

  • jakimcd
    jakimcd Posts: 7 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    katla - yeah, i'm aware the pot is legal here. back in the day i used to sell it, it wasn't my thing then and it sure isn't my thing now. don't care for it, never have, EVEN if it did help w/pain lololol.

    50 plus women

    August 8, 2015 12:32PM in Motivation and Support
    New here. I'm 53, losing weight and getting healthier.
    August goals:
    1. keep eating well and logging food
    2. Increase exercise
    3. Find connections and support

    Jaki from NW Washington
    couldn't figure out how to post so i put it here lol.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    .i LOVE THE cabinetry janetr !! put floyd and bullwinkle in our MS Bike ride jersey's and helmets, the bike ride is coming up!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    edited August 2015
    got a headache.... ugh..... don't worry ladies, no matter what i'm going thru, i'm still doing my regular stuff, i'm not letting it slow me down, so to speak.... next week i have may 2 followup appointments, one with the bone doc (got more questions for him and my primary doc.

    gotta go upstairs and strip the bed, it's laundry day.

    type to ya later..

    fanncy - trying to give me competition ? - hubba hubba
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hey ladies! Yep I am blessed with 3 great sons! I am hoping my son stationed at Widbey Island in WA state will be able to have a free weekend this month. Even just to come for a weekend so I can make him his favorite meal, cake and sit and watch a nice movie or something. He is on "nightcheck" so he lives like a hermit during the day and eats alot of fast food. Someone from the squadron goes on a meal run so he eats whatever. Also the squadron has the "roach coach" (silver food trucks that serve gut-buster food), come visit. I would be living on TUMS 24/7.....
    My youngest son is now up to 130 lbs. from working out with us at the Aquatic Center. Happy about that! So is he, his goal this summer was to just look more fit. Also, because he got a #1 buzz haircut, his face, shoulders is clearing up complexion-wise. Every so often, after I have been lying out in the sun (nudisty hahaha) I tell him he needs to go out and get some Vitamin D. Just to put color into his cheeks!
    Today I am down from weigh-in on Wednesday. I organized my kitchen, cleaning counters, the toaster (crazy how much crumbs are in those things!) and also the microwave. I have my scale, my measuring spoons, and the blender out for easy access. I am a saver, so I had a pile of un-used envelopes from bills we pay online, junk mail and so I cut them into usable paper for shopping lists. Is this OCD behavior??? lol
    I found 3 HUGE leaves I had dried long ago and had in a almanac book. I think I will try to put them on my plain wood coffee table. Each leaf representing one son. Any suggestions? This is what the living room looks like.

    The rug underneath the long coffee table is my palette. All of the woods in the livingroom are buttery brown colors.

    Oh and for all you new friends...this is our house phone, isn't it just the sweetest thing. 1957 Black...and her ring is precious.


    teaching my son how to use it! He has to sit, because holding it to his ear will stretch the cord and make it want to come off the little telephone table.

    Have a nice day all! Checking my garden today. Tending something, even something on your counter is a great way to relieve stress. If you don't have space, look into a community garden like I have. I am lucky to have one within walking distance. On the way there are blackberries, so that is a bonus. Also my garden plot neighbor got some of my spinach in June, and now I am benefiting by getting their zucchini! If life's problems would be so easy to fix. I help you, you help me. Being military I meet a neighbor and the next time we are friends. That simple. I bring you things, and then that solidifies my need to rely on you someday. Friends lift you up, and make you feel good about yourself. If they don't then re-evaluate them as a friend. I have friends I rely on for support more than my family. Friends can be family. Bonded not by blood but by circumstance.

    "Take PLEASURE in persevering: That is what separates those who keep pushing forward from those who throw in the towel!"
    Becca, happy and content in a little ol' tip of Northern Oregon coast.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I talked earlier about Jack's woodworking hobby. Attached are a couple of pics of the cabinet he finished a few months ago for me. Its sitting in my dining room outside the kitchen. I LOVE IT. v3b140cry0je.jpg

    I LOVE THIS!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    fanncy - trying to give me competition ? - hubba hubba

    No competition! You were my inspiration when I started here. You still are! Look at how hard you still work with the severe pain you must be going through!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Mary from Minnesota, I am in awe of you!!! Congrats on your commitment and dedication!!! It shows! ((hugs))
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ohh another great phrase...

    another one....kind of ZEN sounding....

