Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everybody. I am still here. I log on every day and read what you all are up to but haven't had much to say. Life is pretty much running on routine at the moment not that I am complaining. Husband is up at work and son is home. The moving out plans for him and his sister fell through since the fishing hasn't been the best this year. Like hubby and I told them we would rather they stayed home a little longer and made sure they could afford everything rather then move out and end up boomeranging back home. I am still looking for a job. Haven had a whole lot of luck so far but not giving up. I am enjoying working with a trainer more then I thought I would. He is someone who I can learn form and who can hold me accountable unlike my family who I mostly ignore when it comes to diet and exercise even if my son tried to tell me the same things as the trainer lol.

    @Kaye my thoughts are with you and your family and all you have ben going through. I hope you are finding a little time for yourself each day to help keep you centered.
    @teachers laurie and Karen hope all is going well with the start of the new school year. Don't let the little monsters drive ya'll to insane.
    @kah happy to hear you are starting to feel better. I totally agree about hating to be rushed on vacations. I just want to relax and do things when I get to them. Sounds like you had some fun though and the pics were amazing.

    Well I know there was a lot more I planned to say but as usual I forgot so for everyone I hope you have a great day. Don't forget to drink your water :):):)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everyone - yes it does seem quiet here - I'm sure its due to the early start of the school year and we have sooo many teachers and moms here. Mucho sympathies!

    @Kah - yep thanks for straightening me out on the ZPak - glad you're better - tell us when you're going to have the ankle surgery. I agree I prefer to have unscheduled meals like you and JT said.

    @Mountmary - Big Hugs to you - I just missed you! Perhaps you'll be a bit more comfy this time.

    @Morgori - re Driving - I'd like to add:
    Drivers on Interstates should consider this - being nice and move over to the left to allow merging traffic to get onto the interstate -esp rush hour....

    I'm watching American Ninja Warrior right now - this year is the first I've watched . To tell the truth - I cannot snack while watching this darn show. I tried to... and just could NOT. Hows that for an appetite supressant? Sheesh there is some amazing physical stamina, and athleticism on display.
    I can't help but picture our @Laurie when I see these athletes use their rock-climbing skills - holy sweet potato!
    Well tata - back to the tube!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Wow, can't believe how MIA I've been this past week. I've actually been keeping up with reading posts, but every time I plan to come back later to do personals, I'm too tired or busy in the evening.

    Just some quick bits:

    @kelley-- glad you are feeling better. There's been a lot of yucky colds and coughs going around at work. So far I've managed to avoid catching it. <knocks on wood>

    @laurie-- hope your school year is starting off okay. I can't believe they put the sibling of that student in your class! I hope it's all resolved now.

    @tammy-- glad you are enjoying the trainer and good luck on the job hunt. I know from my husband's experience that it can be frustrating. However, I'm so glad he resolved to wait for the right job. He really loves where he's at now and they seem like good people who treat their employees well.

    @mountmary-- welcome back!

    @robin-- I remember watching that show years ago when it was on, but have only seen snippets of the new version. Those athletes are truly amazing!!

    @lori-- I know this decision didn't come lightly for you and am sending thoughts for strength as you navigate this difficult time.

    Hello to others I missed in this round of personals, and welcome to the new folks.

    AFM--I had a busy first week at school. So far my kids are great. I had one "difficult" child in my Public Speaking class, but I made it pretty clear his shenanigans wouldn't fly in my classroom and he dropped the class today. Can't say I wasn't overjoyed to get that email.

    The weekend was also busy as I went to see the Foo Fighters play at Wrigley Field. It was an incredible show--even with the light mist falling most of the night, we had a blast. Sunday was spent trying to get through a bunch of grading and some laundry.

