
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Oooooohhhh Beth, sounds painful. Sending healing thoughts. <3

    Had a lovely time at the restaurant. I had two starters instead of a main course. No carbs. Two long spritzers.
    We came back for peppermint tea, but I did have a bourbon :embarassed: and three small truffles. :embarassed:
    I'm just in calories for the day though as I had done a bit of gardening this pm.
    Most of the truffles left, so will have to get DH to eat most of them.

    DH has cricket tomorrow again. They are winning at the moment.
    I will have to water the garden as my runner beans are going great guns. Should be a bumper crop.

    I so enjoyed wearing the hydrangea dress this evening. The waitress (about 17!) Asked me if it was a Joules dress. ! No it's not, but I guess that is a compliment. I wore my new shrug, which the wife of the friend complimented me on. Nice to be noticed! ! ! ! !

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin - 1hr, 78ar 104aw, 9-17g, 16.7mi = 607cal
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Heather I don't know Joules :/ but that is so much fun when you feel so good about yourself and then especially when others comment/compliment. Glad you enjoyed yourself. I'll take a couple of those truffles off your hands! :) I looked her up, she does apparently use a lot of flowers in her designs. You are right up to snuff!

    janetr OKC

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 446 Member
    Just checking in to say:
    Love the cabinet!
    Beth, what a drag to have the back problem, hope you get better soon
    The bridge I walked across might take a half hour one way if you do not stop too often to admire the view. Past the bridge part is a 16 mile long rail trail you can bike or hike on, sounds neat. It is all parkland.
    So many personnel problems with that restaurant! A real soap opera!
    Have gotten DD1 to start using MFP-- she is down 3 pounds. Now I have to be a good role model and keep on this journey. Lots of messaging about fiber and protein lately--regular girl talk, right?
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Whew! I think I may be caught up, but I probably missed some important stuff.

    Mama and I have been cleaning like crazy people in DS's new rental. DS spent all day today building a stepping stone walkway from the driveway to the front door with big flat rocks he found in the woods. Grits I think we've rented "your" house, rotten potatoes, left-behind furniture and all! We are finished with the cleaning, painted the pantry today (wow, what a difference!). He wants the closet painted, too, but it looks fine to me so I'm not doing it. It's a really bright green. It would look horrendous for a room, but I think it's cheery for the closet. He doesn't, so he can paint it himself! We also got cheap vinyl blinds and hung them. Mama is going to buy him a table and chairs for a housewarming present, and I'm getting him a set of dishes (plus I paid for the blinds and all the cleaning supplies, even if it was from my Lowe's gift card that we had for 2 years and never used). He is going to have a really cute place when it is done. He is going to buy his last roommate's washer/dryer since he doesn't need it in his new place. Sorry to ramble on and on. Thus has been my life for the last week.

    Joyce, I owe you an apology. I read your post about hoping you got the "after" picture uploaded right this time, then saw the picture and thought, "Bless her heart. She's messed it up again. That's a picture of a totally different house," then I saw the before picture right below it. I had to compare again to see that it actually was the same house, nice job!

    Beth, I'm so sorry about your back. Healing prayers for you and for all the others who are hurting and in pain.

    Mary, your hard work is really paying off. Nice job!

    Allison, prayers for a good getaway.

    Congrats to all who have been eating according to plan and swift kicks for those who need it. I'm pretty proud of myself for staying within target on calories, and all that extra physical labor has given my Fitbit a workout, too. I haven't missed a day of my early morning walk with DH, either. Life is good today!

  • cwmcaa
    cwmcaa Posts: 4 Member
    welcom CWMCAA - where are you from and what can we call you???

    Gayle Idaho

    Thanks Gayle! My name is Carol and I am from Columbus, Ohio!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Friends,

    Pip, sorry you aren’t getting any relief.  What are you doing at the gym? Just spinning, I hope. Take care and I hope in less pain each day. Love the new profile pic.

    Lisa, oh the joys of social media. That is really a great way to get her next job, huh? Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing great and will hopefully end up with a terrific staff.

