
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    YEA!!!! :)

    Christina, it will be rare to find a life situation that at least someone on here hasn’t experienced. That is one thing that makes this thread so great….we never feel like we are alone in anything. Hang around, it only gets better.

    Annr, purdy skirt yo hubby’s got!!!!! Nice legs too.

    Sue, glad the move is over for you. Now it’s onward and upward.

    Lilian, yes the smoke has made it to SC. Wild isn’t it? You and I are at almost the same place, weight wise. I just got down to 177 after staying in one spot for 3 weeks. Just for fun, wanna see who can lose more in July?? fence.gif I need something to get me more motivated to move, move, move my lazy *kitten*.

    Tessarac, welcome. This is a great place for support and starting with modest goals is a good place to start. We are always allowed to exceed our goals. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. Also please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location (general or specific). Come often. This works.

    Michele NC, I knew that many of us yo yoed, but didn't want to put it on everyone. Ya know, some could have just been fat most of their life? smiley-bounce005.gif Ya know it is so sad when children turn their backs on family. I have a dear friend with 3 boys that each have disowned their parents at some point after getting married. You just wonder what is going through their minds, when the parents have done nothing but love them and given to them their whole lifes. (((Hugs)))

    Kathi, great job in June. Keep up the good work.

    , sorry the staycation is over. When you go back to work, pop in once in a while just to say HI, even if you can’t read all the posts.

    Kate, your weather sounds delightful. I don’t care if it’s hot or cold as long as the humidity is low. I want to know what those high calorie beans taste like? I had to look them up because I didn’t know what they were. I guess if you mix them with things you won’t have to eat too many? If you have more positive energy than you need, feel free so send some my way.

    Beth, I hope the diet works for your son. And yes, it should have lots of food that you can incorporate into your menu.

    , welcome. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. You will find this a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Please sign each post with the name you want us to call you. Come often and join right in.

    Gayle, good for you in using the meditation app.

    Joyce, I do remember the plumbing problems but didn’t realize Charlie wouldn’t use that bathroom. *shakin’ head* These guys. DH always said I’d be in bad shape if I broke both arms at once and couldn’t wipe myself. I’m not too sure he was kidding. I sure hope the gastroenterologist will have something he can prescribe to help.

    Sharon, your coffee outside to enjoy a little quiet time before work sounds like a great way to start the day. I hope the tests for DH go well and he can get the ileostomy reversed soon.

    Kate, 8.5 lbs in a month is wonderful!!! Like you say, it’s a lifestyle change so steady as ya go.

    Allison, you have a wonderful, restful, relaxing trip. Take your time plus some. Lol See how DH likes having to do for himself. Happy 4th to you.

    Mary, is that Friday move in like tomorrow? How wonderful. At least you can start getting settled.

    Heather, you have been doing a great job with writing lately. I think you can take one morning off. Even your brain needs a break. But how many times do I have to tell you to “Step Away From The Cheese”, Please!!! smiley-eatdrink051.gif

    Tulipor, welcome to this great group of supportive women. I’m sure you can lose 10 lbs in a month if you eat right and exercise. You should be able to keep it off with all the walking you’ll do at Disney if you watch what you eat. It’s just more of a challenge when traveling. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you and sign each post with the name you want us to call you.

    Peach, you and I have been married about the same time. It’s a good think we finally figured out our DH and them us. Lol That’s great that he joined MFP and you are on the same journey.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It’s been a lazy day. Read hear for a while, then did my exercising. By then it was time for lunch and a short nap. Neighbor’s teen or early 20’s? son and friends woke me at 2 am last night. They were out in the street having a pow wow. Uggggh Now I have finally caught up here and going to take out the soup I made yesterday and add a few thing to it and let it simmer a while. I can catch up on some recorded TV shows but won’t eat any cheese. (Humm, maybe some chips and dip?) Just kidding. If I need a snack I have some fruit with my name on it.

    I hope you all make wise choices and have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    Yes...here's the link to the website.......


    Christina - what is a NuStep machine? It looks like a recumbant bike, is it?

    ydaily - for some reason I keep thinking that today is Friday. That's not normal for me, I usually can remember what day it is (I use my exercise as the reference point) but I can't seem to get it out of my head today that it isn't Friday

    Gail - oh, yes, share that app. I can use it.

    janetr - I never thought about how men and women weigh themselves, but you're so right

    DJ - tell me about how it can be a real challenge to keep weight off when traveling. When we go to the condo, we're lucky in that I have control over what we have to eat. But it can be so hard when you have to go out. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how many times we've been to Disney when the kids were young. FIL and MIL used to get a discount because they were FL residents, but no more.

    terri - good for you dancing!

    mia - AWESOME pics

    Bev - where in NC are you?

