

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    You can ask me or quiksylver! (Or Lois - I think that's what she is doing too). Have you looked at the app yet?

    Very briefly. I watched the video for workout A but haven't gotten around to watching workout B yet. I am planning on starting next week, so I will watch B sometime this weekend or something. My plan is to supplement my HIIT with the SL 5x5 so I will do it on Tuesday and Thursday and maybe Saturday. I don't know yet, because I haven't checked out the program yet.

    Any help you ladies could offer, would be tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Yay for taking the plunge! I really wish you lived here and I would totally work out with you.

    If you've been doing circuits already I bet you'll be able to start with the starting weights, but if you need to do dumbells at lower weights, do it. At first I think integrating SL with your HIIT will be fine, but you might see a point where you really need the rest day and you might not want to be doing HIIT MWF and SL TTS. For instance, I thought I would go on a run this morning, my buns disagreed after my lifts yesterday, and I want to make sure I do well tomorrow, so today will just be walking. I'm trying to be super aggressive with upping weight though, which is not necessary it's just my goal right now.

    Don't get frustrated if you stay at a weight for a long time (trying to give advice that I should take myself). Having good form is more important.

    I wish we all lived in a big sorority house and we could share food, and clothes (unless you're against that sort of thing) and, work out together. But we don't so I will just have to be a big girl and get over my fears.

    I think I'll try doing the SL 2 days a week, then, if I feel like it, I can add another day. If not, then I'll scale back on my HIIT and try to keep up the lifting especially since Mr. Mo said he might join me. When I heard him say that last night, I wanted to full on make out with him because I've wanted him to work out with me for over a year and he wasn't having any of it.

    Thanks again for all the encouragement and advice! I love you guys!

    BEST idea ever!!

    Yes, but we'd need an annex for kids and SOs. :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »

    I love it too... and my question is, what the heck kind of bra do you wear with it?

    When I wore this Saturday, I wore a beige strapless bra with it and I was fine. You could also wear one of those bandeau things that are super popular right now.

    I wish I could. I don't have a huge chest by any means but these aren't supportive and I'd really like to try as hard as I can to prevent what I do have from sagging to my toes :s

    Glad I'm not the only one!
    peleroja wrote: »

    They do work - I have one that kind of works, even, and I've got a very big chest. They're not great for lift or support, obviously, but they do shape and cover.

    Have you tried a longline strapless? I have one from Freya that's got just a couple inches of "band" under the cup and it stays up like nobody's business with that extra fabric. Plus it looks cute, even.

    I have a longline strapless... it's ancient, which means it's hardly worn... which probably means it didn't work terrifically well. But it is also low-back, so it's probably trying to fill too many needs at once. I may have to dig it out and try it.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have the sliding issue with the bandeaus I have, but the bra stayed put. It is one I bought for my brother's wedding 5 years ago that has the non-slide gel-like stuff that some of the no slip headbands have.

    What are the backless stick-on bras? Don't think I've seen one before.

    Come to think of it, all of my strapless bras are from the days when I wore a too-large band (when I followed the "add 5 inches" guideline) so that might be half the problem.

    Backless bra: 397663_unbra.jpg

    edit to close parentheses, because that sort of thing keeps me up at night

    How does that even stay up?!

    Incomplete parentheses would haunt me too.

    It's sticky on the inside, and after you wear it you rinse it carefully and leave it flat to dry and it gets sticky again. And like I mentioned, they're good for shape and coverage but obviously don't do anything lift-wise, really.

    I'm glad the brownies worked out for you, @ythannah, and you don't think they taste like beans ;) My husband likes them more than real brownies because of the way the sweetness is cut back by the beans.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Well, the evaluation went really good. She did much better than we anticipated and the 2 ladies absolutely loved her! Right now, they don't think she could be autistic, at least from an educational standpoint. Unfortunately, she's not going to be able to go into the 3k they have, since those children are severely disabled and they fear she could either regress or pick up some of those behaviors. They are having her evaluated for speech therapy and if she qualifies for therapy, they can also do occupational therapy with her. Right now, we're looking into the "first steps" program to see what we can find for her, since we really can't afford to put her in daycare but with her anxiety, we can't just leave her out of a "school like" setting for a whole year. They did tell us to sign her up for 4k once registration opens in January, and if we needed to do an IEP then we would address all that then. From an educational side, she isn't considered autistic, but that doesn't mean that she is "clinically". They did get me to sign a consent form for them to get her records and look over those too, and did say if need be, they can evaluate for autism again once she's older and has been in school for a while. I'm still going to ask for another evaluation from her doctor in September, just to double check and see what that leads to. I feel a little better, but I still have a lot of worries. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens this year.