    Katla, I don’t care if you make cupcakes or take fruit, but are you sure there will be things you can eat if you take cupcakes? LOL Have fun at any rate.

    Heather, I am not the bargain shopper that many of these ladies are. I can find things on sale at my favorite store but I want the real bargains! My DD can find fantastic things at Goodwill and resale shops. Today I did get one pair of black summer slacks that look terrific (if I do day so myself), a black shell, a pair of Bermuda shorts and a pair of espadrilles. All for $27, so not bad. I was thinking about your rental earlier today. I hope you can get some activity on it. I know you’d like to get it sold.

    Cwmcca, welcome. This is a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Please tell us a bit more about yourself and sign your posts with the name you want us to call you. Fun and positive is a great way to approach this life journey.

    , love the cabinet. Must be nice to have that kind of talent and enjoy doing it.

    Carol, I know what you mean about eating out. It’s easier to say home than to resist some of the yummy offerings.

    Jaki, welcome. To post just start typing in the blank white space at the bottom of the page. You will find lots of support from this group of ladies, plus all kinds of interesting information. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. (Married, kids, grands, work, retired, etc) come often and join right in.

    Jane, glad you got some relief. Hope it continues to get better.

    Beth, so sorry about your bum back. I’ve been there and done that, and it ain’t fun!!! Praying for you to mend quickly.

    Vicki, I have been able to get this open each day but sometime it’s been soooo s l o w. You hang in there and just remember that we are with you. In fact, think of me just sitting on your shoulder, cheering you on. (((Hugs)))

    Terri, it has to be so weird for you to not have any sporting event to attend? No wonder you are watching stupid movies. smiley-laughing018.gif It’s okay as long as you enjoy yourself.

    Heather, I’m sure you looked lovely at dinner. That dress looks great on you. And yes, isn’t it nice to be complimented and noticed by anyone?

    , good for you staying in calories and eating right. I’ll take your swift kick because I’m just eating borderline healthy. smiley-shocked019.gif I haven’t gone over on calories too much but just not eating as good as I normally do the past few days. I think tomorrow I will just get my butt back on track. Good work on DS’s new place. He’s lucky to have you two!!!

    I’m getting excited about going to my niece’s wedding in Texas next week. Every time I think about flying I still get bent out of shape about the separate baggage charges. I liked it when it was included in the price of the flight. Because of it, I will only take one bag and I’m used to traveling with all my toiletries in a carry-on. I have to figure out how to pack them all in my one bag. I always had an extra pair of undies and all my make up in the carry on, so hope my bag doesn’t get lost. missing.gif lol

    I am so thankful to have you all in my life and with me on this journey. I hope those with challenges find things easer with each passing day. I celebrate with those of you with victories. I wish you all a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Vickijw61
    Vickijw61 Posts: 40 Member
    edited August 2015
    august goals
    to make a few mfp friends
    to log in daily
    to walk daily
    to try and control my stress-just diagnosed diabetic, moving to new town, renovating home and working full time,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    edited August 2015
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    20,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking
    100 minutes on the exercise bike
    an hour moving rocks in the yard

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Question: do any of you have experience with shingles? My 86 year old dad was just diagnosed and he's in a lot of pain. Not sure what they've given him ... Pain meds and something else ... But they're not helping yet. Any suggestions for the pain outside of pain meds?

    Beth in WNY
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Beth, so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope they caught it early. I had it and took Valtrex. Caught it early because DH had it a couple of years before so I knew what it was. I never got blisters was miserable for a while. It has been a while since I had it so they may have more they can do for it now. I'll keep him in my prayers.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I am a slow empty nester. Let me explain. My sons are leaving me every 5 yrs, (to go into the Navy at 17-18 yrs old). There are days when my heart hurts, like when my husband was out to sea, but of course a different kind of ache.
    Today I took a 6 shelving unit that was on my kitchen counter, and put it in front of the kitchen entrance. In it are all my foods. Proteins/fruits/veggies/pastas/snacks and a square for medicines we don't use on a daily basis. I rec'd a shawl that has the same colors as the livingroom rug, so that is over the cabinet. Everything that was in the cabinet when it was on the counter is incorporated into the kitchen cabinets, mostly the coffee and tea stuff. We are collectors of craft beer pints and I had that in one of the shelves. They are now in a Japanese tray on the counter.
    I like to organize. You may have noticed that. For me it represents calmness, and changing things up keeps my world flowing. Its nice to have an open feeling in the kitchen. Especially when winter comes.