    I haven't even been logging food, but making okay choices and weight is holding steady. I've also had very little gym time, but walk gunner most days and have had other activity (dancing at the concert + all of the walking, mowing the lawn, etc.). Trying to get back into a routine, but I need my goal lists!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 5/59 F451 stories
    2. 2/40 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday-- walk gunner
    Monday-- rest day
    Tuesday-- walk gunner + gym
    Wednesday-- walk gunner
    Thursday-- walk gunner
    Friday-- rest day
    Saturday-- walk gunner + gym
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    You have all been so kind. I really appreciate it. I haven't done the Beachbody plan perfectly, but I've been using it pretty well, I lost 1.8# this week. I'm pleased with that. Today I had a follow up with the sleep specialist. He has my machine adjusted right now so I'm good for a year. Dh decided to ride along. It's in a neighboring town about 20 miles so it got him out of the house for awhile. The neighbor had Anya and encouraged us to take our time so we had lunch. It was a nice break.
    It is cooling off quite a bit so I'm enjoying the evening walks.
    @Lori. Just wanted to say I'm sorry about your marriage. I know you haven't made the decision lightly. I hope it will work out well for you.
    @mountmary84 Welcome back. We miss you.

    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Well, I kind of blew my weekend. Oh well. It’s just two days – right??!! My girlfriend was in town and we had a free Saturday night. Once I dropped Cyrus off, we went for margaritas than 90-minute foot massages (heaven!!). We then went back to the party to check on the kids then grabbed dinner. I ate and enjoyed myself. I got right back on track yesterday. Exercise is a little off this week because the back of my heel is so painful right now. I was really hoping the foot massage would have worked it out, but it’s pretty miserable. I need to keep pushing though so may try to do a class tonight. I didn’t get to see my guy friend this weekend, which did not make me happy. Dating is so hard. Sigh.

    On a side note another friend found out she has breast cancer. She was my roommate in college. Married with 4 kids between 10-19. She had surgery yesterday, which went well. They’ll get results back Thursday if her lymph nodes are clear. Cancer sucks!!!

    @grandmakaye44 – I’m glad your sister was able to finally come home, but blood clots are so scary. Prayers continue for her and your DH plus you too for strength.

    @cblue315 (Lori) – Still struggling a bit with my work/life balance and we are coming upon our busy season. I’m just trying to hang on at this point. I’m glad business is flourishing, but 60 hour weeks are not good. You need to find your balance too. I’m sorry to hear about your divorce, but you need to find your peace. You guys tried counseling and did what you could. I know the decision was not taken lightly. You’ll be an emotional rollercoaster for quite some time, but I know you’ll come out stronger once the dust settles.

    @kah68 (Kelley) – I’m the same way about my breakfast. Bring it to my room and I’m eating on the balcony. We were always just doors away from the Lido Deck so Cyrus would often grab pizza and eat it on our balcony too. It was so worth the extra $$. Achilles tendon surgery? What were your symptoms beforehand? It’s been months that’s I’ve been struggling and I believe it’s my Achilles as well. I don’t think its plantar fasciitis this time. I’m not sure what or when I did it, but the back of my right heel is so sore and has been for quite some time. Just curious.

    @mountmary84 – Accountability is so important. You know this thread has some very steady and loyal users. I was in and out the past 6 months, but ready to tackle this again as well. This was the first place I returned to for support. We can do this!!!

    @jtconst (Tammy) – I think it’s smart to have your kids stay home a bit longer. It’s always sticker shock once they get out on their own. Of course, Cyrus jokes with me that he’s going to live with me forever – NOT!!! I told him I needed to tape him saying that at 13 so when he’s older and upset with me threatening to leave I can play the recording. LOL!!!

    @skinnyjeanzbound (Karen) – I had like 3 other friends at Foo Fighters too. One couple even came from Palm Beach, FL for the weekend to see the show. I’m so glad the first week of school went well and the one “difficult” child moved on. Probably smart decision on their part too. Hope the second week is just as good.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Emma M. Nutt Day
    Date When Celebrated : September 1
    Emma M. Nutt Day celebrates the first woman telephone operator in America.
    Emma Nutt became the first woman telephone operator on September 1, 1878. She loved the job, and worked at it for 33 years.
    This special day celebrates the world of telephone operators. It was a very important job for many decades. Today, the position has been eliminated being replaced by automation in telephone systems.
    A little side note about Emma: According to Emma, she was "very thankful that my first name was not Imma".

    Don't put the key to happiness in someone else's pocket. ~Author Unknown


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Karen~And there it is, your grading goals…just like that! LOL I hope your grading isn’t too stressful this year with you taking on an additional class, glad the trouble child dropped your class though!