    Actually, that's good news. Ian wasn't diagnosed until 1st grade. Just stay on top of it and you will get her where she needs to be.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Holy crap I caught up (in here at least - not so much in the BatCave). I'll be behind again tomorrow. ;)

    Between being locked out at work and all the accounting homework I have, I'm just so busy!

    Confession: I really hate accounting.

    That's okay. I love it... most of the time.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    As far as the discussion on workout clothes I buy a lot of my newer workout clothes at Wal-Mart. Another place I find workout clothes pretty dirt cheap are thrift stores. The best time to hit up the thrift stores are either 50% off days or if you're a senior citizen & they offer a special discount day.

    I've found Under Armour, Nike, Reebok, & New Balance that looked like it was in new condition.

    Speaking of clothing where do most of you shop for your clothing? Where do you do the majority of your grocery shopping?

    Rant ahead...and I'm sorry, because I know it sounds like a humblebrag and I swear that's not the really is very frustrating because I'm not even an especially tiny person.

    I have a tough time with clothes because my frame is such that I'm on the border of not fitting into women's sizes, so I often have to seek out juniors' stuff that's appropriate for adults or scour stores with smaller more "European" sizing like Zara. Almost all my non-work stuff is either from the kids' section (Costco, a lot of the time) or from cheapo juniors' stores. And I have as much stretchy stuff as I can get away with for work, lots of wool sweaters and skinny trousers that are basically dress-pants-jeggings. Stores like Banana Republic, J Crew, Loft, and Express where lots of women my age shop for work basics are so vanity-sized I can't buy a pair of pants that fits there anymore because I have no butt. Fortunately all that loose, unstructured stuff, especially for tops, is in style now even for work so I've had options lately, though.

    I'm that practically-thirty-year-old flipping through every rack at H&M and Forever 21 looking for stuff that doesn't belong on a girl half my age.

    For exercise, I do kids' stuff from Costco, Victoria's Secret PINK leggings, and I do buy a LOT of Lululemon and I'm sorry. I am also that person who buys $100 hoodies and leggings sometimes. But the fit is beautiful, they are so comfortable, and they're sturdy too.

    Try being the 51 year old flipping through the juniors' racks because the grown-up women's clothing seems to be styled/sized for gals with much larger hips/bums and bosoms than mine. :/

    At least in my case the casual onlooker will probably think I'm shopping for my daughter or even granddaughter. :D Until I hold something up to me to eyeball the length.

    I do like RW... they do "grown up" without crossing the "frumpy" line. Most of my clothing comes from online shopping or Winners (and TJMax when in US). Almost all of my workout wear is Winners/TJMax, with a few Old Navy tops in there... their pants are never long enough for me, unless I can find talls.

    Most of my major grocery shopping is Superstore/No Frills. (Needless to say, their Joe pants are too short too.)

    It's my future, haha. I just don't care anymore though because what else am I supposed to do? Buy everything too big and spend more money to have it tailored? Nope, I don't want to spend the extra so apart from a couple nice skirt suits I had altered for big meetings and stuff I'd rather just keep digging for appropriate clothes in teen stores.

    I HAVE a chest and hips and women's stuff still doesn't fit most of the time...yet the stuff my mom wore as a size 8 in the 80s fits perfectly, so go figure. She nearly fainted when I bought a wedding dress in a 0 (I'm ten pounds heavier than she was and her dress was, again, an 8), thinking I'd lost my mind, but that is really how much sizes have changed compared to when she was my age.