    Today I had some sliced zucchini with a cut up small potato for dinner. I put steak rub seasoning on it, drizzled them with olive oil and baked in the oven. Turned out pretty good!

    Missing the Renaissance Faires and the SCA events...:-( If there is one thing I can admit is that we had hobbies, we immersed ourselves in them.

    Son #1

    Son #2

    Son #3

    We camped in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and had to purchase a trailer to haul all our stuff around to events. Early into our camping it looked like this:

    Later on it looked like this:

    Ok my trip down memory lane is over........(sniff)
    Becca reminissing in Oregon....
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited August 2015
    :# I have no idea what you have all been up to, so I am just jumping in. I made a shrimp curry dish tonight with fresh herbs from our garden. It was awesome.

    My day has been a lazy one. Which is what I intended it to be. Nothing pressing and nobody pressuring. Just the way I like it.

    DH has been working on some electrical stuff of which he seems to have no right to be knowledgeable about. But then again, he is a pretty handy guy. So. I think I will check up on him to see if he has not electrocuted himself.

    Tomorrow we are celebrating DGS 4th birthday. His daddy just had a birthday too. Why - pray tell - do we have so many birthdays in the summer? It's actually fairly handy, since I can always show up with a fruit platter of some sort.

    We are supposed to have rain tonight; not sure why the sun is shining right now. We desperately need rain!!!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    my husband had shingles, a side effect of AIDS, nothing helped unfortunately
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    My husband started back to his second job at a local college. He is feeding the WSU Cougar Football team during their football camp. They come here to start their summer. The nutritionist is locking down on the types of foods they can eat this year. Less choices and more healthy. I think they are going to be hungry as they are big guys burning a lot of calories.
    I survived my day at my Saturday job and now I have my leg up.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Mary in MN - I didn't mean that lifting you aren't doing cardio. Trust me, I know that at times your heartrate can REALLY get elevated (like when you're using your legs). I just prefer to not go real fast because then I find that I compromise my form, and I'd rather have good form. You can hurt yourself if you don't have proper form.

    Betty - you're kidding! A video on how to blow your nose!!!! What WILL they think of next?

    Did an hour of Leslie Sansones Upper and Lower Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii.

    After exercising went to the farmers market and bought some more purple potatoes. I think this is going to be about IT. Stopped at the Salvation Army and found a cookie press that I don't think had ever been used. See, the spritz cookie recipe I had I had so many problems with that I thought it was my cookie press. Well, I had the exact same problems with this cookie press. Now I'm thinking that it's not the cookie press but the recipe. Anyone have a good recipe for use in a cookie press?

    Made the spinach feta pie. Had good taste, but I didn't put in the salt and I think it needed it. Will definitely make it again. Also made the Hungry Girl brownies for rummikub. I'll just put them in the freezer. I'm thinking that if this one gal who is lactose intolerant comes, that's something she can have since it's just cake mix and pumpkin, no butter or oil or eggs.

