

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @raelynnsmama52512 Best wishes that the financing will come through for you!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Confession for the day. Every night my son and I go for a walk (well he drives his battery operated tractor and I try to keep up). Our route takes us by a convenience store and if he has been pretty good up until this point in the day we usually stop in and he gets some little treat. We now own like 15 mini yo-yos because that seems to be his pick. Last night he talked me into buying him a bag of hickory sticks, which I happen to love but haven't eaten for a very long time. So I open them for him and of course grab a handful. Yum crunchy salty goodness . We get home and he still has like half a bag left but doesn't want them. Dilemma right, cause I know I will eat them so.... I put them under his bed while he is in the bath because I know if I left them in the cupboard I would eat them after he was asleep. This way I know there is no possibility I will go into the bedroom after he is asleep to retrieve them and chance waking him up :)

    I had a bag of hickory sticks Thursday night after YEARS without them. When my sister came to visit, I had to buy her a dozen bags to bring home, so I bought myself one too!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Wow, everyone has been busy!
    I don't have time now to comment on all the posts I would like to, but I'm feeling pretty happy and wanted you to know that today I'm NORMAL! My weight hit 149.6, which puts my BMI at 24.9 = normal range.

    Good Stuff!
  • freak4iron
    freak4iron Posts: 995 Member
    Every time I weigh peanut butter for my shakes, anywhere between 30-50 grams *accidenty* falls onto the tip of my finger, then consequently jumps right into my mouth.... I've tried writting Jiffy about this problem, they still haven't got back to me.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Wow, everyone has been busy!
    I don't have time now to comment on all the posts I would like to, but I'm feeling pretty happy and wanted you to know that today I'm NORMAL! My weight hit 149.6, which puts my BMI at 24.9 = normal range.

    Also, I read about the guy who just won the hot dog eating contest. How bad do you think the water weight would be after eating 17,600 calories and 48,360mg of sodium? (Eating contests are revolting, in my opinion.)
    Congratulations on being normal. :p

    Ugg, I just hate hot dogs.

    What? How can one 'hate' hotdogs? I like them, but they have to be a good hotdog, not some little red hot crap! It needs to be the same length as the bun, and nearly as wide. I love mine with either nacho cheese and chilli, or cheese wiz with dill pickle and mustard!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    I was glad Natalie won, she played well! And how strange is it that her twin was the first one voted out! I heard they were annoying on Amazing Race, but I do not watch that so I have no idea.

    The bolded part really made me laugh!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: My daughter is very pregnant and I don't want to wait any longer to meet my granddaughter! Have that baby already!

    Oh how exciting!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Does anyone here use Rotten Tomatoes for movie rating/tracking? I have been using flixster for years, but it just sucks now....

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Sigh I pretty much own this page. So for today:

    I miss checking in with you guys during the day, I really don't like this posting of stuff all at once, I feel like I miss all the action, but I really do need to focus on work.

    Our daily motivations are really starting to work for me. I didn't want to fail again today so I made myself go out at 11:20 to run for 30 minutes so I could keep my commitment.

    I liked hot yoga. Sweat like crazy. And the calorie burn can't be beat.

    I have a random and rather narcissistic confession. When I run these days I tend to keep touching my sides and my stomach. I love how it feels with all the muscles working and only a little skin and fat under there...and no love handles. When I run with my friend I hope she doesn't notice I do it. Its become almost automatic every few minutes. Kind of weird...but it is motivating for me!

    I think hot yoga would just make me feel sick.....
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts about my stepkid situation. We have decided to let it go for a while and have the court hold her in contempt if she ever tries to take us to court for something like kids braces or college tuition.

    I don't understand why people have kids if they don't want to do the best for them or have them around. She sent daughter to New Mexico for a month of the summer then to stl with more family for 2 weeks. School will start in early August.

