $100 every month... no thanks!

    I had the full series of Friends on tape.

  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I confess that I need to quit smoking and I will - but I keep changing the weight at which I'm going to do it.

    My weight loss is going great and I don't want to mess that up.
    I am right there with you. I keep telling myself it is better to have one success than two failures (although, technically my many attempts at quitting have led to may failures).

    It is still on the schedule but the starting date has been pushed back. Again. To 135.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    I confess that even though I have very little money to spare this week, I'd very much like to go shopping for some new workout clothes because I know they'll make me feel better about my body and my progress thus far. I'm fully aware of how sad it is that I have to rely on material goods to make me feel better about my progress, but I've been struggling a lot lately.

    I don't see it as being sad, or relying on material goods to make you feel better about your progress... new workout clothes, let alone workout clothes that allow us to engage in activity longer, or to otherwise feel more motivated for a given session, are a factor in the progress that various folks make -- and I know that it is for me... every now and then, I find myself suddenly thinking about the fact that I'm so glad that I have the workout clothes that I do, and am so glad that I spent the time and money to buy the ones that I did, because they truly do make a difference in my workouts, and in several respects...

    For me, personally, I cannot imagine going back to any workout clothing that isn't comprised of wicking fabric, or doesn't have any spandex (it just plain fits 'better' (and feels good)), or which doesn't fit in a way that is optimal for how I move my body when engaged in various specific physical activities, or which risks getting caught up in the pedals when cycling, or which has fabric which makes 'sounds' during movement, etc. (it looks like I could write a freakin' book about this! lol ;) )...

    ...and there is one specific workout 'outer layer' item (that I wear over a thin workout 'inner layer' top) that I hesitated buying, because I felt as though it was a splurge, and I had already spent so much money on workout clothing... but I really liked the look and feel of that specific 'zip-up' top... and I ended up getting it... and initially felt a twinge of 'guilt' for having purchased it (because one could argue that I didn't technically 'need' it, given all of the workout clothing that I already had)... but after working out in it the first time, I loved it... and was so glad that I'd bought it... and it's my favorite 'top layer' item to ever wear in a workout... and my overall mood is actually affected by how fantastic that top feels against my skin, and how well it fits, and how well is 'stretches with me'...

    We use motivating factors where we can find them... and imo, workout clothing is but one potential motivating and/or 'difference-making' factor, when it comes to working out, and making progress... and I consider my workout clothing to be a pivotal aspect of my motivational and physical activity 'engagement' 'arsenal'... and I feel no qualms in admitting that for me, the feel and look of the 'right' workout clothing can be a downright 'pick-me-up' (no pun intended with your username ;) ), and I appreciate the difference that my workout clothing makes (for me, in my journey)...

    ...please don't feel bad about this... or feel that it's 'wrong' -- because it isn't... workout clothing can and does make a difference, and in any of several possible ways (and none of them are bad (and that includes any potential acquisition of such for motivational and/or 'reward' -type purposes))... it's all good! :)
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    My primary motivation for working out is to eat more food. :blush: The cardio benefits are great but I'm being honest.

    And I'm afraid to weigh myself because I sometimes binge on the weekends and late nights when I'm bored so the weight fluctuations would destroy my motivation to work out.

    I sometimes hide snacks in my desk at work.

    I don't always log foods accurately.

    I'm a work in progress but I'm committed to working out 5 days a week and I'm trying to fix my previous bad behavior (diet coke addiction and consuming copious amounts of sweets) by drinking water (or tea) only, filling up with fiber and trying to sneak more green leafy things into my diet.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    @crosbylee I'm so sorry about your friend.

    @Italian_Buju I can't even imagine what you went through, my heart breaks for you. And I hope your degu gets better.

    @pofoster21 What a heartbreaking story as well. So sorry

    Here's a confession: My husband plays games on his iPad. His newest game is Hay Day where you virtually take care of a farm. He was gone this weekend and I picked up his iPad to look something up and an alert said "your farm animals miss you" I decided I had to look in on them. I am now hooked on Hay Day. I feel ridiculous when I play and super ridiculous admitting it.

    Edited: Because I didn't want to forget anyone

    I'm completely addicted to Hay Day myself. I'm on level 54 now, and I've been playing for almost a year, multiple times daily! ;)

    My husband teases me about it, and whenever I have my face stuck in my tab, he'll go... "Checking on your chickens again, huh?"

    No need to feel ridiculous, it's an awesome stress-reliever since it's so... Brainless? Kind of like coloring for me, both are destressors. At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    Thanks, that makes me feel better! I don't know how long my husband has been playing it but he's on level 20 or 21. I checked on it this morning and almost didn't get my workout in, smh. But the good news is, I'm not mindless eating after I put my daughter to bed, I'm harvesting my crops. Still..smh

    When I wake up to pray my first prayer of the day (at dawn) I tend to pick up my phone and start playing it after I pray, instead of going back to sleep. Next thing I know, the sun is up and it's time to get up, but I want to sleep more after losing two solid hours (that I could have spent sleeping) playing the game and then checking this thread! :o

    For Curiosity's sake I must know when are the prayers times?

