

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Joyce ... It's not true that your health doesn't impact the care Charlie can receive. If the home visit believes you are capable of taking care of him, then yes, you wouldn't get in-home services. But if you're health renders you incapable and could possibly affect Charlie's safety (ie you can't help him move or clean him ) then you would qualify. When I was pregnant with second son (a high risk pregnancy) , I received services for first son who is in wheelchair. Safety and well being are the key words.

    Joyce ... Sylvia suspects that Adrienne was sexually molested. Mothers boyfriend a convicted sex offender.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited September 2015
    Heather,great news about the baby!So glad for all of you.Your Grdaughter is so sweet. She is loving her bunny sweater.

    Beth,my husband went on the Honor flight. Our DD&SIL joined us in volunteering for several flights.It's a great event with caring ppl making it happen.

    Sylvia,so glad your Grdaughter has you to make things right.

    Katiebug,how great that you are able to help your Sister.Mine will have her 2nd knee replacement Monday.BIL will take good care of her.She will be in a home for 3 wks for extensive therapy.

    Heather,how hard it must of been to put yourself out there. You are so brave,so caring....you are the best.
    Carol NC......glad you are coming along.

    OK......it's been a fantastic way of replying on my iPad Air.New update lets me use split screen,so I am reading posts & replying on same screen. So cool.
    Now if I can just remember how I did it ...Pat]

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Joyce ... It's not true that your health doesn't impact the care Charlie can receive. If the home visit believes you are capable of taking care of him, then yes, you wouldn't get in-home services. But if you're health renders you incapable and could possibly affect Charlie's safety (ie you can't help him move or clean him ) then you would qualify. When I was pregnant with second son (a high risk pregnancy) , I received services for first son who is in wheelchair. Safety and well being are the key words.

    Joyce ... Sylvia suspects that Adrienne was sexually molested. Mothers boyfriend a convicted sex offender.

    Thanks for the insight into Sylvia's grand daughter. I really hope it will be some time next week that I am up to par. I am not eating regularly with him there and me here. That I'll improve with him here. I also think some of all of this is my worry about the combination of all his illnesses. The ulcerative colitis is affecting his whole life and it isn't getting any better.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    edited September 2015
    @exermom Thanks for the welcome. I have been reading everyone's posts and will chime in from time to time.

    About hospital food: waiting lists in the UK for hip surgery are over 18 months, so I opted for a private clinic, so food was pretty amazing. Even the smallest portions were far too generous. However, it had to be ordered the day before, so I was able to continue to pre-plan my menus. General hospital food is reputed to be pretty good in our local hospitals, although possibly more sensible portions.

    Snacking: I have stopped buying a lot of what I used to buy, and have found healthy alternatives for others. No alternative for my favourite chocolate however, so I have to ration it out. I find that if I pre-log including treats, I don't feel deprived. Before the op I just left the house and went walking when I got the munchies. Then if I still have to have something, I have earned it lol. I spent a lot of time out walking after dinner. I have developed a wet weather 'relationship' with Leslie Sansome on YouTube over the last few months as we have had rather a wet summer this year.

    Salads: I have discovered that naked salad is very tasty, especially if you are picking fresh from the garden. Pickles are a great addition and are mostly low calorie.

    I have hit many plateau on the scales, but use other measures of gauging my progress. I measure waist/hips twice monthly. I have to say that I only record downward progress. Weigh fluctuates so much day to day, so I only record a loss if it is sustained over a week. This is a new permanent lifestyle for me, It works so well after all the years of yo yo dieting.

    I have realised that I have to take responsibility for my bad choices in the past. But I don't have to continue to feel guilty about them. They are firmly in the past, done and dusted! I treat every day as a new start.

    To those of you going through bad times, I raise my hat! Stay strong and hang in there.
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just a quick post...

    Sylvia – My heart goes out to you and your granddaughter. I’m just crying with you learning about the ex’s last boyfriend. Prayers for your family. (((hugs))) :'(

    Polly – I’m sorry that your son is struggling with his chemotherapy but I hope that it is doing its’ job. (((hugs)))

    Becca – Thanks for the kind words and congrats on losing another pound. :)

    It’s not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as expected. I just choose to be HAPPY and GRATEFUL no matter how it all turns out.

