

  • keerwi3j
    keerwi3j Posts: 7 Member

    YouTube response video
    Really good!
  • li0nmane
    li0nmane Posts: 8 Member
    Saw this video on Facebook and I thought her "blunt" attitude was very abrasive and just downright rude. I don't think it's okay to promote being overweight, and there are additional health risks that come with it. But just because someone is "skinny" doesn't mean they're healthy; they could binge on junk food, smoke and live a sedentary lifestyle, etc but people presume they're fit because they're thin. However, if you're never been overweight, you don't know how difficult it truly is. Not only a physical struggle, but an inner battle as well. I think we should all learn self acceptance, because you can only grow if you love yourself at every stage. If she truly 'cares' like she claims, she would be motivating and uplifting, not attempting to be funny by being insensitive.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Ah dang. There's a McDonald's over there. I know I'm 350 pounds, but they make some awesome burgers. yes my heart aches, yes I have high blood pressure, yes my ankles are swollen, yes I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, but who cares!! I can get two Whoppers for the price of one salad! So it's McDonalds fault for making burgers cheap and salads expensive! That's why I'm fat. Say what?? I can upgrade to a large for only a fifty cents!! Hell yeah!!

    This isn't the right place to flaunt your thin privilege

    Thin privilege? Yeah that is what it is. I got fat because I was underpriviledged and now I'm much less fat because my body magically decided to be more privileged. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that I work out intensly 5 days a week, or the fact that I religiously watch what I eat, weigh what I eat and eat out at places where they publish the nutritional value of their food so I can plan ahead.

    No I am just more priviledged.

    I fully support the "dear fat people" video. Get of your lazy *kitten*, and start making better food choices. Maybe if I had seen that clip 10 years ago I wouldnt have had to spend the last 2 years losing all the crap I DECIDED to put into my body.

    ALSO, this *kitten* about "people dont know". You live in the USA FFS. You have the fastest internet in the frikkin world. You spend hours at a time on facebook, netflix, youtube, pinterest and lord know what else but you cant google "nutritional health" and "MacDonalds nutritional info"? Really? I live in 3rd world country where a 10MB internet connection is superfast, where 60% of the population doesnt even have access to the internet but the general populations knows that fast food makes you fat.

    You really didnt know? Really?

    I really dont care if you enjoy being fat. Your health is your issue but FFS stop making me listen to your bitching and moaning about it.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Ah dang. There's a McDonald's over there. I know I'm 350 pounds, but they make some awesome burgers. yes my heart aches, yes I have high blood pressure, yes my ankles are swollen, yes I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, but who cares!! I can get two Whoppers for the price of one salad! So it's McDonalds fault for making burgers cheap and salads expensive! That's why I'm fat. Say what?? I can upgrade to a large for only a fifty cents!! Hell yeah!!

    This isn't the right place to flaunt your thin privilege

    Thin privilege? Yeah that is what it is. I got fat because I was underpriviledged and now I'm much less fat because my body magically decided to be more privileged. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that I work out intensly 5 days a week, or the fact that I religiously watch what I eat, weigh what I eat and eat out at places where they publish the nutritional value of their food so I can plan ahead.

    No I am just more priviledged.

    I fully support the "dear fat people" video. Get of your lazy *kitten*, and start making better food choices. Maybe if I had seen that clip 10 years ago I wouldnt have had to spend the last 2 years losing all the crap I DECIDED to put into my body.

    ALSO, this *kitten* about "people dont know". You live in the USA FFS. You have the fastest internet in the frikkin world. You spend hours at a time on facebook, netflix, youtube, pinterest and lord know what else but you cant google "nutritional health" and "MacDonalds nutritional info"? Really? I live in 3rd world country where a 10MB internet connection is superfast, where 60% of the population doesnt even have access to the internet but the general populations knows that fast food makes you fat.

    You really didnt know? Really?

    I really dont care if you enjoy being fat.Your health is your issue but FFS stop making me listen to your bitching and moaning about it.

    That's ironic...given how much you just *kitten* and moaned.

    Not really. I *kitten* and moaned about some fat people playing victims and subjecting other people to their bitching and monaing about being fat. I did not *kitten* and moan about being fat.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Ah dang. There's a McDonald's over there. I know I'm 350 pounds, but they make some awesome burgers. yes my heart aches, yes I have high blood pressure, yes my ankles are swollen, yes I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, but who cares!! I can get two Whoppers for the price of one salad! So it's McDonalds fault for making burgers cheap and salads expensive! That's why I'm fat. Say what?? I can upgrade to a large for only a fifty cents!! Hell yeah!!