    That is true. I have a bigger waist now at 44 then I did at age 20. It is about 2.5 - 3 inches bigger. The rest of me is very close to the same size. I have a size 6 dress from about 1992 that I can't zip past my waist. Also I have three suits of the same brand that I bought the same day. They are petite sizes 0, 2, 4 and they all fit the same! Size is pretty meaningless because it is so inconsistent. I find it harder and harder to find clothes that fit.

    Eta I have ok luck in Macys or Nordstom petite section. They lean toward grandma styles though so I have to look multiple times to find clothes. I do love little dresses on clearance!!!!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Also, I do my grocery shopping at like 5-6 am on Saturdays. I normally get up at 4-430 during the week so it's sleeping in a little. I found that I can avoid the weeknight or weekend day crowds that way. Only a couple of times, they hadn't yet stocked what I'd like to buy. For weekends like this one, where we are going to be out of town, and I can't do my usual grocery store run, it stresses me.

    I've occasionally done this as well. Tamimi is a 24 hour grocery store, so on days we expect it to be crowded my husband and I have been known to go in around 3 AM or so. The only problem is that the deli counter and the butcher are both closed until later in the morning, and the bakery delivery truck doesn't show up until 6 or 7 AM so there's no fresh bread on the shelves. No turkey, no beef, and no bread for me. Sigh.

    It's true that the deli & meat departments are closed but I guess I don't get anything from those anyway. The meat department in this grocery store is not the best, neither is the produce but like @peleroja said, I usually go through any produce I buy rather quickly so it doesn't spoil. I forgot about Costco. I buy a lot of my meat from there or a local butcher. I buy a lot of everything from Costco. I kind of love Costco

    I don't like buying produce from Tamimi for the same reason--it's usually not too good or fresh, other than the herbs. I buy my herbs there, then I buy my produce from Carrefour and a local grocery store called Hyper Panda, which both get their produce from local farms and it's DELICIOUS.

    Speaking of produce, new confession: I'm mildly allergic to tomatoes, and the riper and more delicious they are, the worse my reaction is. But I REALLY love fresh, ripe summer tomatoes--and we just bought a big bag of them from Carrefour. So the other day, I ate about half a kilo (one pound) of them in the space of less than 24 hours, and had a burning red rash around my mouth and inside it for the next day or two, which then proceeded to become a crusty, dried up shell of skin around my mouth. Worth it. <3

    I'm allergic to tomatoes too, but i have such a bad reaction it causes anaphylaxis. Same with strawberries and red peppers. Its the enzyme on the skin colouring apparently. Makes eating out and work lunches a bit of a minefield. I also don't eat pork, so usually opt for vegetarian options for work events - which is always tomato and pepper. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get a plain cheese sandwich!

    Yes, I would. I have given up and bring my own food to things work is providing it for. In addition to celiac, I am allergic to dark leafy greens (anything darker than romaine), mushrooms, asparagus, eggs, coconut, shellfish, soybeans and mildly allergic to tomatoes and peppers. When inhale to stop eating tomatoes, I will be sad.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I clothing shop at Target or Kohl's usually, sometimes Maurices but they are a little more expensive. Grocery shopping is a local chain because they are the cheapest and have the best selection.

    I just bought this top at Maurice's and I LOVE IT!!! This is the front and back view. I love how modest, yet sexy it is.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    On the long hair at the gym thing, it baffles me too. My hair is somewhere between bra-band and waist-length and I need it in a ponytail at least, with a headband to keep it totally off my face. And I am NOT cute when I work out anyway as my face turns so red it's almost purple when I run. Strangers ask if I'm okay. I'm fine and I don't even feel super winded or anything, but I look on the brink of collapse, lol.

    I have the same problem with my face. I get super flushed whenever I work out. At physical therapy I am always so embarrassed because I turn bright red and sweat as I'm working out. I've always been like that too.

    Me too. People used to stop me and ask me if I was ok. And I sweat like CRAZY. Seriously gross.

    Me too! I regularly leave sweaty butt/body prints on equipment, much to my gym partner's dismay :blush:

    Thanks for this confession. I always thought I was the only one.

    Nope, I wipe mine down with a Lysol wipe after I use them. (and before if the person before me isn't kind enough to donut themselves.)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    The clothing rants brought up my own clothing first world problems.