    @Robin~I watch ANW from time to time, there was a girl on there last season that just amazed me—yep, they are all in incredible shape. I want to be them when I grow up. :lol: I haven’t watched it much this summer though because it’s on opposite my guilty summer pleasure (So You Think You Can Dance). :wink:

    @Kaye~I’m glad to hear the 21-day Beachbody program is working for you, great loss and a good way to get back on track. Happy that DH got out of the house with you and the two of you were able to have a nice lunch out.

    @Lori~I think I missed the post about your marriage ending, I’m sorry to hear that. You’ve worked so hard to try and make it work, but it sounds like it’s the best decision for you—I hope you get through this without too much added stress, just remember to take time for you. :heart:

    @Tammy~I’m so glad you’re enjoying working out with a trainer, it definitely makes things easier—I had one for several years and it was very beneficial.

    @Susan~My response is long, so as to not bore everyone I’ll PM you. :wink: Oh, to answer your question about symptoms--I never had heel pain, along with pain in the soft tissue surrounding my ankle I have a sharp, stabbing pain in the lower part of my Achilles, especially when walking (more of a limp really :frowning:). Could you have a heel spur?
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    @Lori - i also went through the dissolution of a long term marriage although it was not my choice. Be kind to yourself.

    Trying to rejoin the land of the living. Been sidelined by a nasty cold which, of course, aggravates my asthma. Been down for 3 days so far and still getting worse. My big goal for today is to have a shower and make some soup!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona-- Hope you feel better soon. I awoke this morning with the beginnings of a cold. Took some zicam and took a nap after work to try to combat it.

    @kelley-- I know, right!! School barely starts and I'm already behind in grading. The good news is that the new class is mostly oral presentations, so a lot less writing to grade. Last year I had 60 honors juniors and 75 AP seniors--both writing intensive courses. This year I have 59 honors juniors, 40 AP seniors, and 16 speech students. I can already feel the difference with my AP. They turned in journals Monday and I can already see the bottom of the bin!

    @susan-- so sorry to hear about your friend--sending good vibes your way. My friend just found out the clinical trial she was in isn't working, so she needs to go back on the stronger IV chemo for sure now. Not a good sign, but keeping positive thoughts. What happened to your heel? Is it PF? If so, have you tried orthotics?

    @kaye-- glad to hear the scale is cooperating with you. So nice that your neighbor encouraged you and your DH to take your time--glad you got a much needed "break."

    AFM--As I mentioned above to karen, I'm on the cusp of a cold, so I skipped the walk and gym in favor of a nap. Gunner was just as happy to stay inside the AC since we are in a September heat wave.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/59 F451 stories
    2. 16/40 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday-- walk gunner DONE
    Monday-- rest day
    Tuesday-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wednesday-- walk gunner
    Thursday-- walk gunner
    Friday-- rest day
    Saturday-- walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra-- "Just 15 minutes"
  • Marysone
    Marysone Posts: 12 Member
    Hey all! My name is Mary and I've got medication side effects to counter! I use to be able to eat pretty much what I wanted until I got on medication and then gained weight from those bad habits and the medicine itself. I need support! I need to lose about 40 lbs. I'm already exercising 3x/week for 45 minutes each. The thing I'm unsure of how to proceed with is the food. I think I'm lacking in protein. Any suggestions?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Marysone wrote: »
    Hey all! My name is Mary and I've got medication side effects to counter! I use to be able to eat pretty much what I wanted until I got on medication and then gained weight from those bad habits and the medicine itself. I need support! I need to lose about 40 lbs. I'm already exercising 3x/week for 45 minutes each. The thing I'm unsure of how to proceed with is the food. I think I'm lacking in protein. Any suggestions?

    Hi and welcome Mary ... why do you think you are lacking in protein?
    Have you been entering your consumption into your food diary? It has a measure of how many macronutrients you are getting from what you logged. Are you low in Vitamin B12 ... your doctor could test for that with your next blood work-up.

    It is hard to know how to proceed with food so there is a lot of information 'out there' about how to begin the modification. MyFitnessPals Blog, Hello Healthy, has some interesting articles along those lines. When it comes to food, the guidelines will be general so they apply to the majority of the population. For specific reccomendations you could talk to a nutritionist ... even a one time appointment to get started is a good idea, especially if you have medical issues.