    The stepson has a lot of making amends to do before he would be welcome in our home but that's a whole different story. The whole thing is a mess.
    THANK YOU! I remember having a conversation with my mom about not wanting children for this very reason, and she asked me what I would do if I became infirm. I just thought it was such a selfish thing to say.

    My brother and his wife had a kid too early because of pressure from both sides of the family and it shows. :(
    I hope your situation improves.

    @Italian_Buju These have completely turned me off of hot dogs. I ate them almost everyday for a year. :s

    And I usually go by my gut / look at the people involved with the project for movies and tv shows.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Does anyone here use Rotten Tomatoes for movie rating/tracking? I have been using flixster for years, but it just sucks now....
    Ohhh yes. Every time I want to watch a movie I check Rotten Tomatoes. I LOVE it! It tends to be extremely accurate, at least in my opinion. Critics make up the main score, while the audience still has a role in the score on the right hand side.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    This is long so don't expect people to read it - just need to get it out!

    Like a lot of other posters here I am going through lots of life stresses at the moment and the last few days have felt very sad, numb and unmotivated. I am ever so slightly eating my feelings 'grief bacon' but am logging it all so I can see it in black and white. My confession today is that I am fed up with never feeling as though I am allowed to be stressed or upset. Work, home, health are all suffering at the moment, but I am just expected to suck it up. If one more person says to me 'it could be worse' I might scream. I am silently screaming and unfortunately the pain is beginning to show on my face. I know things could be worse, just doesn't mean that because someone somewhere has it worse than me that I just have to 'be fine' all the time.

    Dealing with mixed emotions is so hard - so happy for friends and loved ones who have fantastic things happening, mixed with my grief and sadness for what I am secretly going through. Not wanting to see friends because I don't want to make them miserable mixed with worrying I am not being a good friend by seeing them and sharing in their joys. Or, worse, that I am making them feel guilty for being happy.

    Feels better to 'get it out' but I am so sad at the moment and I just wonder when bad things will stop happening!

    Your feelings are valid. What you are going through is real and it is difficult for you. We understand and I am sure we have all been there at some point. You ARE allowed to feel this way and you ARE allowed to vent.

    Yup. This! Hugs to you.

    Coastal (responding to the first post since I never saw it) I feel the same. I pretty much feel like I'm drowning. I'm expected to be the rock for everyone, and most of the time I stoically am. But times like right now, I just want to scream and cry and throw a fit. I want someone to comfort ME and no one is. I'm supposed to hold it together and do 1,000 different things well every day, without fail or exception.

    I joke with people a lot that it sucks to be me, because I don't get a "down day", but it's true. I'm expected to be on point 24/7 and I'm struggling. I get the "count your blessings" and "it could be worse" a LOT. Yes, it could be. In the scheme of things, what bothers me could be construed as petty. It doesn't mean it hurts less or I'm less upset. I am grateful for what I have, but aren't I also allowed to be upset too?!

    Warning- the below will make me sound like an ungrateful brat. I know this, but they are MY feelings. I'm working on processing them, but it takes time.

    I found out on Saturday that good friends of ours (who have 2 boys about the same age as us) are wanting a 3rd. They want to try for a girl. They previously said they were done but the DH changed his mind. I went upstairs and cried. I have wanted 3 kids since I was little. DH said no, 2 was all he could take. He got a vasectomy last Nov so there will only be 2. I agreed because I don't believe in forcing someone to have more kids if they don't want to. I'm not the only one involved in the decision. DH also swore we could look into adopting, which helped ease my feelings about the V.

    I have regretted it EVERY DAY since. When I see parents out with 3 or more kids, I'm envious. If one or more is a girl, I am so jealous. I want a daughter. I always have. I love my boys so much, but there is a part of me that will always hurt because I wanted a girl. Both times, the u/s tech told me they were girls and I was blissful for a few weeks until told they were boys. They will never know. I will NEVER tell them they aren't "enough" for me, because they are. I am grateful they are both here and healthy and I would NOT trade them for anything, but I feel a twinge every time I look at a girl or girl baby. DH has also now decided he doesn't want to adopt, so I feel a bit of a pang of "bait and switch" sometimes when I think about it. Mostly I want 3 kids, but not gonna lie, a girl would be awesome.

