Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    @susan - eat less + move more= weight loss. Revolutionary!! Lol. Trying to remember this simple little saying to build better habits

    During my extremely stressful past year and subsequent weight gain i have picked up some bad habits again. Most involve eating whatever i see. Yesterday the police brought some coffew and donuts holes to my work as we had several of their clients. Out of habit i reached for several of the donut holes. Then i remembered i was trying to eat healthier. So i logged those i ate and reached for the cherry tomatoes after that. Small steps to mindful eating
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited August 2015
    So many newbies since I last posted!
    @TeachPegg - please, tag along daily - being part of a support discussion helps you so much! Hope to see you back soon.
    @CBaker5156 - you mentioned being on disability due to your back - my sympathies - that will slow you a bit - but you can still lose your weight if your determined to. We will give you motivation for your 85 lb goal and keep the diabetes away...
    @Chastity6 - welcome to you - I hope your back is coming along. Keep working with your foods - a great area to explore!
    @jrsc28 - you'll make plenty of friends here. Motivation and support is wonderful here. Many, many successes here.
    @NickMom2014 - so glad you've made the decision now. Keep coming back here!

    @Susan - you're such a great, natural leader. Thanks for all your input. Wish you were MY trainer - hah. If only you could be cloned. I bet you wish that sometimes as well :)

    @Laurie - congrats on the new winter battery and new bike (I'm sure you'll by it)
    @Morgori - your post on 8/24 moved me...
    @Augie -my friend - great NSV at Kohls - and "good bye" to Big&Tall - and what a difference in price, right? $$$$$
    @GrandmaKaye - I think you'll do well with the Beachbody thing as you've fit it in your way - but, Kaye, I wish you had just one extra pair of hands much is falling on your shoulders right now. this is kinda personal, but I will try and visualize what it is you need and pray it to your Lord, I believe He will answer and help you, I'm sure I don't have any special pull, but my heart wants to say it anyway <3
    @NK1112-Niki - so wonderful to hear about your Dr visit and you improved health - I wish your knees didn't trouble you so much, but you are giving so much energy with the chores your detail you have to be burning lots of calories!
    OH-and also I love to hear about your Sunday batch baking and cooking.
    Now, can you tell me a bit more about that Cod you baked in parchment? Like, how many ounces was each piece of cod and what temp you cooked it at and for how long? I have 3 lbs. (each lb is in 5 oz. pieces) of frozen cod in freezer aging.....

    PICTURES! OMGosh - strawberry tarts! Orcas! Life is good!

    AFM: I am so excited Lori is coming to visit at the end of the month. I'm also driving across Nebr. over the Labor Day w/e to meet 2 girlfriends known since childhood days thru high school - what fun - on a ranch - told to wear jeans and boots - In SEPT when its around 80 - because its Rattler country - snakes that is. The hostess' hubby kills 1 a day at least. Then they bury the head deep in the ground so the venom is secure and away from anyone, and cut off the tail. The men show them off, counting the # of rattles on the tails, boasting on who has the biggest tail!

    Also, my health is improving - my new shrink noticed I was taking a med in the evening and also complaining I could not get to sleep until 3-4 am. He said a rare side effect of that drug was causing that. He switch it to the morning. Now I'm falling asleep at 1 am and I NO LONGER SNACK DURING THOSE HOURS. I'm actually skipping a meal I used to have. This should have a significant effect. I already notice I am much hungrier in the am.
    My arthritis doc gave me a shot of cortisone in my left hip as it went out again and gave me an order for PT for 12 visits so I'll set that up tomorrow. I'm excited about that so I can get walking again - either in the building halls or as soon as the humidity breaks, outside. She also suggested I buy an orthotic for my left foot as I tend to trip myself - she just happened to notice that. (I seriously love her.....she is SO smart!)

    My advice to the newbies: Don't get caught up in "fad" eating. I did. In the beginning I ate smoothies all the time. Then I got so sick of them that my blender is in the back of the closet. Now I eat normal food and have gotten to know some foods I had not liked before I started here. Slowly, after I got away from sugar, I did start trying some sweet tasting fruits and then I made myself buy them. I hate to waste MONEY so I ate them when they started to, I tried some frozen veggie combos that came with a butter sauce. Not too bad. That led me to try the fresh veggies. Now I can eat brocolli and I just want to give myself an award for that! So, its little steps like that....
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Robin. Thanks for your kind words and prayers. I believe that prayer is often the only resource we have. And it's a good one. I am showing a loss on the scales, but hesitate to say how much until it has been a week.