    I usually wear a size that is easily available in any clothes shop, but I'm only 5'2" so I try to stick to the short lady range. Having a curvy figure, I find tops for normal height people are ridiculously low cut on me. But kids stuff obviously doesn't accommodate for my curves so that's a no too. But more and more shops are doing a petite range, plus I've gotten good with a sewing machine at alterations, so I was okay.

    Now I'm 4 months pregnant. Apparently there is no such thing as a short pregnant woman. Who knew? Not only that, but most shops around here don't actually have a maternity section other than online, so I can't try anything on, which I hate. I'm at that awkward in between stage where the bump isn't massive enough to hold up over the bump trousers, but it certainly isn't fitting into normal trousers. I may have had a hormonal sob about this last week...
    I sewed tops and dresses for myself.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Well, the evaluation went really good. She did much better than we anticipated and the 2 ladies absolutely loved her! Right now, they don't think she could be autistic, at least from an educational standpoint. Unfortunately, she's not going to be able to go into the 3k they have, since those children are severely disabled and they fear she could either regress or pick up some of those behaviors. They are having her evaluated for speech therapy and if she qualifies for therapy, they can also do occupational therapy with her. Right now, we're looking into the "first steps" program to see what we can find for her, since we really can't afford to put her in daycare but with her anxiety, we can't just leave her out of a "school like" setting for a whole year. They did tell us to sign her up for 4k once registration opens in January, and if we needed to do an IEP then we would address all that then. From an educational side, she isn't considered autistic, but that doesn't mean that she is "clinically". They did get me to sign a consent form for them to get her records and look over those too, and did say if need be, they can evaluate for autism again once she's older and has been in school for a while. I'm still going to ask for another evaluation from her doctor in September, just to double check and see what that leads to. I feel a little better, but I still have a lot of worries. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens this year.

    Actually, that's good news. Ian wasn't diagnosed until 1st grade. Just stay on top of it and you will get her where she needs to be.

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited July 2015
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    As far as the discussion on workout clothes I buy a lot of my newer workout clothes at Wal-Mart. Another place I find workout clothes pretty dirt cheap are thrift stores. The best time to hit up the thrift stores are either 50% off days or if you're a senior citizen & they offer a special discount day.

    I've found Under Armour, Nike, Reebok, & New Balance that looked like it was in new condition.

    Speaking of clothing where do most of you shop for your clothing? Where do you do the majority of your grocery shopping?

    Rant ahead...and I'm sorry, because I know it sounds like a humblebrag and I swear that's not the really is very frustrating because I'm not even an especially tiny person.

    I have a tough time with clothes because my frame is such that I'm on the border of not fitting into women's sizes, so I often have to seek out juniors' stuff that's appropriate for adults or scour stores with smaller more "European" sizing like Zara. Almost all my non-work stuff is either from the kids' section (Costco, a lot of the time) or from cheapo juniors' stores. And I have as much stretchy stuff as I can get away with for work, lots of wool sweaters and skinny trousers that are basically dress-pants-jeggings. Stores like Banana Republic, J Crew, Loft, and Express where lots of women my age shop for work basics are so vanity-sized I can't buy a pair of pants that fits there anymore because I have no butt. Fortunately all that loose, unstructured stuff, especially for tops, is in style now even for work so I've had options lately, though.

    I'm that practically-thirty-year-old flipping through every rack at H&M and Forever 21 looking for stuff that doesn't belong on a girl half my age.

    For exercise, I do kids' stuff from Costco, Victoria's Secret PINK leggings, and I do buy a LOT of Lululemon and I'm sorry. I am also that person who buys $100 hoodies and leggings sometimes. But the fit is beautiful, they are so comfortable, and they're sturdy too.

    Try being the 51 year old flipping through the juniors' racks because the grown-up women's clothing seems to be styled/sized for gals with much larger hips/bums and bosoms than mine. :/

    At least in my case the casual onlooker will probably think I'm shopping for my daughter or even granddaughter. :D Until I hold something up to me to eyeball the length.

    I do like RW... they do "grown up" without crossing the "frumpy" line. Most of my clothing comes from online shopping or Winners (and TJMax when in US). Almost all of my workout wear is Winners/TJMax, with a few Old Navy tops in there... their pants are never long enough for me, unless I can find talls.