    This isn't the right place to flaunt your thin privilege

    Thin privilege? Yeah that is what it is. I got fat because I was underpriviledged and now I'm much less fat because my body magically decided to be more privileged. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that I work out intensly 5 days a week, or the fact that I religiously watch what I eat, weigh what I eat and eat out at places where they publish the nutritional value of their food so I can plan ahead.

    No I am just more priviledged.

    I fully support the "dear fat people" video. Get of your lazy *kitten*, and start making better food choices. Maybe if I had seen that clip 10 years ago I wouldnt have had to spend the last 2 years losing all the crap I DECIDED to put into my body.

    ALSO, this *kitten* about "people dont know". You live in the USA FFS. You have the fastest internet in the frikkin world. You spend hours at a time on facebook, netflix, youtube, pinterest and lord know what else but you cant google "nutritional health" and "MacDonalds nutritional info"? Really? I live in 3rd world country where a 10MB internet connection is superfast, where 60% of the population doesnt even have access to the internet but the general populations knows that fast food makes you fat.

    You really didnt know? Really?

    I really dont care if you enjoy being fat.Your health is your issue but FFS stop making me listen to your bitching and moaning about it.

    That's ironic...given how much you just *kitten* and moaned.

    Not really. I *kitten* and moaned about some fat people playing victims and subjecting other people to their bitching and monaing about being fat. I did not *kitten* and moan about being fat.

    Well it is your issue and I'd rather not hear about it....since you seem to think that is a thing.

    Fair enough, dont read my comments then.

    On second thought, maybe I was a bit rash. I apologise to all overweright people. As someone who has been struggling with his weight his entire life, was more than 62kg overweight and could hardly walk 20m without sweating like a pig, I have no right to judge.

    Anyway, screw this healthy living crap. I'm off to McDonalds and I'm going to supersize everyhting because not only does society accept that, society expects that from me. Apparently.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Ah dang. There's a McDonald's over there. I know I'm 350 pounds, but they make some awesome burgers. yes my heart aches, yes I have high blood pressure, yes my ankles are swollen, yes I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, but who cares!! I can get two Whoppers for the price of one salad! So it's McDonalds fault for making burgers cheap and salads expensive! That's why I'm fat. Say what?? I can upgrade to a large for only a fifty cents!! Hell yeah!!

    This isn't the right place to flaunt your thin privilege

    Thin privilege? Yeah that is what it is. I got fat because I was underpriviledged and now I'm much less fat because my body magically decided to be more privileged. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that I work out intensly 5 days a week, or the fact that I religiously watch what I eat, weigh what I eat and eat out at places where they publish the nutritional value of their food so I can plan ahead.

    No I am just more priviledged.

    I fully support the "dear fat people" video. Get of your lazy *kitten*, and start making better food choices. Maybe if I had seen that clip 10 years ago I wouldnt have had to spend the last 2 years losing all the crap I DECIDED to put into my body.

    ALSO, this *kitten* about "people dont know". You live in the USA FFS. You have the fastest internet in the frikkin world. You spend hours at a time on facebook, netflix, youtube, pinterest and lord know what else but you cant google "nutritional health" and "MacDonalds nutritional info"? Really? I live in 3rd world country where a 10MB internet connection is superfast, where 60% of the population doesnt even have access to the internet but the general populations knows that fast food makes you fat.

    You really didnt know? Really?

    I really dont care if you enjoy being fat. Your health is your issue but FFS stop making me listen to your bitching and moaning about it.

    Seriously? Although I'm totally against over-dramatizing the video in the direction of outrage, over-dramatizing it in the direction of praise is equally silly. She did not make this video because she's some kind of health activist and obesity awareness advocate, she also did not make it because she hates every single fat person in the world and means to offend every single one of them. She did this for VIEWS and money. Are you seriously claiming that 10 years ago you had zero exposure to anti-obesity views?
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2015

    Seriously? Although I'm totally against over-dramatizing the video in the direction of outrage, over-dramatizing it in the direction of praise is equally silly. She did not make this video because she's some kind of health activist and obesity awareness advocate, she also did not make it because she hates every single fat person in the world and means to offend every single one of them. She did this for VIEWS and money. Are you seriously claiming that 10 years ago you had zero exposure to anti-obesity views?