    We have an appointment on September 24 with a neurologist. She did say she'd put us on a cancellation list in case something opens up sooner. They moved my sister to a larger hospital that has better facilities for dealing with the bleeding. I haven't had a report today. I'm hoping that is a good thing. It is much easier around here with Keith in school. Anya and I get an hour walk every morning and she naps for about an hour and a half in the afternoon.
    I'm enjoying the garden produce. The cucumbers are amazing this year, and the tomatoes are finally ripening. I've had some broccoli. Today I dug some of the red potatoes. They are already really big.

    Welcome to all the newbies. If this old lady can do it, so can you.

    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Kiss Me Day!
    Well now, it's Kiss Me Day - one of my favorite holidays. The holiday marks the very first screen kiss in 1929 between that spinach chugging cartoon slugger, Popeye the Sailor Man and his one true lady love, the ahead-of-her time-skinny-as-a-rail Olive Oyl. Her response?

    "My hero," she said, falling into a swoon - possibly from hunger. It was, after all, the beginning of the Depression. Today is the day for heroes and their sweethearts to demonstrate their affection for one another.
    So AMY…

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

    kme.jpg 213.9K
  • stacystrouse86
    stacystrouse86 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, I just found this thread and I think it is wonderful so far. I have about 90lbs to loose to be at my healthy weight range. I am a mom of 5 and most the time my meals consist of convenience foods. I want to prepare healthier meals and for my family. It's a struggle with a limited amount of funds each week but I typically spend about 800-900 a month in groceries for my family of 7. I hope to be encourage by others and become and encouragement to others also.
  • emilyobrien73
    emilyobrien73 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new-ish to MFP. This is the longest I've stuck to it. I'm glad I checked this group out! Looks like a good place for me to be. I hope this time it just sticks and I continue on this journey. I'm tired of quitting. My time is now, and I'll take one day at a time
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    <3:* LOL I'm Down with That...and HURRY Home for a REAL ONE! LOL Oh and have a Happy Healthy Day Y'all :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All,
    No personal tonight as I am just checking in to let you know I am alive and happy that tomorrow is Friday.

    This week has been a roller coaster of emotion and energy. In a nutshell, Monday issues with getting the wheel chair ramp built arose and I spent the last couple of days getting additional estimates and we have one more tomorrow. Tuesday- first day of school- learned that I had the brother of kid who threatened to kill me about 4 years ago. Needless to say, I asked the school to change his class otherwise I would leave and go somewhere else quickly. I did not need that extra stresser in my life. I am sure this kids is NOT like his brother but the fact that there are guns in the home, I don't want to risk my life if his brother get angry etc. Wednesday was spent running around looking at bikes and finding sponsors for the park. I have opted to wait on a bike for right now but not much longer. I want to test ride a few different styles, the bright side I learned a lot and I am glad I did not jump. Had a meeting last night, which went longer than I hoped but we did manage to solve a few issues. Today, I did have a great workout and my weight has managed to stay down this week. I may meet my summer goal yet. The best of this is I am not eating between meals so that is helping.

    I hope to climb tomorrow but I may need to be home to wait for the last estimate for the ramp. This weekend is up in the air. I am just happy that I did not commit to a swim meet on Saturday. Heading to bed soon as I am exhausted.

    I hope everyone is doing well and I am thinking of you daily. Thank you for all the well wishes.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in quickly, I've been reading everone's posts but haven't had time to post myself. DH is back in the hospital tonight after being admitted to ICU for a blood clot and respiratory distress this morning.
    Frustrated & angry at the VA, I tried to get him in to see his PC doc and was basically told forget it, they "just saw him in July" and it was too soon, despite me telling them that his leg was suddenly swollen and he'd been having more problems breathing! Good thing we have the visiting nurse, I called and asked them to come, and they did. Might have saved my DH's life.
    Tried to contact the VA social worker, had to leave a message. Still no help from anyone besides the visiting nurse, everyone whose job it was to provide assistance has flaked. Grrrr!