    For all the people that have tried the latest fad or program:

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janetr ~ Your hubby is quite a craftsman. I love the little pull out drawers in the cabinet.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.The muscle relaxants and ice packs have helped.I go back wed.
    Limiting time sitting and walking around the house and no bending also have helped.
    Our insurance doesn`t pay for chiropractors.
    HUGS jane
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Janetr... Your husband has more than enough talent to build consignment pieces! The hutch is wonderful!

    Mary ... Fantastic results!

    Alison ... Sounds like he's trying ... Continuing to pray

    Back from funeral ... So sad

    Son had interview which went well ... Manager is still interviewing and said he will call back. Also told him the timing was good as college students are leaving.

    Well ladies, my plans for the weekend have been derailed. While transferring my older son into the car (wheelchair van unavailable this weekend) something popped in my lower back. I'm sitting in a chair with a lumbar pillow. Not able to bend or turn or transition myself without pain. Standing is good, walking so so and sitting is so so ... I had a lot planned ... Rats!

    Beth in WNY
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Mary from Minnesota, I am in awe of you!!! Congrats on your commitment and dedication!!! It shows! ((hugs))
    Thank you ! I like your phrases especially the one about the food decisions! You are right about fad programs, good old fashioned hard work and watching what you eat is still the way to go! Thanks for the insight.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    .i LOVE THE cabinetry janetr !! put floyd and bullwinkle in our MS Bike ride jersey's and helmets, the bike ride is coming up!!!

    So cute, love the kids all dressed up ready to go. :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member

    Happy Saturday. It has not been a good couple days. On Thursday I could not get this thread to open. I tried most the day. Sounds like I am not the only one who was having problems. So now I am REALLY behind. I will do my best to get caught up this weekend. I am working 6-4:30 today and tomorrow and the patient count is down. My eating has been all over the place. I realized a couple days ago at this time last year I was 31 pounds lighter. That is depressing. But I keep telling myself today is a new day and a new start. Thank each and everyone of you for being here..

    katiebug--Love the house, looks like a great place to relax.

    Janetr--Sending hugs and prayers for your family at this time. May God's comfort and peace be with each of you.

    Allison--Sending hugs. Not an easy way to live.

    Mary--Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like you had a great time. You are looking really good. Great news on the closings.

    Cheri--Great NSV.

    pip--I take tramadol twice a day for my back. I have 3 dics that are rupured. I also go to the chiropractor once a month and between the two, I can walk and not be in pain. Hope it works for you.

    Lisa--WOW!! I admire all you are doing. I just hope the owners know.

    Beth--HUGS!! Children have the abitity to hurt us without really trying.

    Becca--I agree very nice looking sons.

    Heather--Your grandchildren are sooooooooo cute. Glad to hear you got your money.

    joyce--loooks like an completely different house, a lot bigger. what a nice change.

    Lillian--Congrates on 30 years! Hope you have a fun celebration.

    Happy dance I am up to the middle of page 22. About time to finish up and get ready to go home. Have church this evening and back to work in the morning. Take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Beth - oh not good about hurting your back. Take care. I know it's miserable.

    Thanks all for compliments on the cabinet. I passed it along to hubby. He was very pleased. It was cute.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    just got a call from by orthopedic doc / aka bone doc because i had called on friday to tell them that the meds weren't working. he suggested that we stop using the brace to see if it stopped hurting some because maybe i was putting too much pressure on it to see how that would work. i still have an appointment to see him on wed. so we will see how it goes. that was nice of him to call on a saturday.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Beth - I hate it when that happens! Do you have a bad back? When mine goes out like that I immediately lay down with my knees up on top of a pillow and take flexerol if I have it or ibuprofen or advill and Tylenol. Take care of yourself!