    Lori - one day to the start of a new you. That's the way to start. We all started one day and just continued.

    Michele in NC[/quote]
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member

    Good for you!!! You look terrific!!


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    My linguine with clams was supercalifragiliciousexpialidocious! <3<3<3

    Cynthia - I thought of you as I tipped the poor clams into the hot pan. :sad: Felt very guilty, but I still ate them. :ohwell: I had it really hot so they died quickly at least.. Sorry!

    Heather UK with NO cheese tonight. :bigsmile:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Heather I wish I could find clams near me. Ive tried everywhere but I guess I need to go north or east to get them. It will definitely be a day trip out. I love chowder and want to try to make one low cal. Cheese wise I buy cheese and cut it into 100 cal chunks. That way I know I can have some just not alot. I then crumble it or grate it so it looks more. I individually wrap it so I only grab what I can have.

    Tonights dinner was delicious. Home made tacos. Bought mini soft tortilla @ 94 cals each so I could have 2. Made taco sauce from Quorn mince (its mushroom based the vegetarians eat it) 100g sweetcorn, 100g onion 2 tins (15oz) of chop tomatoes and a packet of el paso taco seasoning. It was delicious and saved a huge amount of calories by not using hamburger/mince. I made the whole pack of quorn to freeze the extra and my serving came out at 198 for the sauce. Could have added lettuce/fresh tomato/guacamole /greek yogurt for less than 450 cals. I added a laughing cow light blue cheese triangle so I had the taste of cheese on my taco. Delicious could not tell it was not beef. Going to throw some mushrooms and peppers in tomorrow and serve it as spaghetti sauce with courgette/zuccini ribbons
    Kate with cheese tonight
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Took about 8 suits to try on and I was starting to get worried, none of them were fitting right for one reason or another. The last one fit okay and it ended up being a size small! 24uzjylbvf75.jpg
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    It can help in knowing how to relate better to them, like the folks on here that have husbands with Asbergers. You don't e><pect someone like that to relate on an emotional level- they really can't. So you focus on concrete things with them. And find your emotional support from someone else.

    Amen to that Miriam!

    I have been trying to explain to my Aspie husband what I need from him on an emotional level lately and HE JUST DOESN'T UNDERSTAND! When he comes home from the office everyday no matter what time that is I go outside to greet him, help him carry stuff into the house, give a hug and kiss....all he "sees" is the pile of mail and if there is a bill or anything else in the mail that requires attention IT MUST BE DONE RIGHT THEN! I have literally been left standing in the doorway with nary a how was your day honey! It's kinda an emotional wasteland. Now, to his benefit about 80% of the time he will come back to me later or next day and realize something he has done that was neglectful or hurtful and say he is sorry and say it was Mr. Aspie rearing his head. It can be quite lonely sitting in the same room with this person.

    As for finding the emotional support elsewhere I don't have anyone (outside of my adult daughter) to share this with and I wonder about all the Asperger spouses who end up having emotional affairs. We are ripe for the picking as our needs may be so great.

    Sigh.....this is the first time ever that I am speaking about this aspect of my life. Thanks for being here for me. And I might add that husband was not happy that I have shared on here but told him I needed to find the support somewhere.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    for that little piece of material, $51 bucks! geez, that one is going to last me for the rest of my vacation life!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Pip - love the suit!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited July 2015
    Penny - today's small pickings - just for you! <3


    Heather UK

    Pip - fab suit! My days of wearing those are long gone. Once upon a time I always went topless with the tiniest bottoms. One bottom I called Spiderwoman and another Bumbum :laugh:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    forgot to mention that i weighed myself this morning and i am 2 lbs under my goal weight, SOOOO if i am going to allow myself to gain 5 lbs and not worry, that means i'll only have 3 lbs to loose hahaha!!!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Cheri, I am so glad that you feel supported here. A book that might help you a great deal is "Shadow Syndromes". It talks about the continuum of symptoms of various types- psychosis, depression, autism, mania, OCD, etc. and how to identify where you are on each continuum. Then you can make better choices in life. And part is on recognizing where others are on the continuum and figuring out how to handle that relationship with their symptoms/ lack of symptoms in mind. I have learned with my brother to talk about concrete things. What I am doing, what things I need, and keep all emotions out of it. He just doesn't "get" emotions. It is important to find emotional support elsewhere. I will message you.