    Tracy (TX)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Morning Friends!

    Sorry I've been MIA since returning from vacation, its been a hard week. My boss is off this week and left A LOT of piles on my desk. To top it off I brought home tracheobronchitis as a souvenir from my trip, actually came down with it about the 4th day on the ship--its been really hard to treat since its past the point where antibiotics would help (doc rx them anyway). He also gave me cough medicine w codeine to help me sleep at night, which has been great but finally found some daytime relief with an expired albuterol inhaler yesterday--so sent him an email this morning to ask for a refill. I get miserable about 2 in the afternoon, which is when a fever suddenly presents itself--weirdness. For some reason I've been super sleepy, too, so after a long day at work I've been crashing on the couch. I never get sick (haven't since I had tonsils out 10+ years ago) but I'm highly allergic to cigarette smoke, so think all my nights in the nightclub and casino on the ship are to blame--lesson learned. :frowning:

    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy)~Oy, I'm so sorry for the continued saga with your DHs care. I hope that someone follows through with their responsibilities soon. I hope he makes a speedy recovery in the hospital and is home soon.

    @Laurie~Yikes, how scary about the past student. I hope administration is on your side and removes his brother from your classroom.

    Welcome to the newlings, check back often.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Forgive Your Foe Friday!
    Try to find enough forgiveness in your heart to alleviate the anger, confusion or hatred you may be feeling towards other people or even towards yourself. Anger is dangerous and can lead us to make foolish mistakes. We have seen too many crimes committed by the lack of control of anger. Give it your best effort to try and forgive. For your sake, and for the sake of others. We really must break free of holding grudges. They say that holding a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
    Every time we truly forgive, we dissipate anger’s power and move closer to our better selves. So try your best to forgive. If there is an offense that you just can’t forgive, try taking a small step toward that goal. And take another step tomorrow. And then another, and another. Time will heal you and heal your wounds if you let it. Seek quite time and delve within your heart to see where you are wounded by anger and resentment. By bringing it out and facing it down you can burn away all bitterness with the fire of your love! Love is much stronger than hate.

    Peace begins with a smile. ~Mother Teresa


  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!! It’s been a LONG week and I’m so glad the week is over. Work has been super busy as we prepare numbers for the upcoming holiday season. Vendors have already ordered raw materials and will start production soon. 70% of our annual sales are during the holiday. Its nuts!!!

    My week has been really good. I’ve had over 100+ oz of water every day. I’m on my third week without Diet Coke. I did 3 days of training classes and hoping to squeeze in walking tonight and tomorrow. I’m looking forward to just carrying this into the weekend and next week as well.

    Tomorrow will be busy. Cyrus has physical therapy at 9:30. We’ll have to rush home and get out the door by 11 to go to his football game. Afterwards, he’s helping out a friend with a party/overnight event for 15 little boys ages 6-9. Oh boy. My girlfriend Shawna who lost her husband in December is coming to spend the weekend. As soon as we drop Cyrus off, we’re heading for hour foot massages than shopping and dinner. Can’t wait! I already chatted with Greg and we’re getting together Sunday. Woo Hoo!! Weekend is looking fabulous!!!!

    @karenleona – You’re exactly right. It’s not rocket science – eat less/move more. Yet why do we make it so difficult some days?? Good job grabbing the tomatoes instead. Donuts are a trigger food for me so I have to stay away! Keep up the mindful eating. You’re doing great!

    @RobinsEgg – Once again, your kind words humble me. Thanks!! I’m so excited to read your post. I know many months ago things were pretty bleak and struggles were evident, but this path is heading in the positive way and I couldn’t be happier for you!!

    @Morgori – Darn I missed Kiss Me Day yesterday!!! I’m sure you and Amy celebrated!!

    @stacystrouse86 & @emilyobrien73 – Welcome! This is an awesome group and the only one I follow on MFP. Everyone is very encouraging. No negativity! There are some of us that have been on here for 3+ years so we’ve built those personal relationships too, but always willing to welcome new folks to the thread. Check in daily if you can. They will support you!!

    @MrsMorgori (Amy) – Leave it at home!!!! LOL!!!