    Nope not saying it was a public service announcement but it really is not desserving of the mass-outrage that it got. On the point of views and money, who in the US entertainment industry DOES NOT do anything for views and money?

    No I was, BUT it isnt my fault that I got so fat. Society made me do it. I was so fat I had to go into disabled stalls in public restrooms and you know what the uber-politically correct response of society is to such insanity? Ah shame hey, he cant help it, it's not his fault, well just callify him as disabled". Dont blame me, blame the enablers.

    You cant speak to a fat person about their weight because that is rude and insensitive, you cant speak about fat people because that is rude an insensitive to an entire class (apparently), hell you probably cant even say "fat people". Why? Why is it so wrong to walk up to someone and say "You are killing yourself with the tripple cheese burger and supersized fries. I can help you make better choices."

  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    ^^^^ Figure out the quote feature, por favor. I didn't write that comment that you responded to.

    Also, I find what you wrote absolutely silly.

    Saying Fat Shaming isn't cool doesn't mean you take away anyone's personal responsibility. It's a complex issue that isn't made better by some youtube idiot making a video for those sole purpose of getting clicks and making fun of a population of people. I'd rather be obese then be like her....however I get the choice to be a healthy weight and also not a horrific human being. It's pretty awesome.

    I'm so sorry. I'm from a 3rd world country and English is not my first language. I also do NOT speak, what I presume to be Spanish. In fact I'm offended that you just assumed I was Spanish speaking. Was it because you assumed I was too dumb to quote properly? My apologies for not being an all knowing American.

    Exactly, you choose to be healthy or not. It is a choice.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    I'm on the fence about the video. She took it in a direction I don't quite care for, but makes some valid points. In a supremely bitchy, trying-too-hard way [someone mentioned she was trying to be like Jenna Marbles - I totally saw that, too]. Some people do need a hit to the face to realize just what they are doing to themselves [and how 'easy' it would actually be to solve it]. Mine happened to be throwing up blood, and having a rush of health problems descend crazily onto myself [200lbs]. Apparently, my body was just like, "lolno" riiiight as I hit that number EVEN. Swear it. But that particular message of 'HEY! Hey you, you realize you are basically killing yourself, right?!' would hopefully smack some sense into a few people who literally are killing themselves with food. We may say it isn't our business, but if you saw someone about to try and walk off a Subway railing, off a roof-ledge, or into traffic, wouldn't you be like, "WOAH, HEY?" Thinking of former roommates when I type that - one is getting his leg amputated due to health complications from his weight [which he blames other things on all the time].

    But at same time. Don't fat shame. Bad. Bad youtube person who I don't really know/care who you are. There are other ways to go about what you did, and you just did it in a very bad way. > A>;
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am NOT saying fat shaming and being rude and obnoxious is the way to make changes in people's lives, but neither is "It's ok sweetie, you are beautiful just the way you are".
    PixelPuff wrote: »
    I'm on the fence about the video. She took it in a direction I don't quite care for, but makes some valid points. In a supremely bitchy, trying-too-hard way [someone mentioned she was trying to be like Jenna Marbles - I totally saw that, too]. Some people do need a hit to the face to realize just what they are doing to themselves [and how 'easy' it would actually be to solve it]. Mine happened to be throwing up blood, and having a rush of health problems descend crazily onto myself [200lbs]. Apparently, my body was just like, "lolno" riiiight as I hit that number EVEN. Swear it. But that particular message of 'HEY! Hey you, you realize you are basically killing yourself, right?!' would hopefully smack some sense into a few people who literally are killing themselves with food. We may say it isn't our business, but if you saw someone about to try and walk off a Subway railing, off a roof-ledge, or into traffic, wouldn't you be like, "WOAH, HEY?" Thinking of former roommates when I type that - one is getting his leg amputated due to health complications from his weight [which he blames other things on all the time].

    But at same time. Don't fat shame. Bad. Bad youtube person who I don't really know/care who you are. There are other ways to go about what you did, and you just did it in a very bad way. > A>;

    I should have said this instead. My apologies for my ineliquant rant.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    ^^^^ Figure out the quote feature, por favor. I didn't write that comment that you responded to.

    Also, I find what you wrote absolutely silly.