    I feel so alone, because DH is d-o-n-e. 2 is enough for him, he doesn't remotely want a 3rd. Talking to him about it doesn't help, because he has a hard time sympathizing with me. Ok, so he joked around and said I could get a dog to "mother". I agreed. Now last night he is reneging and saying "well, we can get a dog when we get x, y, and z done around the house". This will literally be YEARS. He knows this. Bait and switch #2.

    He also said I could look into getting a new car within the month. So I've been plotting out savings, trade-in value, etc. This past weekend he decided nope, my Jeep runs fine for now and maybe we'll think about it in 6 months. Bait and switch #3.

    I'm frustrated, I'm sad, I feel like everything I want always comes last after everyone else, and yes I know this is all first world problems, but right now it's rough. On top of it, I'm dieting strictly, so I think I'm just in a funk and crabby from that too. It's the one thing I feel like I'm succeeding at, though, so I don't want to give it up. I have 10.5 lb to go. I'm SO close. I just want to accomplish Something, ya know?

    *ok, sorry for the pathetic vent. Carry on*

    I'm sorry, that must be tough.

    Mr. Mo has wanted to have another kid pretty much since Rachael was born. I never wanted to have kids (didn't have the best childhood) when we got married, so having one was more than enough for me. Plus, I was in labor for 27 hours and still ended up having an emergency C-section. The thought of having to go through that again, was too much for me.

    While we were on vacation, he asked me why we never had another kid because it makes him sad when he sees a family with a couple kids strolling down the beach or sitting together at a restaurant. I didn't really have a great answer besides the ones mentioned above, and I feel guilty for not having more of his babies (we make beautiful kids :smile: ). Now, we're both in our late 30's and as far as I'm concerned, that ship has sailed, especially with all the SD drama. But I still feel bad for him, but not bad enough to want to have another kid. :wink:

    When I married my husband, I had one son and he had three daughters. We never thought of having kids and felt we had enough. I got a dog for our first anniversary; she was our kid ;) . Well fast forward a few years and surprise! at 39 I was pregnant. We weren't trying or trying to avoid it, just happened. I had her after I turned 40. I knew I was done after that, so got that factory shut down. You never know. We love her just as much as any of the others and don't regret a minute of it. After that, his oldest daughter, who is in her 20's, had a little girl about 15 months after we had Olivia. Crazy stuff.

    I just turned 40 in March and the idea of dealing with a newborn again scares me to the very fiber of my soul...

    Confession: I love my son, but I didn't love the newborn/baby stage all the much. The more independent he becomes, the more I like it.

    I am going to be 40 early next year and would die if I had to deal with a newborn right now. I have a friend, the same age as me, with a son the same age as mine, and she has been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years, and still trying.

    I love my kids, and loved each stage as I went though it, well, maybe except the crazy teenage daughter stage, but I do not want to do it again! Been there, done that, I do not want to spend 40 years of my life rising children!

    I remember when I started having all the tumor problems, every time I saw a new DR I would have to go through the entire conversation about them doing whatever they needed to do to stop it, because I 150% did not want any more children. Which I thought was ironic seeing as they did not want me to have the one child I birthed 15 years earlier to. Anyway, I finally said at this point, I would rather have a bullet in my body than a baby.....DR said that was a pretty strong statement.....I stand by it!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @raelynnsmama52512 exciting. I hope it all works out well for you. That is a lot of moving pieces coming together. Best of luck in everything!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I have to say, I really appreciate all of you letting me vent here, even though i'm sure most of you are horrified at the situation and i'm not making it look any better ;) but it is helping me sort out my thoughts and feelings, without getting into that nasty internal negative spiral.