    Today, I am grateful for my youngest daughter. She may drive me crazy on those mornings when she refuses to get out of bed, but she gives the best hugs of anyone I know, and even at the age of 15, she is very generous with her hugs.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    damnit - yes, my rocky was very beautiful and so obedient, i did train him seriously well. because of him everyone said i should be a dog trainer... i got lucky with him. still miss him.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    barbie - as I recall, the hospital food down in FL is quite decent. Guess maybe it's because this is the South

    Laurel - welcome! How exotic that you are from STX

    Alison - LOVE your kitchen, thanks for the pics. Is that cherrywood?

    terri - I am just amazed at your son's bowling. To be against a PBA bowler. I consider myself lucky if I break 100, much less 200. That's not going to happen in this lifetime.

    pip - Jess brought Lexi (in a bag with a towel over her) to see Vince. I'm not sure that the hosp would allow therapy dogs/cats but I think it would be wonderful if they did.

    dim - I can tell you that if I don't exercise first thing in the a.m it doesn't get done. One time I had to take a friend to the eye MD and by the time we got back I REALLY REALLY had to talk myself into just doing a walking video. That works for me. I try to plan out my exercise for the week. Sometimes I have to switch things up, but at least I don't have to stop and think about what it is that I need to do

    DJ - do you know that very seldom when I was a kid did we have cake/pie/ice cream for dessert? Dessert was a piece of fruit. It wasn't until I met Vince that we started having cakes, etc. So I'll make them for him, but I also try to give them away. Like I know that I'll give Lynette some of the desserts if there are any left over.

    Joyce - what kinds of dishes will you be making?

    Gloria - I swear, when I was reading that book I kept saying "are they a fly on my wall?"

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Well, to add to all of the fun and joy in my life, I am now officially on a 60 day probationary period at my second job. Instead of talking to me me and asking questions, they just handed me a list of all the things I've ever done wrong. I think I will re-investigate a part-time job that I got information about last week. I'm about ready to blow this joint! And, I just save their sorry a*&^% from fines of $100 per day per employee for being out of tax compliance with health insurance. I'll keep my mouth shut from now on and let them dig their own hole to hell.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    patceoh wrote: »


    That is a great phrase. I need to remember that when I think about my sister that lives not 2 hrs from me. She called me on my b'day in June and that is the last I have heard from her. I leave messages but nothing. Doesn't she realize that I wish to grow old with my middle sis? Yes I have told her how I feel, but it doesn't sink in. Yep I need to let all that go, but its really hard sometimes...

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ((((((((((((hugs to you all)))))))))))
    So today I volunteered at the Community Centers weekly Thursday senior luncheon. There were about 80 people in attendance, so the three of us were quite busy! They served scalloped potatoes, ham, veggies, rolls, coleslaw and cake with ice cream. The 3 of us are TOPS people, and even though we didn't cook anything we were doing and getting from 10am to about 2pm. I am tired! I came home and scarfed down 1/2 a cream cheese muffin thingy, and opened up my free meal I get for volunteering. I ate the blob of frosting that had separated from the white cake. Then I scarfed down the veggies I know my husband wouldn't like, and the container of homemade cole slaw. Everything is logged in, and if I stick to my guns at dinner time I will be fine!

    Thanks for your kind words on my 1 lb loss. We had a great meeting on trying to not be so organized. To be dis-organized, can be a good thing. Don't pile all your laundry and try to do one trip. If you aren't so organized then take multiple trips and its called exercising! It was enlightening! The lady that did the program is so sweet, and about 80 yrs old. She is as sharp as a tack, and her whit is so refreshing. She even has the funny pauses down pat, so she knows how to draw you in.

    Well today my 16 yr old is taking the ASFAB test, (the test that you take to join the military). This is his first crack at it, and he was downright nervous this morning. He has never taken a test when he didn't know alot of the material. I have always referred to him as my scary smart kid, and now I think he is abit humbled when he looked at some of the questions. Im excited for him.


  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited September 2015
    Annr wrote: »
    patceoh wrote: »


    That is a great phrase. I need to remember that when I think about my sister that lives not 2 hrs from me. She called me on my b'day in June and that is the last I have heard from her. I leave messages but nothing. Doesn't she realize that I wish to grow old with my middle sis? Yes I have told her how I feel, but it doesn't sink in. Yep I need to let all that go, but its really hard sometimes...
    Awwww......that's a shame. My Sis lives in Minn.She is bad about keeping in touch,but that is just her.

    Been there & done that with a few other ppl,including a few family members.Thank heaven I finally got it all together.They can hint,ask etc,but it's up to me to decide & these days it's usually a fast decision.

    Alison......the kitchen is beautiful.....love the cabinets.You did good! Pat

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy thurs
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :) Alison, when I saw the pictures of your kitchen, I wanted to remodel mine to look like that but when I read about the trouble with countertops and the sink, I was grateful for my old, not so wonderful kitchen, that is functioning fine and already here and paid for. I don't think I have the patience to deal with remodeling.