    Vicki- thanks! We are relieved to be home owners! Stick with us and you will be successful!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    Vicki157 - unfortunately, tramadol didn't do anything for me :0/
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Saturday ! ! !

    Today I am binging on the Sharknado movies. They are incredibly stupid, but I just can't stop.

    Jane - Hugs. I hope you finally get some much deserved rest.

    Grits - Hugs for the dog. Nice work on your healthy meal. I like "skinny and stay sane". Thanks for sharing.

    Becca - Congrats on your "wake up". Being a full-time caregiver makes it hard to stay true to yourself. I'm glad you found yourself. Great pictures.

    Heather - so adorable.

    Mary - Hooray on your house !

    Michele (and Mary and Barbie) - with my DS's lifting program, he uses the heaviest weights he can manage to lift 5 times quickly without losing form. This is because baseball and basketball both require strong lean muscles that can burst with energy more than sheer strength and bulk. I have been told (by personal trainer and physical therapist) that the most I should lift is 3 pounds, because anything heavier would be detrimental to my joints. (I supposed they will tell me different eventually, since they watch me work-out most days.) There are numerous techniques depending on your final goal. The main objective is overall body health, strong muscles create strong bones and a more efficient ability to burn calories and fat. It sounds to me like everyone is doing (or striving for ) what is best for them. Congrats to everyone for trying their best to take care of themselves. That truly is why we are here.

    DJ - So True ! ! ! When DS is between sports I only assign about 30 minutes of chores per day (only when also no school), and I know he spends hours at a time playing video games. As long as it doesn't negatively affect me, I just let him do his thing. I know how hard he works the rest of the time. I am also allowing him to hang out unattended at State Fair this summer by giving him 4 tickets to share with friends, and probably about $60 each day (but I didn't tell him how much money yet). This way he gets to decide if he is taking 1 friend twice, or 3 friends once. He's a good kid, so I mostly trust him. // Congrats on your pants being too big !

    Mary - I love Goodwill, too. I find all kinds of crazy things there. I also donate back. I have even bought stuff from their website.

    Janetr - I understand the fear of lifting with arthritis. My suggestion would be to ask your doctor, then have a good personal trainer get you started. Every person is different, and you should do what you love AND what is best for you. Good Luck ! ! ! // My ex-FIL either still does or used to live in Parker. I only visited twice, and the scenery was lovely. // Congrats on your clothes being too big. It's a great feeling. // Good luck with all the surgeries. I hope they go well. Be sure to keep in touch throughout.

    Katla - Thanks for your concern about my knees.

    Joyce - the after picture of your house looks amazing. It almost doesn't even look like the same house.

    Gaw - Sprains are terribly painful, and you really shouldn't walk on it if possible. It means something in or around the joint is torn. ICE = ice, compression, elevation. Tylenol alternated with an anti-inflammatory helps me, too. As it starts feeling better, move it around a little. One way to make it stronger once it heals is to write the alphabet in the air with your toes. For now, allow yourself to heal, and like Barbie says, seated exercises are good for keeping your upper body in condition. Hugs ! ! !

    Heather - Congrats on finally getting your legacy.

    Allison - Have a nice time, and hugs for the bladder symptoms. I hope it is not an infection.

    I slept late today, which for me is past 7:00am, so I got a late start. Plus, my laptop battery only lasts 1.5 to 2 hours, so I have been typing and reading most of today, and I'm only on page 21. So, I will tell you all about my day so far, post this, and get back to reading soon.

    Healthy breakfast, shower, weights with DS, then some shopping. I love all the different drops or single kool-aid type powders to add to water. Most are less than 10 calories per, so it really doesn't add up throughout the entire day. I recycle my 50 ounce aloe juice bottles, fill about 0.25 or 0.33 full, freeze, then add flavor and more water, and use it to drink enough hydrating fluid throughout the day. Between that and my full glass with each morning and afternoon meds, I get enough water. Since DH is working, I took DS to weights myself, so I wasn't able to ride the bike like usual. But that's okay, because he is looking nice and bulk lately, and took last week off weights, so now he'll be ready to go back on Monday (or whichever days he is not at the Fair).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee