

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am getting my skin cancer cut out today. I had no idea no running, riding, swimming, or anything but walking or the stationary bike after 2 days for TWO weeks. I am not happy.

    Not to mention the sound of the snipping of my flesh is making me a bit nauseous.

    *shudders at the sound of snipping flesh

    I had no idea that you'd have such exercise restrictions after the procedure. Huh. I wonder why? Man, I feel like you might go crazy not being able to do all the things you're used to for 2 weeks! Ack!

    Layman's explanation is that exercise increases the odds of infection by risking opening the wound and getting sweat and staph from your outer skin in it.

    Its also on my shoulder so movement would aggravate it. And according to them delay 2 weeks of healing to become 3 months...and the scar will be uglier.

    Not to show a lack of commiseration or anything... But shouldn't you be happier that the cancer is gone, rather than worrying so much about what you can't do while recovering? Cancer is nothing to mess around with, I would be super-relieved that it didn't spread further if I were you--considering how long you put it off. :)

    I'm sure you know I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just trying to give another perspective! :)

    Nope, still sullen and cranky over not being able to ride. :(
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I don't mind having blood drawn, but my mom can't stand it. She also can't stand to stay in the room with anyone else who is having blood drawn, because the needles freak her out. Both my sister and I would sit with her and hold her hand and comfort her while she sobbed through it--and once, I covered her eyes with my hands and told her not to look and I'd buy her ice cream after it was over. :p

    Speaking of having blood drawn, though... (squeamish people look away!) I once had an inexperienced nurse trying to draw blood from me, and I have VERY elusive and narrow veins. I usually have to warn the nurses that they'll have to get it from my hand, because they just can't find veins in my upper arm where they usually prefer to take it.

    Anyhow, I warned her that she should take it from my hand, but she wanted to try my upper arm first. She ended up having to prick me three separate times, and finally resorted to my hand (why does nobody want to listen to me to begin with? I always warn them... Bunch of know-it-alls. :p). After she was done, she tried to collect the tube and stuff, and dropped the whole thing. Blood sprayed EVERYWHERE. :D
    The thing about your mom- that's so sweet of you and your sister!! Crazy how you two didn't inherit that fear after watching her struggle though that kind of thing... though now that I think of it, my mom doesn't mind needles either (well, she is a nurse :lol: ). We can't choose our fears! You're an excellent daughter.

    Regarding the rest of your comment, I didn't heed your warning and I feel very nauseous now. My own dumb fault. The thing about blood spraying everywhere is a horrible fear. I've heard of people getting their blood lost or dropped and having to get it drawn again... if that happened to me I would retreat to my room and sob my heart out. :lol:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OK, I shouldn't be here but had to do a quick check. Yay for so much good news in here! @bkhamill congrats on the new grandbaby, @crosbylee awesome cancer-free news, @orangesmartie so glad to hear you all WANT to work it out, and have fun in the UK @LBuehrle8!

    I'm out for the next week (leave for conference tomorrow) and have no chance of keeping up here, but I'll try to pop into the bat cave. @MoHousdon and @jthurman3 I want to hear about your SL 5x5 workouts this week!

    Dang it! I forgot I told you I was starting that this week. :o Guess I need to start that this week. We (Mr. Mo and I) were supposed to start this morning, but I had to take Rachael to her school to change her classes. Long irritating story.

    I'm going to watch the second video at lunch today so I can learn workout B. Maybe Mr. Mo will want to go tonight after dinner. Doubtful, but maybe.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OK, I shouldn't be here but had to do a quick check. Yay for so much good news in here! @bkhamill congrats on the new grandbaby, @crosbylee awesome cancer-free news, @orangesmartie so glad to hear you all WANT to work it out, and have fun in the UK @LBuehrle8!

    I'm out for the next week (leave for conference tomorrow) and have no chance of keeping up here, but I'll try to pop into the bat cave. @MoHousdon and @jthurman3 I want to hear about your SL 5x5 workouts this week!