    Good luck. Hope this little bit of grandmotherly-type advise is what you were looking for.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    @mountmary84 - Welcome back, so very glad you are making another go at this.
    @jtconst - My trainer has been a huge help to me. He is so very motivating.
    @Marysone - MFP is quite good at helping you set your nutrition guidelines. You can follow what they set or you can customize it. I set my macros for 35% protein, 35% carbs, 30% fat. It works for me. One other thing I did was to make a list or series of them: things I am willing to do, things I am not willing to do and things I may try later. It really helped me to work toward my goals.
    @Nikion901 - Love your new profile pic.

    To all - Thank you so very much for the kind words and sentiments. I am so very glad I have this place to "come home to".
    I had a revelation of sorts this week which has helped my attitude greatly. I have been taking some of my weight loss motivational quotes and adapting them to my current situation. Frst I know that divorce is possible, then I have to realize it will not happen all at once.
    This is a process, it will take planning, time and effort. Just like weight loss. Once I realized this I could breathe again. The stone in my heart shifted. I will be Ok. Maybe not all the time but in general and with time I will move in a good direction.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    Strength does not come from what you can do,
    It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday used to be my favorite day of the week ... cause it was 'Hump Day' at work and cause it was the mid-week evening with my son. Thanks @cblue315 for reminding me that today is IT! ... On another note, I was saddened and worried for you when reading that your marriage is coming to an end. After reading this mornings post I know that you will come out alright and stronger for it.

    @RobinsEgg ... those fish in parchment packets are a really quick alternative to cooking fish. It's really one of my favorite ways because the fish and vegetables I put in are steamed. I do it in the microwave but have done it in a hot oven when serving more than just myself. You can use pretty much whatever vegetables and spices you like, even thinly sliced potatoes. There are a lot videos you can find if you google 'cooking fish in parchment bundles' ... some of them will tell you to cut the parchment paper into a heart shape, others will tell you to use foil (not in the microwave or with acidic ingredients, please) ... but I just fold the top and twist the sides from my square of parchment. If you want more information, let me know and I'll try to put something better together for you.

    @susan2396 ... I didn't make that French Onion Soup after all ... but still want to make the recipe that isnpired me to put it on my list for the week. Did make a very fast shrimp based soup ... only 2 servings of it so that was good, not to have leftovers that I need to eat all week long.

    @mountmary84 ... glad you are trying on here again. I know it takes up more time than you might like to spend online ... that's one of my problems ... too much computer time and not enough doing other things.

    Wednesday Wish ... that I get off my butt! And with that .... I'm gonna make that happen ... right now!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Blueberry Popsicle Day
    Today is National Blueberry Popsicle Day! Blueberry popsicles are a delightful summer treat, especially when they're made with fresh-squeezed blueberry juice.
    Popsicles were invented in 1905 by an eleven-year-old boy named Frank Epperson. One winter's night he accidentally left a fruit-flavored drink with a stirring stick on his porch. In the morning, it was the frozen treat we all know and love. Frank called his invention the "Epsicle," but the name was changed to "popsicle" eighteen years later.
    To celebrate National Blueberry Popsicle Day, purchase a pack of blueberry popsicles or make your own homemade version. Enjoy!

    "In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip." ~Daniel L. Reardon


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Oh, no I hope you aren't getting sick. :frowning: Maybe its just allergies, is the smoke from the fires in the pacific northwest making its way to IL? Its wreaking havoc in TX. I've run the gamut of meds to counteract this bronchitis I've had for 3 weeks--after a night awake wheezing/coughing I called my doc this morning and now he's put me on a round of steroids. :disappointed: Allergens are on the rise, so definitely not helping things. :angry:

    @Tom~Blueberry popsicles? Yum!

    @Marysone~Like others suggested, track your protein and other macros on MFP. You don't need to use the macros MFP suggests, you can tweak them to your needs. Most people use a 30% fat, 30% carbs and 40% protein ratio--the carbs MFP suggests are really high.
  • Jimmie342
    Jimmie342 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi all. This seems like a really good thread to post in. My name is Jimmie. I joined MFP in the hopes of finally getting my life together. I have always been overweight but sadly I let it spiral out of control. I have already lost 20 lbs since joining but i have another 230 to lose. It can really seem overwhelming so I am just trying to take it 5 lbs at a time. Having a big support group like this really seems to help as well.
  • Badw0lf1
    Badw0lf1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I have been on and off of this site many times over the past 5 years or so and have had much success...regrettably, I have now gained back everything I lost. Life has been hectic, but that's no excuse! Back to the drawing board. I am back now and committed to losing this weight once and for all. This seems like a wonderfully supportive group and I'd very much like to join and participate in the ongoing conversation!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow! So many new folks on the thread--welcome to all of you!