    @Lauriek70 – Boy, when it rains it pours and you’re under a storm right now. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate. Hang in there! It will all balance out soon. Sorry to hear about the classroom situation, but I totally agree about asking to have him removed. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy) – Hugs to you and DH! I get so frustrated when I hear stories like that from the VA. My dad is a Vietnam Vet and will be using the VA more and more, which definitely scares me. It’s such a needed service, but most stories I hear it’s not run very effectively. Hope he recovers quickly and he can head home soon.

    @kah68 (Kelley) – Sorry your under the weather, but you know the week after vacation is always the worst. Plus, it doesn’t help your sick either. Rub it in about ALL the nights clubbing on the ship – so jealous!! (minus the cigarette smoke – yuck!!) Glad you’re back and you’ll be back in your routine soon.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Tracy and also @Laurie - here's some people that might help you both out - there's an org. that I just read about - it actually moved me to tears to read about all the kind and good deeds that have been done thru this org. Its website is: and on there, state by state, I believe, people can put up a post of their type of need they have and then others who want to help read over these postings and respond with offers for help, either financial of physical or material. Typical and most frequently, are young mothers stuggling financially, but you talk by phone first to the postee and vet them, and in your cases, you'd describe what it is you need, ie. Tracy - some helping hands and Laurie, perhaps the same - I'm not sure how you would word things. But responses do come in!
    This site has been helping for over 10 years, has a Facebook following and does not seem to be in any trouble over any connection.

    @Kaye - thinking of you as you continue your battles on your own! I am so happy the weight is coming off again - WOOT! and that Sept appt will soon happen.

    @stacystrause - welcome- any mom of 5 is an impressive woman to me! And I came from a family of 5 kids as well. Is there a large gap between any of them? That is a lot of cooking, hands down. Several moms here have addressed that problem - they'll give you some help here - stick around and read and post a lot. It will help keep you accountable?

    @Emilyo'brien - well, the thing about quitting is, here on this discussion, all of us are determined not to quit, Instead, we stumble, trip, fall, fail, stay away for a long time, but we always return and start again.... its that little ray of hope inside us and EMILY we do change our bodies over time. Gradually the weight does come off. I've been here for over 5 years now and I can testify that I gain weight despite every effort not to, over the Holidays at the end of the year. Its frustrating, but I have learned weight loss is a cycle not a sheer drop off.

    @Kah - Kelly, you sound very sick. When I'd get that sick, my doc would give me a Z-pack (prednisone) - has that been offered? Well, one can only hope you can get a refill of that inhaler, sounds like its been helpful, and that indicates you really NEED it. Maybe drop in a Urgent Care place this w/e if not better, take the old inhaler and get a refill that way - coughing is just too destructive to those little and very important aveoli.

    OOP - playing Dr. a bit too much there....

    @Mr. and @Mrs. Morgori - I hope that SMOOCH did burn lots of calories!

    AFM: I had a bad encounter with some mini 3 Musketeers bars last nite.'s self-loathing has been unbearable! Sending myself to bed early no Jimmy Fallon tonight.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @robin That's okay. Jimmy has had reruns all week anyway. ;)

    My sister is finally home after 10 days in the hospital. She called me this evening. I am still really worried because they had to take her off of all her blood thinners to get the bleeding to stop. They have sent her home with nothing to prevent clots, and she doesn't have an appointment with a specialist to restart thinners for a week. We are praying that she won't get any clots in the meantime.
    DH continues about the same. I had a bad night last night so I have been really tired today. I did get my kitchen cleaned up. Fortunately, Anya's toy box is in the kitchen and most of the mess stays there so that is the main area I have to clean and if people come, they can't see the worst of it. No "open concept" for me!
    The battle continues. Hoping to show a loss next week.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    @RobinsEgg - Good news on the medication front! So glad that has been corrected and that the snacking is going better. I am so looking forward to our visit. I will be firming up plans soon and will message you.
    @grandmakaye44 - Wish you five minutes of respite from your very busy life. And the energy to keep going.
    @tlh0407 - Hope the cold is getting better
    @susan2396 - I am coming up on my busiest season of the year but it is nothing like yours. I hope you navigate it all without losing yourself along the way.
    @Morgori - Thank you for your informational posts. I do enjoy them. I am a nerd a t heart so any time I can learn I am happy.
    @GOINSTD12 - So sorry about DH. Again I will say take care of yourself so you can take care of him.
    @kah68 - These summer colds are awful. Hope you are better soon.
    @Bigaug - Great NSV on the Kohls shopping! I am pretty recent to wearing regular sizes as well.
    @Chasity6 @emilyobrien73 @stacystrouse86 @karenleona @Cbaker5156 @NicMom2 - Welcome to all of you. Being part of this thread has helped me a great deal. It is a comfortable place to open up with our lives. and get some freindship and helpful hints on your journey.

