

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    My confession is that when I first started reading the forums I was very confused that I kept seeing CICO all over the place. Cico (pronounced Tea co) is the name of our adopted cat. It took me about a week to learn what it actually means, and I felt like such an idiot.

    It took me forever to know what NSV & Doms meant.

    There are still sometimes that people post something that is slang or abbreviated & I have to look it up on Google.

    I know what NSV is after asking what is Doms?

    Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

    Huh. I was thinking something completely different, but couldn't figure out how it related to food or weight loss.

    Yeah, that was the only thing I could think of too.....also, way earlier in the thread, someone was talking about cbt, also means something different to me, :open_mouth:

    cognitive behavioral therapy...? What else does it mean? o:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    I got cow kicked in the knee today when a horse I was cooling off was pissed about flies. I'll let you know if I can top that... It was a pretty hard kick.

    Ouch. At least the kid that hit me apologized. Post a picture.

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member

    I lost my purse and it's my own fault. :| I didn't secure it well on the back of my bike and I didn't notice when if fell off. When I retraced my route, I couldn't find it.

    My whole life is in that purse, plus it was a pricey purse. And my phone - which is not attached to wifi so I can't erase it..

    And my license and credit cards and medicare card and you name it plus my bank card and it's the weekend, so I'm cashless. And my id for work plus my bike and home key (which at least I have a duplicate)

    Oh, gosh, that's just awful. :neutral: I hope someone returns it to the police station or something! [/quote]

    There are honest people I'm the world, I hope someone turns it in for you!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    Oh wow. That is a big bruise. I hope that you are okay. Hopefully it will be gone by the time you go on vacation (I think it will be).

    Me too. Yes, the yellow means the bruise is healing, but the foot numbness concerns me. If that doesn't go away completely after the bruise fades I'd have it checked out. Could be some nerve damage or something. Be careful!

    Duly noted. Thank you.

    I must have missed what happened to your leg? why is your foot numb??

    My husband and I are the youth group leaders in our church and we were playing softball and I was pitching, well one of the boys hit a grounder right into my shin. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react. Needless to say, it hurts. Not sure why my foot is falling asleep but I just noticed I have bruising on the top of it so that might be why.

    Oh, sorry to hear that! Hope its 100% by vaca time!

    Thanks, me too. I've got 2 weeks.

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My friend is supposed to be bringing her kids over today (5 & 2) and while I like seeing them, I'm also kind of dreading it. Her kids get super excited about seeing my dog but have no idea how to properly behave around them.
    They shriek and cry and run around and try to sneak up behind her to pet her. My dog is 2, I've had her for 6 months. She was never exposed to kids with her previous owners and only once or twice since she's been with me.
    My friend won't do anything about the way they act either. She shrugs and says "Oh well, they have to learn" and I HATE IT! Yes, they need to learn, but not by being bitten! And she obviously doesn't understand how upset I
    would be, and that it would be me and my dog who would get the blame.
    Your house your rules. Kids can see the dog when the are sitting quietly. Bring dog out. Talk to kids and explain then put dog in a quiet room away from kids. Calm but firm. You know that Any dog has the potential to harm and you are not willing to put the kids, the dog, or yourself in a potentially bad situation. If friend doesn't like it a firm calm restating of your boundaries. I love you and your kids. I love dog. I'm not willing to have the kids at risk by the dog reacting to their attempts to play. Dog is not a toy and is not used to kids. Kids are inadvertently acting in a manner that dog can see as a threat. End of discussion. Don't be bullied into a situation that you are not comfortable being in.

    I agree with all of this ...but I wouldn't want to have to put my dog in another room. We had a very grumpy Dachshund with a lot of medical problems. Our guests were always told what they were allowed/not allowed to do around him. It was his house too..he shouldn't have to be put away. Your friend needs to respect your house and your rules...your dog shouldn't have to suffer and be shut away(IMO).
    And now I'm sad talking about him because today actually marks the one year anniversary of his death. He was 15.5 years old. RIP <3
    Has anyone watched that new show The Briefcase?

    I watched an episode the other night
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    This isn't a confession but it seems like a good place to put it. Children's books are still relevant to my life, apparently.

  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    and a funnel cake with ice cream, strawberries and cream cheese icing


    This looks amazing.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    907 pages of lurking, and now I'm going to try poking in. Hello everyone, I hope your Saturday is going well.

    Here is a confession: Lately, I've been wanting to take all the training my therapist has been having me do and chuck it out the window. (I'm autistic and a whole bunch of other things.) I'm frustrated by the idea that I have to do all this work to understand, communicate, and act like a normal person, but no one is willing to do the same for me. I'm a huge believer in equivalent exchange (Fullmetal Alchemist, anyone), and while it would be illogical to expect that from strangers, it would be nice to experience this from family and friends. At least meet me halfway, y'know?