    Not horrified! I actually find relationships with multiples, including polygamy, fascinating. It's not for me, but I've researched it quite a bit. The fact that I feel like I kind of know you and really want you guys to be able to work this out and be happy adds a whole new level to my education on the subject. I hope that isn't somehow offensive or insensitive. I'm team Mr Mrs & Ms Orangesmartie all the way!

    Me too! I understand this relationship dynamic more than anyone would know. (I have a very private side to me that others do not know about and really fear I would be judged on here if I spoke of it - not to mention this is a public forum and I don't need anyone IRL to know this stuff) The struggles within this type of relationship are real and the love is real too, it is absolutely possible to be in deep love with more than one person at the same time.

    Yes it is!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    freak4iron wrote: »
    Every time I weigh peanut butter for my shakes, anywhere between 30-50 grams *accidenty* falls onto the tip of my finger, then consequently jumps right into my mouth.... I've tried writting Jiffy about this problem, they still haven't got back to me.

    Mmm peanut butter but I don't like the Jiffy stuff. Love trader joe's brand. You must have huge tips of your fingers if 30 - 50 grams fit on it... or is it multiple smaller *accidents?*

    Or do your hands look like this?

    I read your profile - that is quite a journey back from a dark place. It shows a great resilience and persistence and strength of mind. Well done sir! I wish you all the best in your continued success.

    (SusieQ don't read the profile)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited July 2015
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    Creepy. I hope you can figure out what it is. If you do, let us know.

    Back in about 2009 or 2010, we had a few months were my whole family was experiencing weird things (in different locations) that I've never been able to explain to this day. It was really weird... I felt like we were all haunted for a while too.
    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get some idea of an exact location if I always stand in the kitchen on the lookout, but sometimes these sounds are hours apart. Still going on today and they didn't happen before we went to Punta Cana. My boyfriend keeps saying that there might be a rat in the wall or something and I hope that's not the case.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Congrats @bkhamill !!!

    I confess that I am only 21 years old and don't think I'm ready to have a baby by any means, but sometimes I have dreams that I am very pregnant or have an infant and wake up feeling strangely empty, confused, and sad. Any one else do this? Or did this?

    I used to have those all the time in my early 20s. Now I actually am pregnant, my dreams have been completely devoid of anything baby-related. Funny how the brain works. I did dream my mattress was made of cheese the other night. I had to lie really still and evenly to avoid crumbling it!
    I heard that your dreams get extra crazy when you're pregnant. I love dreams and keep a dream diary on my computer. Last night I dreamed that I had something stuck in my teeth... and I finally managed to pull it out- a long string of spaghetti. Then more and more kept coming, so it turns out I had like 20 strings of spaghetti stuck in that spot between my teeth. It was kind of freaky for some reason.

    When I was pregnant with my son I had a reoccurring dream that lasted all throughout. As some of you might recall, my father died suddenly when I was 15. I had a dream that he came to my place, and I was confused and told him I thought he was dead.

    He would tell me that he did not die, that he just left because he did not think anyone wanted him here. I told him I did, and how desperately I missed him.

    The middle is just random stuff, but it was the same every time.

    Near the end of the dream we would go to a farmer's market and it would get really busy. I would start to lose track of him, and would find him and as I grabbed him all his teeth would fall out, and he would tell me that it was a mistake coming back, and then he would disappear into the crowd.

    I had this dream at least two dozen times during my pregnancy, and each time would become more and more aware of what was going to happen, not at the beginning of the dream but as it went on. The last half dozen times or so I had it, I would end up in full out panic as soon as we got to the market because I knew what was about to happen. But I could never stop it. After I gave birth, I never had that dream again, but I remember it vividly.