    They follow the sun. For clarity, I'll give you their names first: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. :)

    In the winter, I can expect Fajr to be around 5:30 AM. Currently, it's at 3:15 AM. Fajr is the prayer that's called when the first thread of light rises over the horizon and the sky begins to lighten, and the prayer time ends as soon as the sun begins to rise.

    Dhuhr is the noon prayer, which is prayed right after the sun has reached its zenith, or its highest peak in the sky. The time for Dhuhr ends when the time for Asr begins. Dhuhr is around 11:30 AM right now.

    Asr time begins when the sun is at a certain position in the sky (not too sure how to explain it), and can basically be measured by the time of day when the length of the shadow of a given object is equal to the length of the object itself. Asr time ends when the sun begins to turn orange-ish, but before it starts to set. At the moment, Asr prayers begin around 3:10 PM.

    Maghrib time begins as soon as the sun has set completely, but the afterglow is still visible. Maghrib time ends when the afterglow is completely gone, which is when the Isha prayer begins. Maghrib currently falls at 6:30 PM in Saudi Arabia.

    Isha prayer lasts until the midway point between dusk and dawn, so currently at 10:45 PM. :)

    Thank you for explaining! I've always wondered but never knew how to properly bring it up without being offensive, errr if I offended you. SORRY! :)

    Don't apologize! The reason so many people know so little about Islam is because they're so afraid of offending Muslims by asking. :o You're welcome to ask anything that you'd like to know, and I'm always glad to share information. The more we know about each other's cultures, religions, and customs, the less hate there would be between us all, don't you agree? :)

    I agree whole heartedly! I'm always curious about world religions, I grew up Roman Catholic so our traditions are pretty basic in my opinion haha.
    I feel like part of the problem is this whole fear mongering situation with ISIS etc BUT I won't open that can of worms :)

    I get so mad when it comes to ISIS and their un-Islamic, evil, twisted form of ruling. They're what the world immediately thinks of when the word "Muslim" comes up nowadays AND I HATE THAT SO MUCH. :'( And I have to admit that I bear a hefty amount of resentment towards the Saudi government for the same reason... All idiots, and all representing the millions and millions of Muslims worldwide. Just so.. UGH. -_-

    You. I respect. You're so correct!

    And I'm not even a liberal Muslim! ;) (I hate that term) But seriously, I feel like everyone thinks that only the so-called liberal Muslims think that ISIS are evil. :-/ My mother-in-law is a Deen (Islamic Studies) teacher, and she knows they're evil and condemns them. My sister is an extremely religious Muslim who covers her face, and she knows it, too, and condemns them. I'm a fully practicing, covering Muslim and I condemn them with every iota of my being, along with any other act of terrorism. Muslims aren't evil, and it makes me sad that so many people don't know that almost exclusively because of stupid ISIS and the idiotic Saudi government. :(

    Star fact: ISIS is now blowing up Muslim mosques here in Saudi Arabia. The one they tried to blow up last Friday is thirty minutes away from my house. Because apparently they don't like their definition of Islam. :-/

    That has to be so frightening for you sometimes. Be safe!

    It's horribly scary to me, because my husband attends Friday prayers at the mosque every week. :( So far, they've blown up one mosque and two guys died keeping the suicide bomber out of the one they attempted last Friday, saving everyone else in the process.

    We're being as safe as we can! :)

    That sounds super scary and stressful. I am Catholic and I can't imagine feeling that kind of stress during confession or Mass. I'm just...I don't know. It's so different and I want everyone to be able to pray and worship without fear. I'm praying for you if that's OK.

    All prayers are good prayers, we all believe in the same God. :)

    Can I ask? You mentioned that the first prayer was at about 3:15am at the moment. Do you set an alarm to wake up for that, or do you sleep on a different timetable so that the prayers fit into your waking hours? Do you go back to sleep afterwards?

    As you can probably tell, I love my sleep and am very precious about making sure I get enough ;)
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess that even though I have very little money to spare this week, I'd very much like to go shopping for some new workout clothes because I know they'll make me feel better about my body and my progress thus far. I'm fully aware of how sad it is that I have to rely on material goods to make me feel better about my progress, but I've been struggling a lot lately.

    Wow, you have made amazing progress! Not sure where you are, but the Xersion brand of workout wear at JC Penny is reasonably priced (look at the clearance racks first) and Danskin at Wal-Mart is also good. Definitely get some form fitting workout gear (such as in your picture) that makes you feel great. You deserve it!
    I agree!!! :)

    ...and I don't mean to get all Nike slogan on ya, but... just do it! :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Neither do I. I had a procedure done years ago to eliminate all of that nonsense, but I do still get the mood swings. I ignore them because I refuse to let them control me, but if I really pay attention I could still tell when during the month it should be happening. Just to say, blame the moods anyway!

    Yanno, i have been wondering recently if i still had the hormonal surges that would result in the moods/food cravings and kinda dismissed it as yet another excuse, but as you've said you experience, maybe there is something in it.

    I'm on the injection (depo) and I definitely still get the hormonal surges. Excessive hunger, carb cravings, depression, and even pimples (ugh).

