

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Alright, I'm now reduced to taking notes so I can respond to posts.... @Coastalpath , @raelynnsmama52512 , @FroggyBug and @xLoveLikeWinterx , I'm so sorry you gals are going through such rough patches right now. :'( In true fix-it style, I wish I had solutions or helpful advice... but all I've got is empathy.

    And @susieqhusband, the bad-hair llama lady also requests that you provide your wife with a Fitbit! Heck, look at the money she's already saved you on all that live-in staff that she doesn't want (and, no, I didn't know that was the norm).

    Most of the time I really enjoy driving. I wouldn't put up with being told I couldn't drive because of my gender. Good thing I live in North America!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i'm attempting to "date" again...and it's seemingly terrible. i think staying home, getting drunk and dancing around my kitchen with the dogs might be a way better option.

    went out with a dude on saturday evening. went to a local bar for beverages and chatting, and had a really fun time. i'd had a few dates previously that were kinda meh, so i thought ok cool, finally a fun time!

    have some beverages, play a bunch of songs on the jukebox (are they still called that?), lots of fun convo and eventually the evening wears down and it's time to call it a night. and dude's like oh, i'm having such a good time with you, let's go back to your place to "snuggle" for a while. (and yes, he literally said snuggle).
    and he starts to get all huffy about it. and i'm like dude, i had a lot of fun on this FIRST date, but i think there should be a few more before i'm inviting you back to my place. and he starts freaking out, wanting to know how i couldn't trust him, he's such a good guy and just liked being with me so much he didn't see what the big deal was. he just wants to hold me and snuggle for awhile! so we argue back and forth about it for a few minutes and finally i say i'm done, have a good night and leave.

    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Wow. Just wow. There is definitely something wrong with HIM! And "snuggle"? Really?

    Sorry it ended on such a crappy note, but I feel like you dodged a bullet by finding out what a douche he can be right at the beginning.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal eee I know the feeling when the guy is nice enough but that spark just isn't there and he keeps trying to touch you haha I hate that! At least you made a new friend and now you don't have to think 'what if' if you hadn't gone!

    Lol yep it was pretty awkward and I am actually glad I went! Thank you all for the positive thoughts this week

    That is so awkward!
    I once went on a date and the guy was really into me, and I just was not feeling we had went out for dinner and then went to a club I frequented....I thought he might have clued in when I kept introducing him as my friend and not my date, but he didn't. Finally, he leans into me and tells me how much he likes me....and I decide to be honest, and tell him he is a great guy but I am just not feeling it, that I will dance with him and such the rest of the night but I did not see it going anywhere.....he seemed fine, bought us another round of drinks, and then went to the bathroom, and NEVER RETURNED. He drove, so I was stranded a city away, at a night club. I was not impressed.....

    this is one of my biggest fears! ugh, that's so terrible! :(
    guys keep offering to pick me up and i'm like no thanks! a few seem put off by it, but your story is the EXACT reason why.

    I agree with you. On a first date, when it's with someone I don't know, I'd much prefer to meet them somewhere rather than them know where my house is.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Way behind again. :( Here are some things I wanted to comment on:
    How are things going with the boyfriend?

    Blah. I am so torn on this still. He keeps saying he wants to try but at the same time he admitted that whenever we fight now he withdraws more and more. He basically wants to start over and take things slow. I've only been seeing him about 3 hours each week. Since I'm a lady, I always think talking things over and working on it makes more sense but that's just me I guess...
    He is still planning on spending the day before my bday and my bday with me Friday and Saturday so I'm curious to see how it goes.

    I'm sick of being so negative and down about everything. I can't wait to be happy again.

    I am not judging (well him maybe a little) but how do you start over after 11 years?

    Exactly, it just sounds silly.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Way behind again. :( Here are some things I wanted to comment on:
    How are things going with the boyfriend?

    Blah. I am so torn on this still. He keeps saying he wants to try but at the same time he admitted that whenever we fight now he withdraws more and more. He basically wants to start over and take things slow. I've only been seeing him about 3 hours each week. Since I'm a lady, I always think talking things over and working on it makes more sense but that's just me I guess...
    He is still planning on spending the day before my bday and my bday with me Friday and Saturday so I'm curious to see how it goes.