    Saying Fat Shaming isn't cool doesn't mean you take away anyone's personal responsibility. It's a complex issue that isn't made better by some youtube idiot making a video for those sole purpose of getting clicks and making fun of a population of people. I'd rather be obese then be like her....however I get the choice to be a healthy weight and also not a horrific human being. It's pretty awesome.

    I'm so sorry. I'm from a 3rd world country and English is not my first language. I also do NOT speak, what I presume to be Spanish. In fact I'm offended that you just assumed I was Spanish speaking. Was it because you assumed I was too dumb to quote properly? My apologies for not being an all knowing American.

    Exactly, you choose to be healthy or not. It is a choice.

    We don't agree, but you are looking for a fight and I am not even remotely interested. Not worth it.

    I used por favor because I can speak Spanish. If that offends you....not my issue. I honestly don't give a flip where you are from and what have you. Knowing how to quote has nothing to do with being American. For those from many many countries who use this forum on a daily basis quite effectively....they might find that offensive. It sure seems pretty jerky.

    You are right and I am sorry. I bow to your superiority. I can actually do that now, bow I mean.

    I really didnt mean to any internet people.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »

    Seriously? Although I'm totally against over-dramatizing the video in the direction of outrage, over-dramatizing it in the direction of praise is equally silly. She did not make this video because she's some kind of health activist and obesity awareness advocate, she also did not make it because she hates every single fat person in the world and means to offend every single one of them. She did this for VIEWS and money. Are you seriously claiming that 10 years ago you had zero exposure to anti-obesity views?

    Nope not saying it was a public service announcement but it really is not desserving of the mass-outrage that it got. On the point of views and money, who in the US entertainment industry DOES NOT do anything for views and money?

    No I was, BUT it isnt my fault that I got so fat. Society made me do it. I was so fat I had to go into disabled stalls in public restrooms and you know what the uber-politically correct response of society is to such insanity? Ah shame hey, he cant help it, it's not his fault, well just callify him as disabled". Dont blame me, blame the enablers.

    You cant speak to a fat person about their weight because that is rude and insensitive, you cant speak about fat people because that is rude an insensitive to an entire class (apparently), hell you probably cant even say "fat people". Why? Why is it so wrong to walk up to someone and say "You are killing yourself with the tripple cheese burger and supersized fries. I can help you make better choices."

    Hell, which public figures in the weight loss industry don't do things for views and money??
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Ah dang. There's a McDonald's over there. I know I'm 350 pounds, but they make some awesome burgers. yes my heart aches, yes I have high blood pressure, yes my ankles are swollen, yes I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, but who cares!! I can get two Whoppers for the price of one salad! So it's McDonalds fault for making burgers cheap and salads expensive! That's why I'm fat. Say what?? I can upgrade to a large for only a fifty cents!! Hell yeah!!

    This isn't the right place to flaunt your thin privilege

    Thin privilege? Yeah that is what it is. I got fat because I was underpriviledged and now I'm much less fat because my body magically decided to be more privileged. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that I work out intensly 5 days a week, or the fact that I religiously watch what I eat, weigh what I eat and eat out at places where they publish the nutritional value of their food so I can plan ahead.

    No I am just more priviledged.

    I fully support the "dear fat people" video. Get of your lazy *kitten*, and start making better food choices. Maybe if I had seen that clip 10 years ago I wouldnt have had to spend the last 2 years losing all the crap I DECIDED to put into my body.

    ALSO, this *kitten* about "people dont know". You live in the USA FFS. You have the fastest internet in the frikkin world. You spend hours at a time on facebook, netflix, youtube, pinterest and lord know what else but you cant google "nutritional health" and "MacDonalds nutritional info"? Really? I live in 3rd world country where a 10MB internet connection is superfast, where 60% of the population doesnt even have access to the internet but the general populations knows that fast food makes you fat.

    You really didnt know? Really?

    I really dont care if you enjoy being fat. Your health is your issue but FFS stop making me listen to your bitching and moaning about it.

    Seriously? Although I'm totally against over-dramatizing the video in the direction of outrage, over-dramatizing it in the direction of praise is equally silly. She did not make this video because she's some kind of health activist and obesity awareness advocate, she also did not make it because she hates every single fat person in the world and means to offend every single one of them. She did this for VIEWS and money. Are you seriously claiming that 10 years ago you had zero exposure to anti-obesity views?

    You never know what is that one thing that could smack a person in the face and spur them into action. It's very individual, I think