    Most of my major grocery shopping is Superstore/No Frills. (Needless to say, their Joe pants are too short too.)

    It's my future, haha. I just don't care anymore though because what else am I supposed to do? Buy everything too big and spend more money to have it tailored? Nope, I don't want to spend the extra so apart from a couple nice skirt suits I had altered for big meetings and stuff I'd rather just keep digging for appropriate clothes in teen stores.

    I HAVE a chest and hips and women's stuff still doesn't fit most of the time...yet the stuff my mom wore as a size 8 in the 80s fits perfectly, so go figure. She nearly fainted when I bought a wedding dress in a 0 (I'm ten pounds heavier than she was and her dress was, again, an 8), thinking I'd lost my mind, but that is really how much sizes have changed compared to when she was my age.

    That is true. I have a bigger waist now at 44 then I did at age 20. It is about 2.5 - 3 inches bigger. The rest of me is very close to the same size. I have a size 6 dress from about 1992 that I can't zip past my waist. Also I have three suits of the same brand that I bought the same day. They are petite sizes 0, 2, 4 and they all fit the same! Size is pretty meaningless because it is so inconsistent. I find it harder and harder to find clothes that fit.

    I only find it hard to find appropriate clothes that fit. I can walk into any store intended for teenage girls, pretty much (this is embarassing, but I buy Abercrombie jeans a lot, for example), and have almost everything fit fine. Which also baffles me, because I am certainly not shaped like you would expect a teenage girl to be. I think it might be because stuff for teenagers is usually less tailored-fitting even though it's cut a bit narrower, so there's more room for error in fit, unlike with nice structured dress pants or pencil skirts from stores meant for actual adult women. At 5'4" I'm also too tall for petites, which doesn't help.

    I've been looking into ordering online from Korea lately, as a lot of fashion bloggers seem to recommend it as an cost-effective option for people getting vanity-sized out of women's chains in North America.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    The clothing rants brought up my own clothing first world problems.

    I usually wear a size that is easily available in any clothes shop, but I'm only 5'2" so I try to stick to the short lady range. Having a curvy figure, I find tops for normal height people are ridiculously low cut on me. But kids stuff obviously doesn't accommodate for my curves so that's a no too. But more and more shops are doing a petite range, plus I've gotten good with a sewing machine at alterations, so I was okay.

    Now I'm 4 months pregnant. Apparently there is no such thing as a short pregnant woman. Who knew? Not only that, but most shops around here don't actually have a maternity section other than online, so I can't try anything on, which I hate. I'm at that awkward in between stage where the bump isn't massive enough to hold up over the bump trousers, but it certainly isn't fitting into normal trousers. I may have had a hormonal sob about this last week...
    I sewed tops and dresses for myself.
    Won't let me edit. Would that work for you?
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    Your anxiety is understandable, but at least at my Y my fears proved unfounded. I was able to make an appointment with an employee to do an orientation. He showed me how to use everything and helped me with a program for the goals I had then. I've ditched it for mostly weight training now, but it was helpful a year ago. :)

    Your Y sounds awesome, the one closest to my house, is not. The "trainers" that work there aren't all that interested in helping you unless you've signed up for one of their classes. I have a few friends that lift that I could probably sweet talk into helping me out the first couple times.

    Really? That is crap!

    At my Y I have one girl I have worked with off and on for a long time. That is one of the reasons I waited almost two weeks for an appt for the new machines cuz I wanted my girl (it only took that long because everyone was needing a session at the same time because of the new machines). She is wonderful, any time I want a session, I just book an hour with her....and she emails me regularly too.
    The Y I tried out last year kinda sucked as well. It was specifically geared towards families, but they only provided child care to members between 2 to 5...? or so during the week, with no options on the weekend. There were NO squat racks, I had to supplement my weight routine with goblet squats, ancient machines, and the staff members were often too busy talking to their friends to keep kids from playing on the assisted dip / chin up machine.

    My local Y is so is expensive, the most expensive gym in the area, but SO worth it. We have three gyms and two exercise rooms for classes. Plus a separate spin class room. There is an indoor track and a stretch/mat exercises room. And tons of different classes going on in each gym almost all the time.