    Pip- adorable!

    Lenora- I have always been on the low end- mild highs for about two weeks every spring but depression the rest of the time. Type 2 tends to be mild highs and severe depression. for about two weeks I would feel more energetic, start a lot of projects, sleep and eat less. Now that I am older I don't even get those! Just the depression.
  • 2busygal
    2busygal Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Like Jean, I just found this thread and am excited to join. My weight loss has been stalled for the past year and I really need to get back on track. Really need help with motivation to follow through.

    July Goals:
    Log food daily
    Swim 4x's a week
    7500 steps daily

    :) Happy Summer - I'm hoping it's hot!

    Wendy in Toronto

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thank you everyone for the well wishes on our move! We have been able to put our stuff into the cabin. We just got the keys to the house. We are going back for one more load at our other house. Grab a bite to eat. Then rip out all the carpet at our new house.

    Pip - love the swim suit!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Blasting you all with Oregon Strawberries!!!!!.....

    Can you just go ahead and blast a basketful of those beauties here to Oklahoma City? And thank you :)
    Nope....MINE...*insert evil laugh*....come here and visit...pull up a squat :-)
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Thanks Heather! I wish I could smell them... Lovely color coordination - both the flowers with the vase and the flowers themselves. My mother-in-law had a wedding bouquet consisting entirely of sweet peas.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @pipcd34 Um.....I would post a picture of my swimming suit, but I would get kicked off the site...
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Yesterday at work

    Last week we ordered two air conditioners - one for our big bedroom, one for Larry's brother Justin's smaller bedroom. They both showed up yesterday, one blocking the front door, and one for pickup at Best Buy. Both proved that we should have paid attention to little details like the size and weight of the boxes. Justin's, an 8000-btu portable (we decided it was more feasible than one made to fit a window that slides horizontally), just barely fit into the back seat of our Dodge Intrepid (which, having lost its R some while back, became an Intepid).
    The bigger one is in the front hall, with just room to squeeze by if one inhales. I used my morning walk to stop at Harry's Ace Hardware and buy a hand truck. Now to pick up Stuff that's in its way.
    Only got in about 6400 steps so far, and sat down to rest a couple times on the way home. Did run for 8 minutes.
    It was about 75 when I left, 88 by the time I thought to check after getting home.
    I felt a tad poorly at one point, ate a Belvita oatmeal breakfast soft cookie, and felt better. Had eaten a banana at the start. Which reminds me that I need to get the plastic bag w/ the banana peel out of the pants pocket and into the trash!

    Miriam with cats - <<sending waves of sympathy>> Wish I could do something useful. (Hey, cats -- Miriam needs headbutts.) If you have to go back to two antidepressants, it's not defeat, just biochemistry.
    <later> Glad to hear the stress has lifted. I'm sorry for the folks the girls' father bounced checks off of, but delighted for you that he never made restitution.
    Hey - your X key worked at least once, in "soapbox><"!
    Interesting about PTSD. Larry's on disability for that and a big chunk of intestine lost to a land mine. He held several jobs down here, but ... He didn't want to take disabilty, but his shrink at the VA convinced him to. I'm grateful. It turns our budget from really tight to one with some give in it.

    peep - as long as we're talking typing :), when I'm taking notes I type fast and messy. In notes, tt sntnce wd look like 'as lng as were tlking typng, when im takng notes i typefast & messy.'. I never quite get to zero errors, but get fairly few at slower speeds.
    Yaaay for the need for a smaller 2piece! Size small!! AND CUTE!!
    And very lucky timing!
    Went to your FB page, didn't find a friend request button so left a note that'll show up in your "other" mailbox.
    YAAY on the 2 lbs!