    Came home, went in the pool. went to church, then made these pork chops (actually, Vince grilled them). Then made Vince these chocolate spritz cookies that I had problems with (see above)

    Lenora - in a sense I don't want to google ducks. Someone said to me "ordinary is for WalMart" so I'd like to make him "colorful". The only thing that I definitely want to keep "normal" is the white on his neck. Other than that, I'm leaning towards shades of blue and maybe some sort of yellowish-brown for the wings. We shall see what I wind up with.....lol

    DJ - I am hesitant to buy pj's mainly because of the price. The last pair I bought were for me to leave at the condo and I got them at the Salvatioin Army! If I do have to buy some, I usually get them at Kohl's or TJ Maxx. I don't think I could ever get to my wedding weight. I know that I'd lost 10lbs right before my wedding from all the stress. Woohoo on the big pants. Maybe you can have them taken in so hopefully you can get more wear out of them. If anything, that truffle box would be high in fiber....lol

    janetr - oh, you can weight lift! Mary was saying how she had knee problems. Actually, weight lifting will help your knees since you'll be building up the muscles around the knee joint. Your story about how you felt in that coat broke my heart. I had a friend who had WLS and I was really surprised at how little psychiatric help she'd gotten. Basically, her psychiatric help was "do you want it, are you sure, why? OK" Good luck with your surgery. WTG on the shopping! Jack's cabinets are really nice. Like all the different ways he made room for things. I don't like to buy clothes online unless I've tried it on in the store and just need a different color. Otherwise, I like to try the clothes on. I love my faucet with the pull down sprayer, too.

    katla - yes, the duck is going to be a pool pal. He's a bit on the small side so I think he'll probably wind up being on the same level as the pool. But that's OK, there's a frog there right now that MIL made that's only 4" tall. I do want to keep it because MIL made it. I like using allrecipes. Not every recipe has the nutritionals for it, but one of the things that I do like is reading the reviews of the recipes and how someone changes it.

    Joyce - when they were building our pool, you have no idea how many pictures Vince took, documenting where EVERYTHING was. But it really worked for the best. when we had the pergola built over the equipment pad, he could say to the builder "you can put a footer here, but not here, you'll hit a pipe" I'm looking for LARGE ceramic animals to put around the pool. Most places have things that are 3 or 4 inches tall, I need at the absolute minimum 9", preferrable taller. Oh well, Boy, your house looks like a totally different house

    gaw... - take it easy. The more you let the ankle heal, the faster it'll heal. This...from the person who would walk to the bathroom with a broken bone in her foot. But I learned the hard way to follow the MD advice, give it time to heal. So sorry you are in so much pain

    Heather - congrats on getting your legacy. It's been a long time coming, but good things are worth waiting for

    Alison - oh, no, an infection! Sure hope you're wrong on that one. If I'm not mistaken, that is the same route 1 that runs down to FL, right by our place.

    Lillian - happy early anniversary. Yes, you should network

    Beth - hope your son gets the job. So sorry about your friend. Praying for older son. So sorry about your back

    Mary from MN - good lookin pics. Can't get over the difference

    Welcome everyone new and those returning

    Becca - "needs to put color in his cheeks". Something just tells me that you aren't referring to the cheeks on a person's face....lol Hey, when I download coupons off the net, if only one coupon prints on a page, I use that large piece of paper (minus the coupon) for scrap, so if you're OCD, then so am I Love your phone, reminds me of my first phone only it was white, and not from 1957. I remember my grandmother having a phone table sort-of like yours

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele- I totally agree with you. I don't go fast either but the full body movement with the weight causes increased heart rate and breathing and truly it is not strenuous like Zumba but has the same cardio benefits. Correct Form is crucial when lifting that is why the creator of strong lift suggests bar only for first week to make sure you have correct form. With all of the different exercises you do with arthritis you are an inspiration to me and many others here!

    Renny- have fun at the Birthday party!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, sorry about DH oldest daughter. It seems we seek our family out when we are worried which in a way is good since a lot of people tend to withdraw ad never let anyone in. Have fun with your friends. WOW, you actually got it. Did your blood pressure go down??? Can you cross your ex out of your life now?