    Dang it! I forgot I told you I was starting that this week. :o Guess I need to start that this week. We (Mr. Mo and I) were supposed to start this morning, but I had to take Rachael to her school to change her classes. Long irritating story.

    I'm going to watch the second video at lunch today so I can learn workout B. Maybe Mr. Mo will want to go tonight after dinner. Doubtful, but maybe.

    @WestCoastJo82 & @MoHousdon - We didn't do the workout yesterday, mostly because my knees were killing me from walking so many floors of stairs on my breaks last week (at least 20 floors a day Mon-Fri). It turns out my knees didn't love that. I want to make sure that I start the SL program with knees feeling good because the squats are what make me most uncertain with my sketchy knees.

    I think we will delay the start to next Monday and I'm laying off the stairs this whole week so that I can start off the best way. I'm still really excited about the program and want to give it my all! My knees feel a bit better today and I think they will be 100% by the end of the week. I will definitely keep you posted! :smiley:

    I may hold off and start next week too. I still need to get me some Chucks and make sure I watch the tutorials as to not injure myself. I am excited about starting too, but not that excited about having to get up at least an hour earlier 3 times a week since Mr. Mo wants to workout before work.


    @MoHousdon I just got the greatest shoes...New Balance Minamalist...they are different than any shoe I've ever worn. They have a wide toe area, which is good for lifting weights (they're weight training shoes). I can definitely tell a difference in my squats and deadlifts.

    Confession - I still lift in running shoes... I keep meaning to buy something specifically for lifting, but never seem to get around to it.

    I didn't really realize there were separate shoes for just lifting. Maybe I will look into some...

    When I was doing crossfit they advised different shoes. They put you back on your heels vs. running or cross training shoes that are lifted in the back. Its better, you want to be on your heels when you lift (not on toes).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    To jump in on the McD convo: I used to get their sausage & egg biscuit, then add cheese to it (sorry @peleroja ). I also love their fruit & yogurt parfaits. Not too many calories, but quite tasty. I consider it a dessert for my biscuit sandwich.

    Also, sometimes I just really want a McD's cheeseburger. The little one. I almost never actually spend 400+ calories on that little bugger, but yeah. That's the only non-breakfast thing I'll eat there, along with a hot fudge sundae. Heh

    Confession. I haaate the word parfait. Not sure why.... but it could be the best thing on earth and I wouldn't order it if I had to say the name when ordering.


    this was funny
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    The downside is it's going to cost a fortune for you to fly us all in to be bridesmaids.

    So, I guess since I wasn't included in this list I don't get to be a bridesmaid? Sigh. Oh well, being a guest is better anyway, I can wear whatever I want and don't have any chores!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am getting my skin cancer cut out today. I had no idea no running, riding, swimming, or anything but walking or the stationary bike after 2 days for TWO weeks. I am not happy.

    Not to mention the sound of the snipping of my flesh is making me a bit nauseous.

    I hope everything goes okay. This sounds scary. Sorry you can't really work out much after.

    Not scary. Just annoying. But I will admit that while I don't get nauseous or weirded out by medical stuff usually (look away @FluffySandwich) the snipping of my flesh, burning of the small veins and the stitching of the wound, while I felt nothing, was really getting to me by the end. The first time... no problem. The 2nd cut a bit squeamish, by the 3rd cut then subsequent stitching I was really getting a bit lightheaded. ICK!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I am holding a conversation with myself. :neutral: It is time for me to get some sleep. Goodnight all!

    I'm totally here! But I am at work and had to make my rounds. :smiley: I do a little bit more than just sit around all night watching videos on Youtube. :smiley:

    I want to take something difficult but not too hard. Maybe a beginner chemistry course? I've always hoped to understand chemistry. I made the attempt when I was married but my now ex-husband had me signed up for History, Biology, English Literature, and an Algebra refresher course along with Chemistry. I was also working 60+ hours a week I was supposed to do ALL of that and keep the house together while he was unemployed was a little beyond me.

    I think I will start with Math for my first class. I'm good at math and it makes sense to me.

    I admire people who understand math. I always struggled with it. But do it! I love school (obviously). I love to learn.

    I always hated math! I loved history, because it was easier for me to memorize dates & facts. The teacher I had in 11th grade for history was pretty odd though. I had to highlight half of my book with pencil to pass her tests since she would put the most random questions in that focused on the littlest details. I also remember she put a stupid question like how many one word syllables are in The Gettysburg Address. Who in their right mind would know that? I also found it odd that one of her bonus projects was to mail a grave of someone historic & if you got a response back from the caretaker you got extra credit.

    That is nuts. I hated professors who took all their test questions from footnotes. They are FOOTNOTES... anecdotal to the main texts!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OK, I shouldn't be here but had to do a quick check. Yay for so much good news in here! @bkhamill congrats on the new grandbaby, @crosbylee awesome cancer-free news, @orangesmartie so glad to hear you all WANT to work it out, and have fun in the UK @LBuehrle8!

    I'm out for the next week (leave for conference tomorrow) and have no chance of keeping up here, but I'll try to pop into the bat cave. @MoHousdon and @jthurman3 I want to hear about your SL 5x5 workouts this week!

    Dang it! I forgot I told you I was starting that this week. :o Guess I need to start that this week. We (Mr. Mo and I) were supposed to start this morning, but I had to take Rachael to her school to change her classes. Long irritating story.

    I'm going to watch the second video at lunch today so I can learn workout B. Maybe Mr. Mo will want to go tonight after dinner. Doubtful, but maybe.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OK, I shouldn't be here but had to do a quick check. Yay for so much good news in here! @bkhamill congrats on the new grandbaby, @crosbylee awesome cancer-free news, @orangesmartie so glad to hear you all WANT to work it out, and have fun in the UK @LBuehrle8!

    I'm out for the next week (leave for conference tomorrow) and have no chance of keeping up here, but I'll try to pop into the bat cave. @MoHousdon and @jthurman3 I want to hear about your SL 5x5 workouts this week!

    Dang it! I forgot I told you I was starting that this week. :o Guess I need to start that this week. We (Mr. Mo and I) were supposed to start this morning, but I had to take Rachael to her school to change her classes. Long irritating story.

    I'm going to watch the second video at lunch today so I can learn workout B. Maybe Mr. Mo will want to go tonight after dinner. Doubtful, but maybe.

    @WestCoastJo82 & @MoHousdon - We didn't do the workout yesterday, mostly because my knees were killing me from walking so many floors of stairs on my breaks last week (at least 20 floors a day Mon-Fri). It turns out my knees didn't love that. I want to make sure that I start the SL program with knees feeling good because the squats are what make me most uncertain with my sketchy knees.

    I think we will delay the start to next Monday and I'm laying off the stairs this whole week so that I can start off the best way. I'm still really excited about the program and want to give it my all! My knees feel a bit better today and I think they will be 100% by the end of the week. I will definitely keep you posted! :smiley:

    I may hold off and start next week too. I still need to get me some Chucks and make sure I watch the tutorials as to not injure myself. I am excited about starting too, but not that excited about having to get up at least an hour earlier 3 times a week since Mr. Mo wants to workout before work.


    @MoHousdon I just got the greatest shoes...New Balance Minamalist...they are different than any shoe I've ever worn. They have a wide toe area, which is good for lifting weights (they're weight training shoes). I can definitely tell a difference in my squats and deadlifts.

    Confession - I still lift in running shoes... I keep meaning to buy something specifically for lifting, but never seem to get around to it.

    I don't understand this either.

    agreed. i never 'mean' to buy anything. i buy it. then buy another 'cause this one will wear out. then buy another in another color.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am getting my skin cancer cut out today. I had no idea no running, riding, swimming, or anything but walking or the stationary bike after 2 days for TWO weeks. I am not happy.