    AFM: As always my life is moving at 180MPH and I am hanging on for dear life.
    Business is very good, sister and I are getting along well. I have been working 60+ hours a week and am getting serious burn out. If someone offered me a job today I would have a hard time turning it down.

    Oldest son's birthday yesterday. He is 28, a lot has happened in that time and I can hardly believe it has been that long.

    Youngest son has a job for the school year and will start classes again after Labor Day.

    Hubby and I have made the decision to divorce after 35 years of marriage. It was not made lightly but we have come to the conclusion that we cannot continue and the bitterness, frustration and resentment is just too insurmountable. We are amicable at this point and will continue to live in the same house for a bit yet.

    I am a trainwreck of emotions. I have been in counseling for several months. The good thing is that I am feeling everything again instead of hiding from it. The bad thing is that I am feeling again and not hiding from it.
    I am still at the same weight, so to me that means I am not eating my way through life. I could so very easily return to that.

    The weather has not been great here. Feels like fall, a bit of rain, cooler temperatures. When I was 300 pounds I loved it, now I am cold all the time.

    Today's chuckle is the winning entry form an opeining line contest: "The notes blatted skyward as the sun rose over the Canada geese, feathered rumps mooning the day, webbed appendages frantically pedaling unseen bicycles in their search for sustenance, driven by cruel Nature's maxim, 'Ya wanna eat, ya gotta work,' and at last I knew Pittsburgh."

    Ya wanna eat, ya gotta work,
    Lori <3
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Sacrifice Our Wants For Others Needs Sunday!
    Sacrifice Our Wants For Others Needs Sunday is a wonderful chance to do something for somebody else in need. Let your desires come second on this day and give a little something to someone else.
    • Pick up groceries for someone who can’t go to the store themselves
    • If there is someone you know that is confined to a wheel chair offer to take them out on a day trip (maybe to a park or a walk along the boardwalk)
    • Have a family member over for dinner especially those who don’t get out often
    • Visit an elderly relative in a nursing home
    • Take your elderly family member out on a day trip
    • Spend the afternoon with your children doing something fun together
    • Visit sick children in the hospital
    • Mow a needy neighbor’s lawn
    • Instead of spending your money on something you don’t necessarily need, donate it
    • Offer to walk the neighbors dog if he or she is unable to
    • Cook a meal for a sick friend
    • Offer to pet sit for a someone if they are going away

    There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes. ~William J. Bennett

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited August 2015
    @Morgori - darn it Tom! And I was all set to go spend money on myself to buy a new bra :'( - now I want to go spend it on someone in a selfless manner - you bring out the best in all of us! you o:)

    @CBlue - I completely sympathize with this momentous and horrible personal decision of your and your spouse. For me, at the end of my near 26 year relationship with my former spouse, it was a total U-turn in my life. What I really un-prepared for was the FINANCIAL SHOCK that hit us both. Do careful planning for both of you, but guard your business. You did that all yourself. Its yours.

    @Susan - enjoy your busy weekend, your friend's visit and enjoy that footrub! Gear up for your busy time of year with work.

    @Kaye - I rejoice with you for your sister being released from the hospital. Its not so bad her not being on blood thinners for this short while as long as those around her and she herself are aware of what to watch for. With all the new blood inside her and all the good care she has had she has come so far she has a purpose here, and its not to scare you! I'll continue to keep her, your DH, and your messy kitchen in my prayers if you will pray for me as well. I did stay up late last nite but I read a book and just listened to some peaceful music - no snacks then.
    You're gonna be a LOSER again - ONWARD AND DOWNWARD!