    I'm sick of being so negative and down about everything. I can't wait to be happy again.

    So he wants you both to just pretend it never happened and carry on as normal? I wouldn't think that would be possible. Maybe it's because I'm a woman as well, but I definitely would want to talk things over.

    Obviously it's up to you and what YOU can deal with. Can you forgive & forget? Truly forgive him, and never bring it up again? There's no wrong answer. Whichever way you go, make sure you are happy.

    And sorry you're still stuck in this hard situation.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Guys, remember that London Dairy new ice cream flavor I mentioned? The Red Velvet Cheesecake one? IT IS TO DIE FOR. Seriously. It's SO good! It has swirls of ooey gooey red velvet caramel-textured stuff, chunks of a dense, chewy red velvet cake, and generously sized chunks of cheesecake. The ice cream itself has a cream cheese-like taste, similar to cream cheese frosting but not as sweet or rich. SO GOOD.

    The other two are okay. I'm just sad that the cheesecake one is finished because I shared it with my husband (he didn't like the other two). :p

    This was not nice. I want this now.

    Oops. I'm sorry! :( I figured that since you get all the good ice cream in the United States, you'd be able to get this one or at least one like it. :o

    Oh I am sure I can. I just can't. You know? ;)

    Makes sense! ;)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, no one really took me up on our daily motivation, but I am going to go ahead and share progress anyway.

    Steps: 19, 903 (vs. 25K goal) due to rain and help at barn, as I didn't do quite as much walking as I might normally due as I had help. +
    Never got to my run. I had forgotten my shoes so had clothes but no shoes at barn. So had to come home (kiss of death) and try to motivate myself. Well, after eating, and dealing with a washing machine mess (standing water due to clogged filter from washing bathroom mat that disintegrated) it was 10:00. I just couldn't get myself out then. +
    No alcohol +
    Did not work on dissertation. For the above reasons.

    So not great. Today:

    Flying to Dallas on a 6:40 flight (hence being up so early) for a meeting. So... this is really going to be a challenge but going to try to:

    Walk 10K
    Run 1 hour
    Work in dissertation (I will use the plane trip to read some articles I have lined up for my literature review)
    No alcohol (this will also be challenging as I am going out with some of my team for 'drinks' as I am in Dallas and we don't see each other much.

    So...on 3 hours sleep off I go. I'll probably check in at airport, etc. Have a great day all.

    Way to go POF! I think you did pretty well on your goals, given what life threw (sp? that looks wrong, but I think it's right) at you. Man, three hours of sleep would have me sleeping on the plane rather than dissertating, but way to be a good grad student :)

    I like this - are we going to do this here or in the Batcave? I'm sure I'll find out as I catch up this morning, but I'll contribute, too.

    Yesterday I just *barely* hit my 10K steps. 100+ weather in the northwest, which is crazy hot for us, it should be 75ish. I was supposed to get a good step count in by walking Wilbur, but he was having none of it. Poor delicate 80 pound baby ;) I did a 3 mile run first thing in the morning and then errands/food prep for the rest of the day.

    Today, I've already gotten my SL 5X5 in, and walked to work, will walk home and go to the gym for an Insanity class (supposed to be kickboxing, but swapped out for the month). With Wilbur's mini-walks I should hit about 15K steps.

    Is it such a bad thing that I'm picturing you walking an enormous, fat, pot-bellied pig whenever you say his name? Because I totally do, thanks to Charlotte's Web--Wilbur will always be a pig name for me. :p
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    BAHAHAHAH Mr. Susie is funny!

    Yup, he is. I'm constantly laughing at him, so much so that he calls me his gigglebox. :p

    Random and completely off-topic: With all the housekeeper talk, I wondered if anyone here knows how common it is to have a LIVE-IN maid in the Middle East? Almost every family that's middle income or higher has a housemaid living in their house--it's so popular that houses are built with a "maid's room" in the blueprints! In my family, we grew up having them, but I've always hated it SO MUCH because I really treasure my privacy--she was never allowed to come anywhere near my room or my stuff unless I was supervising, and generally I cleaned and cooked for myself, even when I was living at home. I hate the whole idea of it, and completely banished the idea of a live-in maid as soon as I got married, which my husband thankfully agrees with me about.