    Not to mention the sound of the snipping of my flesh is making me a bit nauseous.

    I hope everything goes okay. This sounds scary. Sorry you can't really work out much after.

    Not scary. Just annoying. But I will admit that while I don't get nauseous or weirded out by medical stuff usually (look away @FluffySandwich) the snipping of my flesh, burning of the small veins and the stitching of the wound, while I felt nothing, was really getting to me by the end. The first time... no problem. The 2nd cut a bit squeamish, by the 3rd cut then subsequent stitching I was really getting a bit lightheaded. ICK!
    I didn't heed your warning either :tongue: I'm ok with hearing about the snipping of flesh (though I'm terribly sorry you have to go through all of that, happy that your cancer is gone though! It's no joke) and stitching of wounds for some reason. The burning of veins bothers me a lot more. I think I have a problem with veins in general. I don't like seeing my veins :(
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    When I watch any weight loss show, I stuff my face with junk food for the entire length of the show. Im pretty sure I am not the onlt one. :)

    No, no you're not. No Biggest Loser night was complete without cookies Ben and Jerry's.


    ooh wonder woman is BACK!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Just catching up with you ladies!! Welcome to the new folks I see posting!!
    @pofoster21 - Hope it is not malignant, but take it easy with the healing!
    @KylerJaye - Yay!!! I was hoping that would happen!!!
    @FluffySandwich - if you know what arm they will use, see if you can get some lidocane for the skin, a numbing medicine and use it there about half an hour prior to the draw and you won't feel it. My daughter prefers a vein stick to the finger stick, so we use the numbing stuff for her. Also, take a distractor with you so you are not watching them. Sometimes that can make you more anxious.

    I got so wrapped up in her visit today, I forgot to ask about the bell. We can do it next month though. It won't be any less a big deal then.
  • saraherren
    saraherren Posts: 59 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thank you to those who gave their condolences about my sweet dog's passing. She was 12 years old. It's a long story that I'm too heartbroken, miserable, and depressed about to type out, but I will say that I've had to force myself out of bed and do daily activities. Instead of eating tons of food, I've exercised to get my mind off it.

    CONFESSION: I have to get a pelvic ultrasound to check for cysts since I haven't had my period in almost a year (last one was September last year) and I'm super nervous.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    When I watch any weight loss show, I stuff my face with junk food for the entire length of the show. Im pretty sure I am not the onlt one. :)

    No, no you're not. No Biggest Loser night was complete without cookies Ben and Jerry's.


    ooh wonder woman is BACK!

    For now...crazy busy at work
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited August 2015
    I saw the allergist yesterday. He thought my nasal cavities, throat, and ear canals were fine, but expressed concerns about the sounds my jaws were making. He told me my allergies were likely exaggerated by some issues with my jaw, maybe TMJ, and refereed me to a specialist.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    Woke up on the floor with my head in the fridge a little while back. :# (I sleep eat - among other things)
    I'd eaten a 65g chocolate mousse and a Kitkat, apparently.

    I don't even like chocolate.

    Better than driving in your sleep, which my best friend does when under extreme stress. Her husband hides her keys after she goes to sleep and puts them back in her purse in the morning before he goes to work.

    Yikes, that's scary! Good thing her husband hides her keys.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am getting my skin cancer cut out today. I had no idea no running, riding, swimming, or anything but walking or the stationary bike after 2 days for TWO weeks. I am not happy.

    Not to mention the sound of the snipping of my flesh is making me a bit nauseous.

    I hope your recovery is painless & fast.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OK, I shouldn't be here but had to do a quick check. Yay for so much good news in here! @bkhamill congrats on the new grandbaby, @crosbylee awesome cancer-free news, @orangesmartie so glad to hear you all WANT to work it out, and have fun in the UK @LBuehrle8!