    Lisa - all manual typewriters only the first year you were learning to type? You young thing, you! I took typing in summer school the year before 9th grade, because my mother decreed that I'd need it. She was right, of course, but I still resented summer school (which I ended up with the next 3 summers because I took so many electives). My first job with the AP, starting in late summer '74 (I spent the start of that summer writing up a psych experiment, the last thing I needed to do to graduate), was also on manual typewriters. Secretaries had the big balls, but the balls needed for primer-sized type would have been huge, so I doubt they ever could have been made.
    I'd been there a couple years before editors and reporters started using computers. They had two "screens" and you had to type in codes to begin, end, and direct your copy. Those computers were the reason Linda Ellerbe had a very short AP career but went on to fame and fortune as a TV reporter. A personal letter she wrote went out on the broadcast wire in Texas.
    Good luck on the 5K!
    We have lotsa beads down here, but they're mostly strands fused to the string rather than beads with a hole down the middle.
    Fun garage-saling!
    And wonderful changes in your life - not to mention a great reason to stay healthy.

    Miakoda - yup, re water resistant. It still seems a dumb design, not to have some sorta plug over the electrodes.
    Great goal re communication improvement over decades. :)
    One suggestion that Justin's shrink had re panic attacks - put a small open paper bag in front of nose and mouth, and breathe in and out into it. I'm not sure what a slightly higher CO2 count is supposed to do, but apparently it helps.
    Your friend might also want to talk to her doc about Ativan or something similar -- NOT for longterm use, becuase it's addictive.
    And about counseling.
    Before & after photos - WOW! You've done yourself proud.
    AND shrunk out of the second top! Way to go!
    And yeah, as you get closer to goal, the losing gets harder. It takes fewer and fewer calories just to maintain, and each pound you lose is a greater percentage of your total weight.

    DrKatie - Would the squeak be asthma on top of the infection? My kid brother the pede diagnosed my asthma when I was visiting him and came down with a horrendous cough.
    <later> Ah, I see the squeaking's in the lungs. So not asthma?
    I had a growth on the side of my nose that got cut off and biopsied. The doc clearly had pediatric patients (tiny chairs in the waiting room & all), and when she cut the thing off said, "You can tell Mr. Lump bye-bye!" I asked whether there was a way to keep it from growing back. "Yes, but it'll leave a dent." I chose small dent over big bump.

    Cheri - how wonderful that you were able to learn from your mother's behavior and turn your own motherhood into the opposite. That gets not just a hats off, but a low bow with hand flourishes. :)
    <<HUGS>> about your husband.
    Could y'all agree to put the mail somewhere in the back of the house, so he doesn't see it immediately when he gets home?
    What are the things you love about him that make life better with him than without him?

    Terri in MLW (the AP's in-house abbreviation for Milwaukee) - <<plankslap!>> ;) I just tried one for the first time. Barely made it to a minute, and was panting for the last 5 or 10 seconds. Do you do them in sets? How many and how long?
    My sympathy for the RA. You clearly know how to deal w/ it as best as possible.
    The parade sounds fun. Why not ask if you can carry the banner?
    30 minutes is my normal lunch hour. I've been trying to use it to walk, and then eat at my desk.
    Hugs & thoughts for your co-worker and her sister.
    Yay for dancing!
    So what *did* your husband get at the store?

    Yay, SharonK! Attack those hills!

    JanetR - Yay for the stationary bike!
    Vicki reminds me that long drives in cars also confuse the Fitbit. I've read that what one does then is go to the webpage and enter "Driving" as an "exercise" starting at X time for Y minutes, and its online software will delete those delusional calorie burns.

    Christina - I tried a step machine at a nearby gym and there was so little resistance I couldn't handle it. I guess that's adjustable?

    Sara from AZ - Congrats on powering through the craving, AND on feeling better when you woke. Those measurements can be a big help when the scale's standing steady but you just pulled in the belt another notch.

    Vicki - those jump ropes will be fun!
    This book, Martin Pippin in the Daisy Field,
    includes a story about a girl who can outskip the fairies, and, as an old woman saves her village by skipping rope.
    "Elsie Piddock Skips in her Sleep" is also available as a stand-alone book, but that costs a lot more. I just bought myself a Kindle copy of Daisy Field, even though I have all the Eleanor Farjeon books my father owned, except for one which I lent and never got back.

    yanniejannie - Yay for good sleep!
    And thanks! One of the things I love about my job is the wide variety of subjects I get to write about. Coming out tomorrow is one about a new exhibit at the National World War II Museum.
    As to AP bylines, length, the amount of work and originality all are at play.
    Since the AP's a co-op, you'll see a lot of member pick-ups with the AP bug. In those, we include the name of the newspaper or broadcast station, and online you'll see a link to the original. And, of course, we don't sign 'em, even if they run several hundred words.
    But we don't sign everything original, either. For instance, the story I linked to at the top started with this: http://www.knoe.com/home/headlines/Gay-marriage-name-changes-on-drivers-license-start-Monday-311467201.html
    I wrote that, but it was only 130 words and wasn't going to get longer, so I didn't sign it.
    Then, a couple hours later, the federal court ruling came in. I signed the short version of that story, because I was also going to sign the longer one - what we call a "writethru."
    And even with those, newspapers don't have to use the bylines. Often they do, but sometimes they don't.