    Here in Saudi Arabia, since women aren't allowed to drive, almost everyone also has a driver living with them as well--usually in an outdoor room. Driver's rooms are also a very common built-in feature of Saudi Arabian houses.

    I'm just curious if this knowledge is commonly-known, or if it's going to surprise everyone. :D

    I did not know that but I wish I did have a house keeper!

    I didn't know about that either. I have to ask, what does the driver do when a person doesn't need to go anywhere? Does he hang out in the rest of the house, or stays in his own room all day?

    I'd like to have a live-in cook. I can handle the cleaning, but boy would it ever be nice to have my meals taken care of. I'd love to get home from work and have a healthy supper ready & waiting for me. And I'd never have to plan or pack my lunches!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited June 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I cried a lot this afternoon....a LOT

    I am not gonna lie, grief bacon for the win! Perhaps during the week when I can just ignore the phone it won't be so bad....

    Things have relaxed for now in intensity, but no resolution.......

    My fitbit is charging now and seemed to be counting once I charged it a bit, so fingers crossed that it is ok.....weird that it did not warn me with an email before dying, but just gonna hope its a fluke at this point....

    Did anyone see the second part of my left at the bar story? Someone (sorry, can't remember who), asked if I was there for a long time, so I told the rest of what happened, but it got trapped at the bottom of a page and it took me a bit to find it, so I am wondering if anyone actually saw it or not......

    P.S. - then I have a DEAD spider, which is not much better.....what do you suggest I do with that??

    I saw the second part and I would have super mad at my friend as well. Girls are supposed to look out for each other

    As for the spider I would vacuum that sucker up. Oh yes I would

    That's the agreement I have with ALL spiders that come into the house. They can live in the house, but they have to survive the vacuum cleaner. If they survive the vacuum cleaner, then they have to LIVE in the vacuum cleaner for the rest of their days or be revacuumed.

    For all you cat lovers on this thread, don't your cats hunt spiders? I am not a cat person, but every once in awhile a make an agreement with our barn cats that they can have a reprieve in our house if they promise to catch all of the spiders.

    My cat Shade eats spiders...she caught a Texas Yellow Garden spider and she killed and was ripping it apart yesterday...

    This is what they look like:


    That is not a spider. That is a prop in a horror story. Or a dinosaur. My sanity would not survive if that showed up in my house.

    I would throw the keys at it and leave as it would now own the house.

    There's a funny picture I like that says "I found a spider in my house today so I got a tissue and very carefully burned the house down"
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I cried a lot this afternoon....a LOT

    I am not gonna lie, grief bacon for the win! Perhaps during the week when I can just ignore the phone it won't be so bad....

    Things have relaxed for now in intensity, but no resolution.......

    My fitbit is charging now and seemed to be counting once I charged it a bit, so fingers crossed that it is ok.....weird that it did not warn me with an email before dying, but just gonna hope its a fluke at this point....

    Did anyone see the second part of my left at the bar story? Someone (sorry, can't remember who), asked if I was there for a long time, so I told the rest of what happened, but it got trapped at the bottom of a page and it took me a bit to find it, so I am wondering if anyone actually saw it or not......

    P.S. - then I have a DEAD spider, which is not much better.....what do you suggest I do with that??

    I saw the second part and I would have super mad at my friend as well. Girls are supposed to look out for each other

    As for the spider I would vacuum that sucker up. Oh yes I would

    That's the agreement I have with ALL spiders that come into the house. They can live in the house, but they have to survive the vacuum cleaner. If they survive the vacuum cleaner, then they have to LIVE in the vacuum cleaner for the rest of their days or be revacuumed.

    For all you cat lovers on this thread, don't your cats hunt spiders? I am not a cat person, but every once in awhile a make an agreement with our barn cats that they can have a reprieve in our house if they promise to catch all of the spiders.

    My cat Shade eats spiders...she caught a Texas Yellow Garden spider and she killed and was ripping it apart yesterday...

    This is what they look like:


    That is not a spider. That is a prop in a horror story. Or a dinosaur. My sanity would not survive if that showed up in my house.