    @badwolf-- isn't it so hard to stay focused when life gets busy? I'm a teacher and struggling right now with the back to school crunch and maintaining some "me"time.

    @jimmie-- this really is such a great thread. So much support an motivation. You are right to focus on small goals, as the overall goal can seem overwhelming.

    @kelley (kah)-- ugh! I wish I could blame it on the smoke or allergies, but alas, I can tell it's a sinus thing. Just taking zicam and trying to get more rest, good nutrition to minimize it.

    @tom-- I LOVE blueberries, but have never had a blueberry popsicle--might have to seek out one of those.

    @mary-- niki and lori (cblue) already gave you some good advice. I also try to keep my protein up b/c it keeps the munchies away for me. I find that if I start the day with carbs, I crave them all day, so I always try to eat protein in the morning (eggs, greek yogurt). Like lori, I customize my macros here on MFP. I set my protein at 40% and carbs and fat at 30% each. I rarely make my protein goal, but at least it pushes me to try to get more.

    Wednesday Wish:
    That the newlings all return to us. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/59 F451 stories
    2. 28/40 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday-- walk gunner DONE
    Monday-- rest day
    Tuesday-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wednesday-- walk gunner DONE
    Thursday-- walk gunner
    Friday-- rest day
    Saturday-- walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra-- "Just 15 minutes"
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All,

    Just quickly popping in to say hi and let you know I am still alive. The student was removed from my class the next day so that is great. Life has been stressful with trying to get my dad home. Tomorrow is the big day so a new set of problems begin. I am stressed right now with volunteer issues and not feeling like I am doing anything right. I know this is not true but right now I am dealing with stress, lack of sleep, getting sick and TOM so that is a bad combination. When I get this way everything is personal and NOW I just want to escape and let everything go. At least this is a 3 day weekend so that will help.

    Like Karen, my grading list has started and I need to get busy tonight.

    Wishing everyone the very best. For those who are sick- get better quickly. Welcome to those who are starting this journey. It was great to see so many people responding.

    Have a great night.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~I’m so sorry for the continued stress you have concerning your dad’s health and him returning home. I hope the house is ready and that its an easy transition. I also hope you aren’t getting sick, but lack of sleep combined with the stress can really wreak havoc on our immune systems. This weekend sounds like a great opportunity to get some extra rest and remember to take some time for you—take Airborne or extra zinc to help boost your immunity (especially now that allergens are on the rise and Flu season isn’t far behind).

    @Jimmie342~Welcome, congrats to the great start with your weight loss. Setting small goals is a great way to keep from getting overwhelmed, that’s how I started. Also think about ways to reward yourself (non-food reward) when you meet a goal.

    @Badw0lf1~Welcome, you found a great thread for support. It’s so hard to stay focused when life gets in the way, just take it one day (or one meal) at a time.

    AFM~Not much to report, seems par for the course lately. :expressionless: I’ve been reading It Starts with Food, has anyone read this book? It’s the Whole30 program, which is a 30-day program that is essentially an elimination diet—a lot of critics put it in the Paleo category and while some things on the program can be categorized as “Paleo,” it isn’t. It’s helped a lot of people figure out foods that effect blood sugar levels (A1C), arthritis symptoms, blood pressure, inflammation, fatigue, thyroid disease (my big problem), digestive issues, etc. Essentially it’s a reset switch for your body; resetting how your body responds to food and resetting your metabolism. I’ve been reading 2-3 chapters at night before bed, so only about 20% in right now but I’m very intrigued. It’s a 30-day commitment with absolutely no cheating (really doing yourself a disservice if you falter)—I already know of some food sensitivities I have (i.e. certain dairy and have a soy allergy). Anyway, it’s a quick read (but think it needs to be read twice) and I find the book very informative. I’m thinking of giving it a whirl. I need to finish the book first, October 1st seems like a good start date--it will give me time to talk to my doc about it and then I have a physical at the end of November--even though I have good labs I'm curious of the effect it will have on my blood work.

    Have a great day!