    NCCarol - way to go on the painkiller weaning. And huzza for the shower!

    Bev in NC - good step, weighing and measuring.

    Lesley - I'm curious - why not just eat the fruit? Doesn't the juicer filter out a lot of the fiber?

    Lori in WV - congrats on a great Day One!

    Michele - That pineapple cake just goes to show that you cook better than Betty Crocker, even when she's doctored up. ;)
    I've made candy w/o a thermometer. Better for me that I don't make it either way.
    I just bought some pop molds. I'll have to try your recipe - though the molds are small, so I'll probably use 8 oz yog and 3 of OJ concentrate.
    Yesterday was a bad sugar day. When I really wanted a snack but knew I shouldn't add fruit, I took a cup of Light and whatever (the Dannon yog in purple-and-white tubs), and added 2 Tbs of sugar-free Nesquick. and stirred well.
    Bra tank? http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/00871/womens-rgear-picture-perfect-bra-tank/
    I'm linking to this article even though it doesn't have what you're looking for, because it's got a great lead.

    becca - gorgeous berries!

    Mary MN - happy cabin day!
    I'm 63.

    Linda in CA - YAAY for the loose clothes! Have fun at camp.
    Good for your husband, working at becoming a non-smoker. I hope the new job goes well; that could help with the anti-tobacco campaign.
    Good thoughts for your daughter. Sounds like it's time for the kids to start saving for new living space.

    Katla - huzza for your daughter and her birthday splurge!
    And for the changed mindset and its contribution to your unexpexted blessing of happiness.

    Kim - too bad *all* the pix wind up unused. Taking 100 to get a few good ones isn't at all unusual, especially now that the duds dont cost anything but time.
    Sounds like you'll have a great weekend, especially with a good bit of the embroidery done.

    Joyce - could your husband have been thinking of herring? <later> I see Penny, JanetR and Katla already have suggested it.
    That reminds me of this "flornithology" book, explaining how to tell the carrot from the parrot and the crow from the crocus.
    "How to tell the Birds from the Flowers and
    other Wood-cuts" by Robert Williams Wood
    Glad the appointment went so well. And that you were able to get the full Rx, eventually.

    KateKyi - Basa is a species of catfish (there's a bunch of kinds of catfish). They're imported from Asia. If I remember aright, the catfish farmers got a labeling bill through Congress to require "basa" rather than "catfish" on the label.
    VERY clever cheese strategy!
    I'll have to try Quorn, hiding the packaging from the guys.

    Sharon -
    Not having any kids of my own, I love hearing about others' grandkids. Such fun!
    A couple limericks sorta about rose of Sharon
    Though not entirely about it, because we're going through the alphabet bit by bit and aren't anywhere near R.
    Note that the narrator of my limerick is not me. :) I'm right fond of hibiscus.

    Penny - huzza for excellent sleep!

    Allison - so sorry to hear your sis-in-law is so ill. Hope it's one of those nasty-but-quick bugs.

    Heather - Gorgeous flowers.
    You're getting a lot done! Amazing about the mint breaking its pot, but I've heard it's a very aggressive grower, and will just take over yards if it's planted in-ground.
    Are you sure you don't want to try for a paying publisher?
    If you like lobster as well as clams, here's a tip: Get 'em drunk before you put 'em in hot water. Seriously. I read this in one of Harold McGee's books. Upend the critters into a big cup or bowl of beer. Leave 'em about 30 seconds. They get all relaxed and don't toughen up in the boiler.

    Jane - wow. That's a big gathering! Have fun!

    Linda/Iofwa - Welcome from another newcomer. I only keep up some of the time. :)
    Excellent loss.

    Yvonne - ooh, river time! Tell us about it!

    Carey - have fun at the reunion! Tell us how it went. :)

    Cory - Yay for size 12!!!

    Wendy in Toronto - welcome! This is a great crowd.

    Janet in NO,