    I would throw the keys at it and leave as it would now own the house.

    There's funny picture I like that says "I found a spider in my house today so I got a tissue and very carefully burned the house down"

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh finally have to start my meeting. So here is an update on my progress to date. Got to hotel. Had enough time to run and shower before meeting so ate a power bar to hold me over as I ate at 3:30 this am. Then got caught by this thread. Missed window. But now needed to grab lunch before meeting. So...wasted 240 calories. Now I have to force myself to run after "drinks" tonight. To make up for the extra calories. Hopefully reporting back to you all will make this happen!

    ETA I thought I posted this hours ago!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Checking in from page 1084 I'm far behind so won't quote anything. Back from a day at Goodwood Festival of Speed was brilliant and enjoyed my pieminister beef and ale pie followed by a large Mr Whippy. My Fitbit says I did 12500 steps so I'm not even sorry!

    I have to ask....what's a Mr. Whippy?

    Haha not sure if anyone has answered this...if you are not from/in UK it probably sounds strange. It's soft scoop whipped ice cream in a cone with a chocolate flake. Also known as a 99 from when they used to cost 99 pence (sterling). They are served from an ice cream van. Reminds me of childhood!

    I seen Orange post about clotted cream & was wondering is that more of a whipped cream, cottage cheese, or yogurt?
    Clotted cream isn't much like whipped cream at all. It's made by slowly heating full-cream milk and letting the fat rise to the surface. The clotted cream forms a kind of crust and the whole top layer gets spooned off. That all sounds pretty vile but it's really the most amazingly delicious thing.

    Sounds yummy to me! So is it used mostly on ice creams?
    Not really, although that does sound delicious. More on scones with jam (this, plus a pot of tea is a 'cream tea' and is a thing of beauty), or on something like warm apple pie or a plum crumble (a crumble is a baked fruit dessert with a butter/flour/brown sugar topping - a bit like a 'crisp' but without oats in the topping). Yum. Can you tell I'm hungry?!

    Yum that all sounds so good. I'll take an order of the plum crumble but maybe with apples instead & extra, extra, extra crumble:D.
    Yep! Can do. It would look like this. No wonder I got fat, I used to make desserts like this all the time.

    Omg, I'll take one too! Yum!

    Also...I'm excited that so many of us are Fitbit friends now! :smiley:

    You guys know I now need a Fitbit. I cannot be left out.

    Ok, I have a fitbit and want to be included lol. Add me if you want! // . I haven't used it in a few weeks but I may have to charge it up tonight! :smiley:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    This is such a cute idea and I love all your posts. I cut a watermelon in half and eat out the middle with a spoon and then only log one cup. All.....the.....time. It keeps me from eating (and doing) bad things due to a state of hangry. Sometimes an active girl just NEEDS to grab a spoon and a watermelon to keep everyone else around her alive. I would also totally eat dried chocolate powder ANYTHING is I was having a craving, so I get that one!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Because he can't handle how dating website girls aren't easy lays?

    Since "snuggle" sounds like code for "go to your place and proceed to manipulate/coerce/guilt trip you into putting out", I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one. Ick.

    Isn't that what Tinder is for?

    (I've never used it so don't actually know how it works)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Alright, I'm now reduced to taking notes so I can respond to posts.... @Coastalpath , @raelynnsmama52512 , @FroggyBug and @xLoveLikeWinterx , I'm so sorry you gals are going through such rough patches right now. :'( In true fix-it style, I wish I had solutions or helpful advice... but all I've got is empathy.

    And @susieqhusband, the bad-hair llama lady also requests that you provide your wife with a Fitbit! Heck, look at the money she's already saved you on all that live-in staff that she doesn't want (and, no, I didn't know that was the norm).

    Most of the time I really enjoy driving. I wouldn't put up with being told I couldn't drive because of my gender. Good thing I live in North America!

    LOL at the live-in staff part. :p

    Preventing women from driving has NO basis in Islam, honestly. The excuse they use is that "women will use the driving to go to places that are forbidden and do forbidden things." Seriously?! Putting a woman in the car with an unrelated male driver IS actually forbidden in Islam, and that's supposed to be a better solution somehow than letting a woman drive her OWN car?