    Also, I was always as pregnant in the dream as I was in real life....that was odd, seeing as everything else was exactly the same each time.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    A while back, we were talking about kids and having an only child, I mentioned that I only have the one daughter and got grief about not having more kids. Well, there's more to the story-

    When I married my current husband, my daughter was 13 and living pretty much with her dad. I was 42, DH was 37. He had never been married before and wanted children. I got pregnant pretty quickly after we got married. We were ecstatic. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We were devastated. It didn't help matters that my daughter got pregnant at 14 and it seemed like everyone was having babies but me. (It took me a long time for me to be able to even look at a baby without crying.) By the time we felt like we were ready to try again, it was too late- early menopause. It is still hard for me to talk about, and he is still bitter about it.

    I am so sorry this happened to you! <3
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    That sewing machine! I want!

    Mine is just a basic little Brother but it is pale pink - I can't claim responsibility for that though as it was my mother's before she decided she needed a fancier one.

    I'm glad you all understand my feelings about frying food in the house. Soooo stinky. We don't have an exhaust fan over our stove either (or anywhere in the kitchen), so everything I cook lingers unless I open the windows. Not too practical in our minus 40 degree winters either as it's a recipe for a burst water pipe.

    The smell of Saturday morning bacon haunts me all weekend, too, it's terrible.

    So this doesn't help in the winter, but fry outside! I used to have a fry daddy that I could plug in, so I would plug it into the outdoor outlet and fry away. I'm debating setting up my camping stove outside the next time I do fried chicken to keep the fry smell outside, and I feel like that should work as well.

    Re gross girls: I was an odd combination of total tomboy that loved to get dirty and rough house, but I would do it while wearing the most frilly dresses possible. My face and hair was always a super-mess though.

    My daughters hair!.... I brush it constantly. Knotted up. I keep pushing her to be more SELF AWARE and start doing things for herself and without prompts. The struggle is real.

    I will say I am quite proficient at simple braids though. I need to learn to french braid.

    Yeah, I'm sure my hair embarrassed my parents. I would brush it sometimes, but it just would get crazy tangled anyway.

    Mastering the braid will do wonders for you - I'm 33 and until I chopped all my hair off (pixie cut for the win!), my hair lived in a messy bun. I never really figured the hair thing out.

    BTW - awesome on the amusement park NSV! I LOVE roller coasters.

    Thanks! Worst times are after swimming or after waking up. I've made it a habit to braid her hair after her shower or before bedtime and that helps a LOT the next day.

    I love coasters, too! The BEST part is Kings Dominion is a mere <15 minutes from home. We get season passes every year and we burn em up! It also has a water park inside so we often go swim then dry off by riding coasters before we leave. We also have a Busch Gardens-Water Country less than an hour away as well. Blessed!

    Coaster fiend here. We have been known to book holidays based on what coasters were nearby. We were lucky enough to visit Ceder Point in Ohio a few years ago which I loved. I'd love to go back but it's a bit of a trek from the UK! Our most local proper coaster park is Alton Towers. Unfortunately there was a crash there on the Smiler last month and two teenagers had to have legs amputated! Hasn't put me off since I believe it to be a one-off and I'm sorry for those teens, but I'm sad the coaster will inevitably go - I've ridden it and it was a fun one!

    That reminds me. Does anyone ever go to that site It has stories like that on there. They are scary.

    However, I love going to the amusement park as well and LOVE coasters. I haven't been in a long time.

    When I was a kid, I watched a girl freak out on top of a ride, it was like one of those rides with several arms and a few carts on each arm that went up and down and spin. Anyway, she stood up, and fell out of the ride while she was in the up position.....I swear the whole park gasped. She broke her forearm, and the body was sticking straight out of it, like literally broken in half, directly out the top of her arm, through the skin.

    She must have been in shock, because she stood up and walked calmly with an employee to the medical center. She is lucky she did not crack her head open!
  • showtherealyou
    showtherealyou Posts: 10 Member
    I am a college student who recovered from anorexia over the last 2 years, but I'm really worried I may go too far again, even though I know I'm being healthy and have people to stay accountable to this time. That's probably the biggest confession. . .
    For a lighter one! I have become addicted to orange juice with raspberries in it <3