    Hello - I'm Robin who started this thread. I live in Omaha, NE and my real name is Ellen. I'm oldish (64) been divorced since 2007, never had any kids, did have great dogs - all gone though, and some greats cats (ditto) and have finally settled in a small, inexpensive condo overlooking the main drag here in the middle of town.

    Omaha is home to the College World Series and the Henry Doorly Zoo, and also the Home of Warren Buffet - the Wizard of Wall Street, aka The Oracle of Omaha. We are also known as the most philanthropic city in the USA. Having Mr. Buffet here has been good for Omaha because there are twice weekly investment tips from him in our newspaper and most people do follow his advice so investing is something even kids are aware of here. Isn't that great?
    So, as I've said, many times, if you're passing thru the midwest, and Omaha is on your site line, PM me and I'll show you around.

    We are also the home of the Olympic Swim Trials. I really don't know how we were able to snag this, except that we are in the center of the US, and offer a central location?
    I get so excited when Michael Phelps and all the other World Class swimmers come to town to compete. It is an electric city let me tell you. And we are just a mid-sized city not a huge one. Every place you want to go is no more than a 20 minute ride at most.

    Oh, you want to know about me? shoot, you'll have to wait til the next post!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Motorist Consideration Monday
    Motorist Consideration Monday is your time to practice patience and consideration towards others while traveling. This includes all forms of travel, whether it be by car, bike, bus, public transportation, or even walking.
    It Can Wait
    70 Rules of Defensive Driving
    Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
    Alcohol Alert
    Auto Safety Library – Don’t Drive Under The Influence*
    Drunk Driving Prevention Guide for Teens and Parents


    *Much thanks and appreciation going out to Ms. Allison DiAngelo’s 6th grade class for this resource! Thanks!
    • When driving on a freeway…move over into a center lane if you see emergency vehicles on the side of the road.
    • Be sure to put your car lights on in the daytime to ensure better visibility to other vehicles.
    • Be alert to stopping ( not trying to pass) a school bus.
    • Don’t drive aggressively by tailgating and bullying people on the road.
    • Don’t carry over your personal anger into “road rage”.
    • No drinking and driving.
    • Allow a fellow motorist to come out in front of you in a line of heavy traffic.
    • Always yield to pedestrians.
    • Don’t Speed. Highways are not raceways!
    • Be cautious of emergency vehicles. No rubbernecking!
    • Always use child safety seats for any child being driven in your car.
    • Always use seat belts. In most states it is the law.
    • Slow down in bad weather.
    • Don’t text while driving. It’s the law.
    • Kids, be considerate if you are going somewhere in the school bus. Don’t shout and scream and distract the driver. Don’t throw things out of the windows either or leave rubbish on the floor. (Our thanks goes out to Ginny Stone of Sibo Series for this suggestion!)

    There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist. ~Mark Twain

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Tom~I think there are a few motorists that could have practiced some patience and consideration this morning, I guess it’s important that they get there 5 seconds before me. Geez! :wink:

    @Robinsegg~Thanks, my doc refilled my albuterol with no issues. I’ve been on a z-pack before, it’s an antibiotic (azithromyacin). Steroid dosage packs are also available though (my doc usually gives a shot). After some much needed rest over the weekend, I am better.

    AFM~There really isn’t much to report. I had a nice vacation, but it was super busy (seems like most cruises are)--too many late nights and getting up early just wore me out this time. The friend I traveled with likes to go to the main dining room for b'fast every morning (only avail until 9am)--personally, I would prefer to have room service of coffee/fruit on my balcony. I hate feeling rushed when I'm on vacation. Next up is to schedule Achilles tendon surgery, see surgeon next week (I'd like to schedule it for December but I'm not sure he'll want me to wait that long). I’m at the end of this bronchial illness, hoping the lingering cough dissipates so I can return to my gym routine towards the end of the week.

    Hope everyone is doing well, looks like it’s been very quiet around here.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello everyone. I am going to again use this method to achieve some weight loss. I always do better when accountable, so here I am. Thankfully, my weight hung about the same all summer.
    There were so many unread posts here, I only just sort of breezed through and see may familiar people still here. Good. Since I read only a few, I hope you are all well and happy.