    Welcome. Have you told your family and friends what you need from them? Good luck and welcome again!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I feel so woefully behind that there was no way I'd every catch up. :disappointed:

    I ended up with some urinary infection (which after straight cranberry juice (like 7g of sugar straight) and antibiotics, I think I've managed to kick it!

    Also, I went to my brother-in-law's birthday party which was a bonfire and managed to get drunk off of two drinks. I had to drink A LOT of water and eat what I could to sober up (which I did) because I was the DD. I drove everyone home, got his support with my anorexia, and then made the hour drive home.

    After four hours of sleep I ran a 10k (came in FIRST in my age group).

    I did struggle this week for a couple of days with body image and was spiraling (I kept leaving the gym crying). But I think I'm needing more rest, because after a good night's sleep, I was in a better space.

    Today I wore a swimsuit for the first time in around four years and a two piece since I was like, 2? lol. It's a tankini, but I'm looking for a monokini. It felt good to swim again. :smiley:

    You sound like you are making some overall good progress. Congrats on your race time! Way to go. Swimming and sleep are both good for the soul in my opinion. Water can be so soothing and being rested, well that does make everything better.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mom216 wrote: »
    I told a friend she looked beautiful in a new outfit. My real thoughts..... she looked fat & awful. The style did absolutely nothing for her shape. Would a real friend tell her the truth? I don't want to hurt her feelings; she believes she looks like a rock star. :*
    I would have told her the truth, nicely. I would never lie to a friend about something like that.
    Also, I would be really pissed if someone let me walk around thinking I looked great if I looked awful.
    What wording would you have used? Particularly if she thought she looked great?

    That outfit does not sit on you very well. Why don't you try (whatever suggestion or alternate clothes I might have).
    Ok, I get it, but I don't think I could ever say that to someone who wasn't asking for an opinion. I bought a new dress yesterday which I love and feel great in. I wore it to a family party last night and several people said nice things about it and how I looked in it. I would have been pretty upset if someone had pulled me aside and told me it looked bad.
    Ok, I am gonna confess that I might not even be that nice about it......

    It might go something more like this:

    Friend walks into the room in new outfit

    Me: WTF is up with that outfit? It's terrible, did the place not have mirrors??

    I can be pretty crass about such things to be quite honest.....
    On the flip side, if something looks good, I will say so, and everybody knows I mean it.

    Perhaps it does not come off on this thread, but I am known to be quite blunt and straight forward.....about looks, behaviors and opinions.....however, when I say looks, I do not mean I am shallow.....I do not judge anyone for things they cannot control. I only mean when someone clearly is an error in judgement, like having fat rolls hanging out the bottom of your shirt, or being filthy all the time etc.

    Huh, nope, cold not do that :).

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mom216 wrote: »
    I told a friend she looked beautiful in a new outfit. My real thoughts..... she looked fat & awful. The style did absolutely nothing for her shape. Would a real friend tell her the truth? I don't want to hurt her feelings; she believes she looks like a rock star. :*
    I would have told her the truth, nicely. I would never lie to a friend about something like that.
    Also, I would be really pissed if someone let me walk around thinking I looked great if I looked awful.
    What wording would you have used? Particularly if she thought she looked great?

    That outfit does not sit on you very well. Why don't you try (whatever suggestion or alternate clothes I might have).
    Ok, I get it, but I don't think I could ever say that to someone who wasn't asking for an opinion. I bought a new dress yesterday which I love and feel great in. I wore it to a family party last night and several people said nice things about it and how I looked in it. I would have been pretty upset if someone had pulled me aside and told me it looked bad.
    Ok, I am gonna confess that I might not even be that nice about it......

    It might go something more like this:

    Friend walks into the room in new outfit

    Me: WTF is up with that outfit? It's terrible, did the place not have mirrors??

    I can be pretty crass about such things to be quite honest.....
    On the flip side, if something looks good, I will say so, and everybody knows I mean it.

    Perhaps it does not come off on this thread, but I am known to be quite blunt and straight forward.....about looks, behaviors and opinions.....however, when I say looks, I do not mean I am shallow.....I do not judge anyone for things they cannot control. I only mean when someone clearly is an error in judgement, like having fat rolls hanging out the bottom of your shirt, or being filthy all the time etc.

    Huh, nope, cold not do that :).
    No, me neither, and I'd cry if someone said that to me.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    edited June 2015
    mom216 wrote: »
    I told a friend she looked beautiful in a new outfit. My real thoughts..... she looked fat & awful. The style did absolutely nothing for her shape. Would a real friend tell her the truth? I don't want to hurt her feelings; she believes she looks like a rock star. :*

    I would want to be told. Preferably by someone I know loves me, regardless. My husband always lets me know if something doesn't look good on me. I value his opinion, especially since he's really the only person I care to impress. But, I still get my daughters' opinions as back-up verification. They have NO trouble telling me the truth.
    Whether to tell or not depends on whether it can be changed or not. My grandmother said, you never tell someone at the party that they have a run in their stocking unless you have a spare to offer. Otherwise, you're just ruining their fun by making them self-conscious.