    I don't think it's the government's job to "discipline" women as to where they can drive--That's up to their fathers, up to an agreement between their husbands and them about where they can't go (does that even make sense, though? "Wife, please don't go hang out with random men, okay?"). And who's to say that GUYS don't drive to "forbidden places and do forbidden things"? I hate everything about this so-called justification. -_-

    Star fact: As a form of protest, a Saudi Arabian lady living in Emirates who holds an international driver's license tried to drive through the border into Saudi Arabia, and was prevented. When she insisted that it was her right to enter her home country, the government magically made her "disappear". When another female friend drove to the border to bring her fresh clothing and a toothbrush and such, she "disappeared" as well. One month later, some news surfaced that they were being tried IN A TERRORISM COURT, and then later on were released and pardoned after THREE MONTHS OF IMPRISONMENT. Yes, seriously.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I cried a lot this afternoon....a LOT

    I am not gonna lie, grief bacon for the win! Perhaps during the week when I can just ignore the phone it won't be so bad....

    Things have relaxed for now in intensity, but no resolution.......

    My fitbit is charging now and seemed to be counting once I charged it a bit, so fingers crossed that it is ok.....weird that it did not warn me with an email before dying, but just gonna hope its a fluke at this point....

    Did anyone see the second part of my left at the bar story? Someone (sorry, can't remember who), asked if I was there for a long time, so I told the rest of what happened, but it got trapped at the bottom of a page and it took me a bit to find it, so I am wondering if anyone actually saw it or not......

    P.S. - then I have a DEAD spider, which is not much better.....what do you suggest I do with that??

    I saw the second part and I would have super mad at my friend as well. Girls are supposed to look out for each other

    As for the spider I would vacuum that sucker up. Oh yes I would

    That's the agreement I have with ALL spiders that come into the house. They can live in the house, but they have to survive the vacuum cleaner. If they survive the vacuum cleaner, then they have to LIVE in the vacuum cleaner for the rest of their days or be revacuumed.

    For all you cat lovers on this thread, don't your cats hunt spiders? I am not a cat person, but every once in awhile a make an agreement with our barn cats that they can have a reprieve in our house if they promise to catch all of the spiders.

    My cat Shade eats spiders...she caught a Texas Yellow Garden spider and she killed and was ripping it apart yesterday...

    This is what they look like:


    That is not a spider. That is a prop in a horror story. Or a dinosaur. My sanity would not survive if that showed up in my house.

    I would throw the keys at it and leave as it would now own the house.
    There's a funny picture I like that says "I found a spider in my house today so I got a tissue and very carefully burned the house down"

    BA! Lost it over that one, snorted all over the place :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited June 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Guys, remember that London Dairy new ice cream flavor I mentioned? The Red Velvet Cheesecake one? IT IS TO DIE FOR. Seriously. It's SO good! It has swirls of ooey gooey red velvet caramel-textured stuff, chunks of a dense, chewy red velvet cake, and generously sized chunks of cheesecake. The ice cream itself has a cream cheese-like taste, similar to cream cheese frosting but not as sweet or rich. SO GOOD.

    The other two are okay. I'm just sad that the cheesecake one is finished because I shared it with my husband (he didn't like the other two). :p

    This was not nice. I want this now.

    Oops. I'm sorry! :( I figured that since you get all the good ice cream in the United States, you'd be able to get this one or at least one like it. :o

    Oh I am sure I can. I just can't. You know? ;)

    Makes sense! ;)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, no one really took me up on our daily motivation, but I am going to go ahead and share progress anyway.

    Steps: 19, 903 (vs. 25K goal) due to rain and help at barn, as I didn't do quite as much walking as I might normally due as I had help. +
    Never got to my run. I had forgotten my shoes so had clothes but no shoes at barn. So had to come home (kiss of death) and try to motivate myself. Well, after eating, and dealing with a washing machine mess (standing water due to clogged filter from washing bathroom mat that disintegrated) it was 10:00. I just couldn't get myself out then. +
    No alcohol +
    Did not work on dissertation. For the above reasons.