    DJ,how nice South Carolina has the tax free weekend the weekend before the college students come in. My grand nephew and parents leave here Thursday so they can spend some time with nieces sister. He is very close to her ad it makes it easier on his parents. But he is an only child and they are like what Terri and husband are with their son. Their life is wrapped around what son does, all of his sports and traveling teams. But it is all acedemics now. He is now considering pre-med. Since it was pharmacy or physical therapy before he will be taking the courses needed for pre-med. We had a send off dinner for him tonight. It was the most relaxed dinner this family has had in a long time. Usually my nephew and family leave pretty leave pretty quick but tonight we were there for 2 hours.

    Janetr, husband is so talented. I agree with others, he IS good enough to make things on consignment. I love the drawers in the cabinet. And he did all that by himself just for you? Such a sweetie. My Dad liked to build things also but not the the extent your husband does. When my girls were young and into all the Cabbage doll stuff and had clothes for them, he built them both a small box type cabinet to hang their dolls clothes in. Each one had a hand drawn picture of a Cabbage patch doll and their name on it. They both still use those cabinets. They went to college with them, Christina has it in her home and YDGD uses it and Michelle keeps hers here for all the grand kids and other babies. It holds books. It is a precious memory of my Dad.

    MNMargaret, how scary to see a waitress treat food and her cleanliness like that. or that manner she is treating the reputation of the restaurant badly. I don't blame you at all for refusing to pay for it.

    Allison, sounds so wonderful to be sitting on that porch swing in the breeze. Do you have a view of the ocean? Do you think that Tom is courting you???? He has to love himself first. Hope it isn't a bladder infection.

    Becca, your house is so neat and organized. Update, I see why it is. It is you maintaining control over your life. Your kids are so cute. You just reminiss all you wnat. We are enjoying going through this trip of your life.

    Beth, my back goes out also but at least you have a good and logical reason for yours. Mine may go out just standing up from using the commode. Ice, heat, medicine like Aleve will help.

    DrKatie, no apology needed. Actually is was me who downloaded them in the wrong order and I didn't know how to delete the first picture and then upload it again.

    Beth, so sorry about your elderly father getting shingles. Yes, they HURT! But the doctor should be ordering more than pain medicine for it. He should be getting medicine for the actual shingles and something to help dry them up. Just make sure to keep anyone away if they haven't had the chickenpox yet. My Dad had them real bad and was prescribed Tylenol with Codeine. It helped with the pain but the longer he took the Codeine, the loopier he got. my husband got it right between his eyes. It was just one single spot and it never went in his eyes. My youngest daughter got it when she was 8 years old.

    Thanks for all the compliments of my house now. Every time I look at it I am in disbelief. I was going to ask a neighbor down the street to give me ideas and maybe her and her husband help with the labor, I would pay them, but we were talking to them the other day because he was using a cane. He had what they thought was a brain tumor but all it was was a group of blood vessels all grown together. While I was taking my walk yesterday I noticed a lot of weeds in her precious gardens. So I won't ask them. I need to offer to help weed it. To the person who said it was a mansion, when Michelle was in school, she tended to have all the 'misfits' as friends. They came from low income and were bused to our school. When they came over, they called our house a mansion. Since we live in a bi-level, it has a high foyer. At first we painted it but that wasn't enough. So we went and bought a pretty large room size rug and with much difficulty hung it on the wall. We have gotten so many compliments on that cheap Sears rug throughout the years. We were known as the house with the rug on the wall by many of their friends.

    I have tried to enter a weekend challenge on fitbit but am not doing to well. I am gradually increasing my steps instead of going from 2000 to 11000. So I am falling behind but that's OK. I hope to get there. I tried to take a nice walk this afternoon but that 80 degrees was just to hot for this lady with MS. I hate to wear my MS cooling vest. It looks like a bullet proof police vest. and is heavy although it is cool. So I walked one block then back and came in and got on my bike. Then this evening was taken up by Alex's college send off. Oh, I did eat a little bit of cake.

    Type at you tomorrow my dear friends. Joyce, Indiana
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I talked earlier about Jack's woodworking hobby. Attached are a couple of pics of the cabinet he finished a few months ago for me. Its sitting in my dining room outside the kitchen. I LOVE IT.

    That is very nice!!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Very impressive Mary!!