Lose 15 by June 4th Challenge (CLOSED)



  • livingnow28
    livingnow28 Posts: 40 Member
    I would like to extend it also!!!
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    hmmm... this is tough! i love the challenge though!
    1: my eyelashes – they’re super long & I love them
    2: my smile… I work very hard on keeping my teeth white
    3: my long torso.. I’m not sure why I love it but i do :-)
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    It was a small test for me but I love this challenge, It made me think and realize #3 and it put a big smile on my face.

    1. my hair
    2. my legs getting toned slowly but surely
    3. controlling my emotional eating ( I was an emotional eater big time)
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    Three things I love about MY body, this is going to be hard.

    1.) i have a cute face.
    2.) My boobs although sometimes i get aggrivated because i have to wear a bra.
    3.) My butt, it looks pretty good in clothes.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    hmmm three things i love about me:

    1) my brain. :-) just graduated summa cum laude, with an accolade of awards and already started grad school. i love knowledge. i love learning. i love studying. i'm crazy, i know! :-)
    2) my eyes. blue or green, and my eyelashes are really long too.
    3) my ability to empathize with others. having been through more in 21 years than most people deal with in a lifetime, i find it very easy to empathize with other people's emotions and hardships which makes me a more compassionate individual.

    good challenge... took me a while.
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    hmmm this is hard!...

    3 things I love about my body:

    1. My legs: they are pretty long considering I am average height.
    2. My nose, I am the only one in my family not "blessed" with the family stubby, wide nose. I have a smaller, bunny shaped nose lol
    3. My skin: I don't have the clearest, pore-free skin, but it's relatively clear for the most part and gets a beautiful brown glow in the sun and my face turns an awesome (although sometimes embarrassing) shade of rose after I work out or when I blush lol.

    Hmm I really had to think about those!

    Thanks and congrats on winning this week!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    It's taken me a while and I still can't think of three things that I like about myself....
    Two will have to do:
    1. My hair - it is long, dark & wavy.
    2. My smile - not the whitest, but people say it's nice.
    3. ?????? still working on that one.
  • Monicazumba2013
    Monicazumba2013 Posts: 45 Member
    Three things that i like about my body.....well i have been thinking about this ALL day and even resorted to asking my husband, but he has different ideas in his mind LOL!!!!

    so here is what i can think of.....

    1. my smile. I have pretty straight white teeth. Never had braces and this is something that is amazing. I LOVE smiling and do it often!!!

    2. My eyes. I have almond shaped eyes. Even though they are just plain old brown, i spice them up with makeup and make them sparkle:~)

    3. my hair: Long brown straight hair....which is actually about to be redone!!! LOL

    notice that everything i like is neck and above!!! LOL
  • Monicazumba2013
    Monicazumba2013 Posts: 45 Member
    Three things that i like about my body.....well i have been thinking about this ALL day and even resorted to asking my husband, but he has different ideas in his mind LOL!!!!

    so here is what i can think of.....

    1. my smile. I have pretty straight white teeth. Never had braces and this is something that is amazing. I LOVE smiling and do it often!!!

    2. My eyes. I have almond shaped eyes. Even though they are just plain old brown, i spice them up with makeup and make them sparkle:~)

    3. my hair: Long brown straight hair....which is actually about to be redone!!! LOL

    notice that everything i like is neck and above!!! LOL
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    hmmm this is hard!...

    3 things I love about my body:

    1. My legs: they are pretty long considering I am average height.
    2. My nose, I am the only one in my family not "blessed" with the family stubby, wide nose. I have a smaller, bunny shaped nose lol
    3. My skin: I don't have the clearest, pore-free skin, but it's relatively clear for the most part and gets a beautiful brown glow in the sun and my face turns an awesome (although sometimes embarrassing) shade of rose after I work out or when I blush lol.

    Hmm I really had to think about those!

    Thanks and congrats on winning this week!

    Thank you! I had to think hard as well, I have been down on myself the last few days and my current goal is to like something about myself everyday. But I wanted all these wonderful ladies to realize that we all have beautiful thing about us...and need the confidence to tell others what are strengths are!
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    When I think about the challenge "3 things about your body I like". I think of outward appearances and that I greatly lack in. I don't like one single thing about my outward body let alone three. I was not blessed with one good feature. NONE.
    However, I do like myself, and others seem to like me also. I was blessed with a great personality and a great sense of humor.
    Congrats to our winner.
    aka MsMouseMouse
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    When I think about the challenge "3 things about your body I like". I think of outward appearances and that I greatly lack in. I don't like one single thing about my outward body let alone three. I was not blessed with one good feature. NONE.
    However, I do like myself, and others seem to like me also. I was blessed with a great personality and a great sense of humor.
    Congrats to our winner.
    aka MsMouseMouse

    I bet you are wrong, hair nails toes, I bet you have lots of beautiful features. ask other around you!
  • revelb
    revelb Posts: 14
    My three would have to be...
    1. My eyes~ they change between blue and green
    2. My legs~ which look like skinny bird legs but i love them
    3. My boobs ~ would be ok if they were a size smaller but i still love them
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    Well, 3 things OTHER people have always loved about my look's that I have grown to like as well are:

    1: no matter how heavy I am my face is always pretty
    2: my eyes
    3: my smile

    3 things my hubby likes
    1: my butt
    2:my butt
    3:my butt

  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I had to sleep on this overnight to come up with something:

    1. My calves - They have always been toned. (Now if I could just get my thighs toned).
    2. My feet - They are a size 6 and are the only small thing about me!
    3. I know this is not my body, but it is me. Right now I love how motivated I am about getting fit. It has been a long time since I have been this excited about my weight and losing it. And that is mainly because of friends like everyone in this challenge.

    Congrats on winning this week Breezymom81!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Well, 3 things OTHER people have always loved about my look's that I have grown to like as well are:

    1: no matter how heavy I am my face is always pretty
    2: my eyes
    3: my smile

    3 things my hubby likes
    1: my butt
    2:my butt
    3:my butt

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband says:
    1. my boobs,
    2. my butt
    3. my butt and boobs, if he could just view them at the same town
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    haha that's funny!

    My husband says:
    1. my boobs,
    2. my butt
    3. my butt and boobs, if he could just view them at the same town
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    haha that's funny!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Hmmm, why is it so easy to see beauty in others and so hard to see it in yourself?

    1. My eyes- they are a blue/grey and sometimes have a bit of teal (plus- they twinkle! :laugh: )
    2. My legs- they are long and pretty lean. It makes wearing short skirts and dresses fun and easy.
    3. My cheekbones- I was once told that I have Uma Thurman eyes and cheekbones. I realized that my cheekbones are high and defined.

    Three things about me (internal)
    1. My humor!! I am ridiculously sarcastic but not in a malicious way
    2. My ability to walk away from drama- this is a new one over the last few years and it is serving me well
    3. My loyalty to my friends and family.
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    Hmmm, why is it so easy to see beauty in others and so hard to see it in yourself?

    1. My eyes- they are a blue/grey and sometimes have a bit of teal (plus- they twinkle! :laugh: )
    2. My legs- they are long and pretty lean. It makes wearing short skirts and dresses fun and easy.
    3. My cheekbones- I was once told that I have Uma Thurman eyes and cheekbones. I realized that my cheekbones are high and defined.

    Three things about me (internal)
    1. My humor!! I am ridiculously sarcastic but not in a malicious way
    2. My ability to walk away from drama- this is a new one over the last few years and it is serving me well
    3. My loyalty to my friends and family.

    ooh!!! i love that you did internal & external!!!
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