    So not great. Today:

    Flying to Dallas on a 6:40 flight (hence being up so early) for a meeting. So... this is really going to be a challenge but going to try to:

    Walk 10K
    Run 1 hour
    Work in dissertation (I will use the plane trip to read some articles I have lined up for my literature review)
    No alcohol (this will also be challenging as I am going out with some of my team for 'drinks' as I am in Dallas and we don't see each other much.

    So...on 3 hours sleep off I go. I'll probably check in at airport, etc. Have a great day all.

    Way to go POF! I think you did pretty well on your goals, given what life threw (sp? that looks wrong, but I think it's right) at you. Man, three hours of sleep would have me sleeping on the plane rather than dissertating, but way to be a good grad student :)

    I like this - are we going to do this here or in the Batcave? I'm sure I'll find out as I catch up this morning, but I'll contribute, too.

    Yesterday I just *barely* hit my 10K steps. 100+ weather in the northwest, which is crazy hot for us, it should be 75ish. I was supposed to get a good step count in by walking Wilbur, but he was having none of it. Poor delicate 80 pound baby ;) I did a 3 mile run first thing in the morning and then errands/food prep for the rest of the day.

    Today, I've already gotten my SL 5X5 in, and walked to work, will walk home and go to the gym for an Insanity class (supposed to be kickboxing, but swapped out for the month). With Wilbur's mini-walks I should hit about 15K steps.

    Is it such a bad thing that I'm picturing you walking an enormous, fat, pot-bellied pig whenever you say his name? Because I totally do, thanks to Charlotte's Web--Wilbur will always be a pig name for me. :p
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    BAHAHAHAH Mr. Susie is funny!

    Yup, he is. I'm constantly laughing at him, so much so that he calls me his gigglebox. :p

    Random and completely off-topic: With all the housekeeper talk, I wondered if anyone here knows how common it is to have a LIVE-IN maid in the Middle East? Almost every family that's middle income or higher has a housemaid living in their house--it's so popular that houses are built with a "maid's room" in the blueprints! In my family, we grew up having them, but I've always hated it SO MUCH because I really treasure my privacy--she was never allowed to come anywhere near my room or my stuff unless I was supervising, and generally I cleaned and cooked for myself, even when I was living at home. I hate the whole idea of it, and completely banished the idea of a live-in maid as soon as I got married, which my husband thankfully agrees with me about.

    Here in Saudi Arabia, since women aren't allowed to drive, almost everyone also has a driver living with them as well--usually in an outdoor room. Driver's rooms are also a very common built-in feature of Saudi Arabian houses.

    I'm just curious if this knowledge is commonly-known, or if it's going to surprise everyone. :D

    I did not know that but I wish I did have a house keeper!

    I didn't know about that either. I have to ask, what does the driver do when a person doesn't need to go anywhere? Does he hang out in the rest of the house, or stays in his own room all day?

    I'd like to have a live-in cook. I can handle the cleaning, but boy would it ever be nice to have my meals taken care of. I'd love to get home from work and have a healthy supper ready & waiting for me. And I'd never have to plan or pack my lunches!

    Since the women are in the house, no--the driver is generally not allowed to enter the house at all. He just gets to sit around in his room until he's needed. He drops off and picks up kids from school, the woman of the house to and from work, and drives them to the malls/grocery stores/whatever is needed.

    It actually seriously gives me the heebie jeebies to imagine letting a strange man take anyone's kids to school with no supervision whatsoever... The drivers are often brought from countries like India or Pakistan and put straight to work. How do you know what they might or might not be doing with your kids? Or even to the woman of the house when she's alone with him, for that matter?

    Editing to add: Maids are expected to clean, cook, and babysit all in one go. There are horror stories about what maids have been caught doing to kids on nanny cams, though--a lot of people nowadays are much more wary of letting the maid watch their kids.

    Although, the standard fare that maids cook can rarely be considered anything close to "healthy" or even "calorie controlled". :p
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Because he can't handle how dating website girls aren't easy lays?

    Since "snuggle" sounds like code for "go to your place and proceed to manipulate/coerce/guilt trip you into putting out", I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one. Ick.

    Isn't that what Tinder is for?