    :) dim, I exercise first thing every morning....I started going to bed a little earlier every night after realizing that a lot of what I did the last few hours before bedtime was a waste of time (TV, mindless stuff on the internet, etc.)...by going to bed earlier, I could get up earlier and exercise first thing in the morning when I had more energy. I walk early in the morning with blue tooth headphones to listen to podcasts or audio books on my phone....I burn calories and enjoy something interesting at the same time....sometimes I listen to inspirational spiritual podcasts. sometimes listen to fun novels, and sometimes listen to books that inspire me on my journey to wellness.

    There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't jump puddles for you. :)<3 Thank you to whoever posted this first and to those of you who quoted it so it would stay in my mind.

    <3 Barbie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    A picture from the trail that I walk on. I'm sorry to hear that so many of you are going through tough times. (((Hugs))) I have been really busy but have read all of your posts. Welcome to all the new people!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Michele - My son amazes me, too. My highest bowling score in life is 101. If you go to bowl.com , find a member and search Payne Fakler, you will see that he has been better than I could ever imagine since he was younger than 7 (that's when his average was 117, and for some reason the site doesn't go back further than 2007). In all fairness, all the Fakler's are incredible bowlers, and his Dad is now Bronze Coach Certified, and has had a 200 average since WAY before I met him, so it's in his genes.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Carol ... Hugs... The people at the second job absolutely do not know what they're doing!! Sadly, church politics can be the worst! Sorry they've gone after you instead of taking care of things in a moral and ethical manner. Killing the messenger I think they used to call it...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, you asked me what I will be fixing for Charlie. Well I'm sorry, you healthy eaters, this may be to harsh for your healthy hearts. He loves the butterfly pork chops, cooked until almost done then add a can of cream of mushroom soup. Add several servings of mashed potatoes with lots of butter in it along with green beans that I doctor up with salt, pepper, butter and a cube of chicken buillion, a side of salad and several slices of jellied cranberry sauce. Now I know he won't eat all of that now so I won't offer it all now.another dish is my version of Salisbury steak which is ground beef, doesn't like the healthy stuff, doctored up with onions and salt . I cook it the way I do with the pork chops. He thinks you can just put cream of mushroom soup on mashed potatoes and it's good. Sloppy joes with cottage cheese, an old family recipe called Minnestronie burgers which is ground beef a can of Minnestronie soup and then put on half a bun with a piece of cheese. He loves Mac and cheese, Velveeta. So those plus, Little Debbie Swiss cake rolls and also some almonds is what I bought him to get him to eat. I got me some chicken breasts, salad, more fruit, fresh veggies along with my usual lean ham, eggs, etc.

    He did at least thank me for all I have done and my acceptance of getting him home. I don't think men understand the female emotion. I mean 3 weeks ago yesterday when I walked into his room, thinking I would be taking him home, I walk into his room and he can't put together a phrase or word. I am thinking life changing stroke where my Karaoke husband will never talk or sing anymore. He doesn't know why I am sail emotional about this past 3 weeks.

    Ok, I am done. It's time for me to get on with life. Tomorrow hopefully is the last phase in this journey and life will get back to normal.

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Carol, sorry about your second job. If you know you are right, just get out as soon as you can and don't lose any sleep over people who don't value you. Easier said than done, but in my experience the worry and upset usually lead to overeating, weight gain, and poor health. None of those things are on your agenda for your life, right? My fingers are crossed that you can find something else quickly.

    Alison that's a beautiful kitchen. I hope DH has gotten over his frustration and that you are both enjoying it.

    dim, I struggle to change my eating and exercise habits all at once. Since I really don't like exercising, I'm concentrating now on logging everything I eat so I can see where I can make better choices. I'm planning dinner menus once a week so I don't have to think about what to defrost or cook. All my week-night recipes have to be less than 20 minutes -- preferably less than 10 minutes. On weekends I can cook something more involved, and then I freeze stuff. I'm walking at least 30 minutes a day in any combination I can manage. I'm starting small, at a level I think I can maintain so I can be successful. When I start to see results, I will be motivated to do more -- I think. :-)

    Mary, thanks for the beautiful photo from your trail walk! I took pictures on my walk today, too, but they are still in my phone.

    Does anyone have good recipes for tofu? I bought a tub of extra firm because I want to try it but don't know how to prepare it.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!

    Polly in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.11min, 13.1amph, 2.9mi = 108c
    Spin- 35min 85r 87w 9-17g 8.9mi = 338c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.12min, 12.9amph, 1.3mi = 62c
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.56min, 7.8amph = 183c
    total cal 691