    Then the cardio area is huge, more than a dozen of each machine, treadmill, steppers, cross trainers, and two kinds of bikes, row machines and some other machine that is kind of like a stepper, but a bit different. Then there are a few dozen weight machines, equipped with fitlixx, which is a little screen at each machine, when you log your number in, it will tell you how much weight you do, what your seat should be set at, and any other settings you might need to know for that particular machine. It counts your reps and sets for you, and tells you to slow down, speed up, when to increase your weight, and even how long your rest time should be/when to start the next set. And these machines we have now just came two weeks ago but the old ones were only a few years old.

    Then there is a giant free weight section, with everything you could think of. Then there is a big pool, with lanes and a water slide, and then a smaller pool with water jets and sprinklers etc. And then a sauna on the pool deck. And everyone has access to a trainer (if you want one), that will work with you as needed. If you want like three sessions a week or something, there are trainers that do that for a fee, but you can get together with the one you have monthly or so included in your membership, and like I said, they are very good about keeping in touch with email too.

    I know on the other side there are two child care rooms, one for babies and toddlers and one for older children. I think there is a charge for that though. There is also a cafe when you first walk in and a public library that has a space at the opening of the building. Then outside there is a skate park, splash pad and play ground. Also, children are not allowed in the adult areas until they are 15 and have had a training session.

    They are expanding our Y right now to add a third group exercise room and a walking track around the gym and the children's area. Ours sounds a lot like yours, though. We don't have a sauna. I wish we did.
  • ljmorgi
    ljmorgi Posts: 264 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...



    (Reason #473 I'm never, ever having kids...)
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    How does that even stay up?!

    They're allegedly self-adhesive.

    I've picked up the packages and they seem to be heavier than the appendages (mine anyway) they're supposed to support.

    The sales clerk in La Senza swore they stayed on securely, but of course she IS paid to say stuff like that.

    I don't want them lifted per se, just want them supported in a position north of my waistline and to avoid that dead giveaway braless jiggle & sway. (they're small but very mobile)
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I buy all my groceries at Publix. I think they're only in the Southeast US though...?

    Everything else I buy off Amazon! Getting an Amazon Prime membership is like the best decision I've ever 2 day shipping! I buy cosmetics, toilet paper, dog food, you name it! So much cheaper.

    I get 90% of my clothes at New York and Company.

    YES, Publix is ONLY in SE US and I'm beyond annoyed by this. We discovered Publix sweet tea while in Florida and fell in love. We had Rachael bring back some of that and Zephyr Hills water when she went to Florida with my mom. Mr. Mo drank it all and I only got 1 glass. I'm STILL made about that.

    Be a dear, and ship me about 5 gallons of that delicious sweet nectar, would ya!

    Haha Publix is the best!! I will totally ship you some sweet tea!!

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...

    As I don't have children and therefore have never given birth, this scares me :#
  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    I ate Ramen Noodles. I know, it's literally plastic and salt. It's not in my apartment anymore and I have no intention of touching it. But I did it.

    Wow, that did feel better. I like this post! :smile:
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    The clothing rants brought up my own clothing first world problems.

    I usually wear a size that is easily available in any clothes shop, but I'm only 5'2" so I try to stick to the short lady range. Having a curvy figure, I find tops for normal height people are ridiculously low cut on me. But kids stuff obviously doesn't accommodate for my curves so that's a no too. But more and more shops are doing a petite range, plus I've gotten good with a sewing machine at alterations, so I was okay.

    Now I'm 4 months pregnant. Apparently there is no such thing as a short pregnant woman. Who knew? Not only that, but most shops around here don't actually have a maternity section other than online, so I can't try anything on, which I hate. I'm at that awkward in between stage where the bump isn't massive enough to hold up over the bump trousers, but it certainly isn't fitting into normal trousers. I may have had a hormonal sob about this last week...
    I sewed tops and dresses for myself.
    Won't let me edit. Would that work for you?

    My sewing skills aren't good enough to sew things from scratch, but I do some alterations. I do lots of shortening of shoulder straps and trouser hems. I'm currently deciding which dresses to 'sacrifice' since if I wear them they'll stretch into an odd shape.