    (I've never used it so don't actually know how it works)

    That's what I thought originally too but I guess it's becoming more and more like a dating site... I never used it either but from what friends tell me people use it for both- which is I guess just like other dating sites they're supposed to be used for dating but tons just browse looking for a quick easy thing...LAME.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I cried a lot this afternoon....a LOT

    I am not gonna lie, grief bacon for the win! Perhaps during the week when I can just ignore the phone it won't be so bad....

    Things have relaxed for now in intensity, but no resolution.......

    My fitbit is charging now and seemed to be counting once I charged it a bit, so fingers crossed that it is ok.....weird that it did not warn me with an email before dying, but just gonna hope its a fluke at this point....

    Did anyone see the second part of my left at the bar story? Someone (sorry, can't remember who), asked if I was there for a long time, so I told the rest of what happened, but it got trapped at the bottom of a page and it took me a bit to find it, so I am wondering if anyone actually saw it or not......

    P.S. - then I have a DEAD spider, which is not much better.....what do you suggest I do with that??

    I saw the second part and I would have super mad at my friend as well. Girls are supposed to look out for each other

    As for the spider I would vacuum that sucker up. Oh yes I would

    That's the agreement I have with ALL spiders that come into the house. They can live in the house, but they have to survive the vacuum cleaner. If they survive the vacuum cleaner, then they have to LIVE in the vacuum cleaner for the rest of their days or be revacuumed.

    For all you cat lovers on this thread, don't your cats hunt spiders? I am not a cat person, but every once in awhile a make an agreement with our barn cats that they can have a reprieve in our house if they promise to catch all of the spiders.

    My cat Shade eats spiders...she caught a Texas Yellow Garden spider and she killed and was ripping it apart yesterday...

    This is what they look like:


    That is not a spider. That is a prop in a horror story. Or a dinosaur. My sanity would not survive if that showed up in my house.

    I would throw the keys at it and leave as it would now own the house.

    There's a funny picture I like that says "I found a spider in my house today so I got a tissue and very carefully burned the house down"

    Bahahaha! I love that!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @pofoster21 Since you're in my city of birth take a run out to Carrollton, TX and let me know how it is out there! Haha kidding! That's where I lived when my family was there and I guess now the neighborhood we lived in is a pretty bad area. Sad face :(
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Because he can't handle how dating website girls aren't easy lays?

    Since "snuggle" sounds like code for "go to your place and proceed to manipulate/coerce/guilt trip you into putting out", I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one. Ick.

    Isn't that what Tinder is for?

    (I've never used it so don't actually know how it works)

    I thought it was a legit dating site (saw a show about it, maybe Doc Zone??) but that -- like every other dating site, says my cynical side -- it was primarily used as a hookup site.

    The one that really bugs me is Ashley Madison, which apparently is specifically for married/committed dudes to find a discreet piece on the side. >:)

    For the record, I have nothing against casual hookups provided all parties involved are on the same page about the nature of the interaction. Hidden agendas and pretense always annoy me.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    edited June 2015

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    That cafe sounds amazing! If I'm ever up that way I'll have to get the name of the cafe from you, I love afternoon tea so much.
    Holy smokes, you guys! I thought this thread slowed down on the weekends. LOL I have work to do!!! I also have an interview this afternoon for a promotion here, so if you could spare any extra mojo, I'd appreciate it!

    *slinks off to catch up*

    Super good luck with your interview! I hope it went/will go okay? (Unless you've already posted how it went in which case sorry I missed it haha).
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    Haha this made me laugh. If you're still lurking, hi @Susieqshusband! <waves> (Also buy Susie a fitbit she's super great and deserves it!)
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Because he can't handle how dating website girls aren't easy lays?

    Since "snuggle" sounds like code for "go to your place and proceed to manipulate/coerce/guilt trip you into putting out", I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one. Ick.

    Isn't that what Tinder is for?

    (I've never used it so don't actually know how it works)

    Haha, funny story my boyfriend and I met on Tinder, my flatmates and I used to use it as a joke for each other, it's quite fun deciding who you think is/isnt a good match for people you live with. They were actually the ones who 'matched' me with him, one year on and we're living together! Although I'm sure we're the exception not the rule...