    Yeah me too! I take depo to control uterine tumers and every month around the same time my daughter has her TOM I want to eat all the sugar in the world....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Neither do I. I had a procedure done years ago to eliminate all of that nonsense, but I do still get the mood swings. I ignore them because I refuse to let them control me, but if I really pay attention I could still tell when during the month it should be happening. Just to say, blame the moods anyway!

    Yanno, i have been wondering recently if i still had the hormonal surges that would result in the moods/food cravings and kinda dismissed it as yet another excuse, but as you've said you experience, maybe there is something in it.

    I'm on the injection (depo) and I definitely still get the hormonal surges. Excessive hunger, carb cravings, depression, and even pimples (ugh).

    Wow, THIS got flagged as spam? I must have spammy pimples. ;)

    Wait, how do we know something has been flagged??
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.

    I am just waiting for my vet to open to see what she says.
    I basically have been up holding him abd crying all night. I am so sad.
    I know some people might think 'oh he is just a rodent, not even a cat or dog' but because he was a lone degu he spent tons of time out with me. Sleeping on me, getting rub downs, I even wheel his cage into my bedroom every single night to sleep.
    My heart is broken......
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    edited June 2015
    eDonatti wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen to that.

    I still watch Friends reruns.

    I drink diet coke every time I crave something sweet - it's better now but I had days I was plugged to the diet coke bottle.

    I lie about how much weight I gained during pregnancy- I say it was more and that I'm trying to go back to my ideal pre-pregnancy weight.

    I do similar sometimes- I minimize how much weight I gained during pregnancy, because it was a ridiculous amount (like, jaw dropping lol), and people automatically think it's bc I'm lazy or lecture me about not eating junk. I was on bed rest for almost 8 months straight, had Hyperemesis bad, so I actually didn't eat much, I was retaining water and if I did eat, it was a carb. Luckily all of it except about 12 lbs came off right away. I'm still embarrassed though.
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess that I watched the sixth season premiere of Pretty Little Liars last night & want to know who the 'supposed' big A is already!

    Me too! I'm not sure why I'm still hooked on that show.. I get so frustrated that it's dragging on and on but I still need to watch!

    For real! I Netflix binge watched it and got through season 4, watched a few episodes of season 5, and I love it, even though it's getting ridiculous. It's my one silly TV show that I like (DH hates it and cringes when he hears the theme song).
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.

    I am just waiting for my vet to open to see what she says.
    I basically have been up holding him abd crying all night. I am so sad.
    I know some people might think 'oh he is just a rodent, not even a cat or dog' but because he was a lone degu he spent tons of time out with me. Sleeping on me, getting rub downs, I even wheel his cage into my bedroom every single night to sleep.
    My heart is broken......

    Oh, I'm so sad for you. :'(
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.

    I am just waiting for my vet to open to see what she says.
    I basically have been up holding him abd crying all night. I am so sad.
    I know some people might think 'oh he is just a rodent, not even a cat or dog' but because he was a lone degu he spent tons of time out with me. Sleeping on me, getting rub downs, I even wheel his cage into my bedroom every single night to sleep.
    My heart is broken......

    A pet is a pet/family member...whether it be a cat, dog, rodent, bird, reptile...etc. We grow to love them. I completely understand your heartache and I'm so sorry that you are going through it! :( Please keep us updated on what the vet has to say. Good luck to you. Hang in sound like a wonderful pet-mommy!
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I wanted to throw my two cents in re GoT. I loved the books and the series does not do it justice. I refused to watch the series for three seasons but then hubby (who hasn't read the books) said it was time. I am livid that story lines are being left out and, in the case of this season, are being changed all together. But I guess you have to make concessions when you are trying to cram a 700 page book into 10 one hour episodes.
    In our house we call GoT 'Sex and Stabbing', because that covers about 90% of it.
    LMAO :)

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Although this season (I've only watched the first three episodes) seems to be lots of boring talk.
    ...from 'Sex and Stabbing'... to 'Syllables and Snoring'... but always -- Sinister Secrets and Surreptitious Sabotage (because GoT isn't GoT without Serpentine Storytelling, Stunning Surprises, and Stymied Starks)... ;)

    (...hey, someone should do a GoT version of the 'Got Milk?' campaign (as promotional bits for the show) -- except instead of milk, it'd be blood (Got GoT? (<--- it ends up being a multi-layered pun, to boot (bonus!)))... ;) )
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess that even though I have very little money to spare this week, I'd very much like to go shopping for some new workout clothes because I know they'll make me feel better about my body and my progress thus far. I'm fully aware of how sad it is that I have to rely on material goods to make me feel better about my progress, but I've been struggling a lot lately.

    Wow, you have made amazing progress! Not sure where you are, but the Xersion brand of workout wear at JC Penny is reasonably priced (look at the clearance racks first) and Danskin at Wal-Mart is also good. Definitely get some form fitting workout gear (such as in your picture) that makes you feel great. You deserve it!

    Love the clearance rack at JC Penney. I found so many work out shirts for less than $5 each!! Found some running shorts too, but I only wear those at home to work out in.