    Of course, if you catch the fashion offender before she leaves home, there are tactful ways to be honest without being hurtful or robbing her of her confidence. However, if she is confident and felling good, she is going to have more fun in her choice than in whatever tasteful modifications are made.

    Remember, most men can't tell a good ensemble from a bad one, they can only tell that a woman looks like she's looking good.

    Edit- Dirt on my screen was masquerading as punctuation.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Eignara wrote: »
    When I watch workout videos on Youtube, I'm never flexible enough to do the moves or I just can't figure out how to do it. My body just won't, and I get too tired before the video ends. Usually, they are about 15 minutes long. Then I get discouraged and go to sleep :/

    If the video is too hard you might want to scale back to something easier until you're more flexible and fit. If it is just a case of learning the move sometimes some homework is required. Try watching the video ahead of time and making sure that it is something you're able to do and want to do. Good luck! :)

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    and a funnel cake with ice cream, strawberries and cream cheese icing


    This looks amazing.

    Everyone keeps posting that it looks amazing, but I confess it just kind of looks like bloody brains to me. Zombie attack! :)
  • Jazzybrass
    Jazzybrass Posts: 41 Member
    I forgot to quote the previous posters talking about hair and am too lazy to go back and find them. To the poster with long blonde hair; it looks incredible! It looks like it passed waist length a while ago. Do you measure your waist by your belly button or the narrowest part of your torso.

    My hair is fingertip length and I love it. it is so much easier to style than when I had shorter hair. I shove it back in a plait every day.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jazzybrass wrote: »
    I forgot to quote the previous posters talking about hair and am too lazy to go back and find them. To the poster with long blonde hair; it looks incredible! It looks like it passed waist length a while ago. Do you measure your waist by your belly button or the narrowest part of your torso.

    My hair is fingertip length and I love it. it is so much easier to style than when I had shorter hair. I shove it back in a plait every day.

    That was @nonoelmo, I believe... (tagged her for you) ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    This isn't a confession but it seems like a good place to put it. Children's books are still relevant to my life, apparently.

    I loved this.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    I got cow kicked in the knee today when a horse I was cooling off was pissed about flies. I'll let you know if I can top that... It was a pretty hard kick.

    Ouch. At least the kid that hit me apologized. Post a picture.

    Actually it didn't end up bruising too badly. I was kind of surprised. Your bruise definitely beat mine. I concede the victory to you. ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Today's confession.

    I brought up the stepdaughter thing with my husband yesterday because we haven't seen or heard from her since she graced us with her presence Monday, and it did not go well. I think I might be PMSing because I lost it. I yelled, said things I shouldn't have, then cried afterward. I felt bad because I started in on him basically as soon as he walked in the door. He told me he should have just stayed at work. I hate it when he says that.

    Anyway, after both of us calmed down, he said that I need to let him handle things his way but he is going to talk to her. I will not be a part of that conversation which is best for everyone. He expressed that he doesn't feel like she's taking advantage of us because he's her dad and he would do the same for Rachael. He also said this is NOT how he pictured a life with her and he's very upset (sad) that she doesn't want to be in our circle (I laughed a little when he described our family as a circle).

    I appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers because I don't want this to put a strain on our marriage especially when we leave for Florida in 15 days and we're getting ready to celebrate 15 years of marriage.

    On a positive note, if I'm PMSing this early, that means my period is coming soon and I'll be done before my trip.

    I hope he does talk to her and it all works out for your family! Is Rachael going on vacation with you and hubby?

    Um, no. This is really like a belated honeymoon since we didn't have one the first time around. She's pretty peeved about not going, but I told her that I've waited 15 years for this so she'll just have to get over it. She's going later in July with my mom anyway, so it's not like she's not going to miss out. Really, the only things she'll miss out on are our incessant make out sessions, hand holding, and occasional (probably more on his part) butt grabbing/patting. I'm sure she's not at all sad about missing out on those things. :wink:

    I hope things work out too because we REALLY do want her to be a part of our circle. :smile:

    We got married last March - honeymoon was Maui in April. We were the only old people constantly making out in the pool at our resort. We had a very quiet beach at night. Let me just tell you this - sand doesn't give as much as you may think. Sex on the beach wasn't nearly as much fun as I thought it was going to be.

    I don't plan on finding out. I'm a bit of a prude, so no hanky panky for us outside our room and most likely on the bed only. I'm quite boring. My poor, poor husband.

    This actually surprises me...

    Really?! Why?!

    You don't at all seem boring or conservative. More fun loving. So I would assume that translates to all parts of your life. (Assuming you really were asking me and not just being tongue in cheek...sometimes it's hard to tell in here).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Sigh I don't have time to catch up this am... I'll have to do it tonight. I need to catch up before the rapid posting begins again on Monday!