    I'm out for the next week (leave for conference tomorrow) and have no chance of keeping up here, but I'll try to pop into the bat cave. @MoHousdon and @jthurman3 I want to hear about your SL 5x5 workouts this week!

    Dang it! I forgot I told you I was starting that this week. :o Guess I need to start that this week. We (Mr. Mo and I) were supposed to start this morning, but I had to take Rachael to her school to change her classes. Long irritating story.

    I'm going to watch the second video at lunch today so I can learn workout B. Maybe Mr. Mo will want to go tonight after dinner. Doubtful, but maybe.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OK, I shouldn't be here but had to do a quick check. Yay for so much good news in here! @bkhamill congrats on the new grandbaby, @crosbylee awesome cancer-free news, @orangesmartie so glad to hear you all WANT to work it out, and have fun in the UK @LBuehrle8!

    I'm out for the next week (leave for conference tomorrow) and have no chance of keeping up here, but I'll try to pop into the bat cave. @MoHousdon and @jthurman3 I want to hear about your SL 5x5 workouts this week!

    Dang it! I forgot I told you I was starting that this week. :o Guess I need to start that this week. We (Mr. Mo and I) were supposed to start this morning, but I had to take Rachael to her school to change her classes. Long irritating story.

    I'm going to watch the second video at lunch today so I can learn workout B. Maybe Mr. Mo will want to go tonight after dinner. Doubtful, but maybe.

    @WestCoastJo82 & @MoHousdon - We didn't do the workout yesterday, mostly because my knees were killing me from walking so many floors of stairs on my breaks last week (at least 20 floors a day Mon-Fri). It turns out my knees didn't love that. I want to make sure that I start the SL program with knees feeling good because the squats are what make me most uncertain with my sketchy knees.

    I think we will delay the start to next Monday and I'm laying off the stairs this whole week so that I can start off the best way. I'm still really excited about the program and want to give it my all! My knees feel a bit better today and I think they will be 100% by the end of the week. I will definitely keep you posted! :smiley:

    I may hold off and start next week too. I still need to get me some Chucks and make sure I watch the tutorials as to not injure myself. I am excited about starting too, but not that excited about having to get up at least an hour earlier 3 times a week since Mr. Mo wants to workout before work.


    @MoHousdon I just got the greatest shoes...New Balance Minamalist...they are different than any shoe I've ever worn. They have a wide toe area, which is good for lifting weights (they're weight training shoes). I can definitely tell a difference in my squats and deadlifts.

    Confession - I still lift in running shoes... I keep meaning to buy something specifically for lifting, but never seem to get around to it.

    I didn't really realize there were separate shoes for just lifting. Maybe I will look into some...

    I lift in my slippers, which are actually handcrafted suede moccasins. Although occasionally I lift barefoot.

    The benefits of lifting at home!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Sometime when I log my food, I don't include EVERYTHING so it doesn't look like I went over my allotted calories for the day. :-( ... self sabotage.

    I think we've all done that one. Heck I went a little over calories yesterday & just put in quick calorie for a few days this week.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    I always thought it would be fun to be invisible for a day.

    It totally would be!

    I would go up to people & smack them

    Or look into files to see what really happened for certain events.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    I saw the allergist yesterday. He thought my nasal cavities, throat, and ear canals were fine, but expressed concerns about the sounds my jaws were making. He told me my allergies were likely exaggerated by some issues with my jaw, maybe TMJ, and refereed me to a specialist.

    MY SO probably has a similar issue. He's been having a lot of trouble with episodes of muffled hearing in one ear and takes an antihistamine daily, but the ear nose & throat specialist thinks it is a jaw problem rather than ear or sinus. He's supposed to see his dentist about getting a mouth guard thingy to wear at night.

    I already wear a mouth guard thingy because I grind my teeth at night, so I'm a little too thrilled that he will have to wear one too. Really I'm hoping that it helps with his awful snoring.